
v5 Chapter 631: Condemned by Microsoft

When Mr. Yang saw Fan Wubing and Ye Jiarong walk in arm in arm, his eyes fell out as expected.

He couldn't imagine why Hong Kong's rich and powerful people are concealing some scandals, and Fan Wubing is so high-profile, lest he might not be known by the media.

"President Fan, ha, Miss Ye, ha—" Mr. Yang rubbed his hands and didn't know what to say.

Fan Wubing smiled and waved his hand, and then he didn’t talk nonsense. A few people sat together, first solved Ye Jiarong’s problem, signed the contract, and then discussed the New Silk Road Entertainment Company and Yinghuang together. On the issue of cooperation, roughly a cooperation agreement has been reached. The next step is to make some specific rules on the details of the cooperation.

All in all, Ye Jiarong’s matter has been resolved, and Mr. Yang’s wish has been fulfilled. As for Xia Donghai, many human resources and related experience under the Eagle Emperor can be used for reference, whether it is in star packaging or in the film and television industry. In terms of resources, there are great benefits.

After Xia Donghai went out to send Mr. Yang away, Ye Jiarong whispered to Fan Wuyi who remained in the office, "The company does not seem to have any contractual constraints on the private lives of artists, right?"

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "We are different from a Hong Kong company. The private life of an artist should be handled by the individual. If you want the company to help solve it, the company can also provide help, but if the artist does not want the company to intervene, We are also optimistic about its success."

"You mean, if I find a boyfriend or friend, the company won't bother?" Ye Jiarong asked in disbelief.

After experiencing the strict management of the Hong Kong company, Ye Jiarong suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the relaxed environment of the New Silk Road Entertainment Company, so he raised his own question to Fan Wuyao.

Hong Kong companies generally control artists as much as possible, design and plan their every activity, and even the emotional life of many artists is the company’s hype content. When do you need to talk about your boyfriend, when do you need to have a gossip, and when? The pornographic photos need to be disseminated. These are all arranged, as if they are in a play.

Fan Wubing naturally understands all this. Seeing Ye Jiarong’s disbelief, he said to her, “Our company pays attention to humanized management and fully respects the choices made by artists. No matter who they are, they have the right to pursue themselves. Happiness."

Seeing Ye Jiarong nodded. Nodded, after seeming to realize something, Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Of course, if you know that Miss Ye has already started looking for a boyfriend, like most male compatriots, I will be more jealous. Yes, ha ha."

Ye Jiarong's face flushed, but he didn't say anything.

In the afternoon, Dong Li from BdL Home Appliances Group Company came to visit. He wanted to talk to Fan Wubing about home appliance cooperation. The two companies reached some cooperation intentions on the sales of home appliance chain companies in various regions. Fan Wubing’s mobile phone manufacturers are interested in providing a package of mobile phone manufacturers, and are considering becoming a mobile phone manufacturer and underwriter under Fan’s.

After Fan Wuyao accompanied Li Dong to inspect his mobile phone factory and research laboratory, he greatly strengthened Li Dong’s confidence, but when it came to the Venus Project, Li Dong was still a bit hesitant. He felt this The plan is not necessarily useless.

Li Dong said to Fan Wubing, “In the domestic market, there will always be a monster, such as brain gold, every few years. China’s electronics industry has a periodical birth of monsters. The earlier is the learning machine. Then came d. These products have strong Chinese characteristics, which are impossible to appear in foreign markets. Moreover, according to common sense, they are all unimaginable and unexpected in advance. Today, the debut of Venus has a new meaning. Following the advent of another new monster? Judging from the current progress, Venus is likely to be such a monster."

After Fan Wubing listened to it, he also felt that Li Dong’s analysis was unreasonable. Before the real set-top box based on cable TV network and digital TV system matures, Venus, a transitional product, is likely to play an extremely lively role. Role. Although this product is based on the genius of domestic employees, it has added a lot of content with Chinese characteristics, many of which are amazing.

The Internet is probably the most fascinating thing for people at present. At the moment, in the minds of most people, the magic of the Internet is no less than that of Qigong back then. Internet access is a new dream of many people, so it is the best to use Internet as the appeal point of new home appliances.

