
v5 Chapter 654: New Year's Outlook

Although the AD era has been used for a long time, according to the Chinese tradition, the importance of the Lunar New Year is still higher. As the Chinese New Year, as the New Year, it is naturally the most important festival of the year. This is also Chinese. The old tradition has gone through many times, but it has not changed.

The Spring Festival was called Zhengdan, Sui, Sanyuan, Sansuo, etc., until after the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Nanjing Provisional Government stipulated that the summer calendar should be used by the people in order to comply with the agricultural time and facilitate statistics. The first day of the first month is called "New Year's Day", and the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar is called "Spring Festival".

The approach of the Spring Festival means that various government departments need to summarize the work of the previous year and make a government work report, which was submitted to the National People's Congress for deliberation. At this time, Boss Zhu is generally busy at this time.

However, the No. 1 Commander met with Fan Wuyao and after listening to his suggestions, he still ordered him to meet with Boss Zhu. After all, the State Council has always hosted the negotiations, and the leader is also the State Councilor, who is quite high-level. .

Fan Wubing has always been confused about the position of the State Councilor. When talking to Boss Zhu later, he asked him to understand. State councilors assist the prime minister in his work. They are entrusted by the prime minister or the executive meeting of the State Council to be responsible for certain aspects of work or major special tasks. Therefore, they can also be regarded as assistants to the prime minister. The position and ranking are listed after the deputy prime minister.

"The formation of the State Councilor did not last long. The country that had just begun to rejuvenate at that time looked politically stable and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. However, the internal struggles of some forces were still fierce. Although it is not as violent as the class struggle, The issue of fighting for power between various factions is absolutely no less than that of other periods, and it can even be said to be the most intense period in the country." Boss Zhu talked to him about this matter when he received Fan Wuyi. The national economy quickly made the country prosperous and powerful. However, at that time, his prestige in the party was not as high as it is now, and the reform and opening up were still crossing the river by feeling the stones, so he had to work in the state institutions. We have made some changes, established an advisory committee and set up the position of state councilor in the State Council."

In fact, the advisory committee is to let those veteran comrades still retain certain rights. On the positive side, it helps the young leaders to get on the horse and send them off. On the negative side, it wants to restrain the radical reformers from going too far. In order to avoid a large deviation, it is difficult to clean up.

The establishment of the State Councilor was because, in the original situation where there were many deputy prime ministers, almost every deputy prime minister was likely to be the prime minister, and it was easy to give people an impression similar to that of Jiulong in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. After the new generation of leaders took over, in order to clarify this phenomenon, the State Council no longer established too many vice premiers, but replaced them with state councilors.

"In this way, it is basically impossible for those who serve as state councilors. The opportunity to compete for the next prime minister, and the deputy prime minister is one of the natural candidates for the next prime minister. Because of this setting, previous state councilors Comrades are all older people, but with rich practical work experience and strong working ability." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao.

Of course, although the State Councilor is unlikely to compete for the post of prime minister, it is also possible to become a deputy prime minister and then retire as a deputy prime minister. There is a precedent for this.

"Oh, I understand this. In fact, the relationship between the Prime Minister and the State Councilor is equivalent to the relationship between the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General." Fan Wubing said with a smile.

"Basically it's the matter." Boss Zhu waved his hand, and then asked, "You came here this time not only to find out the details of Bsa? I think there must be something else, otherwise it's a piece of paper. The problem was solved by telex, why bother to spend so much time?"

"It's not because of what happened in Shanghai. It must have caused many people to be unhappy, so it's okay to come over to show your courtesy and ease the upper-level relationship." Fan Wuyi didn't go around with Boss Zhu, and replied with a smile.

"That doesn't matter. It's not you who is wrong. What are you afraid of?" Boss Zhu didn't care about it. Although the other party also has a certain power foundation, it is true that the rising Fan family It's nothing, and even more, Fan Wuyao's relationship with the military is also intertwined and can be used, while the other party is just a mere political figure. Once he loses power, he has no support.

Fan Wubing smiled and replied, "It's easy to hide with a gun, but it's hard to guard against an arrow. If I'm alone, it doesn't matter. This dragger is naturally a bit nervous. If anyone secretly creates some obstacles for me, it's the same. Very troublesome thing. At least I have to unify my thoughts in the upper level, and form a consensus that it is not that I am okay to find things."

"It doesn't matter in the high-level staff, it's just that the problem with Vice Mayor Chen has not been settled at this time, and the handling plan for the deputy mayor has not been presented. You can keep a low profile for the time being, at least not with the local cadres in Shanghai. We are too close, there is nothing to pay attention to in other aspects." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao after thinking for a while, but soon he added, "As long as you sit upright, No one can help you. There is no need to worry about it. On the other hand, if you are fooling around, I will not be able to help you."

Fan Wubing nodded again and again, saying that if even I had committed a crime, there would never be a good person in the world.

However, Fan Wubing also feels a problem. In the past, he acted unscrupulously. He dared to take a cadre of not low level off his horse without any fear. But at this time, his family is big. , On the contrary, the scruples arose and became a little restrained.

The two people unknowingly returned to the issue of Sino-US intellectual property rights. Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao, “The US government wants to sue the Chinese government, mainly from the three companies of Microsoft, United Automotive Industry Corporation and Pfizer. Out."

United Automotive Industries Corporation is a consortium of small and medium-sized enterprises in the US automobile industry with Detroit as the core. In recent years, due to the rise of China's automobile industry and the massive increase in exports, Detroit has become very stubborn. Therefore, the US automobile industry, Including the CIO bosses are a bit dissatisfied, this is conceivable.

