
v5 Chapter 681: First visitor

Catalogue of Cai Se p Chapters Chapter 681 Visitors to the Chinese who entered the Year of the Rabbit in the lunar calendar began to feel the introduction in the spring, and the heat waves came. Suddenly, as a spring breeze is coming, thousands of trees and pear blossoms are blooming. Such verses are not enough to describe the current situation. The Internet has begun to penetrate people's lives at an alarming rate.

Venture capital, stock options, overnight wealth, online dating, online literature, online campaigns and various Internet-related events and figures stimulate people's eardrums and eyeballs. "Have you been online today?" has become a popular language among people.

It can be seen from the statistics table at the beginning of this year that the domestic network industry has taken a big step. The number of netizens has doubled to four million, and the export bandwidth has reached 300 megabytes.

Batch after batch of overseas students slaughtered the carbine, batch after batch of Chinese who were struggling overseas, and those foreigners who wanted to fight in China came to join the ranks of dreaming China. One after another cyber heroes turned out. China's Internet has entered a midsummer that is full of enthusiasm.

In early March, Microsoft announced its Venus Ge Ge in China. "This is also Venus Ge Zai officially surfaced, and Microsoft’s powerful attack brought China an unavoidable test for the industry. The controversy detonated by the Nass Project made the issue of China's fourth industry reach the public for the first time. It has become a popular topic, and it has also prompted China's industry to conduct a comprehensive reflection on its future direction for the first time.

At that time, the domestic debate on this issue was very fierce, and some expressed that they should respond to Microsoft's Venus plan, which is a reference to China's register industry. Very good opportunity, if given up. It may cause the gap in this area to grow in the future, and some people object to it, that is, seeing the large and improper Venus plan.

Fan Wubing held a negative opinion on this, because he knew very well that the point of Venus’s plan was the threshold for Internet access on the river embankment, but apparently Bill Gates did not study it seriously when he made this decision. The current situation in China. He didn't realize that China's economic development will be so fast, and computer hardware development will be so fast, which led him to make a wrong judgment.

Basically, this is the same as the one-hundred-dollar notebook that was discussed later. It is a kind of short-sighted work. Although it has earned a lot of attention at the beginning, when it is implemented, the market will appear completely. You are voting with your feet.

Bill Gates really has a good set of software. However, when dealing with the problems of the Chinese market, they did not understand the consumption habits of the Chinese at all. They were more willing to spend a little more money to pursue a set of most advanced but expensive computers. I don't want to use the four-dimensions, which are cheaper, but are not fully functional and inconvenient to use.

Of course, some domestic companies have expressed their cooperation with Microsoft to participate in the Venus Project. These companies are either eager to get rid of their own business difficulties, or are seduced by the bright prospects portrayed by Microsoft's Venus Gego. He finally became the pioneer of Bill Gates using a black box to test the Chinese market.

At the end of April, Fan Wuyao went to the Jiuquan base once, where he and the leaders of the base had more in-depth exchanges on some issues regarding satellite communications between the two sides.

In fact, Fan Wubing knows little about satellite communication issues in recent years. Therefore, the main role of the exchange activities is the responsibility of He Yun, the main person in charge of the satellite communication service company, and other specific staff. At the invitation of Ji, he was invited to visit Jiuquanji's progress.

Although Fan Wubing is also more interested in Jiuquan Base, he also knows things that others haven't introduced, so it is best not to mess around. You don't need to cause trouble. You have to know that the things here are more expensive, and you don't have to be able to buy them if you have money.

For many precision instruments, the static electricity carried by ordinary people is enough to damage them.

Commander He of the base expressed a very warm welcome to Fan Wuyi's arrival, and a reception reception was specially prepared for him. There were many experts in the base and officers above the lieutenant colonel. As long as there are no important tasks on the body! They were all present at the reception. There were about two hundred people, and it was quite lively.

Fan Wubing expressed his gratitude for this. In fact, he still respects the experts who stick to the most difficult military scientific research bases. What these people guard is the iron backbone of the entire Chinese nation, whether it is two bombs or one star. They all carry the hope of the Chinese people to be independent. In fact, they have indeed achieved this goal.

Time flies so fast. Fan Wubing didn’t expect that in just a few years, He Yun’s father had already become the commander of the base, and he also entered the ranks of high-ranking generals. He wanted to come and leave before retirement. There is no big problem.

But he also realized that it seemed that Commander He was more concerned about his daughter. He Yun and his father had obviously been talking longer. This made Fan Wuyao suddenly think that it seemed that He Yun was working for him and he could get back. The time for visiting relatives at the base is really too little.

There is nothing to do with Fan Wushu. After all, for their highly professional company leaders, Fan Wubing’s remuneration is also very high, far more than the welfare benefits of those company executives who openly recruited high salaries in China, even He Yun This is obviously a company executive with a military mission. If he quit the company now, he will have a net worth of millions of dollars or more. This is not even the expensive consumer goods such as houses and cars reserved by Fan Wuyi for them in the capital.

It can be said that He Yun's current worth is definitely more than 10 million yuan. If she is really willing to stay under the Fan Investment Group for ten years, it is estimated that by then it will be normal for her worth to exceed 100 million yuan.

In short, even though He Yun did a little more work, he did not abuse her at all, nor did he deduct her salary, Fan Wuyao thought to himself.

During the banquet, people continued to come to Fan Wuyin to toast. There was not much time to drink in the base. They usually only drank during celebrations or on special days. Although Fan Wuyin drank a lot, he didn't think he was saving face. It's so big, it can make everyone in the base drink.

"What day is today?" Fan Wubing asked a deputy commander beside him curiously.

