
v5 Chapter 525: Powerful counterattack

It is difficult to understand how the word collapse is made without seeing the rising flood on the Yangtze River.

The weather was extremely hot, and the tide rose to the extreme. The vicious waves slapped the levee fiercely, as if it were a fierce beast that had just been trapped in a cage, and was struggling to rush out.

If it really rushes out, it means that the lives and property of tens of millions of people in the lower reaches will suffer huge losses. Although the economic results of the entire middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River cannot be said to be destroyed, the blow will definitely be heavy. The direct economic loss to the country will exceed 300 billion.

This kind of situation is absolutely impossible, so when the Jiujiang Dike was facing the danger of collapse, Fan Heng decided that the Jiangnan Dike had to withstand a greater impact, and when the flood peak came, the flood began to be discharged.

The central government approved Fan Heng's decision. Boss Zhu went to Jiujiang for the second time and inspected the **** once again to encourage the army and the people to fight the flood.

Fan Heng returned to Jiangnan Province and began to arrange various arrangements for flood diversion and discharge.

Fan Wubing personally rushed to the Bailushan Reservoir and arranged for the staff to make necessary arrangements to clean up the surroundings of the reservoir to avoid unpredictable accidents during the flood discharge.

In Fan Wu's impression, it seems that every large-scale flood discharge event will more or less cause some accidents. In the past flood discharge area, people who had not been able to evacuate had encountered danger because of this. This time, the Bailushan Reservoir is the first time to store water and flood. The mountainous areas on both sides need to be checked side by side to ensure that there is nothing obstructed. If anyone is active on the mountain, it will be troublesome.

Fan Wubing didn’t want to have more in his reservoir. A few floating corpses, a few unjust souls, so he specially arranged a few helicopters to take off to patrol the peaks on both sides, and arranged staff on the top of the mountain to watch and reserve. Inflatable raft life jackets and ropes and other life-saving equipment, so as not to really have this situation, their own people are helpless.

Soon it was midnight, the moon was high, and the water began to rise. Fan Heng and others came to the levee and blasted the channel leading to the Bailushan Reservoir. The surging river water immediately rushed into the side of the river. In the two-kilometer waterway, I saw the white waves surging into the sky, and the huge roar was as terrifying as the bank broke.

When the people on the embankment saw this scene, most of them felt shocked in their hearts. Many of the courageous people were a little unsteady. I lower my focus, but I don't want to miss this rare scene. My heart is very contradictory.

Fan Heng looked at this scene, and said with some uncertainty, "There is nothing wrong with Fan Wubing, right?"

Seeing the white waves rushing down, Fan Heng was a little worried at this moment that the huge impact would crush the Bailushan Reservoir.

A water conservancy expert explained next to him, “No problem will arise, not to mention that the design of the Bailushan Reservoir is the top water conservancy designer in China, and the materials selected are also the best. It is said that this turbulent water is coming. When the reservoir area is there, the terrain will suddenly open. Once the water flow is dispersed, the momentum will not be so big. Moreover, the Bailushan Reservoir is built on the mountain, and the six reservoir areas are progressively advanced, and the water potential has already been resolved. , It becomes a peaceful water storage."

Fan Heng nodded, feeling a little settled.

The flood peak of the Yangtze River has reached hundreds of miles away, and when it comes to it, the entire flood channel has been completely opened, and huge amounts of floods have poured into the channel, and instantly entered a reservoir area of ​​the Bailushan Reservoir.

Fan Wubing was watching here, but he was shocked by the monstrous white waves rushing towards him.

After the flood passed under the gate, Fan Wubing, who was standing on the gate of the dam, suddenly felt layers of water and mist rising under his feet. Sparkling.

However, the Bailushan reservoir area is really too large. Although the flood channel has a large amount of water, when it is distributed in the huge reservoir area, the bottom has not been soaked.

It is estimated that it will take a whole day for the storage of this reservoir area to be completed. In the next few days, in the plan of the general defense, this time the flood discharge will not stop until three reservoir areas are completed, that is, In three days, most of the incremental water volume of the flood peak this time will be consumed in the Bailushan Reservoir.

