
v5 Chapter 616: Conflict of interests

"Why do you say that? I find that many of your views are non-mainstream!" Boss Zhu still attaches great importance to Fan Wuyi's ideas, so he asked why.

non-mainstream? Fan Wubing smiled bitterly and scratched his head. Does the word Xindao exist in this period? I really don't know!

However, he naturally can't tell Boss Zhu that this term is derogatory, isn't it?

After thinking about it, Fan Wubing said to Boss Zhu, “In short, there is still a lack of soil for supporting e-commerce in China. This has caused most of the returnees to think naively but stupidly. They only saw the bright prospects, but ignored the current reality. Basically, those who try e-commerce now are basically the ones who want to be pioneers."

"What pioneer?" Boss Zhu asked puzzledly.

"Pioneers are the ones who entered the market first and died the fastest." Fan Wuyao replied with a smile.

Boss Zhu also laughed. Two times, but Fan Wubing could see that Boss Zhu didn't smile easily. After all, in such a big country, many aspects of things are not so easy to settle, especially now this one. In the sensitive period, many things are in the transitional period. Whether it is housing reform, medical reform, or the reform of the securities market, it will touch the interests of many people, so he did not expect that he could be re-elected.

Although it is an old saying, it can be used in any historical turning period.

The current situation in China is like this. Without breaking the old rules, there will be no way to establish a new economic order, and breaking the old rules is not a job that offends people? But this work must always be done by someone, otherwise, how can it be possible to keep the old and the new from coming?

At this meeting, another more sensitive topic was naturally the stock market.

It should be said that last year's stock market was the year of the bull. In May of that year, the Shanghai Composite Index surpassed the 1,500 points, which had been missing for four years, which made investors excited. However, after the government increased the stamp duty on stocks, prohibited state-owned enterprises and listed companies from speculating in stocks, and especially announced the expansion of the stock market quota to 30 billion, this round of bull market finally died.

This year's market is in a bear market, but the government is uncharacteristically, giving China's stock market attention it has never had before. Since the second half of this year, the Asian financial crisis has worsened and floods have spread in the Mainland. At the beginning of August, the Shanghai Composite Index has drawn a ten-day cloudy line, falling from 1,300 to above 1,000.

At this time, the media expressed the comments written by the senior management for the "Securities Knowledge Reader", clearly affirming the important role of the securities market in China's economy, and calling on all levels of party and government leaders, corporate leaders and securities workers to be diligent Learn to think carefully about securities knowledge.

Another more long-term signal is that the "Securities Law", which has been brewing for six years, was finally passed at the sixth meeting of the National People's Congress. In fact, as early as 1992, the Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress drafted the Securities Law, but the content of its regulations conflicted with the Company Law being drafted by the People's Democratic Work Committee.

According to the legislative procedure, the "Securities Law" had to be transferred to the Legal Work Committee for revision, and the two sides were deadlocked, and the "Securities Law" was shelved. In fact, the central government's hesitant attitude towards the securities market is the real reason why the "Securities Law" has not been promulgated.

As a central leader said at the time, the market is still not clear and the problem has not been fully exposed. You have to expose it for a period of time and then look at the situation. Since the internal controversy of the National People's Congress is very serious, the central government is also happy to fail.

But last year, the central government set a tone for speeding up legislation. With the full promotion of the National People's Congress, the "Securities Law" was quickly promulgated.

Fan Wubing has read this "Securities Law". Generally speaking, it is relatively thick. The policy terminology in it is vague. For example, state-owned enterprises and enterprises controlled by state-owned assets are not allowed to speculate in stocks. The term speculation is a common saying. , But it is difficult to define precisely.

Another example is the change from the approval system to the approval system for listing. It seems that the terminology is very accurate, but there is no fundamental difference between the approval system and the approval system. It is nothing more than the establishment of an audit committee by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to allow officials and experts to discuss whether the company can be listed. . However, the procedures are still not transparent, including the confidentiality of the audit committee's list of personnel. As a result, the list has become a competitive tool for financial public relations companies. When they are sold to investment banks, the latter will conduct public relations one by one.

