
v5 Chapter 633: Conspiracy theory

After entering 1999, it also means that the pace of the new millennium is getting closer and closer.

After the interview notes compiled by Sheng Wei were listed in the "Oriental News Interview", they were soon reprinted by domestic newspapers and magazines, especially on several major domestic portals, and the number of related comments and posts was also increasing day by day.

Generally speaking, there are nothing more than three types, one supporting, one opposing, and one making soy sauce.

The incident this time has also attracted deep attention from the Huafeng Internet. After all, the person on the cusp is his big boss Fan Wuyi. They have also discussed various posts very seriously. Personality attack posts are locked and deleted, and the post is given verbal warnings.

After Fan Wubing learned of this situation, he did not react much, but said to them, "The loose Internet environment is the necessary condition to promote its healthy development and rapid development. If it is to engage in the Internet, If people remain silent and fear that more words will be lost, then that is not the original intention of building the Internet."

Everyone admires Fan Wuyao’s mentality. After all, many people can listen to good things, but not many people can tolerate other people’s bad things, especially for the Venerable. Many managements are worried about The leader's attack will bring trouble to yourself.

Fan Wuyi also has some remarks about this, and it is displayed on the headlines of major media in a very eye-catching situation. The title is "When President Fan is personally attacked, also talk about the freedom of the Internet", in this article In the article, Fan Wubing used himself as an example to explain the various manifestations of Internet freedom, saying that in addition to malicious slander and fabricated facts to deliberately defame others’ reputations, if it is a general venting speech, it cannot be regarded as What evidence was presented to convict the poster.

"This matter is just like everyone is in the usual discussion. It is inevitable that there will be some quarrels. You can't say who scolds and who is the one. You must give people online, and the net is tight. It is a feudal society. Everyone has the freedom to express their own opinions or vent their own emotions, and everyone has the obligation to accept others’ emotions. As the saying goes, the speaker is not guilty, and those who hear it are full of warnings. If everyone is silent, the message Where do you start talking about freedom?" Fan Wubing said something like this in it, and it was quoted in particular.

However, regarding Fan Wubing’s remarks, it is obvious that many people have expressed different opinions, especially many mainstream writers and media, who have criticized a lot of this, thinking that a loose speech environment is the main cause of social unrest. The reason is that a strict news censorship system is an important means to solve the problem.

Of course, the online remarks support Fan Wuyao with considerable strength. Many speakers have cited the deep harm of unfree speech, just like during the Cultural Revolution or during the Great Leap Forward in 1958, no one dared to say anything. The truth is that the mainstream media is also broadcasting satellites, which has caused the people to suffer. The emergence of the Internet has actually provided the people with a main channel to speak freely, stimulating the main position of justice and resistance to democracy, and There is nothing wrong with famous words, unless you have a ghost in your heart.

Regarding these discussions, the government has not made a clear statement. However, from the private exchanges between Boss Zhu and Fan Wuyi, the views of the senior leaders on this matter are not the same. According to the elders, it is like reforms Similarly, the Internet is a brand-new thing. You might as well take a look at the effect first, and then decide how to formulate specific policies. This is the most realistic approach.

However, in terms of information security, the government has more frequent exchanges with major Internet companies. In response to the many cases of endangering Internet security and fraud through the Internet, Boss Zhu requested the government. Evidence should be collected extensively, and then comprehensive opinions and suggestions from all quarters should be combined to come up with a set of effective solutions that are recognized by the public to purify the Internet environment.

On January 12, the s club launched a very easy-to-use all-Chinese e-mail management system to replace the k software provided by Microsoft.

When distributing this software, s'news spokesperson said that k is an email management system with considerable security performance, and it is also the most vulnerable software to be infected by macro viruses. Microsoft is not in this regard. Without much effort, the software division of s club decided to provide this e-mail management system named "pigeon" for free among domestic users after full demonstration and deduction, which not only includes the related functions of k software , Also includes some new functions, which provides great convenience to domestic users and Chinese users.

In response to this behavior that may have an impact on Microsoft, a Microsoft spokesperson said that the k software is very easy to use and conforms to the habits of Westerners, and there is currently no consideration of modifying it. As for what e-mail management software the Chinese are going to do by themselves, that is their freedom. However, the speaker also reminded users that they still need to be cautious about a new software that has not been certified by Microsoft, so as not to cause unpredictable serious consequences to themselves.

After Shen Ying arranged her work during the Spring Festival, she waved her hand and left Shandong and came to Shanghai to meet with Fan Wuyi. After getting off the plane, after seeing Fan Wuyi who came to meet him, she asked Fan Wuyi directly, "How are you? Started to fight Microsoft? Is it fun to do this?"

Until now, Microsoft and Bill Gates have always been the ideal figures in colleges and universities. They are typical representatives of getting rich by relying on technologists. Their influence at the student level is very large, or adults don’t know what Microsoft is. He is who he is, but most of the college students regard him as an idol, and even a considerable number of people have been inspired by him to break away from their current studies and start their own businesses.

Especially in this period of vigorous development of the Internet industry, there are not a few college students who have taken a break from school to build a website. Everyone is looking forward to an opportunity to become a Zhibenjia. Naturally, Microsoft, which is at the forefront of the information industry, has an impact that cannot be underestimated. .

