
v5 Chapter 572: The era of burning money is about to ent

Sure enough, as Fan Wubing had judged, because of the incident in Guangzhou where Qiu Baohua was suddenly kidnapped under his nose, the work of the inspection team suddenly stopped. It was not that they wanted to stop. It is true that the senior management has expressed concern about this matter and believes that procuratorial work is possible. However, without evidence, they want to completely deny the work here, and want to turn Guangzhou into the second Xiamen, which is really inappropriate. of.

And the committee member behind them was also questioned. As a result, the selfishness in this matter was immediately exposed, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction among several bigwigs, and several others who were equally dissatisfied had already retired. The old leaders who are behind the scenes but are undiminished in strength, this is very difficult to handle.

He weighed the pros and cons, and felt that this matter could only be ended in a hasty. At the same time, he also considered that this time things were a little weird, and he was defeated inexplicably. God knows so many big people, which one is doing him? In this situation, it is better to retreat temporarily, although it seems that there is no responsibility, it is better than being pushed by others.

It should be noted that in any country, the struggle in the economic field is often a struggle between political forces, and the reverse is also true. Every struggle between different political forces is actually a struggle between economic interest groups. This is one, two, two. One thing is inseparable from each other.

He wanted to use the momentum of handling the big case in Xiamen to attack the dissidents and expand his influence in Guangzhou. It was too simple to think. Now it seems to be a failure, not only did he fail to achieve his goals. On the contrary, he created the impression that he was eager to make short-term gains among the senior management, which was really not worth the gain.

When this kind of thing happened, he was still very depressed. It is impossible to say that he is not annoyed. It has not been found out who is having trouble with him behind the scenes, but one thing is certain, at least in it. There are more than three forces operating.

"It's hard to be angered by the public. It seems that this time it was done. It's a bit anxious." He thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to converge a bit recently, or take the initiative to retreat to his own territory and manage it for a few more years. , When the old people are almost dead, and their own power has almost risen, the most correct decision is to come out and calculate the account at that time.

As for now, it's better to forbearance and forbearance. It's not too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

Fan Wu is very comfortable with illness. With Jiang Lue, a well-cooperative ally, he can learn many things in the first time, so he can understand all aspects of the reaction. You can learn from your own knowledge of the situation by analyzing a lot of things a little bit.

Although I said that I rescued Qiu Baohua by myself, things were done very quickly, and I didn't get a handle. Although someone knew that he had a close relationship with Qiu Baohua, it was very likely that he would help him, but kidnapping this kind of thing, I guess no one would guess. If not, no one would have thought that Fan Wubing had a normal channel to save Qiu Baohua, and he would be kidnapped in the middle of the night.

It is estimated that normal people would basically not make such a choice. After all, if Fan Wubing showed up, the relevant parties would still have to give this face, at least it would not be possible to forcibly convict Qiu Baohua.

Just grabbing Qiu Baohua to do pirated discs, at most, would put him in jail for three months, which really shouldn't be a big deal.

The National Day finally arrived. After the people all over the country celebrated enthusiastically, these Politburo Standing Committee members and members in Beijing attended in costumes and held several large-scale celebrations, especially to commemorate this year’s flood fighting work. Units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to flood fighting.

The Jiangnan Province led by Fan Heng was highly praised in this commendation event, especially the Jiangnan Dike was not damaged. The Bailushan Reservoir and the flood discharge area took the initiative to make sacrifices for the flood fighting work of other provinces and cities, and Jiangnan Province also As a result, they suffered a lot of losses, but they saved the lives and property of the people in several other provinces and cities.

On the contrary, the flood fighting work of several provinces and cities has been criticized, especially in the few provinces and cities where the levee has problems. The only thing that can cover up is the concerted efforts of local cadres and officers and soldiers to fight the flood. Great praise.

However, it is a bit difficult to hold accountable. After all, this time there is a problem left over from history. It is unwilling to put the responsibility on anyone, but one bite is a big piece. I can’t bear it, and what’s even more terrifying is that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are originally places where cadres are born. If this is involved, how many people will have to be hit? No one dared to take this responsibility, so it was just a small reaction to show their attitude.

In Fan Wu's words, one, two, three, four, five, went up the mountain to fight the tiger, but the tiger didn't catch it, but the little squirrel.

Just after the National Day, Fan Ting's wedding kicked off with the newly-built website Huafeng.com under Fan Investment Group.

The reason why Fan Wubing chose the name Huafeng.com was considered, which probably means Huaxiafengwu.

The night before Fan Ting’s wedding, the company started preparations. In order to handle this wedding, the s club was closed for one day, and Fan Investment Group’s Beijing office and branches also took a day off to celebrate.

Many heads of branch offices and headquarter executives arrived in Beijing by plane early, and the high-end hotels nearby were overcrowded. The guests from all over the world are also crowded with thousands of people. Of course, many of these people have not even seen Fan Ting himself, but they are in the face of Fan Wubing and Fan Heng and his son. The cup of wedding wine is to be drunk, especially after I heard that Huafeng.com, a subsidiary of Fan Investment Group, is about to open, and will soon join the portal war. This is also a major domestic event and has a great impact.

You know, like the three existing domestic portals, the power at this time is still very meager. What they rely on is just a little bit of popularity accumulated at the beginning, and the Fan Investment Group is rich in wealth and directly invested in two. Yilai is engaged in website operation, and this alone compares all other websites.

In fact, in this era, if someone has 200 million in his hands, he can do any business, but there is no need to invest in the Internet business, which has not very clear prospects. After all, in addition to advertising revenue, everyone Didn't see clearly where is the profit point of the Internet business?

