
v5 Chapter 708: Mongolian ground snakes

If Mongolia joins China's territory. Then the shape of the whole China is like a piece of crabapple leaf, instead of the current big cock. The Chinese people’s special feelings for Mongolia are all due to the plot of “Begonia leaves”, and the Mongolians’ unfriendliness towards the Chinese also originated from This piece of "Begonia Leaf".

The difference is that the Chinese people are full of yearning for this piece of crabapple leaves, while Mongolia is full of disgust. The fundamental difference between the two is that China regards the establishment of Mongolia as a national division and territorial loss, while Mongolia regards the national liberation and national independence. With the help of the Soviet Red Army, Cheng himself completely got rid of China's nearly 300-year "colonial rule".

In fact, the information in the National Museum of Mongolia shows that after the Soviet Union took control of Mongolia, it confiscated the property of Buddhist monasteries, destroyed temples, and arrested lamas, basically destroying Tibetan Buddhism. After Mongolia's rebellion against the Soviet Union that year, the Soviet authorities began purging and persecuting Mongolia. In 20 years, nearly 5% of people in this country died abnormally.

Culturally, Mongolia also suffered the same fate as Vietnam. Traditional Mongolian script was changed to Russian-style Slavic script, which cut off their own cultural heritage.

The Mongolian National Museum, when describing the brutal rule of the Qing Dynasty over Mongolia, is only a large and empty macro-exposition, lacking the support of historical evidence, and the true brutal rule of Mongolia under the Soviet rule is hidden in the Mongolian industrialization period. The production achievements exhibits were taken as an understatement, which also confirms Croce's famous saying that "all history is contemporary history".

The Mongols’ resentment towards the Chinese is reflected in cultural differences. The previous textbooks of Mongolian history said that Chinese merchants flooded the countryside and bought leather, wool, camel hair and other commodities from herdsmen at low prices, and then sold these commodities at high prices. Selling forced the Mongols into debt. Since the herders could not read the accounts of the Chinese merchants, the Chinese were easy to play tricks, and the Mongols often resisted their oppression.

After Mongolia’s self-government, its national defense was basically guaranteed by the Soviet Red Army, so it did not have any armed forces. After all, Mongolia had only 700,000 people at the beginning, and such a small base was simply unable to maintain a large number of national defense forces. Now, even now, 20,000 active military personnel account for 1% of the entire Mongolia.

If we put this ratio in China, we will probably maintain a standing army of more than 10 million in order to reach the level of Mongolia's military-civilian ratio.

Fan Wuyi and they are in the downtown area of ​​Ulaanbaatar. I also met many Mongolian soldiers wearing yellow-green military uniforms. It felt very strange. The clothes they wore were a bit like the costumes of the Soviet Red Army during World War II. China seemed to have worn it for a while in the 1950s. Soviet-style military uniforms and hats are also the kind of ugly ship-shaped caps. The rank marks are very rough, but they always carry weapons on their bodies. It is estimated that because of the needs of the situation, they should be live ammunition, not like many guards in China. All he holds in his hands are empty guns.

However, the number of Mongolian police is relatively large. They give people the impression that they have to take care of everything. It is a bit similar to the domestic urban management, and it is also a kind of profession that is not welcome, but from the standpoint of the Mongolian police. Above, self-feeling is still relatively swollen.

There was a lot of noise outside, but it was a lot of noise. Although Fan Wubing was biting the leg of the lamb at this time, he heard in his ears that someone of his own was arguing loudly, so he grabbed a leg of the lamb and ran out of the yurt.

"Sir, you'd better not go out." The owner of the yurt dragged Fan Wuyi's sleeve nervously to dissuade him.

"Why?" Fan Wuyao asked curiously.

"Those people outside are environmental protection police, with great power--" the old man Di Fan Wuyi explained.

