
v5 Chapter 667: The boss's decision should not be discus

Fan Kang sometimes staggered when he heard what his brother said. Then the tortoise ran away.

After being so engaged by his old brother Fan Kang, Fan Wuyi was so sleepy that he had gone away. He was a little excited for the New Year. In addition to being disturbed by him so much, he felt that he also seemed a little bit dissatisfied. , So Fan Wuyi got up again, reopened and got a cup of tea. Then while drinking, while surfing the Internet and wandering in various forums.

At this time, there are still some literary forums in China, and many people post intermittently on such non-profit forums. Some novels written in my spare time or something. In addition to publishing channels, I have found a new world where I can realize my ideals in life.

After 1996, domestic Internet cafes began to develop rapidly in major cities. At this time, it was overseas student writers, such as San Yisheng and Tuya, who had an impact on Chinese online literature.

The early morning of November 2, 1997. Lao Ge published an article in the Sina’s predecessor, the Four Links Lifang Forum, entitled "No Tears for Old Quotes from Dalian Jinzhou". In just forty-eight hours, it spread almost all over the Internet. This is Internet literature. It is the first time to make an influential appearance in traditional media.

Until last year, the first most representative and influential Chinese online novel "The First Intimate Contact" by Cai Zhiheng appeared on the show. In the same year, the sixth issue of "The End of the World" published an anonymous online novel "Living Like a Human".

Because this online novel has been reposted on the electronic bulletin board many times, it has a great influence. Since this year, more literary websites, such as Jieshuxia and Boku, a paid literary website, have been established in large numbers.

Nowadays, many companies provide free online space, which provides a material foundation for the development of early book sites. It can be said that this is an era of all-people-run Internet, and many Internet users who like to read have opened their own personal websites. At this time, the Internet book sites were mainly reprinting, and copyright awareness was weak. Some websites enrich the content of the website by scanning physical books such as martial arts, romance, etc., while more websites are directly reprinted from other websites. In this case, the content of each station is similar.

For now, serial works such as "Datang Shuanglong" and "Star Wars Heroes" have become the killer steel for various book stations to win over readers. Many new readers come into contact with the Internet in order to follow Huang Yi's "The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty". Because it is serialized, only one volume is published in Hong Kong a month. The Internet has naturally become the best way to get a sneak peek. Which station uploads fast, which station has high-quality scans, and which book station can attract more readers.

Among the book stations at this time, Crouching Tiger Ju has the best proofreading reputation, and the proofreading of its included works is exquisite. For a while, it became the first choice for netizens to include. While scanning the physical books of the school, Crouching Tiger Residence also serialized original works such as Fengzi and Shuilongyin on the website. It can be said that in terms of the quality of works alone, Crouching Tiger House should be the best online book site of that era. However, due to the small amount of collected works, the traffic has never been able to compare with those comprehensive Golden Mang cities. Instead, the Golden Bookstore, which uses the Crouching Tiger House Sweeping School version, has become the most influential in mainland China relying on its massive works and detailed classification. One of the top ten personal sites of Lili, and won the runner-up in the personal homepage contest in 1998.

However, the Internet at this time is still in the portal period. Readers find that most new literary websites are accessed through dial-in engine portals such as Yahoo, or through friendly links between stations. Nowadays, friendly links are almost the only way for many websites to develop new members into this environment. Golden Bookstore uses its first-mover advantage to firmly occupy the position of the boss of the online bookstore. With the development of the website, Golden Bookstore noticed that the proportion of original works on the Internet was not enough, and the importance of book reviews was not enough. It opened an original column for netizens and began to cultivate online originality.

It can be said that, judging from the Kuiduan position of the Golden Bookstore at that time, as long as it does not make too many mistakes in the development, it is difficult for other online book sites to threaten it.

However, the intervention of capital changed the trajectory of fate. After the acquisition of Golden Bookstore by Laimi.com, due to copyright considerations, they did not dare to plagiarize and copy too much in operation. Many readable works could not be included, but there were not many originals, which caused the readers to gradually lose. , Took the initiative to give up the dominance of the online book station.

Almost at the same time the Golden Bookstore was acquired. Boku was established in Silicon Valley, USA, and conducted large-scale recruitment in Beijing. From a well-known domestic book and newspaper alone, the newly born Boku poached more than a dozen editors and reporters in one fell swoop, many of whom were the backbone of the newspaper. This incident caused a lot of shock to the entire publishing industry at that time.

