
v5 Chapter 692: Awakening

Chapter Table of Contents Chapter 692 The Awakening of Fortune, I was waiting for Fan's illness in the early morning of the 14th. Fan Bureau asked his satellite communication system to return news, and everything was fine. k

At this time, everyone took a long breath, and then the number one leader said, "Well, now you can send someone out to express your attitude. Of course, you have to be as tough as possible so that you can calm the excited crowd. "

The eyes of the standing committee members immediately focused on the most eye-catching member of the current standing committee. Well, it is naturally not Fan Heng, but the one who will lead the overall situation in the next session of Ji Ge.

So, ten o'clock in the morning on the 14th. Figures in grass-green military uniforms without military rank appeared on all the TV channels, and everyone finally heard the official reaction two days after the embassy was bombed.

On the TV screen, this person showed a very tough attitude. In addition to saying that this time the matter must be investigated to the end, at the same time, everyone is required to maintain a calm and peaceful mentality. Everything is centered on economic construction. Able to mess up the position on his own and caught the trap of the international forces.

Despite this, some domestic US-funded institutions have been affected, especially the embassy and consulates, as well as the Biho McDonald’s commercial institutions, which were blocked by many people and were forced to close their business.

At 9 a.m. on the 15th, all embassy staff withdrew back to the country. After the chartered plane landed at the airport, it was welcomed by people from all walks of life. At the same time, everyone saw two coffins covered with national flags being slowly lifted by guards. Although it was loaded on the hearse, and then pulled away.

What everyone didn't know was that there was no human body in the two coffins at 9 o'clock, but the key components of the X-Kou stealth fighter directly loaded from Belgrade. At this point. The Americans did not expect this to happen, and they agreed that the wreckage of the plane that was shot down was completely annihilated in the bombing.

But after this time, the senior management also realized that it is no longer enough to just pursue the fruits of economic construction. Without the support of a strong national defense force, economic results can only be said to be trophies prepared for others. For this reason, Fan Heng of the State Council has convened several military industry system meetings. problem.

After the Yugoslav Embassy was bombed, some high-level and non-governmental experts began to reflect seriously. Is the effort to develop the economy a bit too much?

Since ten years ago, the United States has conducted a series of strategic trials on China. In the case of Yinhe, the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996, China suffered the loss of US intervention. When the Hong Kong colony was regained in 1997, China's national strength has soared and some self-confidence has been restored. It can even be said that it is a little airy. Civilian nationalism has risen in response to this historical exhibition.

At the same time, in order to ease the strategic pressure on him by the United States, Russia has agreed to sell or will sell many new weapons to China, including the strategically significant Su-30 fighter. The radical forces in China suddenly felt that their waists straightened up. Begin to want to rule the top from left to right.

They used the power of nationalism to dress themselves up and put the high-handed policy of resisting the United States on the agenda. Several folk "scholars" wrote "China Can Say No, it spread widely among the people all at once." At that time, many people saw their blood boiled, and they really don’t know why their country didn’t organize volunteers to fight against the US invasion in Yugoslavia.

After the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, Yugoslavia's nationalism has risen, and when the brothers’ countries separated their property, they fought violently, causing chaos for several years. The EU and the United States have not really cared except for condemnation. Kosovo is the territory of Russia, and he certainly cares about the political heritage of the former Soviet Union. Afterwards, the Yugoslav Embassy incident occurred. It was only at this time that the high-level officials realized that the rules of the world were still in control of the United States. China has once again been fooled by Russia, just as cannon fodder in the Korean War.

As for why the United States suddenly showed great kindness to the human rights cause in Kosovo, we must also start with the information revolution. The 1990s can be said to be the golden age of the United States. The US economy was the first country in the world to enter the information economy. Since then, the hot economy has promoted the stock market soaring, and the bubble economy has begun.

For the first time, a US$2 trillion pension fund was allowed to enter the stock market. The high purchasing power suddenly distorted the yield of stock market companies.

Stock market investors have begun to ignore the stock market profitability. The appreciation value of stocks is greater than the original value of stocks, and high returns have prompted speculative hot money to flood in from all over the world.

This has greatly promoted the development of the United States' sponsorship-level powers, and widened the gap in scientific and technological strength between countries in the world and the United States.

The highly speculative stock market has created many confusing stories, one that is always expanding. The stock market value of Amazon Bookstore, which always loses more than profit, has been fired to more than 10 billion U.S. dollars. "Fast fish eat slow fish. The information age can avoid economic crises" has become the most fashionable "Working Chapter Catalogue Chapter 692 Awakening Money One". However, unprofitable stocks will eventually become waste paper.

