
v5 Chapter 609: reason

Even Song Yuanping was accustomed to large-scale operations in the stock market in the unit of 100 million yuan, but when he saw that he could receive so much salary under his name and there was a fixed ratio dividend plan, he couldn't help taking a breath.

At present, the concept of professional managers has not been fully hyped up in China, but everyone in the circle knows something. Fan Investment Group is basically a professional manager system. Many executives are dug from American companies, except In addition to some people who hold shares that can be called the boss, it is these professional managers in Fan's Investment Group who can obtain part of the company's equity incentives.

A principle that Fan Investment Group has adhered to for so many years is to rely on its own funds to develop and not seek capital listing. Therefore, although many forces covet the Fan Investment Group, they have no way to enter. It can be seen that Fan's Investment Group becomes stronger and stronger under Fan Wuyao's hand, becoming a capital behemoth that dominates all over the world.

After the industrial part of the Fan Investment Group returned to the domestic exhibition, it has basically been invincible. The various entities in the Mainland that are on the road to rapid development can bring steady growth to the Fan Investment Group. While overseas financial capital can support Fan Investment Group’s continued expansion in the financial sector at any time, it will provide a steady stream of blood for the development of mainland entities.

The mutual support of the two has formed a perfect Taiji diagram, and Fan Wubing himself is the sole owner of this Taiji diagram. The successful model of Fan's Investment Group is the combination of the group's private ownership and the management team of professional managers, which is also in line with the centralized system.

Professional managers are responsible for formulating the development plan, and the boss Fan Wuyi makes the final decision. It is efficient and comprehensive. This is also the key to the success of Fan's Investment Group.

Although Fan Wubing is a reborn figure, this does not mean that he is familiar with the situation and development modes of various industries, but he has a forward vision and accurate grasp of historical trends, so when professional managers provide him with a variety of When managing a plan or developing a plan, Fan Wubing was able to immediately point out the successes and shortcomings in it, and seek a better way to develop.

The condition that Fan Wubing prescribed to Song Yuanping was an annual salary of 100 million yuan plus a 1% dividend.

Song Yuanping stared at the file for a long time, and then he was bitter. He smiled and asked Fan Wubing, "Mr. Fan, isn't this kidding me? Even if he is known as a working queen, he became a Microsoft Greater China. Wu Shihong from the district can't make so much money, right? Are you sure this is for me?"

The annual salary of 100 million yuan really shocked Song Yuanping. But what he wants to know is another thing, how much money can he control?

At present, in China, in addition to Fan Investment Group, there are also some professional managers, but their salaries are much lower. In the case of Wu Shihong, who is known as the working queen in China, it is only a few million in annual salary income.

At this time, Wu Shihong, although he has not joined the L Group and obtained 10 million stock options to cash out his professional life, but has become a netbsp of Microsoft Greater China; she was just an ordinary medical staff. , Started as a medical staff, self-study passed the higher education self-study English test, and entered the IBm company. From the blue-collar rigorous examination to the professional team, he has served as the key account sales representative, sales manager, and IBm South China regional market manager. In 1995, he served as the general manager of IBm South China branch, and he began to attract the attention of the industry.

That is, in February of this year, Wu Shihong left IBm for twelve years. He was hired by the general manager of IBm China's distribution channels and was hired by Microsoft Greater China, and he reached a peak of professional managers.

The domestic media are naturally very concerned about the fact that an under-looking woman can take up the position of a big international company like Microsoft, and the halo on her head is also particularly dazzling.

However, compared with the professional managers of Fan's Investment Group, it is quite different. Under Fan's hand, the senior executives received a salary of more than 100 million yuan in a year, at least dozens of individuals.

"This salary standard is nothing in Fan's internal." Fan Wuyao waved his hand. "High salary is not a problem. The only problem is to place talents in positions suitable for their development in order to win for the company. The best interest. I personally think that you are a candidate who can adapt to Fan's work, and it is worth spending some money."

Song Yuanping thought to himself, you personally think, Khan, your personal opinion can influence the entire Fan Investment Group! That being said, are you quite optimistic about me? Although he also felt that he was an individual talent, he did not expect that Fan Wubing would be so blue-eyed to him and would actually invite him to join him at such a high price.

"What conditions do I have for President Fan to solicit such conditions?" Song Yuanping asked with some doubts.

