
v5 Chapter 569: More difficult than expected

After Fan Wubing answered the phone, he found that Russell was still sitting here and hadn't left, so he couldn't help but asked, "Have you seen Boss Zhu?"

Russell replied somewhat strangely, "Boss of pigs? I remember you had a pig farm before! When you were a kid, your Hongguang pig farm used to send pork to our old neighbors during Chinese New Year. "

When she mentioned this, Fan Wubing remembered the fact that he led the Wang Thirteen brothers to raise pigs, and he couldn't help but smiled, "What are you talking about? I'm talking about Boss Zhu, the one that appeared on the TV news every day. , Why did you get involved with the pig farmer? I really don’t know if your IQ is 50?"

Russell was very angry when he heard it. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Fan Wuyao fiercely. His lips were also bitten with his white teeth, and he almost rushed over.

"Uh, it seems that you still know how to be angry, even if your IQ is over fifty." Fan Wuyao said.

Russell rolled his eyes, but he did not expect that Fan Wubian would be so cunning when he spoke, leaving no room for reaction. It took a long time for her to say, "What are you going to do with Boss Zhu?"

"Oh, I may visit him in a while. Are you interested in going there together?" Fan Wuyao replied.

"Really? He is our idol! The students admire him the most!" Russell was very excited when he heard this. He chased Fan Wuyao and asked him when he would see Boss Zhu.

Fan Wubing thought for a while and replied, "It's not anxious, it will be within two days."

Russell rushed over and hugged Fan Wuyi, and then retreated happily and said, "Brother, even if I'm in class, I have to notify me to see Boss Zhu!"

Fan Wubing smiled, nodded and agreed.

Here in the capital, before the National Day, it is basically a bit cold, especially in the morning and evening, it feels more obvious.

Jiang Lue received a call from Fan Wushu. He didn't know what was important for him. He needed to go to the wilderness to discuss with him, but he still came to Xiangshan as agreed.

Xiangshan Mountain is only more than 500 meters above sea level. There is a huge Rufengshi on the top of the highest peak, which is shaped like an incense burner. When you see it from a distance, it looks like a cigarette in the furnace curling up, hence the name Xianglu Mountain, or Xiangshan for short.

Xianglu Peak is the highest point of Xiangshan Park. Because of its steep terrain and difficulty in climbing, it is commonly known as the ghosts and sorrows. Xiangshan Park has successively built three distinctive pavilions on the summit. The Chongyang Pavilion is intended to be ascended to the capital of Chongyang. Tayun Pavilion was named after the autumn rains and before the spring rains, when the wisps of clouds and silk traverse the pavilion as if treading clouds, the Ziyan Pavilion was named because of the mist in the morning and evening, faintly like purple clouds. Rizhao incense burner is named after the smell of purple smoke. Standing on the white jade viewing platform, the Kunming Lake in the distance is like a basin of clear water, with various buildings dotted around the view.

Fan Wuyi had been here for a while, and he ran into Biyun Temple and sprinkled some money, exchanged a few Taoist talisman, and prepared to take it back and stick it to Fan Ting's new house in the town house.

After seeing Fan Wubing, Jiang Lue asked in a bit of surprise, "What are you doing with things? Don’t you know that the Taoist priests here in Biyun Temple are all liars? You get this thing out, Still hoping to scare ghosts?"

"You know it's a lie, but ghosts don't necessarily know that it's a lie!" Fan Wubing smiled, then put the charms away, and went to the incense burner peak with Jiang Lue to be quieter. The place.

Jiang Lue didn’t know what Fan Wubing’s idea was, but he saw him bring himself to this place so mysteriously. The surrounding area was unobstructed and there were no idlers. Obviously, there were things that were inconvenient to say in public. Speak for yourself.

Fan Wubing groaned after hearing the words, and then asked Jiang Lue, "Qiu Baohua of Guangzhou, who is the backing boss of his backstage? Why will someone hold him this time?"

Jiang Luejing Fan Wuyin asked, and then he understood why he brought himself here for questioning. As soon as his thoughts changed, he immediately thought of Qiu Baohua’s background, and he was inseparable from Fan Wubing. At this time, Qiu Baohua was caught and beaten fiercely. As a former partner, Fan Wuyi obviously had no reason to sit idly by.

However, the matter this time was very difficult to handle. Jiang Lue considered it for a while and decided to tell Fan Wuyao the reason for it. So he leaned beside Fan Wuyao and whispered The ins and outs of it were briefly explained to him, and then he said, “Fighting with gods will only endanger mortals. But I don’t recommend that you join in. Although your father is also a member of the Politburo, his foundation is still shallow. It’s not more rooted than others, and it’s impossible to provoke opponents for no reason."

