
v5 Chapter 541: E-commerce

Sure enough, not long after, news came out, saying that the submarine cable to North America had a fault, which caused the North American website to be inaccessible. The relevant personnel are rushing to repair it, and it is speculated that this time the network was interrupted. The source of it is civilian ships fishing in the open sea.

Fan's Internet Service Company immediately confirmed the gossip by publishing a message on its own business channel, saying that this is a high-end Internet service provider's problem, and has nothing to do with domestic service providers, and reminded Internet users that, in view of the current Internet communications Because of the complexity of network services, there is still a long way to go. Everyone should take care of the network instead of shouting and screaming as soon as there is a problem. That will only cause everyone to lose the Internet.

In fact, the number of domestic Internet users is relatively limited, and the network form is basically in a state of chaos.

On the cover of this year's issue of Business Week, the US "Business Weekly" wrote with a bold headline that Apple is back! Jobs, who returned to Apple in the early 1990s, has accumulated enough power after experiencing a failure. In May of this year, a model that condensed Steve Jobs's efforts was born. So far, sales have reached 1.6 billion U.S. dollars.

Starting this year, Apple has turned from a loss to a profit for an unprecedented time. It is not the only innovative product that is remembered by people. At the beginning of the year, Microsoft quietly released overseas s95. Compared with the old version of s95, the new version not only adds more features, but also has higher reliability. The operation is also more convenient and faster.

Starting this year, people’s experience of multimedia and digital life seems to have become more profound.

At this time, far away in China on the other side of the ocean, an Internet practitioner is observing another change in the United States with a keen eye. It was fired hot on the Internet.

In the article, the author introduced two new concepts that are emerging in the United States, the web portal and the portal war.

A L and AOL! The war for this is in full swing, ape, micro.soft, and established search engine companies such as Ly-s and bsp; what the heroes are fighting for is the loyalty of network readers known as the market share of the soul. The seized physical space is the first screen that netizens see when they open the browser. The mainstream media in the United States has recently named this virtual market a web portal. Websites that are selected by netizens as online channels have the opportunity to gain a share of the rapidly growing online advertising market.

As the popularity of this article has increased, the concept of portals has directly affected the domestic Internet industry.

As if overnight, domestic p-network content service providers and Isp network service providers swarmed in, and also advanced to portals.

At the beginning of the year, Zhang Chaoyang, the founder of Sohu.com, was still sighing, not knowing what to do. Now he suddenly realized it, so he launched a clear announcement on September 15th to be China's No. 1 website. Zhang Chaoyang was also named one of the 50 digital heroes in the world by Time Magazine in this year, and he became a well-known one. Internet upstarts.

A week later, NetEase also comprehensively revised its version and took the first step towards a Chinese-language online portal. Other search engines such as Guangzhou Windows and Lifang Online also announced the revision to ***, consciously shifting or moving closer to the portal.

In fact, at this time, the so-called online portals in China are still in a very young state, in the form of all search engines, or even just categories like phone books.

At present, there are only more than one million netizens in China, and hundreds of thousands of them belong to computer and network professionals. But despite the insufficient number of users, all websites understand that online portals will be a major trend in future exhibitions, so seizing the opportunity is king.

At this time, Ying Haiwei, who was the oldest qualified in China and had the most hope of becoming a portal site, was already in a precarious situation. The senior management resigned collectively, and the company was facing a serious crisis. Under the generally harsh living environment of the domestic information service industry at that time, by the end of last year, Yinghaiwei invested a total of 160 million yuan. According to the report to the board of directors, its input-output target income should be 110 million yuan, deducting research and publicity. The lowest estimate of the cost should be 90 million, but the actual income is only more than 9 million. Due to a severe shortage of funds, the company's original plan to flourish soon was forced to shelve. The income is too low and the input-output ratio is too wide, which makes Yinghaiwei enter a vicious circle, and eventually causes even survival to be a problem.

Fan Wubing has been watching this with cold eyes. He is very clear that it is not easy for an Internet company like Ying Haiwei that has no industry background resources, unreasonable capital structure, and no redundant value chain design to persist.

But just a week after Yinghaiwei executives collectively resigned, Stone Lifang merged with overseas Chinese Internet company Huayuan Information Company to form Sina.com.

In a very short time, Sina.com has become the world's largest Chinese website.

The establishment of Sina makes people vaguely feel that the new Internet era is coming.

At noon, Fan Heng arrived in the capital by plane, preparing to participate in National Day-related activities a few days later, and then attending the wedding ceremony of Fan Ting and Han Chu, so this time he will stay in Beijing for a longer time.

After Fan Wubing took the old man back in person, he greeted the whole family to gather for a meal, and the family finally gained popularity.

Zhang Mei didn’t complain too much. She has been very busy in the Ministry of Education recently, and because her husband Fan Heng is very well-versed, the people in the ministry are very polite after seeing her. It is necessary to listen to her opinions very carefully, so Zhang Mei feels that her life value is finally reflected.

When eating at noon, my father Fan Heng looked at the group of successful sons and daughters, as well as the prospective son-in-law and prospective daughter-in-law. He was a little bit relieved. He drank two more glasses happily. So he asked Han Chu some very casual questions, and then chatted with Xiao Qiang about the family affairs, and then said to Fan Wuyao, "Your internet company should be okay, right?"

Fan Wu was ill. It was strange that his father Fan Heng would care about his company, so he replied, "It will definitely not make money in the initial stage. Because of infrastructure construction, it has always been losing money."

