
v5 Chapter 547: Annoying topic

Fan Wubing also has his purpose in keeping an eye on Kodak's exhibition in the Chinese market.

Although the decline of traditional photosensitive equipment is inevitable, Kodak's color printing system will become popular, especially after digital cameras and other convenient photography products become popular, these printing systems will gradually become popular, especially when major wedding photography When the studio began to use a professional printing system to complete the final results, the output in this area was quite amazing.

Of course, he did not show excessive concern about the printing system. All he asked for was to share Kodak's achievements in digital camera technology. For this point, Kodak is still acceptable, because Fan Wuyi agreed to solve it. The remaining employees in these factories acquired by Kodak.

However, Fan Wubing also proposed a solution, that is, these people can be scattered to various places and set up Kodak color printing equipment franchise stores in various places in the name of regional agents. Kodak Company.

After hearing this news, Kodak felt very stunned. They have always taken the way of technology monopolizing the market. At this time, they spent a lot of money to monopolize the Chinese market for three years. It was nothing more than to let the Chinese only use Kodak film. Once the habit is used, other brands will not be challenging. It should be understood that the development of human habit is very terrible. When the main competitors enter the Chinese market again, it will be extremely difficult to make a comeback.

Kodak also hopes to be able to establish franchise stores using its own printing equipment in various places, so that its own equipment will be widely used, which is of great benefit to its own company’s marketing, but at the same time they also want to monopolize this piece. The big cake, after all, the idea of ​​establishing exclusive shops across the country is essentially the same as the effect of waiting for companies to open shops in prosperous business districts.

These stores occupy the most advantageous geographical locations in large, medium and small cities, even if they are somewhat insufficient in their own turnover, but with the rapid development of Chinese society, these losses will be greatly benefited from the transfer costs of the stores. To make up, it can be said that this is also a way for the drunkard not to drink.

However, there is also a very embarrassing situation, that is, Kodak has to invest billions of dollars in the Chinese market to build a production base to compensate Chinese companies that cannot be joint ventures with other foreign companies due to agreements. It is also very large. For Kodak, which is currently poorly managed and heavily indebted, the burden is very heavy. If you want to build thousands of printing stores across China, the investment is also very large. It is really heartwarming. There is more than enough.

Facing Fan's idea of ​​entering the photofinishing market, Kodak seemed to be in a mixed mood. It not only hoped that Fanwubing would enter the photofinishing market as soon as possible, but also hope that he could occupy China's photofinishing market. This contradiction cannot be resolved.

The reason why Kodak hopes that Fan Wuyao will enter the printing market as soon as possible is mainly because Kodak itself is facing relatively heavy pressure on profitability and eagerly hopes to promote this process by occupying the market. Only the solution of the terminal market can be realized. The film will sell well. If Fan Wubing can simultaneously open up the bottom-end market demand, then it will save Kodak's capital and energy, and can concentrate on expanding the photosensitive material production line.

But they also know that if Fan Wubing is allowed to do this thing. Once the terminal market is established, Fan Wubing's resources will be too great. In the future, the tail will be too big, and he can get rid of Kodak at any time and become independent. Portal, or cooperate with other foreign companies.

However, in the current situation, Kodak is obviously unable to stop Fan Wubing's idea of ​​entering the terminal market.

"Since there is no way to stop it, then we have to cooperate well." Ye Ying's senior executives said, "Anyway, from the current point of view, even if the Fan Investment Group wants to enter the printing market, the equipment needed is also Solving from us, this is the best opportunity for Kodak to make money."

Ye Ying thinks very clearly. For the time being, Kodak is unable to prevent Fan Investment Group from entering the photofinishing market, and there is no reason to stop it. After all, they are now negotiating to monopolize the film industry, not the photofinishing market. Monopolizing a market is very dangerous. Yes, even if it monopolizes the market of a developing country in a short period of time, Kodak’s approach itself has caused a lot of controversy, but now Kodak itself is facing the problem of survival, not just the problem of exhibition. So I don't care about that much.

