
v5 Chapter 627: Venus Project

After Fan Wubing separated from Ye Jiarong and the others, they did not leave. Instead, they went to a small-scale symposium organized by boss Zhu. There are some recent exhibition issues that require everyone to sit together and chat.

Not many people attended the forum. In addition to a few economists who rely heavily on think tanks, boss Zhu and the leaders of several ministries and commissions under the State Council, plus more than a dozen domestic appliance industry leaders, total two. The appearance of thirty people.

The main topic of discussion, in addition to the trend and development trend of the domestic home appliance industry in recent years, is the impact of the currently emerging information industry on the national economy, especially the home appliance industry.

Dong Li of BdL Home Appliances Group is also present. In this industry, their company is very large, so this kind of home appliance industry summit is naturally indispensable for them.

As for Fan Wuyi, as long as it is a summit hosted by Boss Zhu, if he can be found, he will naturally not be absent.

At the meeting, everyone was discussing the informatics, telecom, and the Venus plan that Microsoft is brewing.

The so-called information appliance is a concept that was only recently put forward in my childhood. It is a home appliance product with low price, easy operation, strong practicability, and main functions.

Innovative products that combine computer, telecommunications and electronic technology with traditional home appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc. of white goods, and televisions, video recorders, stereos, d, dVd, etc., of black home appliances. It is an innovative product for digitalization and network technology. A new type of household appliances designed to go deep into family life.

Information appliances include set-top boxes, dVd, level d, wireless data communication equipment, video game equipment, eBTV, InTeRne phones, etc. All household appliances that can exchange information through a network system can be called information appliances.

Li Dong of BdL Home Appliances Group is obviously very interested in this information appliance, and he has also been a husband. So when talking about this issue, he was very excited and said, "For now, audio , Video and communication equipment are the main components of information appliances. On the other hand, on the basis of the current traditional appliances, the information technology is integrated into the traditional appliances to make it more powerful, simpler and more convenient to use. And practical, to create a higher-quality living environment for family life. For example, analog TV will become digital TV, and d will become dVd. Refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc. will also become digital, networked, and intelligent information appliances. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, but some experts pointed out that from a broad classification, information appliance products actually include network appliance products, but if defined from a narrow definition, information appliances more often refer to embedded products. The processor is a small household information equipment, its basic feature is that it is connected to the Internet and has some specific functions, which can be a complete set of products or an auxiliary accessory, and network appliances refer to a network operation function. This kind of home appliances can be understood as an upgrade of our original ordinary home appliances.

Li Dong of BdL Home Appliances Group Co. spoke well and said to everyone, “Although Microsoft’s Venus Project has not yet seen the official content, we have learned from all aspects of the situation, we can already be sure that Microsoft is To promote set-top box technology globally, and then enter the network TV industry, this is our opportunity. Microsoft plans to buy 10% of the cable TV giant netbsp; at a price of one billion US dollars; formally invested a huge bet on the cable TV industry. So weak. The cable TV industry in the past two years has been a boost, and the industry stock index has skyrocketed by more than 20%. But for the cable TV industry, Microsoft is not a good news, but a wake-up call. Gates suddenly brought out a complete set of systems, server-side Use the set-top box to use ce, and also want to share the user subscription fee. That is to say, Microsoft has to charge not only the technology license fee, but all the fees related to the set-top box. If we all follow him and let him succeed, then We are all fools."

The boss of another domestic appliance giant also said, “The technology of set-top boxes is not very advanced. We have had enough of others to formulate standards, and then we follow the pain, so now we can also develop a set-top box standard by ourselves, and develop relevant standards in China. Products, don’t let Microsoft make all the money."

Everyone here has different opinions. Fan Wuyin sat on the side in silence. He didn't have much interest in this industry, so he followed the principle of listening more and talking less, and didn't express his own views in a high-profile manner.

But there are others who refuse to let him idle. After all, Fan's Investment Group is the largest cross-industry group company in China. No one will ignore the existence of Fan Wuyi, and it is impossible to just let him stay here to watch the fun, so One boss suggested, "Why doesn't Mr. Fan give any comments? We all hope you can give me some advice."

Everyone now remembered that there was also a great **** named Fan Wubiao, so they invited Fan Wubiao to speak, and several economists also welcomed this, because Fan Wubiao was always able to offer some encouragement. Deaf's advice, and pointed out the major problems in it.

