
v5 Chapter 670: All come to join in the fun

It's the Spring Festival. Due to the holiday, the work of the publishing house will always be affected to a certain extent, but this year is different. Several major portals represented by Huafeng.com have collected events during the Spring Festival in various places in a timely manner. , And established a special Spring Festival channel, giving everyone more choices in their holiday life.

Early in the morning of the second day of the second year, Fan Wubing opened the webpage and logged in to his email address to the editor of Huafeng.com. After passing his manuscript, he went around for a while, but now that Huafeng.com has set up a special page, the content of which is unexpectedly It is a series of articles about exposing the relationship between the Business Software Alliance Team and Microsoft, which was concocted by Jiang Tong, the new head of the External Liaison Department of the Fatty Club. In addition, there are some data analysis of Tian.

In the article, Jiang Tong and others refuted the absurd data of the gun and made a deep criticism of the actions of Microsoft. At the same time, they also conducted a more in-depth review of the intellectual property disputes between China and the United States. Elaboration. Through a few articles, the reasons for the anti-piracy actions being promoted by Microsoft China are clearly explained.

Naturally, as a victim of anti-piracy. Many domestic netizens expressed great concern about this, and even some hackers attacked the website of Microsoft China, tampering with it into a bald eagle with evil eyes, and its huge claws were covered with black ink.

This situation was immediately notified by major websites. Netizens who went to watch the event almost squeezed the website of Microsoft China. They knew that in the afternoon, the other party was able to restore the webpage, just because of the visit. The traffic is too large, and the web server has to be temporarily shut down.

Because of the situation. The executives of Microsoft China had to get together urgently during the Chinese New Year to discuss how this issue might affect domestic companies. After all, it’s their main task to be based in China’s big 6 exhibition market, but in order to speak for the US government’s position, the head office is also a last resort. In addition, anti-piracy can indeed bring considerable performance to Chinese companies. So everyone is very enthusiastic about this anti-piracy campaign.

But now the situation is different. Fan's Investment Group is unwilling to be splashed with dirty water by Microsoft, and directly began to instigate its subordinate companies to fight back. This strength is great. After all, the influence of Huafeng.com is increasing day by day, and the information they quoted seems to have any shortcomings, which directly caused the justice of anti-piracy activities to become controversial.

Corresponding to this are some domestic experts and scholars who have long been very dissatisfied with the price of Microsoft's Overlord, as well as the majority of netizens and computer users. At this time, the voice of opposition on the Internet has long cursed the senior executives of Microsoft China. It's bloody.

The most important point is that companies suspected of using software piracy, such as Yadu Humidifier Company, have not come up with the results in court. At this time, seeing the change of the wind direction seemed to be beneficial to my own side, I took advantage of the more difficult time to start to Microsoft than the old club, and jumped out one after another, indicating that this is a conspiracy made by the blood and Microsoft partnership.

Suddenly, Microsoft's conspiracy theory began to flourish. There are even more posts on the Internet exposing the private lives of the top executives of Microsoft China. All in all, it makes them feel very headache.

After Fan Wubing saw the counterpoint article on the Internet, he was almost full of laughter in his heart. I also made a special call to Jiang Tong and expressed their satisfaction, so that they can toss like this, as long as they make the trouble in the city and turn the blood and Microsoft people into mice crossing the street, then that counts. It's done.

"Of course, it must be based on facts. It is absolutely not possible to violate the law and talk casually, but no one can limit comments and reasoning, right?" Fan Wuyi had to teach them two tricks, let Jiang Tong them avoid risks. Exercise your right to freedom of speech reasonably and legally.

"I understand this, can't you drag yourself into the quagmire." Jiang Tong naturally led the meeting.

Microsoft has always taken advantage of international practices and laws of various countries on the issue of anti-piracy. The principle of… The principle of transformation is mainly aimed at government organizations, and the principle of transparency is also the same. The principle of transparency guarantees the predictability and stability of each member’s economic policies and economic management actions, and provides a solid foundation for the realization of trade liberalization.