However, it is obviously impossible to browse the web normally on the TV of the common people. However, such a problem is difficult for others, not necessarily difficult for the Chinese. Whenever this happens, that is, when the Chinese people's high IQ comes into play.

According to what Fan Wubing understands, Venus’s concept of surfing the Internet is not real-time browsing in the usual sense, but has taken some measures to subtly resolve the above-mentioned problems.

For example, adding a content editing process between the user and the content provider can classify the information collected by each website into a format suitable for TV display. Users can subscribe to the information categories they are interested in, such as sports news, international news, weather forecasts, etc., according to their hobbies.

The content provider directly pushes the relevant content based on the user's choice. In this way, as long as the user is connected to the phone line, the content pushed over can be received like an e-mail. After the content is downloaded, the phone county connection is disconnected and the content is cached, so that users can slowly browse offline content at a convenient time.

This kind of product under the banner of Internet is actually no longer the original Internet concept. It is equivalent to adding a brand new channel to the TV, allowing you to enjoy content from the Internet. This is really a bit of a slogan for selling dog meat, but isn't this also a form of surfing the Internet?

Li Dong said to Fan Wubing, “Using this method not only solves the TV display problem in one fell swoop, but also shields the problems of excessively high telecommunications tariffs and slow network. For ordinary people, it is a stopgap. Some people will say that it is impossible for ordinary people to eat this set. However, even Colivar can sell 5 million copies of "The Revolution of Learning", and brain gold can make 100 million people smarter first. For the Chinese people who regard the Internet as their dream, how can they resist the publicity and temptation of this Venus product? Therefore, I can completely believe that as long as there is sufficient market hype and investment, all realistic bottlenecks Problems can be resolved by human wisdom. The market prospects of the Venus Project will never be as pessimistic as imagined."

After hearing this, Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Venus is obviously a transitional product, but as long as there are two or three years of current market, it will be enough to make this product popular, thus starting the entire set-top box market, and continue to show Improve and upgrade, and then drive the rise of various information appliances. In a sense, it is a good thing for Microsoft to start this market. It is just that this market is extremely important, that is, their estimate of the computer hardware market is a bit too low ."

"What do you say?" Dong Li asked.

"The foundation of the Venus Project is based on the domestic personal computer market and the low-level development of the Internet market. This is beyond doubt." Fan Wuyao pointedly pointed out, "But whether it is the government or the government , Various companies, the popularity of the Internet is extremely high, the hardware investment is also very large, and the continuous improvement of the domestic economy will cause the number of netizens to increase exponentially, with the increase of personal computer hardware , And the reduction of domestic prices, coupled with the increase in Internet access, the obstacles restricting the domestic Internet industry exhibition will be greatly resolved. In this case, the market cultivation period expected by the Venus Plan has not passed, and the domestic The Internet market has already matured, so do you think this plan has a future?"

After listening to Fan Wu's analysis, Dong Li felt that there was some truth, but he scratched his head and said, "Or, the network usage fee can't be lowered so quickly, right? The price of computer hardware can't be lowered too quickly, right?"

"You don't need to discuss this with me~lightnovelpub.net~ because I am doing this, so naturally I know where the bottom line is." Fan Wubing shook his head and laughed. There are cooperative projects, so I can't bear to watch him go detours, otherwise, if he invests in the Venus Project, he will always have to invest a lot of money and receive no return.

When the two people were arguing with each other, some subordinates over there reported to Fan Wuyao, "Mr. Fan, the spokesperson of Microsoft, today publicly accused our company's s club, and suspected of condoning piracy. "

"Oh?" After Fan Wubing heard this, he froze for a while, "What are they doing? When did we condone piracy? Isn't that ruining our own jobs? How much software our company has made now, They are all vigorously promoting genuine products!"

There are indeed a lot of software products from the s club recently, such as anti-virus software and educational software, which sell very well, so recently they are also starting to develop some industry software, and the prospects are bright. This argument to condone piracy really shouldn't be.

"Mr. Fan, they mean that our company has adopted a differentiated approach to purchasers of the S series products." Subordinates explained to Fan Wuyao.