Pfizer is because of its Viagra, because China's patent rights are still unstable, and it has encountered a lot of trouble when applying for patents, so the complaints are relatively large.

Pfizer was founded in the mid-nineteenth century. In the early days, it was a chemical company whose main business was the production of chemical products. The explosion of the Civil War gave Pfizer an opportunity to exhibit. During the war, they provided a large amount of medicine to the Northern Army. With the progress of the war, it quickly developed and became one of the largest chemical manufacturers in the United States.

After Sir Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, Pfizer began to intervene in the production of antibiotics and gradually shifted its focus to the antibiotic field. Since then, Pfizer has conducted in-depth research on the fermentation process and used it in lemons. In the production of acid and penicillin, Pfizer is now generally recognized by the industry as one of the pioneers in the development of fermentation technology.

The Second World War gave Pfizer another opportunity to exhibit. They were the only company that used ferment technology to produce penicillin at that time. Not only was the output huge, but the production cost was very low, and they provided a large number of relatively cheap penicillin products to the United States. , The company also uses this opportunity to fly expansion.

Last year, the Viagra developed by Pfizer went public and achieved unprecedented success. According to statistics, four Viagra were taken by patients every second. Because of Viagra’s great commercial success, they successively annexed Warner Lambert and France. Marcia has become the largest pharmaceutical manufacturer in the United States.

However, Pfizer encountered great obstacles in the exhibition in China, especially the infringement problem was very serious, which made them very unhappy. It was obviously something that could make a lot of money, but it was unable to enter the market through normal channels. As everyone knows how important the Chinese market is to a company, it can be said to be fatally tempting.

Not to mention Microsoft. He has been suppressed all over the world and has long been accustomed to it. But this time there is really no way. That’s why the large-scale crackdown on piracy in China was carried out because the US government is putting pressure on Bill Gates. Enterprises with global influence on copyright support him, so naturally it is impossible to play. So from this point of view, Fan Wuyi felt very sympathetic to Bill Gates.

Speaking of which, even in foreign countries, there is no escape from the entanglement between the government and enterprises.

"The New Year is coming soon. Is there any focus of your company? I think you are acting very casually, today Australia, tomorrow Indonesia, and the day after tomorrow, I don’t know where I am. I can’t get the pulse at all." Boss Zhu suddenly remembered. After this matter, I couldn't help but ask.

Fan Wubing felt very sweaty when he heard this. He really didn’t have any rules to do things. He did what he thought of, but it also had the advantage that no one could guess what his focus of work was. where to put?

But in fact, the work that Fan Wuyao focuses on is basically the focus, but if he changes to other companies, I am afraid that he does not have the strength to cover everything. Therefore, in the eyes of others, Fan Wuyao is doing things at will. Looks uncomfortable.

"Actually, the focus of my exhibition this year is that foreign countries are still financial investment. At home, one is the cultivation and development of Internet companies, and the other is still increasing investment in infrastructure." Fan Wuyao told Boss Zhu Said, “Actually, I am also more interested in municipal services, such as Beijing and Shanghai. The transportation needs to be improved a lot. If the projects and even services in this area can be handed over to private companies, then My interest will be great, like light rail or subway construction, or highway management projects, etc."

Boss Zhu thought for a while and said, "Although you know you are rich, if you want to implement such a large project, you still need to coordinate between all parties. In principle, we are optimistic. We will wait for the new year. Hold a meeting to study it. After all, there are some more sensitive topics involved in this, and it is difficult to decide at a time. But I am curious, why does your company not enter the real estate industry?"

Regarding this issue, many people actually can’t figure it out. With the strong financial strength of the Fan Investment Group, coupled with good government relations, it is very convenient to enter the real estate and open the market, as if Fan was not ill a while ago. When I was asking for trouble with the Huo family, the real estate tycoon in the capital, I let it out and said that I was going to enter the real estate business in the capital. As a result, the real estate developers in the capital panicked and finally gave up the action to protect the Huo family. In exchange for Fan Wuyi's compromise, at least don't immediately enter the capital real estate circle. Otherwise, it would be a disaster for everyone.

Seeing that Fan Wuyi didn’t answer for a while, Boss Zhu said to himself, “You also know that promoting the development of the real estate market is not only an important decision made by the government to solve financial pressure, but also considering that this can solve the housing equity problem. Effective use of private savings makes this part of money flow, and will not cause excessive pressure on finance. However, some problems have emerged at present, that is, housing prices in some cities have risen relatively quickly, which has caused a greater impact on the lives of the people. In view of this, I hope that your company can use its capital advantage to enter the real estate development market and make some contributions to stabilizing housing prices. If this aspect stabilizes ~lightnovelpub.net~, the results of the reform and development It can be preserved. If the housing prices cannot be controlled, the common people will be busy again."

"If this is the consensus of the senior management, I can enter the market and promise to do my best to maintain the stability of the real estate market, but if this is just your personal opinion, I am afraid it is not suitable to enter this market." Fan Wuyao considered it. After a while, he answered very carefully.

After hearing Fan Wubing’s answer, Boss Zhu frowned and thought for a while, and then said to Fan Wubing, “Well, let’s study this question too, and give you a clear statement in the next year.”

After Fan Wubing left from Boss Zhu, the weather had started to change, and fine sand-like snow grains were spilled on the ground, and the ground became silvery in a short time.

"Here in the capital, the snow falls very often. It seems that the price of food should rise again tomorrow morning—" Fan Wuyi couldn't help feeling a bit when he saw the situation.

"What?" The staff member who sent Fan Wuyi out was not quite clear and couldn't help but ask.

Fan Wubing smiled, but didn't say anything. He just walked out like that and drove the car away.