Seeing that there was nothing to see in Bian'er, leaving the staff here to observe the situation, he drove to the embankment by himself to see if the water level had changed significantly.

But after going there, the current water level is still rising slowly, but the degree and height of the rise are within the limits of psychological endurance, and finally the goal has been achieved.

Cheers broke out on the dam. Everyone was celebrating the completion of the flood diversion of the Bailushan Reservoir. Fan Heng was also very happy. He asked the staff to prepare drinks and dishes for the soldiers on the dam to celebrate. Just when everyone was celebrating, Jiujiang The monitoring post there came to inform us, and an emergency report said that due to the long-term high water level soaking in the part of the Jiujiang Dike, the capacity of the **** was severely reduced.

"What opinion does Boss Zhu have? What do the experts say?" Fan Heng asked.

"Boss Zhu did not make a statement, but experts believe that the water level must be kept from rising. If the water level rises by 50 centimeters, the Jiujiang Dike will completely collapse." The person over there replied.

Fan Heng hesitated for a while, and then asked the experts around him, "According to the way it is now, how long does it take for the water level to rise to fifty centimeters?"

Experts estimated it and said, "If it is as it is now, it will rise to this position in two days, but the impact of this flood peak will probably last for about three days."

Now that this happens, the problem is serious again.

Two days later, the water level of the Jiujiang Dike will cross the dangerous warning line, and the **** will break at any time. To solve this problem, the water level must be lowered. The current flood discharge rate of Bailu Mountain alone cannot meet the requirements.

"If it doesn't work, you will need to walk on two legs, and when the water level rises to the danger cordon, discharge the flood through the flood discharge area." Experts suggested.

However, if the flood is to be discharged through the flood discharge area, the influence here in Jiangnan Province will be great. Fan Heng was a little hesitant for a while, and it was difficult to decide. He also knew that Boss Zhu did not make a statement, which means that he is also very aware of this. The impact of this event is so great that there is no way to make a decision. After all, it is a bit unreasonable to let Jiangnan Province bear the loss of this flood discharge in order to protect Jiujiang.

Originally, the places in Jiangnan Province were always foolproof. If it were not for helping Jiujiang reduce the pressure, there would be no need to use the Bailushan Reservoir for flood diversion. What do they think?

At this moment, Fan Wuyi rushed over. Seeing the people on the levee were gloomy, his father Fan Heng also picked up a cigarette, held it between the cigarettes, and frowned. Obviously something happened. Asked, "What's the matter, flood diversion is very successful."

"Flood diversion is very successful, but Jiujiang can't hold it anymore." Fan Heng shook his head, told his son about the situation there, and then said, "If it doesn't work, there is only the flood discharge area. After all, our flood discharge has little impact here, but if they want to discharge the flood, many good fields will be flooded."

Fan Wubing hesitated, and then said, "Can this work? I took a closer look at the water level of the flood channel on the road, and it was not high. If we expand the gate between the levee and the flood channel and raise the water level of the channel, then The drainage volume can be increased, and then the problem of downstream water level rise can be solved."

"Although this is possible, the three sub-reservoirs are not enough. If the flood peak comes again, we will have nowhere to discharge the flood, and we have to use the flood discharge area." said a water conservancy expert.

Fan Wubing thought for a while. This is probably the last flood peak of this year's flood season, and the water level will begin to drop afterwards. It is not a cause for concern, so he said decisively, "The current situation cannot be solved. What else can I care about in the future? Arranging the local work and expanding the entrance is a top priority."

Fan Hyung still trusts his son very much, so he immediately ordered and started arranging the expansion. The workers carefully installed the explosives in the drilled holes and then blasted them directionally.

As a result, it really worked. The water level of the flood discharge channel rose, the rate of flood discharge accelerated a lot, and the rise of the water level downstream stopped immediately.

Fan Wubing immediately arranged for someone to notify the downstream reservoir area, and asked them to open all six reservoir areas and perform water injection netbsp; but everyone immediately thought of a problem, and now the two sides below the flood channel gate were blown up a lot. "It’s also easy to put down the gate and block it with something." Fan Wuyao replied without hesitation, "It’s more difficult to do so than to stop the flood discharge. The flood discharge area is much smaller and safer."

