
v5 Chapter 614: Reporters at the conference

After entering December, Fan Wuyi found that the girlfriends around him had disappeared collectively.

Every year at this time, it’s the countdown to the Spring Festival Gala. The pillars of the New Silk Road Entertainment Company are basically pulled to CCTV for rehearsals. This time the company’s lineup has become stronger, and song programs are at least occupied. It looks like one-fifth.

In addition to song programs, Xia Donghai and his wife also focused on other projects, such as traditional acrobatics and magic, which are popular in East China. They carried out these projects based on Fan Wuyi’s suggestion. After packaging, new columns with more novel ideas and highlights were made, and then they were introduced to the market through the Spring Festival Gala.

"As for the things to watch, they are actually quite vulgar. For example, if you get two old men and old ladies to perform magic tricks, the audience's response will definitely not be enthusiastic. If you let young and beautiful girls perform, the attendance rate will naturally be higher. This is a question of market demand." Fan Wubing said to Xia Donghai at that time, "We will provide what the market needs. This is the only way out. However, in the selection of programs, we must avoid the past. The kind of large-scale performance that relies on various props, but should be close to the audience, choose the very simple but very mysterious close-up magic, such as the small tricks on the hand, it is simple and easy to attract everyone. Interest, the effect will be very good."

After hearing this, Xia Donghai nodded again and again, and said inferences about it, "Understand, that means we must make something different. For example, dog biting is not news, and people biting dog is news. You let young guys practice big. The splits are not interesting. If you let the eighty old man practice the big splits, it will cause a sensation."

"It's not wrong at all, that's the reason." Fan Wubing replied with a smile.

Although that is the case, it is unrealistic to let the eighty-year-old grandfather go to the Spring Festival Gala stage to practice the splits. It is easier to find a few beautiful magicians. Xia Donghai and his wife are really looking for When it comes to the beautiful magician who can get it, coupled with the company's packaging design, all-round tailor-made, a series of close-up magic can even enter the Spring Festival Gala program group.

Fan Wubing watched the close-up magic of two beautiful women in advance, and then watched some of their basic skills performances, and finally let them play some tricks on the spot, and then selected a magician named Yang Qianqian. The teacher came out as a candidate for the Spring Festival Gala column group.

When explaining to Xia Donghai why she chose her, Fan Wubing said a few points, "The first is that you have a solid skill. It is more complicated to do large-scale magic shows, and the props are very troublesome. It is not suitable for the Spring Festival Gala. Appeared in the large-scale comprehensive performances, and to do close-range magic requires a solid hand. The second is that people are beautiful and beautiful, they will attract attention wherever they go. The third is that they are relatively young, only seventeen years old. , The future of the exhibition is very promising, and the company can earn a lot of profits."

"Aren't you going to sign for a lifetime?" Xia Donghai couldn't help but laugh after hearing Fan Wuyi's comment.

"That's not the case. This line is also a youth meal, and it is enough to sign for ten years. After ten years, it depends on the situation. If you want to renew, you can see the exhibition." Fan Wuyao replied, and then said, " However, in fact, this kind of thing also has a certain future for exhibition. Although it may not have great achievements, in the future, you can set up a leisure hall in a big city and teach a little magic, which is enough to support yourself."

With the development of the social economy, many industries have been subdivided. In the past, some industries that did not seem promising will also have a place in the future, and it is very likely that there will be better exhibition opportunities in some aspects. This line of thinking has been carefully analyzed, but it can be realized. Today's Fan Investment Group also needs to be subdivided. At least a special domestic economic intelligence analysis department should be established. It should not only organize and analyze the domestic new economic development situation, but also Make some judgments and research for the needs of society, and make intelligence support for the company's decision-making.

At the end of December, Boss Zhu came to Shanghai again to hold a 1998 high-level economic forum annual meeting. Most of the participants were domestic economists and influential corporate executives. , And some senior editors and reporters of financial newspapers and magazines.

As usual, Fan Wubing received an invitation from the Prime Minister’s Office and went to the meeting. This is the third time he has participated in such a summit annual meeting in Shanghai. In fact, it is equivalent to Fan Wubing’s regular exchange activities with Boss Zhu. Every time at this time, Fan Wubing would always ask him some economic trends that should be paid attention to as a reference.

In return, or listening to his opinions and suggestions, Boss Zhu will also reveal some policy issues to him to enhance communication.

This time the meeting was at the International Convention and Exhibition Center. The top executives of Fan Wuyi Company, as long as they have time, came to join in the fun. After all, these people can be said to be the elites of the elites in various industries. Participate in this kind of meeting. It can also enhance some of their own vision, which is conducive to market analysis.

When Fan Wuyi came over, Davis had to drive his Bugatti Veyron to enjoy himself, so the two of them sat in that very cool Bugatti Veyron and rushed all the way to the International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Driving this kind of car to the streets can still cause traffic jams. At least when the traffic police saw Fan Wu's car, they all forgot to direct traffic.

"I will drive this car less in the future to show off, and it is easy to be watched." Fan Wuyao said to Davis.

Davis smiled and said, "This is the difference between China and the United States. Americans turn a blind eye to others, how others have nothing to do with them, but Chinese people like to join in the fun, and they always like to come together when they encounter new things. It’s lively. In fact, it has nothing to do with what kind of car you drive. It’s like President Fan, if you make a high call to ensure that there will be a crowd of people outside."

"Stop talking, I'm not a gorilla in the zoo--" Fan Wuyao laughed.

