
v5 Chapter 579: Magical difference

It should be said that although people in religious circles like Paul II pay more attention to rituals, they still follow the frankness of Westerners in handling many things, and everything is relatively concise.

When Fan Wubing said that he could start treating Paul II at any time, the two cardinals and Paul II briefly discussed a few sentences, and then agreed.

"Well, Mr. Fan, shall we start now?" A cardinal said solemnly to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "Of course you can, please choose a more comfortable posture, because when I explore my illness, I probably need you to relax. This process should take about a quarter of an hour."

Fan Wuyi’s treatment was naturally still a golden needle with both hands prepared. Besides, he didn’t need any auxiliary equipment. So when he said this, both Paul II and the two cardinals were a little surprised, so they asked. , "Do you need some other medical equipment?"

When he was abroad, Paul II did not see the advanced Western medical equipment, such as large-scale CT, MRI, and some expensive equipment only for high-class people. Naturally, These are all enshrined by the believers of Paul II, and he will not be charged an extra penny. Even so, some problems cannot be solved.

For example, the recent Parkinson’s disease of Paul II. Doctors feel helpless. This disease is generally known as the most common disease for smart people. Many politicians will have this disease in their later years. This kind of disease, and there is no effective treatment for this disease so far, only relying on medicine to relieve the pain.

Because he helped the elder to treat this disease, Fan Wubing is no stranger to the time.

Parkinson's disease, also known as paralysis agitans, is a degenerative neurological disease that is common in middle-aged and elderly people, mostly after 60 years of age. The main manifestations are slow movements of the patient, tremors of the hands, feet or other parts of the body, and the body loses its flexibility and becomes rigid. The first systematic description of the disease was by British physician James Parkinson. At that time, it was not known what type of disease the disease should be classified into, calling the disease tremor paralysis.

In the early stage of this disease, due to the rigidity of the upper arm muscles and finger muscles, the patient’s upper limbs are often unable to perform fine movements, such as untying shoelaces and buttoning buttons, and other movements become much slower than before, or cannot be completed smoothly at all. Writing gradually becomes difficult, the handwriting is curved, and the writing becomes smaller, which is called lowercase in medicine.

Because of the reduction in facial muscle movement, the patient seldom blinks, and the eyes and turning are also reduced, and the expression is dull, as if wearing a mask, which is medically called a mask face.

It is difficult to get started when walking. Once you start a step, your body leans forward, your center of gravity shifts forward, the step is small and faster, and you cannot stop in time, which is the so-called panic gait. During the journey, the coordinated swing of the upper limb on the affected side was reduced or even disappeared, and it was difficult to turn around. It took a few consecutive small steps to turn around.

Because of the dyskinesia of the muscles of the mouth, tongue, jaw and pharynx, the patient cannot swallow saliva naturally, resulting in a large amount of salivation. The speech is reduced, and the voice is low and monotonous. In severe cases, it can cause coughing when eating and drinking. In the late stage of the disease, the patient cannot stand on his own after sitting down, and cannot turn over on his own after lying in bed until he cannot take care of himself in daily life.

The clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease are similar to the descriptions of "tremor", "tremor", "vibration", "inner wind", and "spasm" in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Su Wen. Zhi Zhen Yao Da Lun" "All wind dizziness, all belong to the liver," is an early understanding of the disease. Among them, "drop" means "tremor". And the "Fahrenheit Zhongzang Sutra. On the Thirty-seventh" says, "Walking in a hurry, evil injures the liver, and the liver loses its qi, and it makes people nervous and unable to relax." The so-called walking and rushing. , Can not be relieved, just like the flustered gait of Parkinson's disease.

The Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao’s "Prescriptions for Emergency Thousands of Gold" records that "Golden Tooth Wine" treats diseases such as "the accumulation of eight winds and five convulsions, cicada dragging, not turning sides, walking lame, unable to take" and other diseases. The characteristics are very similar to the slowness of movement and gait disorder that appear in Parkinson's disease.