Environmental police? I feel that I have heard this term. Mongolia is a basically open pasture country. Except for the many fixed houses in the center of Ulaanbaatar, most of them are mobile yurts or wooden houses. , The environmental problems caused by construction or demolition are more important. Especially in recent years, because Mongolia is also pursuing an economic policy of opening to the outside world, the opening of various mining areas is in full swing, which has also caused some serious pollution problems.

Under such circumstances, the Mongolian government has set up an environmental protection police specifically for environmental protection issues. The authority is relatively large. Basically, it has the same function as the domestic environmental protection bureau plus urban management plus police. It is really the middle of the world. The air has to be taken care of. Moreover, for the convenience of law enforcement, these people are not allowed to leave their guns and have great privileges.

On the semi-civilized land of Mongolia, especially in some areas where comprehensive literacy is not very high, law enforcement officials basically have the right to control everything.

But Fan Wubing can never stay in the yurt and not go out. After all, he has heard several of his subordinates arguing with each other in English, and there are also barking police dogs. It is estimated that there should be more than one or two people on the other side. .

So Fan Wubing ran out while chewing on the leg of lamb.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening at this time, but at this time the sky hadn't darkened, so Fan Wuyao saw at a glance the appearance of several people in black uniforms who were arguing with his subordinates outside.

flat nose. Dabinglian, if you say that Mongolians look very close to Koreans, it is easy to tell. There are a total of six Mongolian environmental protection policemen who are talking to their subordinates there.

"What's going on?" Fan Wubing asked sternly in English.

A subordinate immediately ran over to Fan Wuyin and said, "It's nothing serious. Just now everyone was eating lamb legs, and Xiao Zhang casually threw the bones out of the yurt. Not long after, these guys came to the door and said it was pollution. environment."

Oh, Fan Wuyao nodded, "It's not a big deal. Since you threw your bones and violated other people's regulations, you can just pay a little money. If you are out of town, do whatever you like."

"Boss, it's natural to pay a little money, but the other party wants to detain Xiao Zhang for three months." The subordinate explained to Fan Wuyao.

"Grass!" Fan Wuyao immediately said angrily, "Tattered Mongolia, do you think you are Singapore?!"

Fan Wubing felt most annoyed. It is these self-righteous countries who are clearly still in a serf society. They have to regard themselves as imperialists, thinking they can do what they want. Now, Russia is overwhelmed with care, and China is doing its own economic construction. No one wants to pay attention to them. Otherwise, how could the Chinese be bullied in such a place?

The degree to which Chinese people have been bullied in foreign countries shows how poor the country's overall strength is. If the country was unfairly treated in the United States, Fan Wuyao would naturally have no complaints. But being bullied at the door of the house made him very angry, so he was very angry and threw the half-eaten leg of lamb to the ground. It was really loud and sound, and the six Mongolian environmental protection agencies. The police turned their heads together and looked at Fan Wuyi, and then at the leg of lamb that was thrown on the ground by him, still steaming, and his eyes immediately showed a cold murderous look.

This is a blatant provocation on your own territory! The six policemen have the same idea now.

They have also appeared. It seems that these Chinese are all in a group. It seems that there are a total of 40 or 50 people, which is not easy to deal with. However, based on experience, when I usually go to those mines to find trouble, the other party is the leader. People basically accompany them respectfully. Even if there are hundreds of people in front of them, they have to stand there and wait for dispatch. Could it be that the few people in front of you have turned their backs?

They were looking at Fan Wubing, and Fan Wubing unceremoniously raised his **** to them, then turned his finger down, with a very contemptuous attitude, obviously he did not treat them as a dish at all. .

The westernization of Mongolia is very serious. Fan Wubing used such a clear international greeting gesture, and immediately annoyed these people. The next policeman reached out to touch the holster, but they were armed with small-scale weapons of destruction. Yes, although the pistol is a melee weapon, it is a weapon for close combat.

Before they could touch the gun, Fan Wuyi's bodyguard rushed over and pressed him to the ground, and his hands were cut back.

The faces of the remaining police officers changed drastically. When they came to Mongolia, they dared to be such an arrogant Chinese. It was the first time that they saw it. It was a bit strange and unbelievable. When they reacted, they were left. All of the bodyguards took action, and all six of them were under control.