For Fan Wubing's willingness to invest 200 million yuan to build a website, many people treat it with the mentality of watching the excitement.

However, there are not many people who think that the Internet business must be very rich because Fan Wubing invested two billion yuan to build a website. Because Fan Wubing's family has a big business, two billion yuan is a drizzle. That's it, but others can't stand this blow anymore.

Some people can play this money-burning business, but some people can't afford it.

In fact, when it comes to burning money, Fan Wubing feels the most profound.

In his time, when the word burning was mentioned, people would naturally think of the kind of money-burning campaign when the Internet was just starting out. However, history is always simply repeating. Later, the network pilot program implemented by the network real-name service and marketing platform provider 3721 has comprehensively improved the network marketing capabilities for thousands of companies for free. Coincidentally, g1e's free offering 1. Alibaba's Taobao called on peers to waive transaction fees, while Yahoo Messenger launched by Yahoo, many of the items charged on QQ are provided for free.

Of course, although these are free services, they are quite different from each other.

In the early days of the Internet Expo, burning money is a kind of value, which can produce an illusory eyeball effect. Pursuing a fictional attention economy is a loss of money and yelling! Everyone has to rely on burning money to increase website traffic, and then continue to raise funds from investors, and then continue to expand the scale of website operations, and then continue to raise funds, forming a cycle of expanding financing and expanding refinancing.

After the profit model is no longer a problem, the phenomenon of free resurgence in the Internet industry is fundamentally different from the previous money-burning campaign. It pursues the maximization of profit.

Take the 3721 network pilot program as an example. On the surface, it is indeed a pie-in-the-sky meal. It provides free comprehensive network marketing tools, a full set of products and solutions from network real-name to real-name search, and a complete network of online marketing training from famous schools. Marketing is a full range of services, and is fully invested in support with excellent resources in terms of products, channels, technology, services, funds, talents, and cases. However, in essence, what 3721 is pursuing is the absolute dominance and the right to speak in the field of network marketing, as well as the establishment of network marketing standards. When customers trust and are used to the network marketing model provided by 3721, how much will it bring to 3721 Market opportunities?

And Taobao's free is another way of investment. Due to the late start of domestic e-commerce, the level of online disposable income is very low, and online payment systems are lacking. Therefore, the exemption of transaction fees can lower the threshold and cost of online transactions for netizens and online merchants, is a measure to protect the interests of both parties in online transactions, and reflects the realistic choice of fair competition rules. Data from the Internet Lab shows that among domestic personal trading websites, Taobao's high growth rate is far ahead of other websites. Obviously, what is being exchanged for free is rising popularity.

Therefore, it is the essence of the Internet money-burning movement to give up small money and pursue big profits, and it is the same for now.

As for chasing traffic, the reason is very simple. No one knows you, no one looks at you, listens to you, and you have no influence. Without influence, all the assumptions about profitability will be in the mirror. Therefore, influence determines profitability. The secondary marketing theories or tertiary marketing theories that media people often talk about, such as the premise of selling content to readers and then selling readers to advertisers, are all based on forging influence. Content and performance are the two cornerstones of media.

The Internet exhibition in China has a strong media flavor.

However, from a business perspective, the development of media was not satisfactory. Even though SMS and data value-added services, and even online games were later seized, advertising revenue was a drop in the bucket compared to the money burned for influence. Many websites die at the tipping point of the reversal, stupid and tragic.

However, from a sociological point of view, the development of China’s Internet media is of far-reaching significance, at least with the help of the Internet’s interaction and the characteristics of instant and locality. In terms of speech, we started with gossip and confession, and tasted the pleasure of freedom of speech. . Although in the eyes of Internet elites, online speech has risen to verbal violence, in general, many people have found the value of online existence.

In Fan Wu's view, no matter how complicated the profitability of Internet companies, there are only two ways to collect money, one is user payment, and the other is third-party payment. The traffic monetization model is actually the way to attract advertisers, which is a typical third-party payment model.

In the early stage of the rise of the domestic Internet, the reason why burning money to earn traffic failed. Applying the theoretical analysis of media operations is that the Internet lacks pertinence and purpose in the industry, and information is not disseminated to target users, so secondary marketing becomes *** The chances are small.

And burning money is only a necessary condition for secondary marketing ~lightnovelpub.net~ is not a sufficient condition. If the early Internet operations are equated with media operations, then it is definitely a rather extensive or even unrestrained operation. Low-efficiency lines, compared to website operations, are equivalent to spam traffic. Although the traffic seems to be large, it has no effect in terms of revenue.

Therefore, Fan Wubing needs to do a lot of preparations to prevent his website from entering the operation of this kind of garbage traffic, especially considering how to turn his Fan Investment Group's resources in reality into network resources. , And then change the habits of users through network resources, so that they can become loyal supporters of the overall transformation of their company, and achieve the smooth advancement of secondary marketing.

Generally speaking, it means to take advantage of the existing conditions to cultivate your users into users who are accustomed to using your own network. Once everyone has adapted to the Fan Investment Group’s business model, this habit is difficult to change. Even if I monopolize these people from the Internet, it is far more convenient than investing more advertising expenses to do publicity.

But how to think about it, Fan Wuyao now knows very well that once he enters the threshold of the Internet, he will not be able to burn money without himself. The problem is that when everyone is burning money, Fan Wuyao burns money. To make it much more pleasant than others.

"Don't say anything else, I just have a lot of money!" Fan Wuyao thought so.