
v5 Chapter 650: The accomplices "Ask a monthly pass"

"Mr. Fan, don't you know?" Jiang Tong was a little surprised, but he explained the origins of BSA to Fan Wuyao.

In mainland China, Microsoft has an important agency BSA. Previously, BSA can also be seen in various cases involving the piracy of Microsoft's software. The BSA stated that it was entrusted by the right holder to complain to the National Copyright Administration and the Ministry of Public Security about the infringement activities of the relevant parties, and the right holder was Microsoft.

BSA's members include a number of software companies, and BSA is also known in the industry as the spokesperson for Microsoft's fight against piracy.

In fact, BSA is the abbreviation of Business Software Alliance e. It was established in 1988 and has branches in 80 countries and regions in major regions of the world. BSA set up a representative office in China in 1997, and also set up a pirated software 800 report hotline in China.

Whose interests does BSA represent?

BSA's own statement is that BSA is currently the spokesperson of the world's leading software developers, and its members include well-known companies such as Microsoft, Intel, and Dell. BSA educates computer users to establish the concept of software copyright, advocates government policies that encourage innovation and expand trade opportunities, and fights against software piracy.

Jiang Tong talked to Fan Wuyi eloquently, "But in fact, there are only a dozen official members of BSA globally. Including Microsoft, be, Apple, K, Bentley, Rland, Symantec, etc., Microsoft’s turnover accounts for more than 90% of the total of all its members."

"In other words, BSA does not represent the global software industry at all. Among the thousands of software vendors in the world, BSA actually represents only a dozen of them?" Fan Wuyao immediately grasped the key issues. Said thoughtfully.

"That's right, Mr. Fan, you are really wise and saw the crux of the problem." Jiang Tong said with a smile, "If it weren't for academic reasons, I had done a survey on the international software piracy industry. If you have understood some of the inside information, you may also be confused by the BSA's statement."

Fan Wubing nodded, thinking that if this is the case, BSA is actually pulling the flag as a tiger skin, and it cannot represent the entire world software industry at all. In fact, it is only a spokesperson supported by Microsoft, and at the same time, in order to expand its influence. Only then did he pull in several of his partners who have no conflicts of interest, which is considered a strong momentum.

Thinking of this, Fan Wubiao immediately thought of a problem. If BSA negotiates with the domestic government under the banner of an industry spokesperson, and puts forward some conditions on the issue of pirated software, it will naturally be safeguarding a few large groups. Interests, instead of representing the interests of the global software industry alliance as they claim.

Such an organization with obvious commercial interests at the beginning of its establishment is absolutely impossible to stand impartially on the standpoint of safeguarding the interests of the software industry, and there must be obvious appeals for interests.

Nowadays, several domestic enterprise users who have been accused of pirating were actually operated through the BSA, but the government’s response to the incident was very slow. They were kept in the dark like Fan Wuyi, and did not think of it. Both B and B have the problem of high valuation of China's piracy losses.

Seeing that Fan Wubing is more concerned about this matter, Jiang Tong went on to explain, "In fact, I have also studied that BSA has said that China has maintained a piracy rate of more than 90% for two consecutive times. This is impossible. . Here, BSA’s data is not correct, but the concept is changed. According to BSA’s statistics, the market size of China’s software industry should reach two trillion this year. A software industry can account for percent of a country’s GDP. Twenty-five? This is obviously a problem. It is a matter of BSA’s own position. I have conducted a survey on the piracy rate of software in China. The piracy rate in China is not that high. Last year, the piracy rate of the entire software industry was 100 About 20 per cent, the damage caused is about 50 billion yuan."

Fan Wubing nodded, thinking for a moment. In this case, Microsoft’s annual loss of pirated software in China will never exceed one billion yuan, and this algorithm is based on the assumption that these pirated users Will buy on the basis of Microsoft's operating system.

In fact, if Microsoft really cracked down on piracy from the very beginning, instead of allowing pirated operating systems to flood the market, there are still many free operating systems that will become everyone's applicable objects, and it is impossible for them to use this method to do so. Suppress other operating systems so that there is no room for survival and cannot be fully developed.

