
v5 Chapter 551: Behind the scenes of the disaster relief

In the summer of 1998, the Dongting Lake District, Poyang Lake District, Nenjiang River Basin, and Songhua River Basin suffered catastrophic floods. After more than 80 days and nights of fighting, millions of soldiers, civilians, and armed police officers and soldiers across the country finally achieved a decisive major victory. victory.

On the evening of September 20th, artists from all over the country held a large-scale disaster relief performance party at the Workers’ Stadium. CCTV Main Station, China Charity Federation, New Silk Road Entertainment Company under Fan Investment Group and other units organized this large-scale flood relief and disaster relief party with the theme of "We are One Heart".

At the same time, various forms of charity performances have been held across the country to express their deep concern for the people in the disaster area in both spiritual and material ways.

In order to organize this disaster relief performance, the Xia Donghai couple of New Silk Road Entertainment Company took great pains. Although it was a co-organized program with CCTV and China Charity Federation, in terms of operation, New Silk Road Entertainment had to do it. There is more work, especially since this event is different from other performances. The entertainment should not be overemphasized, but disaster relief should be the main purpose. This determines the need to pay extra attention to the selection of songs. .

Fan Wubing asked them to sing songs that are positive and inspiring or inspiring. For some fine songs created over the years with the theme of charity and peace, priority should be given to finding original singers to perform. , If there is really no one or the other party is unwilling to participate, then consider substitutions.

As for the cost of appearance, Fan Wuyi said that it can be more discounted than usual. After all, although most of the singers in Hong Kong and Taiwan have a good life, they are actually very limited. After being exploited by the performing arts company, there is really little left. It is indeed a bit unreasonable to let them run for nothing, after all, they also have to live.

Although CCTV doesn't quite understand how to count the money for singers for organizing charity performances, but because New Silk Road Entertainment is the undertaker, people are willing to pay for it, so it's hard to say anything on the stage.

In addition to domestic first-line singers, many singers from the New Silk Road Entertainment Company have been qualified to appear on the stage, and singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan have invited dozens of them. They are all heavyweight singers and queens, the four kings of heaven. Qi Qi appeared on the stage, and some veteran singers such as Zhao Chuan, Zhang Di, Lin Zhixuan, Tong Ange, Faye Wong and others also agreed to be there.

After inspecting the site, Fan Wubing pointed out a few more details. For example, the big brands of sponsors should be dealt with artistically. Don't put out the advertisements so blatantly, otherwise it will not only make the whole Decreasing the quality and standard of the party will also greatly reduce the advertising effect.

"After all, in this kind of occasion, charity and disaster relief are the top priority. Later, when they donate, it is the time for them to show up generously. The processing interface of these billboards should be friendly." Fan Wu Bing pointed to the employees of the sponsors who rehearsed the order of appearance in the auditorium, and expressed his opinion to the director group.

"Then how should we rectify and reform?" In front of the legendary Fan Wubing, the director team has a vacant attitude. After all, Fan Wubing is not only the big boss, but also the son of a member of the Politburo. People can’t afford to offend anyone, and what’s even more admirable is that he never provokes those things that are horrible, and there is no negative news. On the contrary, Fan Investment Group has done it all over the country. The good deeds are countless and admirable.

Therefore, everyone is willing to listen to Fan Wubing’s advice. After all, he is also the author and singer of many classic songs, and he knows the previous Spring Festival Gala programs very well, and the effect is remarkable.

Fan Wubing groaned for a moment, and pointed to a billboard and said, "For example, it can be said that all employees of a certain company are with the people in the disaster area. That, you can write a little bit of blood--"

He is guiding the work here, and Zi Qi is calling him over there, "Mr. Fan."

"Well, if you rectify it according to this line of thought, the problem will not be big." Fan Wubing dealt with them hastily, leaving them to use their intelligence, and walked to Ziqi's side and asked her what's wrong.

"This time the disaster relief performance, our host will also sing at the request of the audience, probably to engage in an interaction between the host and the audience, I want to cooperate with you, what do you think?" Zi Qi looked at Fan Wuyi Asked in a low voice.

Fan Wubing scratched his head and said, "There is no problem, but what song should I sing? I haven't sung for a long time recently. If it gets out of tune, it would be a shame."

