
v5 Chapter 605: Subdivided automobile manufacturing

On December 9th, the day to commemorate the December 9th Movement, Fan Wubing participated in a student singing contest organized by the school at Fudan University. Basically, he participated in this year’s freshmen, as an influential person. Master student, Fan Wubing is the audience sitting below.

However, he was not too eye-catching. He was just sitting with the leaders of the International Trade Department, and he also covered his face with a pair of large sunglasses, and wore a more personalized black thin leather hat. It is also a dark stand-up collar student outfit produced by Versace, which looks very energetic.

Singing competitions to commemorate the December 9th Movement are basically held on campus every year. This is also a form of commemorating the student movement. However, with the exhibition of economic system reforms in the past few years, it seems that students have The interest is not very big, it's like walking through the scene.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but shook his head after watching the performance. He thought that because of the North China Incident, the Japanese invaders were riding west. The students of Peking, who were at the forefront of national defense, felt deeply that the size of North China could no longer be placed in peace. The desk was gone, so the December 9th Student Movement broke out, opening the prelude to student salvation. But now because of the economic system reform, people's hearts are floating, and everyone is working hard to open up channels for making money. The country is so big that it is impossible to find a quiet campus.

Just on the Fudan campus, not to mention masters and doctoral students like them, even many undergraduates have started entrepreneurial activities of various scales, from small to selling game CDs and selling daily necessities, to partnering with friends. Starting a company outside, half of the students in the entire school are involved in business activities.

Seeing that Fan Wubing seemed to have something, the dean of the department sighed with a low consciousness, so he asked him what he was thinking of again.

Fan Wubing said what he had just thought of, and then said, "Driven by money, many scholars have difficulty calming down and learning, let alone students?"

"This is no way, after all. Now the values ​​have changed. I used to fear that my family had a lot of money, but now I can’t wait to move all the money to my own home. The students start their own businesses on campus, but it’s actually nothing. Too bad things, at least before entering the society, there is a certain degree of adaptability, and the quality of our school graduates can be improved accordingly." The dean of the department replied after hearing the words.

"That's what I said, but in fact, the negative impact is much greater than the positive impact." Fan Wuyi didn't agree very much.

At this stage, because of the popularity of Internet stocks and the boom in the new economy in the United States, billionaires on the Nasdaq are emerging almost every day. I see entrepreneurs with student backgrounds succeed in achieving this. My own dream, becoming rich overnight, achieving fame and gaining both fame and fortune, is an individual will have the idea that others can do it, why I can’t do it.

In addition, the domestic economy has also been affected by the Southeast Asian financial crisis. The impact is more serious, the employment environment continues to deteriorate, and the employment situation for university graduates is still relatively severe. Therefore, the voice of self-employment is still very high, especially in the coastal areas. Quite a few people have started their own companies by starting their own businesses, especially in the domestic Internet market. Most companies are set up by returnees and students.

Under such circumstances, it is often that everyone meets a college student and always asks what major do you study? If I hear that the other party is majoring in computer science or a related major, I will immediately ask, "Do you know how to make software?" Why not start a website? Look at Bill Gates, he went out to set up a company without graduating from university, and now he has become rich in the world.

Whenever he encounters this situation, Fan Wubing not only smiles bitterly, the world is so big that there is only one Bill Gates, and he was indeed talented at that time, and he seized the opportunity. Now I want to follow other people's model to make money, but it is twenty years late.

And most people have heard about the concept of a website. It seems that a single person can build a website, go public, collect money, and then become a billionaire. This idea is really ignorant, but it is It also makes people feel that the talents meet the soldiers, and it is unreasonable to explain it to them. It is a waste of time for you to explain to them.

But this kind of thinking has really misled a large number of people. Although it is true that a small number of people are lucky enough to make money, there are not many people who really obtain wealth through knowledge. Most of them want to become Zhibenjia with longing. In the end, all the young people were battered and bruised, making them cheap labor.

The media is sometimes more harmful, and the experts sometimes deliberately harm others. They use incomplete examples to consciously influence others, and ultimately achieve their own ulterior goals. Ideas are difficult for ordinary people to understand, and they never thought they would be like this.

In fact, for students, if it weren’t for a very rare opportunity, it would be no good to leave school prematurely. After all, the domestic environment is different from abroad. In this environment where material resources are lacking and human resources are surplus, knowledge is indeed It is valuable, but incomplete knowledge or relatively low-end knowledge is worthless.

Fan Wubing thought of this problem, and felt that the domestic education system was really devastating and tireless, and there was no reason at all.

However, at the same time, the results of the trial of Huo Tiancheng’s three brothers in the capital have also come down. Due to the fact that a large number of drug trafficking plots have been revealed before, and the murder incidents have also been proved by a large number of facts, Huo Tiancheng is paired. The crime was confessed, and the Beijing District Court sentenced Huo Tiancheng to death.

On the day of December 29, I went to the Eastern Suburbs Shooting Range, but did not execute the shooting, but used a more humane method of death by poison injection, which left a relatively complete body.

The Huo Tiancheng case has caused quite a stir in China, especially among the large number of people who got rich first everywhere, there are indeed many criminals who trample on the law for wrongdoing. After this incident, most people are Suddenly he wakes up and understands that the country is not a foreign country. Money may not be able to solve all problems. Rumors that Huo Tiancheng is willing to spend 10 billion to buy his life have also begun to circulate in the wealthy business circles inside and outside the capital.

Most people began to warn their children, don't cause trouble when you are okay, the three Huo Tiancheng brothers are a lesson for the past, especially one thing to pay attention to is not to provoke Fan Wuyi, this guy is really terrible.