Everyone thought about the same reason, but many people felt a little distressed. The gate of the flood channel itself was well repaired. When the central leaders came to inspect, they all spoke highly of it, but now they are about to explode. , I feel a little distressed.

However, Fan Heng is also relatively indifferent in this matter. What is the value of money anyway? At this critical juncture, being able to spend money to solve the problem is already the greatest blessing.

After getting things done here, Fan and his sons took a sigh of relief and reported the situation to Boss Zhu.

"Did you blow up the gate?" Boss Zhu asked slowly after a long while.

"It is necessary to increase the degree of flood discharge as much as possible, so I had to do it this way, and then rebuild the gate after the incident." Fan Heng replied.

After a while, Boss Zhu said, "You have worked hard and sacrificed a lot. When things are up here, I must allocate special funds for you to repair the gates."

"That's not necessary, Jiangnan Province's finances are okay, besides, this is a disease-free repair, he will spend money to repair it." Fan Heng declined the kindness of boss Zhu.

"Well, let's talk about it when the time comes, I am going back to the capital now." Boss Zhu didn't insist, and the two of them didn't talk a few words, and the conversation ended soon.

After putting down the phone, Fan Heng felt that something was wrong. I don’t know why Boss Zhu’s interest is not high. It doesn’t make sense to think about it. The water level has been controlled here, and there is no problem there. Why are you still depressed?

"What's the matter?" Fan Wubing leaned over and asked.

"I don't know, the mood is not high." Fan Heng shrugged his shoulders.

Fan Wubing patted his forehead and said, "The problem lies in the first three rows. The root is still on the podium. I guess it's because of what's going on in Jiujiang. If you don't believe me, you can ask about it."

Fan Heng naturally believed it. Boss Zhu wouldn’t have been so unhappy if he hadn’t seen something else in Jiujiang, so he asked the people in Jiangnan Province who stayed there to inquire about it. Something happened.

"This time, there is a big case. The level involved is relatively high, and it has something to do with the construction of the embankment." Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao.

"What am I talking about?" Fan Wubing shook his head, his face was unexpected.

It is true that the domestic local work industry is indeed worse, but the Yangtze River embankment is a century-old plan or a millennium plan, which is related to the lives and property safety of tens of millions of people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There has been a period of time when it was so solid that it can't help but make people feel sighed.

"We don't take part in this matter. Just do our job well." Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao. "What I am worried about now is, if the next flood peak comes, where should I discharge the flood?"

"Don't worry, the big flood peak is gone." Fan Wuyao replied very confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" Song Qing, who was next to Fan Heng, asked unbelievably.

Fan Wubing glanced at her, and then replied, "I used to have a nickname called Banxian."

After returning to the dormitory of the provincial government, Fan Wubing and Fan Heng ate something, he went back to his room to sleep, and was woken up by the phone at noon the next day.

After taking a look, it was the call from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Fan Wuyao couldn't help but asked depressedly, "What's wrong with this? Soros should have withdrawn from Hong Kong, right? You still have it. What can't be done?"

However, the person in charge of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority said that although Soros and others have gone, the stock market suddenly became hot without warning. The Hang Seng Index, which has been suppressed to less than ten thousand points, has been suppressed. , Unexpectedly raised his head to regain the upward trend performance, it seems that these days have been sweeping goods arrogantly, the hand is very big.

"The SAR government and the Monetary Authority both hope that the stock market will remain stable at the moment, and it is not advisable to have an excessive increase, otherwise it is very likely that a financial crisis will be triggered." The person in charge of the Monetary Authority said.

"It's right, but what does it have to do with me?" Fan Wubing rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked in a puzzled manner. He thought he had helped the Financial Services Authority and took Soros away. , Now that they have to find themselves to solve whatever things are happening, isn’t it a little bit irrelevant?

I am just an investor, not a lifesaver, and there is no reason to stay in Hong Kong to clean them up.