In this case, Microsoft's ND series operating system will definitely not have the current market share.

It can be said that Microsoft used extremely despicable means to strike at its opponents and created its own dominance. In this process, there are naturally many accomplices serving for it. For example, B is completely a running dog raised by Microsoft.

"For now, if all domestic pirated users are using Microsoft's genuine operating system, Microsoft's revenue will not exceed 10 billion yuan, instead of the 200 billion they advertised." Jiang Tong said.

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "Well, I understand that B is actually misleading the domestic government decision-makers, making them think that Microsoft really lost how much money in the mainland, and the specific reason behind this is that Microsoft is a Sino-US intellectual property right. A tool for suppressing China, I hope that my bargaining power will be more important, in exchange for some of my own interests not to be infringed."

After listening to Jiang Tong, after a little thought, he suddenly said, "President Fan's idea has gone a step further. From this point of view, Microsoft's anti-piracy action is not purely aimed at increasing its market share in mainland China. And sales performance, but to ease the penalties imposed by the US government on Microsoft’s monopoly position.

Recently, the allegations against Microsoft’s monopoly status in the United States have been established. If the court’s opinion is followed, Microsoft is likely to be divided into four or six to ensure that they will no longer monopolize the market. Threats enable other software vendors to get fair opportunities for development.

But Bill Gates is not a vegetarian. After thinking about it, he immediately thought of the intellectual property negotiations between China and the United States. By compromising with the government, his company could act as a general in the Sino-US negotiations. , In exchange for the government not to split Microsoft, and let him continue to maintain a market monopoly.

Of course, this negotiation may only be known to the highest level, but from his actions shown in a series of market operations, coupled with the analysis of the entire international situation and the situation of the software industry, it is necessary to find If there are clues, it can still be done.

Fan Wubing figured this out and smiled immediately. He thought that this time, he had a way to resolve the high-level dissatisfaction with his involvement in the corruption incident of Shanghai Deputy Mayor Chen, but he did not expect this nephew recommended by Jiang Lue. , I can actually make my own way of thinking come to light, and figure out such a thing.

"Very well, I am very optimistic about you!" Fan Wubing said to Jiang Tong with a smile, "Well, our company's business, nothing else, you just do it well, although now it's a name for you But if you do it well, there is great hope for becoming a real senior. In short, it’s all up to you."

Jiang Tong thanked Fan Wubing for his appreciation, and then asked, "Are there any taboos in the company?"

"Contraindications?" Fan Wubing thought for a while, and didn't think there were any taboos in his company. He just looked at Jiang Tong and felt like a white face, which would inevitably arouse the interest of some female employees, so he replied solemnly~www .lightnovelpub.net~ There is nothing else, just remember that it will be enough, rabbits don’t eat nest grass. "

Jiang Tong was not surprised by Fan Wuyi's words. After all, office romances are taboo in many big companies. Such things require that they appear in big companies like the FANS club, but there is nothing to be criticized about. After all, he was directly promoted to the top position of the company this time, although it is only in name now.

Jiang Tong thinks that as long as the rewards and punishments in the company are clear and fair and fair, there is still a good chance to be a real high-level with his own ability and strength. It seems that Mr. Fan is also a very happy person. People, I have heard people say before that, within Fan's Investment Group, I have not heard of nepotism. The bosses of several branch companies are all employees in the entrepreneurial period who have come up with their abilities.

Of course, there is one exception, that is, it seems that Mr. Fan likes to support some young and beautiful girls in the company, and they are often exceptionally promoted, but he does not think there is anything wrong with this.

After all, if the little seductive girl is dangling in front of him, shouldn't it be possible to put a few big men in the house as an eye-catcher? That's not the way to be a boss.

However, after thinking of this, Jiang Tong also reminded himself that he should not forget his pride, listen to people's advice, and eat a full meal. Since Fan Wuyi warned him not to eat grass at the edge of the nest, then he should just follow his words. Otherwise, once Mr. Fan's boots were cut off one day, it would be unlucky. It was Jiang Lue who came, and there was no reason to defend himself.

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