
v5 Chapter 604: Singles' Day Love Song

It was only overnight that the direction of the real estate industry in the capital changed drastically. Those who originally supported Huo Tiancheng seemed to vaguely realized that whether it was Fan Wuyi’s entry into the capital real estate industry or Boss Zhu who wanted to launch a proposal within a limited time, it was all on his own. These manpowers were born suddenly after Huo Tiancheng, and they were born so closely, it is impossible to say that there is no relationship among them.

So smart people came to understand that this is a double oppressive tactic played by Fan Wubing and Boss Zhu, which is to make people in the real estate industry in Beijing understand the situation and know what to do and what not to do.

Since this is the case, everyone has reached a consensus. If Huo Tiancheng cannot be guaranteed, then protect yourself. Early the next morning, at a gathering in the real estate industry in Beijing, everyone started to talk about the case of Huo Tiancheng. The facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive. The three Huo Tiancheng brothers can be said to have failed the training of the party and the people. The crimes are obvious and the laws of nature are unbearable. They have corrupted the atmosphere of the real estate industry in the capital and taught the children. They are simply a scum and a scum. One, it really should be severely punished in order to serve as an example.

However, everyone also said that the time-limited policy should be implemented after proper consideration. After all, the financial strength of various industries and businesses is relatively weak. Sometimes it is inevitable that the capital chain will not work well, and the government should also Taking into account the actual problems, it is not too late to delay the introduction of this policy appropriately, and it is not too late to consider it when the time is right.

As for the rumors of the Fan Investment Group’s executives entering the real estate industry in Beijing, everyone also expressed a cautious welcome, but they also said that for businesses of all sizes, a unified market access standard should be established. It is necessary to ensure that the company has the ability to develop real estate before it can obtain market access qualifications. Otherwise, it will only be based on the amount of money, which may bring a lot of drawbacks to the real estate industry. Some things are not because of the money. It can be done.

Building a house is not more than lavish, it is necessary to build a house suitable for the domestic people to live in, and you have to rely on everyone's collective efforts.

All in all, I hope to give up Huo Tian Cheng to obtain the understanding of Boss Zhu and Fan Wuyi.

Sure enough, at a news conference meeting with foreign journalists in the morning, someone asked whether the rumors about the limited-time opening of real estate were true. The spokesperson of Boss Zhu’s office made it clear that this fashion is under consideration and before the proposal , I will definitely listen to the opinions of the representatives of the real estate industry in Beijing, and make a final decision after weighing the pros and cons. It is still too early to talk about it now.

Fan Wubing also showed up at his alma mater Fudan University in the afternoon very cooperatively, but this time he was preparing to participate in an event organized by the school’s student union. When his younger brother and sister asked Fan’s investment group to invest 20 billion When entering the real estate market in Beijing, Fan Wubing said, “At present, there are many projects suitable for development in China, and it is not the only option to enter the real estate industry. For example, the Fan Investment Group is very interested in high-tech projects. As for investing in the real estate industry, it’s not just a fuss, but now it’s not just the focus of the company."

"Then what kind of talents does Fan Investment Group need now? We are also very interested in Fan." Those who are not schoolmates asked Fan Wubing, who had finally met.

"As far as the business of Fan's companies is concerned, they need a lot of talents, but I also want to remind you that our company has relatively high requirements for hands-on ability, so I hope you are interested in joining. Fans in the ranks of friends, in addition to learning the theoretical knowledge of the profession, they should also pay more attention to the cultivation of practical ability to become the most needed talents for the company. For talents, we have always spared no expense in remuneration." Fan Wuyao smiled to everyone Said.

It was from the Student Union. Several cadres finally invited Fan Wuyi, "Today is November 11, the legendary Singles Day. Are the seniors also interested in participating in the activities organized by the Student Union? The evening will be more lively."

When it comes to the origin of Singles’ Day, there are still several theories. The most widely spread one is that there are four men, of course all bachelors, that is, no wife, no girlfriend, no lover, and no so-and-so partner. Kind. They got together to play mahjong from 11 am to 11 pm.

Winning or losing is of secondary importance. The strange thing is that in the process of rubbing the hemp, no matter who is playing cards, self-drawing or firing a shot, it is always a tie. So from beginning to end, there are four, four, four. In the end, people who lost a lot of money became popular, and they slapped the table and said, four of four, four of what? The other three said, four is four, and four is nothing.

What are the four? This is not a problem at first. In the mahjong tiles, four are four, and there is no such thing as four. However, after playing mahjong, they went to the shower together, took off their clothes and pants, and the answer came out quickly. The person who lost the money was very excited and cheered while flushing. I know what the four are, and I know what the four are!