They said that what I discussed with Fan Wuyao before was the issue of stock reduction. Now the stock market is just right for Fan Wuyao to reduce his holdings. On the one hand, it will not affect his earnings, and on the other hand, it can also help financial management. The bureau suppressed the hype in the stock market and smashed the Hang Seng Index.

After Fan Wubing heard these words, he suddenly became a little bit angry, feeling that he had become a long head, and he was going to be a short head for them again.

However, Fan Wubing thought for a while. There is not much opportunity for Hong Kong stocks in the future. If they can withdraw now, the income should be good, but he is still a little unhappy now. I will do whatever you say. Ah?

"The Hong Kong stock market is less than 13,000, and I will not withdraw it." Fan Wuyao immediately expressed his opinion.

"As it is now, it will be 13 thousand the day after tomorrow -" said the person from the Monetary Authority.

"Hiss--" Fan Wubing took a breath of air, and said that he didn't expect the Hong Kong stock market to go crazy. Although it had risen well in the past, it was a small slow bull at that time. It's not a cow, but a cobra, which stands up in a swish, very scary and easy to die.

In this situation, you really need to come out to suppress it. You can kill two birds with one stone. You can make money and sell favors from the SAR. Why not do it?

So Fan Wubing felt his chin for a while and said, "Okay, then try to see how big the opponent's appetite is. If you can take all of my cards, you will be a good guy!"

Hong Kong is naturally very happy. It’s no wonder that although there are many local wealthy people in Hong Kong, everyone is very cautious about the stocks of their own companies. Under normal circumstances, they are not willing to sell, otherwise it will not only lead to The lapse of company control power will also give people the illusion that a certain company is no longer good, and major shareholders are beginning to cash out. This will cause the company's stock price to plummet and affect their worth.

Hong Kong people love face, so everyone has to build a ranking of the top ten richest people every year. Who makes the most money next year? Who is the biggest winner in Hong Kong's financial industry that year? Over time, it has become a habit.

Therefore, many people say that the first few rich people in Hong Kong usually live frugally. The first generation of Hong Kong rich are basically diligent and cautious. The second generation of Hong Kong billionaires are used to chasing actresses. If you change people again, the three generations of Hong Kong's wealthy people are already lacking. Basically, Yi Zuyin has made no achievements in business. The saying that the Chinese are richer than three generations is actually reflected in their bodies. Perfect.

Because of this, everyone regards selling their own company's stock as a very dangerous signal, just as the previous big landlords only said that Landland Land had no habit of selling land.

Therefore, the Hong Kong side only remembered Fan Wuyi and begged him to reduce his holdings to suppress the Hang Seng Index, so as not to withstand another huge challenge from the SAR government that had just heard of Soros's tumult.

After Fan Wubing agreed to the SAR's request, he began to contact the Hong Kong side to inquire about the relevant matters. He immediately stated that the Hong Kong stock market has indeed been turbulent these days, and no one can understand what is going on. , So I chose a wait-and-see attitude. Anyway, the current situation is only good for Fan Investment Group, and there is no time for it to reduce its holdings.

"Then start to reduce holdings. Pay attention to the market's ability to withstand it. It's better to fluctuate slightly." Fan Wuyao gave his subordinates a mission goal, and then left it alone.

For the financial management team in Hong Kong, Fan Wubing is very relieved, otherwise he would not care about them all the year round. He would pay attention to them only when necessary. Fan Wubing fully recognized their C drive ability.

However, Fan Wubing still thinks this matter is a bit strange. How can there be another storm in the good-end market? As the saying goes, there must be a cause, and there must be an effect if there is a cause. There must be some ulterior motives in it. So Fan Wuyao began to analyze the economic situation at home and abroad. As a result, a problem emerged. This time It is not the long rivers and dragons that stir the storm, but the British financial capital, which has been lurking in Hong Kong stocks for a long time.

As we all know, the British have stayed in Hong Kong for a hundred years. As soon as the Hong Kong stock market started, British financial capital began to speculate. Many people like Hong Kong, an undefended market. There is no restriction to come and go, much more than when speculation in the UK. It is much more convenient, and because of its special status as an international free port, Hong Kong has always enjoyed a very good momentum of economic development, especially as the only export from mainland China to the international community in decades, its status is particularly important.