Today, many young people in China feel a little bit incomprehensible about Fan Wubing's pinch on Bill Gates. They think that the s club simply does not have the strength to confront Microsoft. Such nitpicking is just to belittle the other party and raise himself. This approach is like a certain Jianghu master won the world's first title, and then a group of buns openly challenge others on their own territory to increase their popularity. But when it was really time to fight with a gun, he would hug his head.

Shen Ying also heard a lot of such discussions, and only when she saw Fan Wubing, she raised this question.

Fan Wuyi laughed and greeted Shen Ying's assistants, asking them to ride back to the company headquarters with his bodyguards, and then put his arms around Shen Ying on his Bugatti Veyron sports car.

"This car—you are too extravagant—" Shen Ying said distressedly after looking at Fan’s sports car. You really have money to burn!"

"Oh, this is just to support the appearance. After all, sometimes I don’t have a decent car support scene to receive customers, and my face is dull. Although I strongly support domestic products, you are also aware of the quality and price of domestic cars. Within time, I can't form my own industrial culture. Especially when receiving some foreign friends, I seem to be more serious." Fan Wuyao said to Shen Ying with a smile.

Shen Ying frowned and said, "How do I feel that you use this car to lure ignorant girls?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Fan Wuyao shook his head, "No one is more upright than me."

Shen Ying did not continue to entangle this question, but continued to ask, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"To trick an ignorant girl?" Fan Wuyao asked rhetorically as he drove the car.

"You--" Shen Ying was obviously furious.

"Uh, pinch Bill Gates--" Fan Wubing took over the conversation very interestingly. "This matter, if it is done intentionally, is okay."

"Why? He has grudges against you?" Shen Ying asked.

Shen Ying has met with Fan Wubing for many years. Naturally, she has seen some of Fan Wubing’s behaviors more thoroughly than others. She knows that he is not the kind of person who has nothing to look for. Bill Gates can’t make it through. Obviously, it’s a bit contrary to common sense. It is inevitable that he will ask him carefully to see what is special in it. Is it worth his tongue?

You know, attacking Bill Gates will affect the views of a large number of college students about Fan Investment Group, as well as the impression of many scientific and technological talents about Fan Investment Group. Shen Ying feels that Fan Wuyi has no reason to do so. Do.

Fan Wubing parked the car to the side of the road, then sighed, holding the steering wheel with both hands, "How do you say it? This thing actually echoes the relationship between China and the United States."

"Why are you still involved in the relationship between the two countries?" Shen Ying asked curiously.

Fan Wubing touched Shen Ying's head with his hand, feeling the smooth texture, and then said in Shen Ying's grotesque eyes, "Actually, Bill Gates and I know each other well. It’s just a play on the spot, and you can do what you usually do, but when you start a lawsuit, you must do your part.",

The reason why Fan Wuyao would do this is because, in one sentence, the Chinese and American governments are now in a game.

The first great resistance China encounters when it wants to rise is naturally the United States. Although Americans have been expressing in public that they want to see a stable China play a more prominent role in international affairs, the fact is that Americans have been playing a more prominent role in international affairs. Suppress China through various means, including building military bases in the surrounding area, or using economic means to buy out Vietnam or India or other countries surrounding China, in order to achieve the purpose of deterring China by force and reforming China’s economy. The process was delayed as much as possible.

"A rapidly rising China is not in the interests of the United States." Fan Wubing explained to Shen Ying, "So they will use some small means to create obstacles to China, not only military means, but also political. Some economic tactics. It’s like the confrontation between Bill Gates and I this time, which is actually a game between China and the United States on intellectual property issues."

"You mean, there is actually a tacit understanding between you and Bill Gates?" Shen Ying felt a little unbelievable.

Fan Wubing smiled slightly, “Don’t forget, I’m also one of Microsoft’s major shareholders, how could I not reach a consensus on certain things? It was just to cooperate with the US Department of Commerce's allegations regarding domestic intellectual property protection. As far as Bill Gates is concerned, he does not feel that the time has come to close the Internet."

Shen Ying shook her head when she heard the words, "You are so insidious. Outsiders seem to be playing hard, but they are actually acting. It's really hard to imagine. I think I'm very smart, but in you business predators In front of us, they are as innocent and cute as elementary school students."

Fan Wubing laughed and said, "This is true. You will always be so innocent and cute in front of me."

"Your words are so sour~lightnovelpub.net~My teeth are almost falling." Shen Ying replied, and then asked, "Where shall we go to eat? After working on a plane for a while, I was already hungry. ."

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Who told you not to take our company's plane? At least we will provide you with the best diet."

However, Fan Wubing thought for a while, drove the car to a seafood restaurant, and then took Shen Ying in for dinner.

After the waiter arranged the two people, Fan Wuyi picked up the menu and asked Shen Ying to order. After reading it, Shen Ying felt that there was nothing special, so let Fan Wuyi take care of it.

Fan Wubing didn’t look at the menu again. After thinking about it, he said to the waiter, “I heard that there is a master in your store who is very good at making the kind of seafood soup that nourishes the stomach. Why don’t you have two servings that are suitable for my wife. My soup is ready. As for the others, I also heard that your boss’s wife made a good meat porridge, and I will also come with two bowls. For side dishes or something, just bring out the most delicate ones."

The waiter nodded and agreed, then went to the back and ordered the kitchen to prepare.

Shen Ying asked curiously, "Why do you even know what other bosses are good at?"