In fact, Fan Wuyi’s network service company has been engaged for so long and has basically recovered its costs and maintained a balance of revenue and expenditure. Although it is very convenient to make a profit, it only needs to increase the rental fee, but it is considered Domestic Internet companies are all in their infancy, so Fan Wubing feels that it is better to provide them with more help, so as to give them more room and energy for growth.

Then Fan Heng nodded and said, "Oh, are you Isp or Bsp; I rely on! Fan Wuyi's face immediately became awe-inspiring, and he said, "When does Dad have time to care about the Internet?" So he said, " We are Isp, which provides low-level services. You said p refers to the provision of network content services, just like a few portal websites, they all belong to p. But dad, why are you caring about this all of a sudden? "

"Now the streets are all talking about e-commerce!" Dad Fan Heng replied with an innocent look.

Han Chu, who was chatting with Fan Kang, intervened upon hearing the words, “No illness, should our company engage in e-commerce? This thing is very popular, even if it’s not e-commerce, it’s a portal. The website is also very promising. If it is done well, it can go directly to the Nasdaq to list, and the money will be spent by American investors."

"E-commerce, you can do that stuff, but it's just a gimmick. I think doing it now is basically not much different from deceiving people with your eyes open." Fan Wuyao expressed his attitude, and then said, " However, you can do it if you want. The technical company can provide full support and funding, but you can’t use the company’s name. It’s best to find an agent. You will do the manipulation behind the scenes. If the operation is better, you will go next year. After the NASDAQ went public, the gloves came out directly, and they made some pocket money at that time."

After listening to Fan Wubing's words, several people felt that Fan Wubing's words seemed to have no enthusiasm for e-commerce at all, so they asked in surprise, "Why are your ideas different from everyone else?"

It’s no wonder that everyone disagrees with Fan Wu’s views. The key is that this year’s e-commerce propaganda has been a bit too hot. The domestic e-commerce model is basically given to the United States. I copied it here. Not only copied other people’s business model, but also exaggerated their success, so that people who collect rags on the street can talk about e-commerce. They also told others that we will also go online to collect rags in the future, place orders online, and then Door-to-door service is more profitable than it is now.

In January this year, Lianbang Software began to conduct online software sales trials in Fuzhou. That year, the site was rated as one of the top ten websites in Fujian, and the local s98 Chinese version was successfully used for online booking.

Soon after, 8848, China's first online software book website, was officially launched, which is said to represent the height of Mount Everest. Named after the digital pinnacle of Everest, it shows 8848's ambition to dominate the world in the field of e-commerce.

In September, 8848 meticulously planned a 72-hour network survival test. Twelve players were closed into an almost empty room for 72 hours, and they only communicated with the outside world through a computer and a network cable. In this sensational commercial farce, many people have heard of online shopping for the first time, and many people have also remembered the term 8848, and 8848 has since become famous.

In fact, the reason why Fan Heng is so familiar with e-commerce is that he has mostly seen all kinds of media propaganda, and another point is that in his governor’s office, the fiber optic cable provided by Fan Wuyi company is used for access. News and forums are extremely convenient, and even he knows that there is a mud graphics game.

In addition to 8848's big business in e-commerce, many people who later became prominent in the Internet industry also started their own businesses at this time. At the beginning of the year, Jack Ma, who works on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Beijing, has led his team back from Beijing to Hangzhou and established an Alibaba e-commerce website in the lakeside garden on the outskirts of the city.

In this humble house where the wall was pasted with newspapers, Jack Ma gave an entrepreneurial speech to all the employees. He put forward three goals. First, to build a company that can survive for eighty years; second, to build an e-commerce company serving Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises; third, to build the world’s largest e-commerce company, Enter the top ten global website rankings.

Although no one has openly raised objections to Jack Ma's goal, everyone is murmured in their hearts.

Of course, no one expected that a year later, Jack Ma's photos would appear on the cover of the world's authoritative financial magazine "Forbes", and Alibaba would be rated as the world's best B2B site. Subsequently, Alibaba became the world's largest B2B e-commerce website.

In addition to ~lightnovelpub.net~, Shanghai's Shao Yibo has his eyes on the e-commerce field. He and his alumni from Harvard founded eBay, which is also China's first e-commerce website. Four travel fans from different industries, Shen Nanpeng, Liang Jianzhang, Ji Qi, and Fan Min, aimed at the travel industry and founded a website that provides online air tickets and hotel reservation services. It later became China's largest online travel service provider. Li Guoqing, who has been in the book publishing industry for ten years, and his wife Yu Yu founded China's first online bookstore Dangdang.com.

But just as e-commerce sites are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, overcoming payment barriers for online shopping becomes the most important issue. If you want to play e-commerce, you must have four basic guarantees. One is an e-commerce website, the other is a smooth logistics, the third is a convenient online payment method, and the fourth is a netizen who is familiar with network operations and dare to try. One of these four items is missing. Not possible.

In terms of online payment, the domestic China Merchants Bank has played the role of being the first to eat crabs, taking the lead in launching a Netcom online banking service in China. Since then, it has been one step ahead and has become the leader of the banking industry in the e-commerce era.

"If you think e-commerce hasn't started, are these people stupid?" Fan Heng asked with some incomprehension. "Just a while ago, someone in the province suggested that the provincial government should fund an e-commerce website. , It is also good for the economic construction of the province."