"How could you be out of tune? I'm worried that I can't sing well--" Zi Qi said to Fan Wuyao, "Who is it good for?"

"It's the one with mud all over the trouser legs and sweat soaking through the back?" Fan Wubing asked.

"Well, that's the song." Zi Qi affirmed, "This time the army officers and soldiers played a very important role in the fight against the flood. We have been to the embankment before and felt very shocked, so I thought about it. This time we must Let's sing a song dedicated to the soldiers."

Fan Wubing nodded and agreed, "You have said so, I naturally want to cooperate."

"Then I'm going to report to the director team!" After Zi Qi settled the matter, she was very happy, and said goodbye to Fan Wuyi and ran backstage.

Fan Wubing shook his head. Ziqi is a little younger than herself, but as far as CCTV is concerned, she is already regarded as a veteran first-line host. For her own sake, her position is unbreakable, but the column of the same song, time It’s always a bit unsatisfactory for a long time. Old songs are always played, which can easily cause aesthetic fatigue. It's time for her to adjust the direction of her work, otherwise her acting career may be inadequate.

But for Zi Qi, what kind of column should be hosted at the current age level? This matter should be considered carefully.

If Zi Qi is willing, it is good to host a relatively high-level financial column. Not only can you broaden your mind, you can often interview some big names in the financial world, you can also learn more knowledge, even if you don’t want to do it anymore. If you become a host, you can also come to your company to help take care of the financial business. After all, there are not many talents who can make good use of, and there are not many people who can be used with confidence. There are some more sensitive senior positions. It’s better if you are close to you.

However, this matter is not in a hurry. The main reason is that we have to welcome the return of Macau in the past two years and coincide with the new millennium. Many activities are relatively lively. Ziqi’s temperament is best to participate in these activities. It's better to change careers, and it's a lot of thought.

In fact, if you wait until the Olympic bid is completed, it is also a good choice to go to the Olympic Preparatory Committee to experience it, but now your company’s business is at a high level and you can choose. It's huge, and it's not a matter of rush to make a decision.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the party started. It was rather helpless to arrange this because there were too many people attending.

After hearing about the large-scale disaster, singers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland have expressed their willingness to participate in this disaster relief performance. Therefore, they selected them after weighing the interests of all aspects. There are also nearly two hundred singers. Among these people, there are basically no solo shows. Even at the beginning of a hundred-person chorus show "Let the World Be Filled with Love", most of them were beaten by the opening ceremony.

The remaining dozens of singers appeared in groups of four or five people. On the one hand, it means that the show of this performance is unique, and the emphasis is on unity. On the other hand, because there are too many people, some of them were rejected. The singer's request for participation will inevitably dampen their enthusiasm and be detrimental to future cooperation.

After all, these people are supported by a certain background and forces behind them.

After the shocking hundred-person chorus "Let the world be filled with love" ended, the veteran singer Zhang Di began to sing impromptu songs.

"Hearing the news of the Yangtze River flood,

We are sad to the end,

Thousands of compatriots and large tracts of land

All submerged in water,

Although the flood is ruthless,

But you guys are amazing,

Using that flesh and blood

Built a long embankment for thousands of miles.

Compatriots in the disaster area,

To be confident,

We stand with you,

I hope I can do my best to help you,

The world's care and mutual help support you~lightnovelpub.net~ Please keep it up. "

When Fan Wubing heard that Emperor Zhang was singing there, he was a little bit jealous. Although he said that this occasion should be more serious, he heard that Emperor Zhang sang with the tune of "Tomorrow Will Be Better". His new words really make my stomach cramp a bit.

This funny king of singers likes to sing live, and always uses so few songs that sound very familiar, which is a bit crooked, but if you listen to too much, you will feel a little uncomfortable. .

But think about it, it’s not bad to arrange for him to appear on the stage like this. After all, in such a serious performance occasion, a more relaxed and humorous singer occasionally appears, in his own way to encourage everyone to unite and collect donations for the disaster area. It is also a good choice.

Sure enough, after the chorus of Zhang Di and others, the mood of the audience was very high. At this time, the first round of statistical donation time began.

When the red donation box was moved to the stage, many celebrities began to line up and stuff their donations into the box in an orderly manner. After a hundred celebrities including Hong Kong and Taiwan stars walked down one by one, ten minutes Just passed.