
v5 Chapter 732: Do it yourself

3 Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Two

The greatest scientific and technological achievement of the human society in the cold century is the insight and support of computers. ||The application of computer and control technology in machinery manufacturing equipment is the most significant technological advancement in the manufacturing industry in this century.

It has been 47 years since the first CNC milling machine in the United States came out in 1952. Numerical control equipment includes turning, milling, machining centers, knack, grinding, stamping, electrical machining, and various special machines to form a huge family of CNC manufacturing equipment. The annual output of the world is 100,000 to 200,000 units with an output value of more than tens of billions of dollars.

The world's manufacturing industry has gone through several iterations in the last decade of this century, and it has almost become a sunset industry. Therefore, the Americans first proposed to revitalize modern manufacturing. In the 1990s, the CNC machine tool manufacturing industry all over the world went through a major reorganization. Several major manufacturers, such as the United States and Germany, have undergone major changes since the early 1990s. There has been a significant rebound since the beginning of the 1990s. A new wave of technological updates has been formed in the manufacturing industry around the world, and the German machine tool industry has received orders after the transformation. Work tasks for about half a year.

Fan Wubing took the time to visit Minister Zhang of the General Armament Department. Shen Ying’s uncle is now a hot and powerful figure in the military. The reason is that the whole army is currently facing the need to change equipment to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. Relying on the strong support of the General Armament Department.

All teams changed their equipment as soon as possible. And after being able to engage in actual combat training to improve their combat effectiveness, then they are much more likely to enter the main battle force, and the benefits can be improved as soon as possible. And the possibility of getting promoted as a leader will also be greater.

Nowadays, the high-level military governance philosophy is to be small and precise. In order to effectively use the limited military expenditures, the search for troops is naturally to be removed. Recently, it is very likely that there will be another large-scale disarmament. Suddenly it became pivotal. Minister Zhang's house is even more lively.

Fan Wu was unwilling to go to his house to influence him to rest, so he followed the procedure of business talks. Contact the General Armament Department directly and ask them to arrange a meeting between the two. ()

Facing the meeting with Fan Wuyi, the General Armament Department did not dare to neglect. After all, Fan Investment Group is about to enter the domestic military production industry. As the only private company that has obtained a military production license, it is possible to establish the largest domestic weapons and equipment manufacturing enterprise with the widest range of arms and equipment production. The General Equipment Department also has great expectations for the Southeast Heavy Industry Group.

Minister Zhang quickly met with Fan Wuyao and the two began to discuss matters this time.

"The domestic CNC machine tool manufacturing industry had a period of high development in the 1980s. Many machine tool factories have realized the transformation from traditional products to CNC products. But in general, the technical level is not good and the high quality is not good, so in the 1990s Chuhu faced the national economy shifting from a geological economy to a market economy and experienced the most difficult recession in several years. At that time, the production capacity fell to less than half and the inventory took four months.

Minister Zhang used to be engaged in military industry management, so he talked to Fan Wubing about the current affairs. The idea is quite clear. "Since 1995, the country has expanded domestic demand and started the machine tool market to strengthen restrictions on the approval of imported CNC equipment. The focus of investment is to support key CNC systems, equipment, and technical research, which has greatly promoted the production of CNC equipment. Especially after the embassy was bombed this year, the state plans to invest a large amount of technical reform funds in the defense industry and key civilian industries, making the CNC equipment manufacturing market feel that spring has come again."

Nevertheless, there are many problems in the domestic CNC machine tool industry. For example, the current market competition is only low-tech products. The competition relies on low prices to promote high-tech products. Full-featured products mainly rely on imported high-quality functional components and CNC system accessories. It also depends on imports.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but nodded after listening to Minister Zhang's words.

He also knew something about this, because he had encountered such a problem when he was planning to set up several high-tech companies, not only was the lack of advanced CNC equipment. At the same time, technical personnel capable of controlling CNC equipment are also very scarce.