Its transparency principle includes four aspects. The first is the special provisions. Members should promptly announce the effective implementation of various laws, regulations, administrative decisions, judicial decisions, agreements and treaties related to the management of foreign trade, and implement them uniformly, fairly and reasonably within their borders. The second is the notification clause. Members should provide necessary conditions for the openness and transparency of trade-related legal systems, such as setting up consultation points and fulfilling notification obligations. The third is to review the terms. All members join in the fun at Chapter 670 of the Shanhua Caise Chapter Catalog. The heart's trade policy review organization regularly reports on trade policies and practices...small clauses. However, if it obstructs the enforcement of laws and regulations, violates the public interest, or harms the interests of a benevolent enterprise, the disclosure may not be required.

Therefore, a country’s anti-piracy actions must be predicated, courteous first, and then soldiers. Microsoft, as a company, is free from this restriction and can act all of a sudden.

Just like this Sino-US intellectual property dispute, Microsoft, as the vanguard of the US government, is rushing to the legal issues involved in piracy, and it seems that there should be a statute of limitations. Then how long is the time limit for complaining about computer software piracy? At least there is no explicit stipulation in the law. For a long time, Microsoft has tacitly approved and even condoned piracy. This has caused Microsoft and consumers to hold on to each other, and they are equally equal. In the past, piracy was allowed, why suddenly it didn’t work?

According to the counterattack ruling, Microsoft's current anti-piracy behavior is actually a monopolistic behavior that abuses its dominant market position. However, there are almost no specific clauses such as the Anti-Barrier Ruling that can directly regulate Microsoft's behavior. This cannot be said to be a pity. . Fan Wuyi hopes that he can propose to amend and improve the anti-monopoly law in order to legally solve Microsoft's monopoly phenomenon, such as bundling sales and the continuous backdoor incidents.

However, in the forums and in the links of some news pages, Fan Wubing also showed a lot of expert opinions leaning towards Microsoft. He directly denounced pirated users as thieves and robbers, as if he was so noble, but Fan Wu I checked their articles carefully, and found that a lot of information is still from direct sources or data provided by Microsoft, and some of them are seriously wrong at all.

For these people, Fan Wubing is relatively speechless, which is probably caused by two reasons. One is that they have a special brain structure, and the other is that they have interests and are endorsing Microsoft.

The response from the software is also very intense. In fact, many networms have already had the experience of using Sibi. At this time, software based on the Chinese system is also available in China. It is naturally more convenient to use. The number of downloads in a day has passed 60,000. This is really true. It's a pound.

A business miracle.

Fan Wubing's heart at this time is also a lot more secure. He is very clear that as everyone promotes the use, there will be more spread among relatives and friends, this growing user group , Will become a trump card in his hand, and may come in at some point.

Nowadays, there is a popular saying that traffic is king on the Internet, but in reality, a large and stable user group is the ultimate goal pursued by major websites. As long as there is a consumer group, no matter what business you do in the future, It’s easy to achieve the goal, and simply wanting to increase the site’s traffic is of no avail, because a lot of people will come around and talk about what they are advertising, and then they will leave, most likely they will never patronize again. Here, in this case, this kind of traffic can only be said to be meaningless dead traffic.

In any case, seeing the popularity and the collapse of Microsoft are the biggest gains during the Spring Festival this year.

When Fan Wubing was planning to start today’s codeword mission, he suddenly received a call from He Yun, a satellite communications service company. During the call, He Yun said that the leaders at the Jiuquan Base wanted to invite Fan Wubing to participate. An event, ask him if he can spare time?

After hearing this, Fan Wubing felt a little curious~lightnovelpub.net~ What would Jiuquan Base invite himself to do for the New Year? After so many years, it seems that they haven't been there for a few years. Could it be that they have something to help themselves?

However, considering that Dad is now at a critical juncture of getting more help, he should also go to the Jiuquan base by himself, and at least be able to unite a group of people into his camp.

So Fan Wubing agreed. But the time is not very tight. It will be after the fifteenth of the first lunar month, and it will not affect my normal activities during the Spring Festival.

But some things are unpredictable. Just when Fan Wubing was overwhelmed and felt that everything was perfect at the moment, news came from the Southwest branch of Wangou Club, saying that the operation of the company has stopped, and the provincial government is reviewing the branch’s information. The affairs are checked on the excuse that the Southwest Branch has serious support for piracy.

"Damn!" After Fan Wubing heard this, he immediately felt irritated. Who is it that is having trouble with him?

But anyway, since something happened in the Southwest Branch and the old sister Fan Ting is not suitable to come forward, then the only suitable person to go there to solve the problem is undoubtedly.