After the Asian financial crisis, more hot money flooded back to the United States, continuing to support the U.S. dot-com bubble. The bubble is also getting bigger and bigger. The market value of the stocks of Cisco and Microsoft once exceeded US$500 billion. At this time, some scholars have begun to question that there is a problem with the US information economy. Those American interest groups that have key inside information have already sensed that a stormy crisis is coming.

In order to alleviate the Internet bubble in the information industry. To allow the United States to safely withdraw from the stock market, the United States must hire a fool to take the last shot. This fool must have strong capital, and it is not possible for Asian countries to take over the mess of the United States. The European Union has financial capital second only to the United States. Therefore, the United States is very concerned about the humanitarian crisis in the former Yugoslavia in southern Europe. This is the slogan that strikes against the Yugoslavia.

The war exploded European investors felt that Europe was not safe, the euro plummeted, and about 700 billion US dollars of hot money flowed to the US stock market, becoming the last scapegoat.

The military significance of the Kosovo War is that the strategic air force wins a war alone. Even if there are some tactical failures, such as infrared interference, which fails to distinguish false targets, this does not affect the strategic situation. Politically, this war has divided Europe and prevented it from being alone. Become a pole.

The image of China has suffered a huge loss in the international arena. Everyone knows that the United States has taught the Chinese.

The only thing the whole China could do at that time was to mobilize students to march in the streets and engage in tragic protests.

The Americans who let unarmed students go to peaceful petitions to arm their teeth are despised in the world. But what is unexpected is that this kind of tragic appeal unexpectedly unified the various factions in the country up and down temporarily, and the Americans were surprised.

The original plan was to use force to intimidate China, divide it internally, and then look for opportunities to control China. Unexpectedly, it would unite all the Chinese people together.

At this time, the high-level leaders agreed that it was futile to confront the United States, and the peaceful exhibition faction began to dominate China's internal affairs and diplomacy.

It was at this juncture that Fan Heng came to the forefront and became the head of a large state-owned enterprise. At the same time, he also began to explore a path for the rapid growth of the Chinese and foreign industrial enterprises.

A weak country has no diplomacy. Compared with the United States, China is still in a weak position. As far as the current military equipment is concerned, it cannot be summarized for ten or twenty years to lag behind the U.S. Since the economy is not enough to support us against the U.S. , Then the choice of walking on two legs is easy to make. While developing the economy, supporting key military enterprises at the same time to ensure the results of economic construction has become an important task for Fan Heng to solve.

Fan Hyung, who was shouldering this important task, felt that he was very responsible for a while, and he was a little bit apprehensive.

After Fan Wubing satisfactorily solved his secret mission, he also followed Bill Gates to inspect the Microsoft headquarters. After that, the two made a statement on the strategic partnership cooperation between Fan Investment Group and Microsoft at the Microsoft headquarters, saying that the two parties agreed on the previous cooperation. The conflicts between the two countries have been fully resolved, and an all-round cooperative relationship has been established in the promotion of information technology in the world.

Bill Gates said that Microsoft will open part of the source code to the software development department of Fan's Investment Group, and Fan's Investment Group will also provide some important data to Microsoft through its software development department to promote more suitable for development. The software system used by the Chinese comes.

The cooperation between the two major companies seems to the world to be a bit weird. The two major companies that were hot on the market not long ago suddenly became so good that the oil was mixed in honey. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really good It is very surprising.

What is even more incredible is that US President Clinton actually participated in the press conference of the two major companies, and the two Bills hugged Fan Wuyi between them, as if they had been friends for many years.

Gates smiled from the bottom of his heart, because he got Clinton's guarantee. The antitrust case will not be passed, and Microsoft will not be divided into two or four. As for the European Union, the US government will also put pressure on it.

And Clinton’s smile is also hearty, because he avoided a crisis caused by the arrogance of the military and defeated the conspiracy that the Republicans had created against him. The opponents of these different groups of forces are in a hurry again.

As for Fan Wuyi, he was elsewhere at this time. And it was very unexpected. He actually accepted the invitation of Lockheed and went to visit their company.

Everyone who heard the news was dumbfounded, and the world was really messed up. The rise of any big one will always experience many twists and turns.

The shed was delivered the third time today, and Zhou's bid is not over yet to be continued