Because of the support of American industrial capital rather than venture capital, and Zizhen, a senior book industry figure. The future of Boku was once optimistic by the industry. At the beginning of the business, Boku’s series of promotion of wealth, P Chapter Catalogue, Chapter 667, the boss’s decision is not to be discussed. At the same time, it cooperated with China Youth Publishing House and Peking University to launch activities such as walking along the Yellow River and Dunhuang Tour. It made a lot of momentum, and later acquired a large number of electronic copyrights of works, in order to train China's Stephen "speaking of words: gold in the name , And signed contracts with a large number of writers such as Wang Shuo and Chen Cun. It can be said that Boku really spent a lot of thoughts in order to expand its popularity and website views.

However, the paid downloading and paid reading spirit advocated by Boku seems out of place in this era of Internet hegemony when free becomes the prevailing rule. The popularity of piracy has made its most important upstream resource, the advantages of thousands of e-books signed with almost all well-known Chinese writers, authors, and scholars, have not been brought into play at all.

In addition, the network conditions are not available at this time, the number of people going online is small, the network speed is slow and expensive, and there are no convenient payment conditions.

After the first investment, investors refused to make additional investments on the grounds that the profit model was unrealistic. But the bankruptcy of Boku later declared the failure of the first attempt to charge a fee in China.

And then with the bursting of the Internet bubble. The golden age of online book sites has also come to an end. A large number of early online book sites have closed down, and the surviving sites have to start trying their best to make money. Later, that will be the future.

At this time, Fan Wubing was tumbling on the forum. I found some familiar networks with the theme of love to pass the time. The overall feeling is that the writing style is exquisite and the feeling is rich, and he is indeed a master of writing. However, it is still a bit pale for Fan Wuyi, who is used to the fantasy style and the city full of tripod thoughts or historical overhead novels. It’s not attractive enough.

At this time, Fan Wubing couldn’t help but flipped through the serialized "The Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty", and then maliciously guessed, thinking that if he gave the author’s writing ideas to gossip and put it on the forum, what would happen? What about the consequences?

But this idea is just to think about it. It is too detrimental to others. Ha ha.

Huafeng.com also has a related novel texture area, and it is quite lively. Fan Wubing went to browse around and decided that he should also write something. As a contribution to this great era, it seems to be a fantasy style. If the novel were released at this time, it would be quite amazing.

Fan Wubing found out after filtering countless classic segments in his mind. It seemed that this was really a good idea, so he made another cup of tea, then changed to a more handy keyboard, first contacted Huafeng.com's on-duty management staff, and sent them New Year's greetings as the boss. They were very moved. Besides, he proposed to let them set up a page specifically for themselves.

"President Fan is going to write a novel?!" After the news came out from the staff on duty at Huafeng.com. The staff on duty throughout the site felt inexplicably excited.

"I didn't expect it. I thought the boss's idea was just about how to make money by poisoning."

A female web editor excitedly said ~lightnovelpub.net~ It is precisely because you have this idea that you have not become the boss. "A manager said with a smile.

Anyway, since the boss has requested, everyone immediately began to study how to spot this problem. Several technicians started coding and got a special page out, and then someone mentioned how to increase publicity. The problem.

"This is very easy. Now, don't we want to focus on recommending software? The two are advertised together, and a prosperous floating window will come out. It's the New Year. Look at this atmosphere and the effect is good. Click and enter directly. Read the page.” The deputy editor-in-chief of the website also ran over after hearing the news. He was someone who could make up his mind. But the complexion is also more complicated, "But my biggest concern is not the effect, but the boss's writing style. If it is too bad, do we have to find someone to polish it?"

Everyone is also more concerned about this issue, if Mr. Fan's novels are fascinating. That is indeed a good thing for the website. If it is not the case, it is estimated that it will attract a lot of scolding. It is not the way to be famous, right? Is it possible to put up for publicity as long as you pay for your website?

But in any case, the boss's decision must be strictly implemented, and it must be implemented well. With the deputy editor-in-chief at the head, more than a dozen staff members gathered together, and everyone ate some dumplings. Li hastily launched an intense work, striving to achieve the most perfect boss's requirements.

It seems that this year's New Year's Eve is really memorable.

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