It can be said that Hong Kong’s decades of economic development history is the history of the sufferings of China’s Great 6 being jointly contained by the Western World and the economic blockade. This is basically an international consensus.

However, although Hong Kong has returned, there are more and more port cities in China that can be opened up. The dependence of Hong Kong on the 6th is getting weaker, while the dependence of Hong Kong’s economy on the 6th is getting stronger and stronger. What is certain is that Hong Kong's economic decline is only a matter of time when relying solely on port trade.

Under this circumstance, it does not make much sense for the British financial capital that has not been withdrawn to stay here now. The most important thing is to make a large sum of money before leaving. Therefore, they are not only speculating on stocks. There is also the Hang Seng Index.

Fan Wuyao estimated that the size of this group of people's funds is always tens of billions of dollars. Otherwise, it would not be possible to cause such a big storm. The British have accumulated a lot of money in Hong Kong for many years.

And there is another point that Fan Wuyao has noticed. The ten richest families in Hong Kong basically have contacts with these British people, so it is normal to choose to stand still. After all, many of them have a large number of industries in the UK, and some People even got the honor and knighthood of the Queen of England. How could they be against these British people?

Those who have enough bargaining chips in the Hong Kong stock market and who have not much to do with these British people are just Fan Wuyi. That's why the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government thought that Fan Wuyi would come forward to solve the matter.

However, Fan Wubing felt a little uncomfortable. Why didn't they tell himself the truth? This seems very interesting, right? What are you doing to provoke so many people? Do you think you have few enemies?

In order to support them, I have offended enough people. Fortunately, now that I have gotten together with Soros, I can finally eliminate a little bit of animosity.

So Fan Wuyi called and said that he had no interest in playing against the British.

I was very anxious over there, begging for a long time, and finally promised to award myself the Grand Bauhinia Medal, and gave me a set of Mid-Levels Villa as a thank you. The value is always several hundred million, and there is also the potential for appreciation.

In the end, Fan Wubing reluctantly agreed. There are not many villas in Mid-Levels, especially those with a good geographical location, which are even more rare. Fan Wubing thought that this kind of cheapness would come in vain, and he had time to visit Hong Kong. If it does, there will be a place to stay, which is not bad.

The most important thing is that he can make a lot of profits this time, but he is a bit dissatisfied with being tricked.

However, Fan Wu's team's understanding of Fan Wu's small fluctuations was a bit biased. After the opening of the market the next day, the Hang Seng Index immediately rose by 600 points, and it is still rising. The c players immediately began to sell, and directly smashed the Hang Seng Index back.

The opponent was obviously unconvinced and raised the Hang Seng Index by 600 points. Fan's people smashed the Hang Seng Index back. After three ups and downs, the other party obviously consumed a lot of chips and was a little unsettled. I got angry, so the HSI began to trade sideways, and the British agent also began to urgently contact Fan Wuyi for consultation.

Fan Wuyao’s subordinates are very hard-hearted, saying that they can do whatever they want with each other. Anyway, they have sold one-third of the stock, and the return is quite good. If the other party continues to start a tug-of-war, then they will directly take the remaining third. The two are also sold, and then see how much firepower the other party can wield?

"At most, after they have accepted our bargaining chips, let's go to buy futures to see if they can stay still?" Fan Wuyi's subordinates formed a consensus.

The British were a little annoyed when the negotiations were fruitless, but the selling power of Fan Investment Group was too great. They didn't expect it at all. So the British were a bit at a loss and decided to stop talking and talk directly to Fan Wuyi.

But Fan Wuyi was just as difficult to deal with. Facing the accusations from the British, he expressed disdain and retorted that they had destroyed his plan and affected his overall layout in Hong Kong stocks.

"What is your layout?" the British agent asked.

"**I have been working in Hong Kong stocks for three years, and keeping the Hang Seng Index from rising or falling for three years, you do not give me face when you do this." Fan Wuyao said arrogantly.

The two parties talked for a long time, and finally Fan Wuyao put forward his own request, "The Hang Seng Index can rise by another two thousand points, but I will only give you one day of shipping time. In return, I will acquire Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton at the market price. Tenth of the shares."

