
v5 Chapter 578: Meeting with Paul II

Han Tianlu didn't feel sorry for him at all. Fan Wuyao took the big stone from Taishan Town House into two halves. What they lack is hype!

Only when you publicize your resort, more people will come to patronize, and your business will become more prosperous, otherwise, who will pay you when you are idle here?

Today, Fan Wubing made such a big high-five, but he gave him good propaganda materials. From now on, no matter who comes, he will bring people over as long as it is possible, and then point to him. This big stone explained to the other party carefully, "See? This is the memorial left by Mr. Fan Wubing at Ms. Fan Ting’s wedding. Many of us were present at the time. Mr. Fan gave a slap in the face. Going down, this indestructible Taishan stone became like this! At that time, I was wondering if I was deceived by the person who bought the stone and bought the fake or shoddy? But then the experts came to appraise it and said it was indeed. The authentic Taishan stone!"

Tourists usually ask two more questions, "Wow, Fan Wuyi? Isn't that the lay name of Master Hai Deng? How long has your resort been open? How can you invite him to patronize? He should be no longer alive. Right? What the **** is going on!"

In this way, it will naturally arouse everyone's interest, so it is said that it will only attract more people to visit here.

There are many traces in the past, such as what Zhang Sanfeng’s practice is, the place where Master Bodhidharma faces the wall, although there are some less obvious traces, and many people suspect that those things are fake, but now the big ones on Hantian Road Stones are truly authentic things. As for Fan Wubing, President Fan is indeed a young hero, and it is absolutely impossible to use it to bluff people.

The appearance of this thing will inevitably arouse the great enthusiasm of the family for national arts, so that in the later years, several young people from all over the world came here admiringly, and they were infected and infected by this big rock. After the opening, he created the genre of yy novels, which was very popular among netizens.

Although this remark was not shown, many people at the scene were surprised by Fan Wuyi's world-famous god.

Although everyone had been in contact before, they always thought that the rumor was unreliable. I saw it in person today and realized that there really is such a saying that there are martial arts experts in the world.

However, Fan Wuyao also drank a little too much before he went off for a while. Xinglou, after the filming, he regretted a little bit. At this time, many people gradually forgot their threat of force, but he did it again. It's a bit too ostentatious when it comes out.

Anyway, after sending Fan Ting and Han Chu away, I finally had a worry on my side. You can also calm down and carefully consider the next development issue. After all, the pace of the new millennium is getting worse. It's getting closer and closer, and some things need to be laid out in advance to welcome the upcoming Internet wealth feast.

Just a month ago, g1e was established as a private company.

There is no word g1e in English originally. There is the word g1e. The doctoral student Larry Page of Stanford University and his classmate Sergey Brin founded this company in September this year. In the later online world. A well-known company that you don’t know.

At the time, Stanford University students Anderson and Page were sitting in the office, trying to come up with a good name, one that could be related to the massive data index. Anderson mentioned the word "1", which refers to 10 to the power of 100, written in the form of the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, which can be used to represent the massive resources available on the Internet.

Anderson searched the Internet domain name registration database to see if the newly thought-up name was registered and used. But Anderson made a spelling error. He typed the word g1e in the search, and he found that the domain name was available.

However, the newly formed g1e company at this time is only located in a garage in California with four employees. Brin and Page raised one million dollars from family, friends, and investors. At this time, Brin and Page were twenty-four and twenty-five years old.

Fan Wubing has already sent people to California to find this newly formed small company, hoping to get in touch with them and consider injecting capital into it. After all, this is a company that will have a very large influence in the Internet world. Enterprises, and Fan Wuyao also has a very narrow idea, that is, once he talks about the company g1e becoming bigger, I wonder if the US government will suggest that search engine companies pose a threat to the national security of the United States.

Therefore, Fan Wubing’s idea is very firm, only investing, not interfering. At the end of the day, he will consider its value trend. This is not because he has too much money to spend, but if he wants to make money, he must invest. Go to some places where disputes are more likely to occur, and then it will be a good time to rip off, isn't it?

In fact, Fan Wuyao had a very large investment team in the United States at this time, including more than 200 financial experts, who specifically reviewed some emerging small companies that emerged in the Internet economy, and then considered whether to inject capital into them. The list of these companies they studied will be sent to Fan Wuyao as soon as possible, and Fan Wuyao will screen them.

Naturally, those small companies that are destined to become towering trees in the Internet world because of their unique technology, the capital injection of large companies with strong financial strength like Fan Investment Group is like a long drought. , I very much hope to get their capital injection. As for the composition of shares, Fan Investment Group often has a great advantage, but the owners of small companies are pleased that Fan Investment Group’s investment quota is relatively cautious. However, they can meet their own needs. The most important point is that they don't interfere with the company's business affairs, and at most they only care a little about some direction issues.

There is no operator who hopes that investors will give too much pointers to their own affairs, because this is likely to kill an opportunity for the company’s rise. After all, financial experts are not Internet experts. There is a relationship between them and the operators. A lot of places where you can’t communicate.

After Fan Wubing left the resort, he went straight to the place where Pope Paul II was staying, to fulfill his promise and heal his illness.

In fact, Paul II is a good old man. In addition to the serious tendency of being squeezed by Poland by the former Soviet Union before, he is also good. He is very knowledgeable and very elegant, just like a man. A kind scholar.

But this kind of person is often good and stubborn. Although he visited Cuba at the beginning of this year and expressed his opposition to the U.S. long-term blockade of Cuba, he has a tendency to sympathize with this socialist country, but this does not explain this. The old man occupies the opposite of capitalism.

When Fan Wu came over, Paul II’s Swiss Guard lined up to meet each other in a small line. It is probably that they were instructed by Paul II to know the status of this young man in China and around the world. Be polite.

In the words of Paul II, all lands under the radiance of God have his spokespersons, or they have not yet put themselves in the arms of God, but as long as they persist in influencing them, they will wait until this day.

Of course, this is also because of the openness of modern society. The theocratic era is gone forever, so the church will have this kind of gentle attitude. If it was in the past, it is estimated that as a person like the pope, when he met a heretic or someone who had no faith at all, he would probably raise his chin and make a gesture to the chief referee of the Inquisition nearby. Signal.

Then the chief referee will arrange his men, "Put that heresy into the fire, and let the fire cleanse his sins!"

They have never done this kind of thing less in history, more than talking about Galileo. Isn't it just because they opposed the geocentric theory and were burned to death by them? There are really many scientists who were tied to the stake and burned to death in history.

Fan Wuyao was greeted by the Swiss Guard and came to the place where Paul II was staying. At this time, two cardinals in red were chatting with Paul II because they spoke Latin or Italian. So Fan Wubing didn't understand at all.

A cardinal asked Paul II~lightnovelpub.net~ His Majesty the Pope, do you really believe this Chinese boy? "

Paul II touched his robe and said to him, "I think I have received the Lord’s revelation and that’s why I came to this ancient eastern country. This is a mysterious country with many amazing things. Miracle."

After Fan Wubing came in, he smiled and asked, "Your Majesty, can you speak English? Of course, it is better to speak Chinese."

Paul II smiled and opened his arms and said in English, "My boy, although I can speak the Eleventh language, but I lack a Chinese teacher, so I don’t know how to speak your Mandarin. This is really a pity. Things, in fact, when I was a journalist, I was very interested in Chinese culture."

Fan Wubing also said enthusiastically, "The treatment process will take about a week. If your Majesty is interested, you can visit various places. I believe there are many places that will arouse your excitement."

A cardinal interrupted, "Compared with traveling, we are more concerned about the health of His Majesty the Pope."

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "This, you can start treatment anytime."