After Fan Wubing listened to Jiang Lue’s words, he realized that it was the cruelty of political struggles that was manifested at this moment. Some people know the market well, and others are destined to be unlucky. This is an unchanging truth and a lesson from blood and tears. Qiu Baohua’s big boss was able to save his life and ran overseas to seek refuge alone. It was considered a chance to leave him alive, but for those under him, such as Qiu Baohua, he didn’t need to be polite.

This is because Qiu Baohua doesn’t have any big handles in people’s hands recently, but from Fan’s view, if he wants to clean up a person, it’s easy to find a handle, so if there is no strong force to protect Qiu Baohua , His fate is conceivable.

After pondering for a while, Fan Wuyao decided, "I still want to protect this person. I think back then, when I started, I also got the first pot of gold from him. Now they are in trouble, and it is very likely that it is Being forced into guilt, I naturally cannot sit back and watch."

"But, for this matter, is it worth it for you to offend a big man?" Jiang Lue asked inexplicably.

He knows how much energy Fan Wubing has, but he clearly understands that for a small person to offend a big man with real power, what good is it for him? Jiang Lue felt that Fan Wubing's idea was a bit pedantic.

But Fan Wuyao shook his head and said, "Of course it's worth it. If I can't even keep him, will my younger brother work for me? It's like the people I brought up, now which one is not a wealthy man. They are all characters who have been ranked on the Forbes rankings. This is to be responsible for being a person and not to treat the little brothers badly."

"Your little brothers are much older than you." Jiang Lue said with a smile.

The two went all the way down the mountain and then parted ways.

After listening to Jiang Lue’s words, Fan Wubing still feels a little troublesome. It’s really upsetting to fight a figure of such a heavy weight with you, especially since this person hasn’t been exposed yet. If you want to hold his seven inches and beat him to death all at once, don't even think about it.

Or in a few years, when the problems on him slowly accumulate and sink into the whirlpool of sex, it will not be too late to start cleaning him, but Qiu Baohua can't wait for that time.

People are now waiting to pinch Qiu Baohua to death!

For this matter, we still have to come up with a more appropriate solution.

After Fan Wubing returned, Wuzhi Xiaoji ran over, wanting to see what else he had to arrange for Fan Ting's wedding.

"Well, there seems to be nothing else." Fan Wubing replied with no certainty. "I think it's all about coordinating with the traffic control department. You can arrange these things for others to do. At that time, you followed me and received guests from all walks of life. You are considered a maiden family."

"My maiden!" Wuzhi Xiaoji said very excitedly, "Ha, I have finally found a sense of belonging in China for so many years. My maiden is very good!"

"By the way, do you still retain Japanese nationality?" Fan Wubing suddenly thought of this and asked casually.

"Of course I keep it, that's my motherland!" Wuzhi Xiaoji Zhengrong replied.

Since Wuzhi Xiaoji came to the United States with Fan Wuyi, he has made great achievements, but later encountered various hardships in Japan. He was beaten by several big chaebols and almost lost his life as a result. It can be described as hardships. Fan Wubing always thought that Wuzhi Xiaoji had renounced his Japanese nationality~lightnovelpub.net~, but he didn't expect that he still had his homeland in his heart, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional.

After a short pause, Fan Wubing thought of a joke, so he said, "Well, I have a disgusting joke about the issue of the motherland."

It was rare for Wuzhi Xiaoji to hear Fan Wubing want to tell a joke, so he couldn't help but ask him to talk about it with great interest.

Fan Wubing preached to Wu Zhi Xiaoji, "A pair of roundworm father and son came out of the anus, and the roundworm son asked excitedly, father, what is the blue one? The roundworm father said, that is the blue sky, my child. Roundworm The son asked again, what is the green one? The roundworm father replied, that is the grass, my child. The roundworm son asked, Dad, how beautiful the outside world is! Why do we still live in the anus? Roundworm Father replied solemnly, because this is our motherland!"

Wuzhi Xiaoji heard it, and suddenly became a little bit dumbfounded.

However, Fan Wubing was just ridiculing Wuzhi's little machine. In fact, he was more respectful of Wuzhi's little machine. After receiving a lot of unfair treatment, he could still think of his homeland in his heart. An ungrateful and common character that Fan Wuyi couldn't trust and reuse.