Due to the low level of application technology, networking technology has not been fully promoted and used. Products with poor self-opening ability and relatively high technical level mainly rely on imported drawings, joint venture production or imported parts assembly.

At present, China is the country with the largest number of machine tools in the world, but the CNC machine tool rate is less than 2%, which is far from the 20% or more in Western industrial countries.

In order to realize the transformation of the machine tool industry, the State Council has made a budget, even if it spends several hundred million dollars a year to import about 10,000 CNC machine tools, it is difficult to increase the CNC rate in the industry by a large margin. Therefore, the State Planning Commission and the Economic and Trade Commission have put forward the guidelines for numerical control transformation, and the equipment for numerical control transformation can reach about 100,000 units. Need to invest more than 10 billion of funds.

But the economic benefits will be more than five times the investment.

"In fact, the biggest obstacle lies in funding." Minister Zhang said to Fan Wuyao. "Nothing can be done without money. Although the general equipment department of the military expenditure meeting next year will make some tilt, it must take into account the participation in the numerical control technology transformation. It is still a bit too difficult for the military enterprises."

"It is for this reason that I would consider researching and manufacturing advanced CNC machine tools by myself." Fan Wubing replied, "Once we can use the advanced CNC machine tools developed and manufactured by ourselves, the savings will be considerable."

"We are also discussing this matter in the ministry these days." Minister Zhang explained to Fan Wuyao. "Everyone's opinion is that since Southeast Heavy Industry Group will serve the military in the future, the military can also lend to Some of your technical experts will help you get into the role as soon as possible."

"You are really my uncle!" Fan Wubing said with joy when he heard this.

The biggest problem with the establishment of a new enterprise is the need to introduce a large number of skilled workers and a considerable number of technical experts. At present, apart from some relatively outdated technical schools in China, there is no special training base for technical talents except for the training of technical workers for enterprises. There are quite a few technical experts. All chapters are here

But the technologists have masters. How is it possible to hop to work on your own side casually? This time, Minister Zhang graciously stated that the technical experts of the General Armament Department will help Fan Investment Group to form the Southeast Heavy Industry Group into operation as soon as possible. This makes Fan Wuyao feel very happy about the one thing he worries about the most. It’s too early to be happy to lend you a loan, but these people’s wages are up to you. You can’t let them be treated worse than I am.” Minister Zhang looked ecstatic when he saw Fan Wubing. . Can't help but smile.

"That's really not a problem." Fan Wuyao wondered what money is it? If you can make good use of these people and cultivate a large number of practical technical talents for yourself, then you will make money.

In fact, if it is not because these people are from the military background, it is too ugly to eat, then Fan Wuyi is determined to take these experts for himself. With the information age, what is the most valuable is naturally professionals.

After some discussions, the General Armament Department sponsored Fan Wuyao's 200 technical experts of various types. Fan Wuyao himself considered that Panshi Heavy Industries could pull out two or three hundred technical experts and add a few of them in his hands. A senior expert can completely build the framework of this Southeast Heavy Industry Group.

All in all, what is most lacking today is a large number of skilled workers.

At present, the dependence of domestic vocational education on vocational needs is still relatively low.

The traditional concept of "emphasizing literature and despising technology while excellence is the official" is deeply ingrained and restricts the development of domestic vocational education.

Just look at the status quo in most parts of the country. Many people are hopeless in the high school or hopeless in the college entrance examination in order to obtain a skill, so they have to transfer to vocational and technical schools to learn some.

The dependence of domestic socio-economic development on vocational education is still not high. The salary of vocational education graduates from enterprises and institutions is not high. Many people still think that vocational education is inferior to others.

The asymmetry of the status and status of vocational education in the development process has also resulted in the fact that domestic vocational education has always been unable to be accepted as the same level of content as general education. On the one hand, there is a serious shortage of skilled talents.