Later, in order to commemorate the four bachelors, they finally knew what the four were and set this day as Singles' Day. By coincidence, this day happened to be November 11th. On the calendar, it was just right, no more, no less, that is, four.

However, Singles’ Day is not very popular now. In the universities in Nanjing, it was the first to become popular as a kind of campus fun culture. Now Shanghai is also starting to follow suit. With the domestic Internet exhibition, this year’s Singles’ Day It seems to be particularly grand, and many bachelors on the forums are planning their own celebrations to commemorate this special folk festival.

Fan Wubing originally wanted to refuse. He wasn't a bachelor, but when he saw the eager eyes of the younger brothers and sisters, his heart softened. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Okay, you can bring Will friends come together?"

"Of course, the more people there are, the more lively it is." The Minister of Culture and Sports of the Student Union is a slender girl, a little taller than Fan Wuyi, and immediately welcomed her with pleasure.

In fact, it is a great success to be able to invite Fan Wubing. If his friends join, it will only enhance the evening activities, because Fan Wubing’s friends, how could it be bad?

Sure enough, Fan Wubing did not disappoint the younger brothers and sisters. In the evening, at an event held on campus, he not only sent sponsors, but also brought dozens of cars, and waited until the people in the cars got down. After that, there was a very enthusiastic cheer among the students.

Many big-name singers from the New Ideas Entertainment Company under Fan Investment Group, as well as many cooperating singers who are participating in "The Same Song" here, appeared on the campus of Fudan University. It can be said that the stars are brilliant tonight. It's time for a big song party.

After returning to Shanghai, Fan Wuyi saw the girls who were close to him all the time, but it was a bit regretful. As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, they don’t bite. It's not appropriate for anyone to be too close.

"No wonder Hua Tsai's marriage is kept secret. I'm like this, I'm afraid that it will fall into their hearts. It's even more difficult to be a public figure." Fan Wubing smiled bitterly and shook his head, watching all the students behave. The singers who performed on stage cheered and shouted.

Chen Jingchu and Chen Bisong’s arrangement is relatively tight. As important singers of the company, the two people have been doing business and performing continuously. After singing two songs, they said a few words to Fan Wubian, and then left in a hurry, while Zi Qi stayed. Come down and talk here with Fan Wuyi.

After a while, the Minister of Culture and Sports from the Student Union ran over and took Zi Qi's hand to ask her to sing a song with Fan Wuyao. Zi Qi looked at Fan Wuyao, not knowing whether he agreed.

Fan Wubing thought for a while, considering that he was too close to Ziqi on this occasion, which might have a lot of negative effects on her, so he said, "Today is Singles Day, singing for two people Love songs, I’m afraid it’s a bit inappropriate. If you have boyfriend and girlfriend friends, you will inevitably make the lonely people jealous. So, let me sing a single love song!"

"Single love song?!" Everyone was very surprised and had never heard of this song.

The single love song was launched in 1999, and its singer Lin Zhixuan also entered the ny company's first-line singer list, becoming one of the most popular singers of the year, which shows how influential this song is.

As soon as the band sent by the company heard that Mr. Fan was going to sing with great ambitions, he was immediately excited, and saw that Fan Wubing wrote a numbered musical notation and gave it to the band. Then they practiced and prepared to use it right away. .

That is, after five minutes, everyone has spoken the tune twice, and they all think it is relatively simple. The band of the New Ideas Entertainment Company can be regarded as a first-class band at this time. Everyone's improvisation ability is very strong, not to mention Fan. No disease also provides a numbered musical notation.

After the drummers banged the drum tightly on the stage for a while, the scene fell silent, and then saw Fan Wubing wearing a casual jacket, opening the front placket casually, and hugging himself. I tried an electric guitar, and then sat half-leaning on a rounded steel chair and played the first note.

"I can't catch love

Always watch it slip away

There are happy people everywhere in the world

Why can't you count me

Fight for love alone

I've had enough of love long ago

There are people who are lost in love everywhere

And i'm just one of them

Love has to be more frustrated and courageous

Love must be affirmative and persistent

Every single person has to see through

Don't be afraid of hurt if you want to love

Find a dear one who loves most and wants to love

Come to say goodbye to singles

An amorous, infatuated, unsympathetic, ruthless person

Come give me scars

So many lonely people

Not many happy

Don’t love me, miss me, I’m single

Sing a love song alone—"

After Fan Wubing repeated the song twice ~lightnovelpub.net~, the students underneath could sing along. Obviously, this song is very lethal to the students, most of them are still dimly single. Under the influence of Fan Wubing's song, the men and women in the state have entered a state of madness.

"Although Lao Tzu is plagiarism, he also has the potential to become a big hit." Fan Wuyao thought inwardly.