Fan Wubing himself didn't feel that he was such an abominable person who hated ghosts with the blue-faced fangs. He always felt that it was trouble to find him, and he made trouble for them by post-control.

In any case, the demise of the Huo family in the capital has officially set off a battle for the re-partition of the capital real estate industry. Everyone is coveting the huge real estate resources left behind after Huo Tiancheng’s death. If they would enter the capital real estate industry to compete with them for the cake, then after Fan Wuyi's remarks that he had no intention of entering the Beijing Exhibition within a short time, everyone would be brazen about competing for the real estate resources left by Huo Tiancheng.

Fan Wubing doesn't have much interest to pay attention to this kind of conflict of interests. He now concentrates his energy on his own automobile manufacturing industry, and will work with Wuzhi Xiaoji to study the research direction in the next few years.

"After the family car exhibition reaches a certain level, there will be two exhibition directions." Wuzhi Xiaoji said to Fan Wuyao, "One is to make cheaper cars to occupy the market and win by quantity, and the other This is to gain world recognition by continuously improving the quality and building top-class cars, and win through huge profits."

Fan Wubing shook his head and denied, "This statement is correct to a certain extent, but we still have to see that the mid-level car market is the most profitable piece. The most profitable part is through limited resources, and the mid-level car market is the most profitable. Appropriate choice, so our company’s main models should still focus on mid-level models. But in addition, multi-purpose and multi-functional city service vehicles should also be a direction worthy of our attention."

"What exactly does the city service vehicle mean?" Wu Zhi Xiaoji asked.

The city service vehicles that Fan Wubing refers to include more items. Mainly speaking, it refers to the comprehensiveness of multi-functional city service capabilities such as sprinklers and cleaning vehicles, as well as some line drawing vehicles or garbage dumping lights. vehicle.

Although there are not many of these vehicles in China, with the gradual improvement of the domestic economy, environmental issues will attract more and more attention from government departments, and the appearance of the city will also become an important indicator that affects the image of the local government and leadership performance. To improve the appearance of the city, investment in automated equipment is inevitable, so this type of vehicle has a large market.

"This kind of thing, there are ready-made examples to learn from, there are many foreign countries!" Wu Zhi Xiaoji said.

"Of course there are many abroad, but the price remains high." Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "China is a big country with thousands of cities. There is also a lot of demand for these vehicles, especially the design of this vehicle. Production is a bit more complicated, and ordinary car manufacturers cannot produce very perfect models. This is an opportunity for us."

In fact, Fan Wubing is very clear in his heart that this kind of vehicle does not have very high requirements for the car itself. The key issue is the design and production capacity of the additional function part, which requires the manufacturer to have a certain design ability and urban service function. With a comprehensive understanding of Panshi, he can adapt to this job at Panshi Heavy Industries.

There are not only heavy industry foundations, but also two large research institutes. There are hundreds of experts familiar with heavy industry design and production, as well as tens of thousands of skilled workers who have already exhibited to realize independent design in this area. , Is absolutely sure.

Moreover, Fan Wubing has no doubt about the ingenuity of the Chinese. As long as he is willing to do one thing in his heart, he will definitely be able to do it well. The cost of producing these vehicles domestically is of course much lower, and no one can compete with themselves in this respect.

"In fact, we have a heavy industry foundation. It is also very convenient to produce some cement trucks and cement pump trucks. This kind of thing is indispensable in the future construction." Wuzhi Xiaoji thought of this and went to Fan Wu. Said the disease.

Fan Wubing nodded, deeply agreeing.

With the development of the construction industry, the prefabricated board technology that has been used extensively before has been gradually eliminated. Even in the construction of houses in the country, the cement-in-place technology is used, so the use of cement will be more and more. But many people inevitably use mixers when building houses. This rumbling sound is really annoying to the people, so it has replaced cement mixers and cement pump trucks.

With these vehicles, the cement pulled out of the cement truck can be mixed during the trip, and then pulled directly to the place of use for irrigation, which is convenient, avoids disturbing the people, and reduces secondary pollution for the urban environment.

The number of such vehicles will also be very large, and they will have a wide range of uses. Therefore, Wuzhi Xiaoji proposed to produce this type of vehicle, which is very much in line with Fan Wuyao's intentions.

When two people talked about the rise, they couldn’t help but call the directors of the relevant departments to analyze the feasibility of these ideas together and see how long it would take to realize it. Then, time flies faster. ~lightnovelpub.net~ When Fan Wubing felt hungry, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

"Hehe, I actually talked about it so late today. Don't leave, everyone. I'll take the dinner for the evening." Fan Wuyao naturally wants to take care of the dinner. He hasn't stayed at the headquarters here in Shanghai for a long time. , This time I stayed for a while and I haven't invited everyone to dinner. Today is just an opportunity.

Everyone is naturally very happy. The boss invites you to eat. Of course, it will not be a meal. At least it is going to a five-star hotel. Finally, the number of people is determined. There are more than 50 senior managers who work overtime, so everyone still opens. They drove to the New Jinjiang Hotel to meet each other, and then drove several rooms together for dinner.

After the food and drinks came, Fan Wuyao went around from room to room, and then returned to the original room. He joined the real executives of the Fan Investment Group such as Wuzhi Xiaoji and Davis. Talking and laughing while eating and drinking.

When I was half drinking, there was a call, but it was Ding Luochuan, the general manager of the Shenzhen branch.

"Boss, Song Yuanping wants to see you." Ding Luochuan said to Fan Wuyao on the phone.