Fan Wubing snorted, and took the steaming leg of lamb that had just been taken out of the yurt from a subordinate. He took a bite, and then held a leg of lamb and pointed and cursed at the guy who first drew a gun at him, "Is timid enough to dare to drew a gun at me? Where a big fart, I dare to talk to me Are you arrogant? Clinton and Yeltsin had to be polite when they saw me. What kind of thing do you dare to hand me paws? This is also outside. If you change places, you would have lighted the sky lanterns long ago! "

Fan Wubing cursed, and patted the opponent's cheek twice with the chewed lamb's leg bones. Suddenly a pie face became swollen, and it seemed that his teeth became a little loose. Now, the person screamed suddenly, but it was not in English or Russian or Chinese, but a voice that sounded a little different from Mongolian.

"What is he talking about?" Fan Wubing asked an interpreter from the embassy next to him.

The translator at the embassy was a little bit stunned. He never thought that Fan Wuyi was so courageous, and he was so arrogant on other people's territory. I heard that this President Fan was very arrogant in China. Low-key? Why is Mongolian wine so rough? It's like riding on someone's head and peeing. If something happens, how can I tell the ambassador and how to tell the country?

After he settled down, he said to Fan Wuyao, "Uh, this guy is not convinced. He said that we win by more and are not good guys. He also said that they are descendants of Genghis Khan and what happened to them."

Fan Wubing kicked the guy in the face with his foot, and said with a smile, "Grandma, a bear, which Genghis Khan's descendant was the first to draw the gun? At this time, I want to hit the swollen face to fill the fat man. Just your small body. , Still want to challenge Lao Tzu? You can't win if you let your hands and feet!"

What he said was spoken in English, so that guy can understand, but the pie face is very unconvinced, and he also said in English, "If others dare not say it, you won’t be able to beat you in the slightest. The problem!"

Dabinglian also quietly looked at Fan Wuyi’s subordinates. They felt that these bodyguards were mostly Kong Wu’s powerful whites. They sounded like an authentic American accent. They would definitely not be able to beat them when they were hitting. The young man seemed to be a good bully quietly, and he looked like a leader, so he thought that if he was unbearable and wanted to fight himself, he would definitely be able to catch the thieves first, so he released such a big talk. I also want to find a good opportunity to turn things around in the current unfavorable situation.

Ulaanbaatar is a city with a younger population structure, with an average age of less than 30 years old. These young people cannot find their position in the city. What is left is dissatisfaction with the society. Because there are a large number of migrant workers in the city. Mongolia, coupled with various historical and practical reasons, the Chinese have naturally become a scapegoat for Mongolia to guide social contradictions outside.

For this reason, one of the things Mongolians like to do most in China is to bully the Chinese in Mongolia.

Mongolia's current national mentality ~lightnovelpub.net~ can be summed up in two words, that is impetuous. The ban on Tibetan Buddhism during the Soviet rule and the destruction of the religious beliefs created a vacuum in belief, while economic development and the intervention of external forces caused many people to be at a loss.

It should be said that the Mongols are not ready yet, and can't deal with external shocks with a developing mentality.

Mongolians’ attitude towards foreigners is also different from that of Chinese. They always want to challenge foreigners. This is a prairie character deeply rooted in the bones. This character is another factor that causes foreigners to suffer unfriendly treatment in Mongolia.

It is said that in the city of Ulaanbaatar, one can often see scenes of Mongols provoking Europeans and Americans. On the streets of Ulaanbaatar, there is hardly a car without scratches.

Fan Wubing had known these things from the staff of the embassy a long time ago. Therefore, for these Mongolians whose self-confidence is extremely inflated, Fan Wubing intends to speak with facts, and frustrate their vigor and give his Mongolia A good start to the trip.

"Well, let him get up, um, let them go, I want to see, you six are tied together, can you do anything to me?" Fan Wuyao waved his hand to his men. Ordered.