In addition, the classification management of securities companies is divided into comprehensive and brokerage companies. This qualification system is also unreasonable. Ironically, many of the comprehensive brokerage firms that thought they were powerful went bankrupt or were put under custody in their subsequent self-operating businesses. On the contrary, the small brokerage companies survived because they were unable to operate on their own. This further confirms similar observations of companies in other industries. Most companies do not starve to death, but are struggling to die.

Fan Wuyao has a certain understanding of the strange phenomena in the current stock market. The comings and goings here are nothing more than a dispute over interests.

As I know it, in the coming May 19 market next year, the market is rumored to be driven by the central government. At that time, the headline of the "People's Daily" listed a special commentator article entitled "Strengthen Confidence and Standardize the Exhibition". Compared with the special commentator of the "People's Daily" two years ago, although the tone was gentle and gentle, The thinking structure and the narrative model are surprisingly similar, except that the former desperately stated how risky the market is, the latter tried hard to argue that the market has upside potential, and used an innovative term, normal recovery. rise.

The two articles of the "People's Daily" listed many measures in the last part, but two years ago they talked about how to suppress the stock price, and later they talked about how to cherish the hard-won stock index rise. The idea is how to get the stock market up.

Two years later, not only was the People’s Daily commentator’s article a complete turnaround, there was also a decision to allow state-owned enterprises, state-owned asset holding companies, and listed companies to invest in stocks. Just two years ago, the state also notified This is strictly forbidden.

For Fan Wubing, he does not need to use his brains. As long as he combines his own later experience and understands the domestic political, economic and stock market knowledge at that time, he will understand that an unprecedented speculative and money laundering frenzy will sweep the land of China.

The so-called money laundering is the application of privileges to the market.

Before the reform and opening up of the market economy, a small number of people in China had privileges, but because they did not have a vast market arena, it was difficult for them to enjoy themselves. In the 1970s, Wang Hongwen, a member of the Gang of Four, was reported corrupted by his accomplices. The party’s successor at that time was just hunting everywhere and watched a few more pornographic movies, and invited the little brothers from Shanghai to eat a few good meals. , Using advanced radios, lighters and color TVs that can be operated from a long distance, and then let the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee often subsidize a few hundred yuan.

But when privilege meets the market, such as the stock market, it can produce huge wealth without knowing it. The easiest way is to use the money of state-owned enterprises or banks for stock trading, and the profits obtained belong to you.

A few years later, many cases of using public money to speculate in stocks were exposed. It was just that the parties involved lost their principal and were unable to explain to the company. China’s aerospace hero and former president of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Li Jianzhong, was later sentenced to life imprisonment because when he served as the chairman of the two listed companies "Qiong Nanyang" and "Rocket", he let people spend 100 million yuan in stocks. As a result, he was trapped and went to jail.

Fan Wuyao sat in the audience and watched the energetic economic experts talking about the reform of the securities market. He suddenly felt a little disgust in his heart for no reason.

In the domestic securities market, the competition for interests is really too fierce, and sometimes it has even risen to the political level. It seems that in many cases, when the stock market reaches a low level, the management side is constantly struggling. Introduced a bad policy, and then unconsciously put his relationship in, and then began to pull up. When the market trend has been very large and it needs to remind investors to be vigilant, the management keeps launching good news. The news and loudly call for the endless bull market, and a bigger round of gains is waiting for us.

Under this kind of operation, it is rare to be able to retreat from the stock market, let alone get huge profits.

At least in the current environment, in addition to the dealers, people who can make a profit are really lucky~lightnovelpub.net~ Boss Zhu is listening to the experts' words very seriously, and will be in from time to time. I wrote down some content in my notebook, and then asked the secretary next to him to remind him of something, which was very serious anyway.

After Fan Wubing sat for a while, he felt a little bored and couldn't be interested.

Considering that everyone will have to have in-depth discussions on real estate development and other matters later, a lot of time will inevitably be wasted in unnecessary verbal disputes. Fan Wubing felt that it would be better to go out and get some air in the future. This kind of summit talks, I can still participate in less if I can participate less, it sounds more depressing.

The mainstream economists have gradually become the spokespersons of various power groups from this time on. Once they have a scale in their hearts, their guiding opinions will be very important to the senior leaders. If there is no place, it will have an unpredictable impact.

Under such circumstances, policy decisions at the central level have become the target of power competition among various forces.

In this era, finally becoming more and more commercialized, Fan Wubing shook his head and walked out of the conference hall.