Sun Yikui is particularly outstanding. He named the disease with tremor as the main clinical manifestation as tremor syndrome for the second time in "The Chishui Profound Pearl", emphasizing that tremor cannot be controlled arbitrarily, and pointed out that "people with tremors, people who are sick, shake their hands and feet, like shaking. , The muscles and veins cannot be restrained, and they can’t be maintained, the wind is also.” There are also scientific judgments on the age and prognosis of tremor. Too much, the husband’s old age lacks yin and blood, and little water can’t control kidney fire, which is extremely difficult to treat."

Wang Kentang’s "The Criterion of Syndrome and Treatment" summarized a set of prescriptions for treating tremor according to individual treatment, and the representative prescription is Dingzhen Pills for treating deficiency and tremor of the elderly.

In the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Lu’s "Zhang Shi Yitong" system summed up the experience of the predecessors, combined with personal clinical practice, pointed out that this syndrome is mainly caused by wind, fire, phlegm, and deficiency. At the same time, the corresponding pulse condition of the tremor syndrome was analyzed. Discuss in detail. Emphasize that deficiency of qi and blood is an important cause of tremor syndrome, and created a method of invigorating qi and blood to treat tremor syndrome, pointing out that "it is necessary to invigorate qi and blood, ginseng Yangrong decoction or flavored ginseng Yangrong decoction is the main one." This method is still in use today, It is still one of the effective methods for TCM treatment of tremor syndrome.

Fan Wuyi's treatment of this disease naturally has his own set of methods. Golden needles are necessary to probe and find the cause, and his true qi is the best weapon. It can deeply explore the patient's internal condition and sum up the circulation of qi and blood. The crux of the problem is then treated due to the symptoms to solve the problem.

Therefore, when the other party asked him what other medical equipment he needed, Fan Wubing took out the red sandalwood needle box from his side and said to everyone, "Well, no other things are needed. This is enough. ."

Speaking of Fan Wubing, he drew a two-foot-long gold needle from it and shook it in front of everyone's eyes.

He pulled out this thing, and several foreigners were surprised. A cardinal guarded Paul II and asked a little nervously, "What is this? It looks very heretical. what!"

Fan Wubing laughed and said, "This is not a heresy, it is gold, a very special kind of gold, you can touch it if you don't believe it."

The cardinal blushed. He felt that he was a bit uncomfortable just now, and he lost face, but fortunately, there is no one else except His Majesty the Pope and another cardinal. It is estimated that everyone will not laugh at themselves. This, so I asked curiously, "What is this for?"

Fan Wubing replied, "This is called a golden needle, and it is used to pierce the patient's body to detect and treat the condition."

"Lord, can this kind of thing heal?" the cardinal asked suspiciously.

However, Paul II was very knowledgeable, and he paid attention to the golden needle when he heard the words, frowned and said, "I have heard of traditional Chinese medicine. Silver needles can be used to penetrate certain parts of the human body and then act. The effect of treatment, although I don’t understand the so-called meridian theory and your Yin-Yang and Five Elements theory, and have not found a more scientific explanation, but it is said that the effect is good. Even in Rome, there are Chinese doctors who do this. Is this golden needle? Does it have the same *** effect?"

Fan Wubing nodded and said to Paul II, "Your Majesty is right. This is the kind of thing. However, the golden needle is far better than the silver needle, but it is difficult for ordinary people to clinically use this."

"Why then?" Paul II asked curiously.

Paul II was an erudite person. No matter where he went, he was always interested in everything. At this time, he encountered the most mysterious things in Chinese medicine. He was naturally very interested in it. It is inevitable to ask questions. .

Fan Wuyao replied, "Gold is soft. Gold needles made from it are naturally very poor in hardness. It is more difficult for this kind of thing to penetrate the human body. It is necessary to use our unique Chinese internal medicine. Qi is used as an aid to achieve the healing effect, and this kind of internal zhenqi is now rarely used by people."

After listening to Fan Wuyi’s explanation, Paul II and others nodded and said, “Oh, that’s it. Even within our Vatican, there are many secret skills that have been lost, so the Vatican has declined until now.”

The Vatican means the place of the prophets in Latin and was originally the center of the Papal State in the Middle Ages. Beginning in the fourth century AD, the bishop of Rome took advantage of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to seize the land. In the sixth century, he obtained the actual rule of Rome and was called the Pope.

