
v5 Chapter 646: Logic bomb

From the news from the capital, there was a problem in the software division of the Fans Club.

A programmer belonging to the Fans company, because of his boring idleness and the recent serious piracy of anti-virus software against Perak Beibei, when he saw Microsoft’s heavy-handed protection of rights, he was inspired and wrote a logic The bomb was easily loaded into the beta version of the Pili Beibei anti-virus software.

This test version of the software is released to netizens for free through the network download link, so as to solicit opinions for later improvement in order to launch the official version.

The problem is that every time the s club launches a new anti-virus software version, it will be immediately obtained by several competitors, and then cracked and analyzed, in order to find their leading advantages, and then to give their own anti-virus software improvements as an important reference. .

This time, software personnel from several companies appeared by coincidence. In this beta version of the s club software, a logic bomb was actually loaded!

Regarding the use of logic bombs, in fact, among anti-virus software companies, there have been previous convictions.

In mid-1997, five computer anti-virus vendors, including Xinyuan, Rising, and Jingwei, held a joint press conference in Beijing, claiming that the anti-virus software launched by Jiangmin New Technology Co., Ltd. contained logic bombs, that is, under certain conditions. Downloading the software will damage the user's computer system, causing data loss, failure to boot and other phenomena.

As soon as the news was released, it immediately caused an uproar in the society. After the final appraisal, the Beijing Computer Security Supervision Department determined that Jiangmin Company had violated the computer information system security protection regulations, and it was deliberately inputting harmful data and endangering the security of the information system. Jiangmin Company was punished in accordance with the law. And Jiangmin's excessive defensive measures have also made many software vendors choose legal and rational ways to combat piracy.

The crisis faced by the s club this time is exactly the same as that of Jiangmin Company at that time.

A logic bomb in a computer refers to a computer program that destroys when certain logical conditions are met. The program will cause computer data loss after touch, the computer cannot be booted from the hard disk or floppy disk, or even paralyze the entire system and cause physical damage. False phenomenon.

The symptoms of logic bombs are similar to the effects of certain viruses, and they will cause cascading disasters to society. Compared with a virus, it emphasizes the destructive effect itself, and the program that implements the destruction is not contagious.

At that time, in the words of Jiangmin Company, the reason for using the logic bomb was that in the past few months, a self-proclaimed independent Internet webpage drug island forum ignored the international standards for protecting intellectual property rights and competed against the world. Openly downloading the decryption tool software of major domestic anti-virus software, including kV300, revived the piracy activity that had once converged. In order to stop the spread of piracy, Jiangmin Company did not hesitate to fight with its modest efforts.

Since the Drug Island Forum is established on a free domain name of Interne through the server of a company in the United States, and then automatically connected to the free homepages of two other companies through this domain name, the issues involved are more complicated.

Drug Island Forum’s practice of providing pirated tools does violate Chinese laws or the international treaties that China has concluded. However, from the perspective of the objective effect of Jiangmin’s actions in this case, Jiangmin failed to pursue the island owner and the propagator of pirated tools. Instead, the users of pirated tools were investigated. Doing so may damage the end users among the users of pirated tools, and may also damage the distributors who further produce pirated software among the users of pirated tools.

Under China's national conditions, if end users who use pirated software are targeted for attacks, software manufacturers need to be cautious. Not to mention whether software manufacturers can act as law enforcers by themselves. Software manufacturers whose interests have been infringed can take self-protection measures, but they cannot play the role of law enforcers.

At that time, a controversy over Jiangmin’s installation of a logic bomb was whether Jiangmin’s behavior was to set a logic bomb.

At that time, Jiangmin Company also explained why it wanted to set up a logic bomb, saying that it had added a "logic lock" program with highly intelligent logic judgment to the kV300. This program runs when the pirate uses the decryption key provided by the Drug Island Forum to copy the pirated disk, and when it is run on the computer, a strict logic judgment program with "logic lock" can accurately identify the pirated disk, start it immediately, and lock it. The computer hard drive of the dead pirate forced the computer to stop working, and the hard drive data was temporarily unavailable.

Therefore, Jiangmin Company believes that this "logical lock" with high-intelligence logic judgment conditions will not damage the hard disk data. Pirated users only need to admit the piracy to the headquarters of Jiangmin New Technology Co., Ltd., and register with the relevant department through Jiangmin Company. Filing is conducive to tracing pirated dens, and unlocking conditions can be obtained and the hard drive can be restored to work.