When the two of them entered the venue, they also aroused a lot of onlookers. The reporters who came here were more interested in their car. Many people came over and took a few recent photos with their cameras to prepare for this economic summit. surface.

Fan Wubing also noticed one thing when he entered the venue. It was the reporters and editors sent by a magazine this time. Women accounted for a large proportion, and they were young and beautiful. This caught most of the interviewees. Psychological characteristics.

As guests who can occupy a place in this kind of high-level economic summit and deserve to be interviewed by mainstream economic media, their status and status are naturally very important. Most of them are men. They want to interview them smoothly, and understand some inside stories and dig deeper. If some individuals have sex, obviously it is easier for beautiful women to achieve their goals.

There was a reception staff in the lobby. After seeing the invitation letter from Fan Wuyi and Davis, they immediately guided them in with great enthusiasm, pointed out the direction, and gave them a number plate to attend the meeting. People who don’t have a license plate will not be able to go deep into the summit.

When Fan Wubing was about to enter the venue, he was stopped by a young and beautiful female reporter.

"Hello, Mr. Fan, I'm Sheng Wei, a reporter from Oriental News Interview, and I hope to interview you." The female reporter asked Fan Wuyao with a recording pen.

Fan Wubing glanced at each other. Although it was the coldest time, the beautiful reporter in front of him was wearing a very thin woolen dress, her thighs were exposed, and she was extremely refreshed. He didn't feel that it was at all. A cold test.

"Oh, hello." Fan Wuyao touched his chin, and then said, "I haven't entered the venue yet. I don't know anything about the topics of this summit. I'm afraid there is nothing for Miss Sheng to interview. Bar?"

"Mr. Fan, you have misunderstood, I just want to interview your personal life." Sheng said with a smile.

"Personal life?" Fan Wubing also smiled, "Are you a financial magazine or a gossip weekly? Personal affairs are generally avoided."

"But Mr. Fan, you have a very typical exemplary significance among the young generation. Even if you are a good example for young people, you should also accept our interview. And I also heard that your mother is also engaged in education. Yes, it should be more supportive of interviews with this kind of manifestation, right?" Sheng Wei chased after him.

Fan Wubing looked at the big clock outside the venue, then pointed his finger at the hand, and said with a smile, "Time is too late. If there is a chance after the meeting, we won't be too late to talk."

After speaking, Fan Wuyin entered the venue accompanied by Davis and others.

When Sheng Wei wanted to follow up outside, the staff stopped her. Not all media reporters can enter here. As a domestic economic summit, only a few senior reporters from authoritative media are required. In order to be allowed to enter, and the political stance of these reporters must be relatively firm, there must be no bad records in the previous interviews.

It is a pity that the "Oriental News Interview" magazine where Sheng Wei works is not this kind of mainstream authoritative media, so she can only wait outside and look forward to it.

"Boss, do you really plan to accept her interview later?" Davis asked Fan Wuyi.

"I'm full enough? I'll change the side door and leave later. Where can I have so much free time!" Fan Wubing curled his lips. He was unwilling to accept this kind of interviews similar to gossip media reporters. .

The media is very much anticipated by ordinary people, even for many film and television celebrities, etc., maintaining a certain degree of media exposure is very necessary. If you want to attract the attention of others, you must always Appearing in various media, even if it is negative news, it is also a necessary means to increase popularity.

Therefore, many celebrities rely on gossips or all kinds of bizarre things to hype themselves. Of course, to a large extent, these things are operated by brokerage companies. There are also some solo celebrities who hire gunmen to operate them. These things.

There have been incidents in the past that gunmen sold celebrities and celebrities because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. This way, the city is full of troubles, and I don’t know whether it is happy or bad.

However, after entering the main venue, Fan Wuyi found himself uneasy here, because the reporters of the mainstream media were also looking for their own goals, and then they were encircled and wiped out. Many well-known company bosses were in the press at this time. In the midst of their siege, they are talking about their views on the international and domestic economic situation.

Of course, the most popular this year are the bosses of several major portals, and some returnees who have just returned from abroad to sell their Harvard or Stanford business philosophy. These people have been very popular in newspapers and magazines recently. The reporters are looking after.

For the three major portals in China that are looking for money everywhere, Fan Wubing did not show any intention to get involved. Although he has asked his older brother Fan Kang to secretly contact the three major portals to exchange for some shares, the process is It is more secretive, and most people have no way of knowing it, but Fan Kang’s actions are also more efficient~lightnovelpub.net~ Using the psychology of the three major portals to continue cash support, at this time, they have already raised funds from the three major portals. More than 20 million U.S. dollars, this is a considerable amount of financing in the case of cash and in the initial stage of the operation of the three major portals.

Fan Kang has also gained a lot of benefits in this financing. The shares he holds in the three major portals are not a small number. However, because Fan Kang has always been very low-key in China, everyone does not Knowing that the major shareholder behind the three major portals that have received financing has actually become the brother of Fan Wuyi, the head of the Fan Investment Group. This is unexpected news, but it has not been revealed.

Psychologically speaking, Fan Wubing does not want to expose his ambitions for the three major domestic portals prematurely.

Seeing the people in charge of the major websites who are proud of the spring breeze in front of the major media reporters, Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little smile. It should be said that these people are actually some promising young people with ideals. It's just that there is not enough capital for the exhibition.

If it weren’t for my old brother Fan Kang to reach out for funding, these websites will definitely fall into the hands of foreign investors in the future. After all, companies that are willing and able to raise funds from them are basically risked overseas. Investors, the conditions they put forward are naturally more demanding.