In fact, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton don’t have a lot of shares, and 10% of the shares don’t cost much. The most important issue is that the British refuse to transfer. This time the incident was blocked by Fan Wubing. The necks of a few major shareholders of Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton made them a bit hard to get off.

If they cannot do without the Hong Kong stock market, their money there is a pile of dead money, which has no practical significance. And investment in Australian iron ore has not been a peak in demand in recent years, and the results have been mediocre. After all, China’s demand has exploded. Without coming, no one knew that Australian iron ore would heat up like that.

After weighing the pros and cons, the British agreed to Fan Wuyi's request.

On the third day, after a slight decline, the Hong Kong stocks suddenly rose. The trading volume throughout the day reached 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, the highest in history. On the fourth day, the Hong Kong stocks fell slightly, and then more than 70 billion were traded. Then it rose by more than 100 points and traded another 30 billion. On the fifth day, the huge selling began to press down, bringing the index back to its original level, but the trading volume throughout the day has returned to the level of 60 billion Hong Kong dollars. It shows that this time the weird market suddenly came to an end and then suddenly ended.

All the financial media have collectively lost their speech, and no one understands what this is all about. Countless stock critics want to get some inside information, but now the local financial tycoons in Hong Kong are all embarrassed. , Either it is a secretive look, no one is willing to say a word.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone exposed the plot of this story, causing everyone to have a craze for Fan Investment Group for a while.

Fan Wubing himself is very speechless about the right and wrong made by his subordinates, because they like to show up too much, but these people have made a lot of money for themselves, but they can't bear to be harsh. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region also has a face. Grievance, although Fan Wuyi's promise to suppress the index has been achieved, but the implementation in the middle is too earth-shattering, and the world's eyes are focused here.

In the end, the SAR government replaced all relevant responsible persons at the strong request of the people. Even the Financial Secretary was questioned and had to go to the Legislative Council to explain. In short, the people are already very dissatisfied with the current financial management system in Hong Kong. Ask them to carry out reforms, otherwise, if the next financial turmoil strikes, how many eggs will be lost in the nest?

Boss Zhu seems to have received a complaint from Hong Kong. He called and asked Fan Wuyi a few words, but he didn't mean to blame it. He just reminded Fan Wuyi not to make it so vigorous next time. That's great.

However, Fan Wuyao’s remarks are somewhat reasonable, "Hong Kong is a free financial port. The current system allows funds to flow in and out very freely. However, given the current strength of the SAR government, it is not easy to control it, so the twists and turns are unexpected. It's in trouble. This time I'm still pressing here, so there is no bigger storm, otherwise, if the Hang Seng Index breaks through 18,000 points or even 21,000 points, what do you think they should do?"

Boss Zhu nodded, but admitted that Fan Wubing was right. The truth is that Hong Kong’s financial policies do have some problems. Although they are not as obvious as those in Southeast Asian countries, the problem is the problem. If it is not resolved, in the future It is difficult to guarantee that similar embarrassing situations will occur.

This time, Fan Wuyao reminded them again that some things need to be reformed. Although Hong Kong is a financial free port, the system should be adjusted at any time, otherwise the losers will still be behind.

"In the next term, it is very likely that Fan Heng will be notified to join the Standing Committee." At the end, Boss Zhu said to Fan Wubing, and then added, "Several old leaders are in unanimous opinion. The Standing Committee members also agreed."

Fan Wuyao touched his forehead, but he didn't think that this incident would be so fast. Boss Zhu gave himself a bottom line. It might not have meant that his father, Fan Heng, should prepare early. After all, many of the members of the Standing Committee It's because he has a closer relationship with himself. Although others are talking and laughing, they don't have any deep friendships, and it is impossible to speak more clearly.

Originally, it’s hard for people with this status to say anything to understand them. Most of the time, they are talking in chariots. If you turn around, you still don’t know what their value orientation is. where.

So from this point of view, Fan Wubing also admires Boss Zhu more, dare to speak, dare to do, and dare to be.