The deputy commander also seemed very happy, and he laughed when he heard the words, "Anyway, it is a good day. Later, the commander will take you to see and see good things."

"'When the visitor of Chapter 681 of the Cai Se P Chapter Catalogue asked about it, the deputy commander refused to say more. The people made Fan Dan feel sick and scratched. , I don’t know what they plan to do when so many people come together? Could it be that they dug out the national treasure-level millennium female corpse from the desert? This possibility is still very high.

Commander He talked with his daughter He Yun for a long time, then turned around and said a few words to Fan Wubing, and had another drink.

"Today I drank a little bit high, and now my mind is messy." Fan Wuyao complained to Commander He.

Commander He replied with a smile, "It doesn't matter. When you arrive at the base, you will be at your own home, so don't worry."

After eating, the base restaurant was cleaned up, and it immediately became a huge ballroom.

Dancing is also one of the most lively sports in the base, because it is far from the city, it is not easy for everyone to go out, and there are more restrictions, so when there is time, it is usually held on weekends. Through this Activities, many young people have found their significant other.

However, at this time, the rules in the base are quite strict, so everyone dances regular ballroom dances. There is naturally no market here, and no one is embarrassed to come out. Jump.

There were indeed many girls who invited Fan Wuyi to dance together, but they all wore military uniforms. Therefore, the action is even more rigid, and it looks very strict.

After Fan Wubing entered the base, for the sake of convenience, Commander He found a set of Lieutenant Colonel Officer’s clothing for him to wear. Unlike others, he put a small sign on his chest with the word VIP written on it. , To show the difference.

He Yun explained that this means that people who have a very close relationship with the military can be treated like this. When ordinary people come to be received, they can only wear casual clothes, even military uniforms. It is also necessary to remove the rank mark, and it is even more unlikely that the rank mark is complete like Fan Wubing's. At the same time, the VIP logo was also added.

Although Fan Wubing has not worked **** dancing, the dance skills he has developed during the days when he was in bars and dance halls in his previous life are more firmly imprinted in his mind. In addition, he has practiced superior internal skills in his current life. The coordination and the precise grasp of the movements have reached an incredible level, so when the song was down, it caused full applause.

However, Fan Wubing felt that dancing like this was really tiring. The female officers or soldiers in front of him were all bright and beautiful, and they were of good shape. Everywhere they touched their hands, they could feel the vitality and surging of youth. **, it just happens that I can only follow the rhythm in a serious manner. Not being able to go beyond the rules is really frustrating.

Fan Wubing's hand was very honestly placed on the other party's chubby sex, really wanting to reach out and squeeze it to try the feel, but he thought that if he did this, or the other party would blame himself affectionately with his watery eyes. , Or he would jump up and shout indecent, and then let himself feel ashamed in front of everyone, so Fan Wuyi became more honest.

"Under the uniform is the paradise for nurturing Mensao." Such a sentence suddenly appeared in Fan Wuyao's head.

However, when he is so serious, when others look at him, they feel that Fan Wubing seems to be polite, and the girls who dance with him also feel a little nervous, and even stepped on Fan Wubing. Two feet.

"I'm sorry." The girl saw sweat on her face, thinking what happened today, she made a mistake in her busy schedule. He is the base's post-dance level, but there has never been such a low-level mistake before.

It’s no wonder that the VIP brand that Fan Wubing hangs is indeed a bit scary. After the girl came to the base, it was the first time I saw the base treat an outside young man with such solemnity and wear it on him. The military uniform on his body still had the rank of lieutenant colonel. It seemed that Fan Wubing was in his early twenties.

Could it be that which is in the office? Ordinary ya inner will not get this kind of treatment!

Fan Wubing was stepped on both feet and felt a little bit depressed, but naturally he was embarrassed to care about other little girls, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, I haven't danced for a long time. Mine My body is a bit stiff, and when this tune is over, it is estimated that I will recover."

"Well, the long dance danced very well." The girl praised the girl sincerely. She is a frequent dancer. Why don't you know who stepped on whom? Fan Wubing said so, just to relieve her.

In the army, there is a place where grades are emphasized. Whether it is to accompany dancing or accompany singing with wine, they are all ordered by the officer and must be strictly enforced. Naturally, it is impossible to accompany at a deeper level, unless your level is. To the point where it is worthy of a willing dedication, otherwise it is nonsense.

As a person who often accompanies the dance, the girl is also well-informed, but she doesn't know exactly what Fan Wuyi's identity is, so she looks like she used to be.

"I'm not a long-time person, I'm not a member of the system at all." Fan Wuyao smiled slightly.

After the girl heard this, she was a little surprised~lightnovelpub.net~ She suspected Fan Wuyi's special identity in her heart. This is also something that they rarely contact outside in the base. Otherwise, how could they not know that Fan, the youngest richest man in the country, is not sick? Of course, if you mention Biyang Old Club or Fan Investment Group, everyone has heard of it, but for the boss behind the scenes, it doesn't matter much.

After dinner and dancing, Commander He and more than a dozen high-level officials of the base accompanied Fan Wuyi to the secret center of the base and asked him to watch something.

"What is so mysterious?" Fan Wubing said with a smile, "I remember that the satellite was not made here, right?"

"Of course it's not a satellite, but it's actually more valuable than a satellite. You are a visitor to the outside world.

Commander He replied with a smile.

Fan Wubing followed them to the place suspiciously, and then watched the staff slowly pull away the dust cover that was covering a big guy.

"Ah?!" Fan Wuyi, who saw the true content inside, couldn't help but open his mouth wide at this time.