Take Shenzhen as an example. In the past few years, there has been a shortage of migrant workers, but according to various surveys and analyses, it has been shown. What really exists in Shenzhen is not a shortage of migrant workers. It is a shortage of skilled workers. Shenzhen has a gap of more than 50,000 skilled talents, and with the social development in a few years, this gap will probably grow to more than 300,000 people.

The shortage of skilled talents has become a bottleneck restricting the enhancement of independent innovation capabilities, promoting the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, transforming the mode of economic growth, and improving the level of industrial technology.

"Domestic vocational education has long been too campus-based, lacking sociality, and too standardized. Lack of vocationalization, too academic qualifications, and lacking practicality." Fan Wubing couldn't help but said to Minister Zhang, "Domestic vocational education is mainly based on school classroom education. There is a certain gap between schools and social organizations and production enterprises. There is a phenomenon that emphasizes theory, ignores practice, emphasizes academic qualifications, and ignores skills. Secondary vocational education is divided in management and most vocational schools are transformed from ordinary middle schools. The model of general education is at a disadvantage in the competition with ordinary schools. Higher vocational education often becomes a compressed undergraduate education model and has not gotten rid of theoretical education. If this situation does not change, the shortage of technical talents cannot be solved."

"Do you have any good ideas about this?" Minister Zhang asked.

Fan Wubing has studied this question for a while, so when Minister Zhang asked, he said, "Of course, it is normal to promote the cooperation between vocational education and enterprise training."

School-enterprise cooperation is a form in which the small classrooms of vocational schools are directly combined with the social environment. It also encourages enterprises to participate in education and teaching to provide students with a process of participating in social practice.

The vocational education of school-enterprise work made Germany rise from the ruins and Japan took off from the trough. Making the United States an economically advanced country also makes other countries in the world more clearly aware of the need for industry-university integration.

The typical model is basically the same among countries. There is a full-time alternate type, which means that the semester of full-time classroom study and the semester of full-time work alternate between the ICBC semester and the semester of school study. The length of time is roughly the same. There is also a parallel mode that uses part-time work and part-time study. There is also a combination of alternating or combined parallel, which is a combination of the first two modes.

"In this case, if we organize a group of teachers to provide practical bases and student sources, you will soon be able to cultivate a group of usable talents." Minister Zhang is very interested in this. "Recently due to the impact of the financial crisis. The employment rate of college graduates has not been very ideal. If we can recruit a group of college students in related majors for three to six months to focus on training. I believe the effect will be better after the completion of the training. A group of usable talents are now available. After that, a steady stream of various technical talents will be cultivated. Not only can they be digested by themselves, but they can also be transferred to other employers for use."

Fan Wubing listened to Minister Zhang's words~lightnovelpub.net~ nodded and agreed. In fact, what he lacks now is the graduates from the university. Especially engineering graduates are struggling because of the poor performance of state-owned enterprises in the past two years. It has always been difficult to distribute. If they had this opportunity, they believed that it would be easy to recruit all kinds of talents they hope to absorb. After a period of practical training, they can indeed be competent for some important jobs in Southeast Heavy Industries.

"It's just that there is a problem." Minister Zhang thought of something and frowned and said to Fan Wuyao. "Recently, many students majoring in automation engineering and numerical control have switched to the four industries. Looking at the popularity of the Internet economy and Absorbing talents rapidly. We are afraid that there is not much new attraction for those who are eager to start their own businesses."

"You don't need to worry too much about this question." Fan Wubing replied confidently. "As long as the first two issues are supported by the Internet, the popularity of the Internet should decrease. Then it will be easier to recruit a little computer-related graduates. I think that there are too many people coming to meet the demands, and it's hard to choose."

At this moment, Fan Wuyi only dislikes why Nasdaq hasn't crashed quickly. The sooner they arrive at the stove, the cost of human resources and various inputs will drop a lot. This small but real profit. .

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