Boss Zhu also said, "If you are not sick, let's talk about it. Don't always sit and eat. You can pack it back later!"

Fan Wubing was eating a piece of sponge cake. He almost choked on hearing the words. He drank two sips of water to get it done. He smiled bitterly and said, "I have cross-industry and my opinion is not so accurate. It's better not to say it. So as not to mislead others."

"Let's talk about it." Boss Zhu said.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of it, Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, "Speaking of which, the technology of the Venus Project is not advanced. The planned products are similar to ebTV, but not as good as ebTV, and the technical content is even worse, or even not real. A set-top box in a sense. Because it does not use cable TV lines, it still relies on dial-up access to the Internet. Secondly, the 350-line resolution of traditional TVs cannot display ordinary web pages well. Therefore, the Venus Project, in a sense, It is probably an underestimation of the intelligence of the people in China."

When everyone heard Fan Wubing's words, they all aroused interest. Hearing Fan Wubing's words, it is obvious that it is no longer how to respond to this Microsoft's latest plan, but simply look down on this plan.

Fan Wubing went on to say, "Obviously, there is still a gap in the development of core technologies such as CPUs in China. But the technology is in the hands of others, but the head is on his own shoulders. In the fully competitive IT industry, the most scarce thing is not technology, but Market. We should introduce technology, but the key is to introduce competitive technology! The highest level of market competition is to check and balance each other. It is the real reality of the domestic IT industry to use other people's technology to develop the industry and use other people's technology to check and balance other people's technology! Yes! When two or three types of products compete, the market is alive and monopoly is dead. Especially in the budding period of the market, two or three similar technologies can be introduced at the same time, which can achieve the effect of four or two dollars. The market value of Microsoft has reached 400 billion US dollars, and our domestic market The total market value of the top ten companies in the home appliance industry is probably not more than 10 billion US dollars, right? Not even a quarter of Gates’ personal wealth. In front of Microsoft, our domestic home appliance companies are like great white sharks. A little fish in front of you. So to deal with this strategy, checks and balances are the best choice."

"Then how to check and balance?" Someone asked rhetorically. Although everyone knew that Fan Wubing was telling the truth, they didn't believe that he had any better way to solve the matter.

Fan Wubing said immediately, "Sa is also opening the operating system erTV, and General Instruments has also begun negotiations with Microsoft and NY at the same time. NY is preparing to establish a basic network architecture involving cable TV, TV broadcasting, satellite transmission, Internet and dVd and other home appliances. It doesn’t matter which operating system or cpu is used. They are just a component in the box, just to make it work. Services and content are the most important!"

The real value of the set-top box is service. In foreign countries, the set-top box is usually provided directly by the service provider, that is, the cable company. In this Venus Project, Microsoft only brought in, D, and home appliance manufacturers. What does the absence of a service provider mean?

It means that Microsoft has other plans for services. If Microsoft controls hardware and software, once the domestic information service industry opens ~lightnovelpub.net~, the entire set-top box service market will be Microsoft's pocket. Because many services can be solidified in the hardware, Microsoft's intervention will be effortless.

The oppressive survival of the domestic hardware and software industries is an established fact and cannot be improved in the short term. The newly budding service industry is the greatest hope for China's IT industry in the future. If this new frontier is lost ahead of time, the future of China's IT industry will be unimaginable.

A few years later, if the domestic STB market really reaches a certain scale. Microsoft can deliver the set-top box for free like a browser, and make money from the service. At that time, all set-top boxes will become Trojan horses entered by Microsoft. This is exactly the wishful thinking of Microsoft's failure in the United States. At that time, all domestic equipment manufacturers will gain nothing and all become paving stones.

Fan Wubing finally said, "If anyone regards Microsoft as just a software company, then who is a fool. If anyone underestimates Microsoft's ambition and wisdom, whoever will have its own fruit. Therefore, if you blindly lift the sedan chair or follow blindly now, It is very likely to cause danger that even oneself cannot imagine, and even put a shackle on the entire industry! Fundamentally speaking, I am opposed to the project of set-top boxes. This is a project with no future!"

No one thought that Fan Wubing was so optimistic about the set-top box project, or even opposed it.