The printing market can only be given to Fan Investment Group. Fortunately, they have also invested 200 million US dollars in the photographic material production base. They can be regarded as collaborators in the same trench. I believe they will not be in the cooperation period. Dismantle the foot of the wall within, right? After Kodak's production base is established and Kodak rolls have occupied the national market, the terminal printing market will always serve our customers, and it will not have any negative impact on Kodak's China strategy.

"Let's go, let's clink a glass of wine with him." After Ye Ying thought it through, he raised his glass and walked over to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing was smiling and talking to Boss Zhu there. He was not familiar with the bosses of several other companies and had no contact before, and the scale of these companies was relatively small, which could not be seen in his eyes at all. Go, so I didn’t talk to them much.

On the contrary, Fan Wubing and Boss Zhu are exchanging views on current issues.

"I heard Comrade Fan Heng said that Jiangnan Province is preparing to start the family car project? Did you promote this matter behind your back?" Boss Zhu asked.

"It's not that I'm pushing, but it's determined by the laws of economic development in Jiangnan Province." Fan Wuyao replied solemnly.

"Why do the older you get, the more weird this idea?" Boss Zhu said with a smile.

Fan Wubing touched his nose and explained, “I’m not wrong to say that. The economic development of Jiangnan Province has already started. With funds, the metallurgical industry is also the bottom support of the automobile manufacturing industry, plus I can provide them with some The technology is authorized, so there is no problem at all to produce some relatively extensive family cars. The main exhibition direction I suggest to them is also for the overseas market."

"Oh, models with higher fuel consumption are indeed suitable for use in some overseas countries." Boss Zhu has been concerned about SAIC exhibitions for a long time before, so when Fan Wubing mentioned overseas markets, he immediately understood what Fan Wubing said. The extensive type of car must be the one that is not fuel efficient.

But the type of fuel consumption is generally strong, and the off-road ability is relatively strong, and it is indeed suitable for users in some overseas countries.

Mentioned the issue of fuel consumption, Boss Zhu remembered something again, frowned and said, "Domestic oil prices, um—"

"The current domestic oil price should be considered relatively cheap." Fan Wuyao nodded.

The current domestic oil price, which is about one mile per liter, this year due to the impact of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, the global demand for oil once dropped, and oil prices fell as a result. As the economy recovers slowly, the demand for oil will continue to rise, especially the oil consumption of developing countries has increased faster. Darfur countries are more efficient in using energy and are committed to developing alternative petroleum products. Leading advantage, slower growth in demand for oil.

But overall, since the middle of this year, demand for oil has exceeded supply. Even if the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agrees to increase production, due to the limited amount of production increase, it is difficult for refining and transportation to keep up. International oil prices have been fluctuating at a low level for a long time and have not stimulated production increase. As the winter is about to enter, the United States, Japan and other countries will need fuel for heating heat. Factors such as increase will make it difficult for oil prices to fall in the next one or two quarters.

However, domestic oil prices are still operating at a low level. The main reason is that the smuggling of refined oil products is very serious, and the number of domestic private gas stations is also very large. After the two cooperate with each other, it has caused the emergence of low oil prices. .

In July of this year, the National Anti-Smuggling Work Conference was held in Beijing. The Chief No. 1 met with representatives of the conference and gave important instructions. He emphasized that severely cracking down on smuggling criminal activities is to protect economic health, maintain social stability and national security. An important deployment of interests, we must resolutely crack down on serious smuggling criminal activities and must not be soft.

At this national work conference on combating smuggling, boss Zhu also made an important speech, and then a massive anti-smuggling struggle was launched across the country.

The reason why Fan Wubing mentioned low oil prices, boss Zhu began to frown. The reason for this is that the smuggling struggle has been going on for more than two months, but the problem of domestic product oil smuggling is already serious, which makes Boss Zhu feel Very unhappy.

"The problem of smuggling of refined oil is now very serious. The tax loss of the country has reached hundreds of billions every year. PetroChina and Sinopec have suffered losses for years. The situation is very embarrassing. People are very angry." Boss Zhu said very angrily.

Last month, a major smuggling case in Zhanjiang was exposed and the whole country was shocked.