At that time, Jiangmin Company also put forward the concept of "active logic lock" and "passive logic lock". Put an "active logic lock" in the software, and after the software is stolen by a "thief", once the "thief" uses the software, the "active logic lock" immediately locks the storage body of the computer, just like the "thief" is being stolen. Locked in the house, only the copyright owner can use the "key" to unlock it. If the "thief" loves face, he can only self-destruct the "door" to unlock it.

But in this way, many users who regard the use of pirated software as justified have felt great indignation. Some people have suggested that there is no problem with installing anti-theft doors in every household. But if someone energizes the anti-theft door, or the low-level residents install an anti-theft power grid on the fence of their courtyard, serious problems will arise.

First, the installer of the energized security door or the installer of the fenced power grid has no right to carry out this kind of behavior that may endanger public safety. Second, innocent people may suffer. Third, even if a thief is killed by an electric shock, on the one hand, the thief has committed an improper death, and on the other hand, the "installer" himself has no right to act on behalf of the law enforcement agency. Fourth, take a step back and say that even if the person who is killed by the electric shock is indeed "death to death" in accordance with the law, the installer has no right to lynch him to death. This is the minimum requirement of the legal society.

Therefore, as the installer of the logic bomb, the legal responsibility that Jiangmin Company should bear is obvious.

The reason for the controversy and disagreement in understanding the logic bomb case of Jiangmin Company from all walks of life in China lies in how to recognize the conflict between social public order and the interests of copyright owners, and how to deal with the conflict between the two.

Generally speaking, the basic function of copyright law is to maintain a balance between the rights of authors and other copyright owners and the interests of the general public, especially the interests of education, research, and access to information.

A society should maintain normal public order. This is an important part of the public interest and a minimum condition for the national health exhibition and the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Compared with the copyright rights and interests of a certain person or a certain unit, the social public order is a public interest and the latter is a private interest. The question is not whether to protect private interests, but whether the effect of defending private interests should and is not allowed to harm public interests.

Assuming that software copyright owners learn from Jiangmin Company's practices and set up logic bombs in their software in order to protect their copyrights, what is the minimum security of computer information systems? What normal public order is there in society? Is there any normal social management order in the country?

This time the programmers of the s club were discovered by several anti-virus software companies because of the addition of a logic bomb in the beta version. They immediately caused a lot of discussion in the society. Several companies filed lawsuits, saying that the s club was testing the software. A logic bomb was installed in it, posing a great threat to public information security.

Fan Ting has been very troubled by this incident recently, so she asked Fan Wuyi how to resolve this matter.

Fan Wubing scratched his head a lot after hearing this, but obviously this kind of thing can't cause trouble. At most, it is just to make a few companies hype. He still does what he should do, but the software must not be able to install logic. The bomb is out.

"Where is the programmer now? I should first ask about the specific situation before making a decision." After thinking about it, Fan Wubing felt that he still needs to be the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell. It's not easy to handle.

"He is an employee of our company abroad. Now he is settled in Malaysia. That part of the program is transmitted over the Internet and then linked by the company's programmers according to the modules." Fan Ting explained to Fan Wuyao.

"Oh~lightnovelpub.net~ People are abroad——" Fan Wubing patted his head, and suddenly he had an idea, "Ha, I can do something about this!"

"Is there a solution so soon?" Fan Ting felt very stunned. Fan's disease-free brain is too easy to use, right?

This incident has a greater impact on the Fans Club. As for the issue of financial compensation, it is negligible. According to the current domestic law, the fine is only a few thousand dollars at most, which is not at all irrelevant. The biggest problem is the damage to reputation, which is the most critical.

The s club has not seen such a disgusting thing for so many years. It was actually caught by a competitor and appealed to the court. This is the most embarrassing thing. If you win the case, it doesn’t matter. If you lose the case and still get fined, it would be a shame.

At least everyone will use this thing as a negative teaching material. After meeting friends, it is inevitable. Look, even the s club is unreliable, logic bomb! In the future, everyone should use some foreign anti-virus software, at least they are more concerned about professional ethics!

Whether it's to Fan Ting or Fan Wubing, this kind of thing can't happen anyway!