As early as the fourth century AD, Pope Constantine built the Constantine Basilica to commemorate the martyrdom of Jesus' disciple Saint Peter in the northwest corner of Rome. Later, the Constantine Cathedral was converted into the current St. Peter's Cathedral and became the most grand ceremony place of the Catholic Church.

In 765 AD, the Frankish King Pepin gave the city of Rome and its surrounding area to the Pope. In the history of the church, it was called Pepin’s land. Later, it became the center of the church and political life in Western Europe. Rome was established in Italy. It is the capital of the Papal State, with a territorial area of ​​over 40,000 square kilometers.

In 1870, a people's uprising against the Pope's regime broke out in Rome. The King of Italy entered Rome, and Italy was reunified. The power of the Pope was deprived and forced to retreat to the Vatican in the northwest corner of Rome.

In 1929, the Italian government of Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XI. Italy recognized the Vatican as a sovereign state, and its sovereignty belongs to the Pope. The full name of the country is the Vatican City State.

According to historical records, the reason why the Vatican was able to occupy a large area of ​​Rome and possess countless believers in the past was because the pope held several secret weapons handed down from previous generations, the legendary magical holy grail, and other special secret skills. Convinced by the believers.

But later, due to some changes within the church, some things were lost, and the pope's rulership was also weakened, or the power of faith was weakened.

Fan Wubing shook his head, and then asked Paul II to lie on the bed, and he was about to pierce his golden needle into his sea of ​​Qi, to test the operation of Zhen Qi, and then he began to diagnose and treat.

Who knew that when the gold needle had just pierced the skin a little bit, there was a violent reaction from the gold needle. A milky white light came from the whole gold needle, like the light from the sun just before dawn.

Fan Wubing was taken aback, and asked what kind of moth did he encounter? !

"Holy Light Guard!" the two cardinals who were observing nearby yelled in unison.

Although it feels a bit wicked, Fan Wubing’s Golden Needle still did not leave. He tentatively tried to send his true qi in a little bit. As a result, he encountered fierce resistance this time. This milky white halo seemed to be In general confrontation with himself, he has a very strong hostile attitude.

Under this kind of interference, Fan Wubing was naturally unable to treat Paul II, so he stopped a little annoyed, and then said to Paul II, "Your Majesty, these white lights bother me very much. It’s impossible to diagnose and treat you like this."

Paul II was also a little skeptical about his reaction, but he was the pope after all. He knew some of his own things better. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Oh, probably because I wore a robe and a bronze triple crown. Because of being around, these artifacts have been supplemented by the practice of the popes of the past generations, and naturally produced a protective response."

Then Paul II took off his robe, and gave the bronze triple crown to the cardinal for safekeeping. At this time, when Fan Wuyi started his hand again, he felt that there was no special reaction. The true energy drove straight into Paul. II's body.

However, through this diagnosis and treatment, Fan Wubing also found a problem, that is, the physical function of foreigners is really a bit different from the Chinese. If only from the meridian ~lightnovelpub.net~ there is also a big difference. Yes, the meridians of the Chinese are complex and changeable, with many branches, some of which are not even found on the map.

As for the meridians of foreigners, they are relatively simple. In the body of Paul II, he only showed a few of the thickest meridians, which are very simple, but obviously they are much thicker, and in these meridians, he also has similar patterns. Because of his strange existence of innocence, it felt the same as the milky white halo they had called the holy light they had encountered before.

However, it is gratifying that these milky white halos that existed in Paul II's body did not produce hostile or confrontational reactions like the things encountered before, but let Fan Wuyi's true energy swept away. Yes, check the body of Paul II.

Although Paul II’s physical condition is not very good, the condition of Parkinson’s disease is relatively mild. Although it is said that if there is no timely diagnosis and treatment, the condition will become more and more serious, but Fan Wubing has figured out the cause of the disease, and it will naturally be cured. More, it seems that a week is enough.

After the diagnosis and treatment, Fan Wubing couldn't help but ask Paul II, "Your Majesty, I am inside your body, and there is that kind of milky white halo."

Paul II smiled slightly, "Oh, child, that is the gift of the Lord, the Holy Light."