"What are your conditions, um, let me think about it--" Fan Wubing patted his forehead, pretending to think, then smiled and said to him, "Well, let me do you How does it compare with Wu Shihong?"

"Listen to your ears." Song Yuanping felt that this was the second time he had said these four words tonight. Fan Wubing could always bring him some different thinking, even for the annual salary of 100 million yuan. How much of the dividends, it is not impossible for him to reject Fan Wubing's proposal to join. At this time, he just wants to understand Fan Wubing's true thoughts and find a reason to convince himself for his transfer to Fan Wubing's sect.

"There is a lack of qualified professional managers in the country, and the education this country has received is related." Fan Wubing said after hesitating, "Once you become a professional manager, you will definitely stand at a higher level. Taking the overall picture as a whole will therefore have a certain impact on the outlook on life and the world. In short, ambition has swelled. I said before that it is not a bad thing for people to have ambitions, but they cannot be controlled after they have ambitions. It will be worse."

Just like Wu Shihong mentioned by Fan Wubing and Song Yuanping, although she is known as the Queen of Work, she served IBm and Microsoft, and was later recruited by L. But her ability is limited. After all, her academic level is relatively low and hype The significance is greater than the actual contribution.

At the peak of Wu Shihong's career, he had actually overdrawn everything. It is precisely because of the failure to match the improvement of ability and the improvement of one's own position in a timely manner that it stops at BSP; in all fairness, with Wu Shihong's well-known educational background, despite the hard work acquired and related work experience, the ability is gained However, to further develop to a higher level, the defects in the original knowledge structure cannot be completed through training in the industry, and systematic learning must be carried out.

In her heart, there is always a heavy sense of crisis. If she does not take a step first, it means being led by others. Analyzing Wu Shihong's professional experience, it can be said that in the past, she used the stupid bird to fly first. However, when he reached the peak of his career, Wu Shihong, who needed to learn systematically to improve his abilities again, gave up the opportunity to recharge for some immediate benefits.

While serving IBm, she gave up the opportunity to study mBa advanced seminars in the United States. At this time, at the time of the rise of the global network, it can be said that she missed the best learning and exhibition opportunities. Later, when she retreated from Microsoft's position in Greater China, she should have been looking for opportunities to supplement her knowledge system, but the domestic media's hot hype about her "flying against the wind" myth made her lost again.

If she can abandon L’s invitation, go abroad for further studies, and make up for the shortcomings, although she will miss some profitable opportunities, in the current environment of China IT industry exhibition, Wu Shihong, who has a higher ability, has a reputation in front of Microsoft Greater China. Can find better opportunities.

In this sense, Wu Shihong is by no means a role model for managers, because what a manager has to do is to keep pace with the times.

"What I value most about you is your stability in trading and your constant pursuit of financial knowledge." Fan Wuyao said to Song Yuanping.

From now on, due to the penetration of the Internet economy, many foreign ideas have begun to enter China, and the simple imitation of slogans has also become a good opportunity for domestic returnees to find well-paid positions for themselves, but no matter what, they lack independent thinking. Imitation is difficult after all.

It is like that after the failure of the three major portals to simply imitate the road of the American Internet company exhibition ~lightnovelpub.net~, they all began to conduct deep introspection, and finally through their own efforts, they found a suitable exhibition. path of.

As a professional manager, continuous learning and introspection are indispensable. Fan Wubing's investigation on Song Yuanping revealed a shining point that attracted him very much, that is, Song Yuanping would never make a second mistake, even though he is now Deep in the quagmire of Cannes technology, but in fact, this is also an opportunity for him to rise again. If not for his own intervention, I believe he has already won a fundamental victory at this time.

For such excellent financial talents, Fan Wuyi needs them, but it is not in the domestic market. The domestic market capacity is too small. What he hopes is to get Song Yuanping to the United States and begin to participate in his network. In the game in the stock market.

Although the Nasdaq is in full swing, if you want to get more profits and put out more cash, you need a master trader like Song Yuanping to operate. After all, as far as Fan Wuyi is concerned, although the American financial system is perfect, it is still more than one way behind to play a conspiracy. Simply using market means to speculate is far less profitable than creating opportunities.

Song Yuanping is very suitable for serving himself.