Among the leaders of the Zhanjiang smuggling criminal gang that smashed the country, Chen Lishengshui, known as the king of car smuggling, was the deepest and most background, because his father was Chen Tongqing, then secretary of the Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee.

Chen Lisheng smuggled wildly and made hundreds of millions of fortunes in a few years. At the beginning of 1996, Chen Lisheng and Deng Chong'an, together with Li Shen and others, conspired to smuggle cars in Hong Kong for profit. Deng Chong’an is responsible for organizing the supply of goods and dismantling, coding, and packing of the whole vehicle. Chen Lisheng is responsible for customs declaration and export in Hong Kong, transportation and receiving smuggled goods at Zhanjiang Wharf, and handing them to Deng Chong’an or other smugglers. Li Shen and Zhang Yi is responsible for clearing the relationship and customs declaration, and collects customs clearance remuneration for each container from 70,000 to 100,000 Hong Kong dollars.

In the past two years, Deng Chong'an participated in the smuggling of 3,000 car bodies and evaded more than 200 million yuan in taxes. Chen Lisheng participated in the smuggling of 2,000 car bodies and more than 10,000 tons of diesel, evading nearly 200 million yuan in taxes.

In the smuggling work in Zhanjiang City, Chen Tongqing's waist has never been tough, because his son Chen Lisheng is the well-known king of smuggling cars. Chen Tongqing also played the role of an umbrella for Chen Lisheng’s smuggling activities. In order to find a market for Chen Lisheng’s smuggled goods, he did not hesitate to call and negotiate with him. In order to make the smuggling funds abundant for his son, he exerted influence and asked the Zhanjiang Municipal Government to come forward to guarantee a loan of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to Chen Lisheng's company from an overseas bank.

Not only that, it is said that on the first day of transfer to Zhanjiang, Chen Tongqing took his son to visit the local leading cadres. People say that on the surface, this is the son who sent Chen Tongqing to Zhan, but in fact it was the new secretary paving the way for his son to rely on Zhanjiang's wealth in the future.

"The ancients said that if you don’t walk carefully, you will end up with great virtue. If the corrupt official father and son realized this and reined in the cliff as early as possible, they would never end up drowning in wine, burning to death in cigarettes, and crushing them today. The tragic end in the illegitimate property." Boss Zhu mentioned the Zhanjiang case, and said to Fan Wuyin, "Compared with your father and son, Chen Tongqing and his son are truly worlds apart. The same is true of the father and son, but their conscience Obviously it was eaten by a dog."

Smuggling has severely impacted Zhanjiang's economic foundation. Take the sugar industry, the city’s pillar industry, as an example. In 1995, the city made a profit of 150 million yuan, but a year later, under the impact of sugar smuggling, the city lost 400 million yuan~lightnovelpub.net~ at that time Zhanjiang is even called a paradise for smugglers.

Speaking of smuggling, it is simply importing blatantly. Ships of cargo are openly pulled away from the dock. The customs does not check, the border defense is not fortified, and the smuggling office has become a smuggling office. The supervision of the entire Zhanjiang port is in a vacuum.

Some local state-owned enterprises are also linked to smuggling groups. The Guangdong Samsung Enterprise Group, known as the Stable Horse in Western Guangdong, uses smuggled auto parts to assemble complete vehicles. The agricultural vehicles produced are extremely popular in the local area.

Ordinary people, although subconsciously knowing that smuggling is illegal, they don't know much about its harm. Ordinary people are more willing to fill their cars with cheap smuggled oil, use smuggling gas for cooking, and eat smuggled sugar.

"People didn't realize that this was drinking poison to quench thirst." Boss Zhu said, "There are four peak periods of smuggling in the country, three of which are in the 1950s and 1960s. They are not large in scale, like hills emerging from the plains. Now, smuggling resembles the uplift of Mount Everest on the flat ground. It is rampant! Smuggling collusion between inside and outside, the collusion between government and business, and the scale of smuggling have severely disrupted the national economic order. New types of economic crimes have reached the point where they must be cracked down. If smuggling continues to spread, Not only will it seriously affect the smooth progress of reform, opening up and modernization, but it will also bring down our economy and our regime!"