"Should I adjust my mentality and prepare for the future life in the office?" Fan Wuyi asked half-jokingly.

If the father, Fan Heng, really gets into the standings, then he has officially stepped into the ranks of the highest leaders. Although the ranking may be the last one, but the meaning is different after all. This is in the decision-making of the country’s major policies. After all, there are only nine people who have a real one-vote of power.

"It's nonsense, just be mindful." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao. "When there is nothing wrong, it is very helpful to go to the old man to walk more."

Fan Wubing nodded and said yes, Xindao now has the time to treat the old man four times a year. If it were not for the flood, he was already in the capital at this time. So after hanging up the phone from Boss Zhu, he organized After a sentence, he dialed the old man's phone.

It’s strange to say that since the old man crossed the threshold of last year, his body has actually improved, and his mental state is also very good. He often reports magazines, listens to the news, looks at him, and insists a little more. There should be nothing serious about the year.

However, when the call was over, the old man was resting. The secretary said it was not good to disturb, but the old man’s family took the call and asked Fan Wuyi if it was time to come to the capital.

"I've been thinking about it all the time. If it weren't because the flood situation in Jiangnan was so serious, I would have flown here long ago, but I would fly in the evening and visit my house tomorrow morning." Fan Wuyao assured her.

"That's great, to be honest, you can't come here, we are not at ease, now we only believe in your medical skills." The old man's family said with a smile, "Then if you come over, just use it here. Lunch is ready, what you want to eat, I will let them prepare it for you."

"I eat very casually, but if the old man has good tea leaves, it would be best to leave some for me." Fan Wubing said in his heart what is the point of eating. If you can evenly get a little tea out, then Worth it.

"No problem, anyway, we are old and we can't taste anything. It's a waste to keep good tea." The old man's family replied with a smile.

After that, Fan Wuyao made a few more calls, contacted Beijing, and informed his mother Zhang Mei of his whereabouts, and then chatted with Director Zhang, the uncle of Shen Ying, who has become the head of the General Logistics Department. Chat, talked to Lao Chen, who was independent from CCTV who was busy with advertising, about the advertising company, and finally asked the old sister Fan Ting when to do business.

The elder sister Fan Ting and Han Chu's affairs are basically finalized, and both of them are considered to be older men and women, but because they are both too purposeful, it is understandable that they are high and widowed. It is understandable that they will get married later. Although Heng didn’t have time, his mother, Zhang Mei and Han Chu’s family had already been in contact, and they were about to be scheduled to be around National Day. At that time, Fan Heng would definitely have to go back to the capital and take a round. Once this matter is done, my mom and dad's mood will be much easier.

As for Fan Kang and Fan Wuyi's affairs, because they were all things that came naturally, they didn't worry anymore, they just told them to treat other girls well and don't mess around with flowers and grass.

However, Fan Ting caught Fan Wuyi and taught him on the phone for a while, "There has been a lot of news about you recently! You should pay attention to it. Now when the little girl in our company mentions you, Mr. Fan, who has never met a few times, feels like something in his heart. I think your age has arrived, so hurry up and take care of things with Shen Ying, so as not to provoke everyone to think about you a little bit! One appearance of ~lightnovelpub.net~ will cause turmoil in the company for several days, making it impossible for me to carry out my work!"

"Am I?" Fan Wuyao shook his head and smiled, "Your brother is only 22 years old! Why don't you have to get married until 30 years old?"

"How do you do that?" Fan Ting immediately retorted, "Unless you want Shen Ying to marry someone else, you just marry honestly. Do you think such a good girl is easy to find? There are quick hands and slow hands, even though she is you. Fiancee, but if you don’t cherish it, it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t fly! You have to know that she is also 22 years old. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid there will be children now. The girls over there, I got married earlier."

"Yeah, I understand." Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "I will ask her to marry him after I have gone to see the old man. I will get the certificate first."

"Have you never proposed to her before?" Fan Ting reacted to this question and couldn't help asking a little curiously.

"No! It's just a baby kiss made by Dad and Minister Zhang. After all, this is a sinful arranged marriage!" Fan Wuyao said with a wry smile.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to do it all.