
v5 Chapter 737: Strange tacit understanding

Although Fan Wubing and Zhang Mei discussed for a while. I think this news is of great significance, but everyone did not expect that the online rendering of this matter is very intense.

Early the next morning, Zi Qi called Fan Wuyi and said that she had gotten Zhang Mei early.

"Look, isn't Zi Qi a good candidate for a daughter-in-law?" Fan Wubing said to Zhang Mei with open eyes.

Zhang Mei nodded and said, "Zi Qi, the little girl is very likable, and the show she hosts is also good. If the relationship between you and Shen Ying had not been settled, Zi Qi would be a good candidate."

Among the current girls who have a relationship with Fan Wubing or who are likely to have a relationship, Zhang Mei has seen it. The problem is that Fan Wubing is such a one, and it is impossible to divide it into equal parts, so no matter what How good these girls are, there can only be one marriage partner, which is undoubtedly regrettable for Zhang Mei.

Thinking of this, Zhang Mei couldn't help but frowned and complained to Fan Wuyi, "You are really a child, how good these girls are, why should you follow you inexplicably? Now that we have got this kind of land, we are human. Parents. I don’t know how to face them anymore."

In fact, Zhang Mei also felt very entangled in her heart. Especially although she knew that Fan Wuyi had a lot of young girlfriends before, she had never been like this before. All the people met together, which made her feel Very embarrassed, I don't know how to clean up the mess for my son.

For her established daughter-in-law, Shen Ying, Zhang Mei also feels sorry for her. How much pressure will be brought to her by so many girlfriends who have scandal with Fan’s scandal, and whether she can bear it emotionally is unknown. She can face all this with a smile. Who can guarantee that when she turns around, there won't be any tears in her eyes?

"You are so disgusting, I really want to hold you down for a good beat!" Zhang Mei couldn't help but said.

Fan Wubing himself was aggrieved, "You can't blame me for this thing! You know some of them. This situation is extremely complicated. I can't push it away if I say nothing!"

He also had a basis for what he said. At the beginning, Ouyang Xiaowei and herself and Zhang Mei also knew about it, and she had a good impression of Ouyang Xiaowei, and she had never expressed opposition to Lin Xiaotong. It's a bit of a **** debt. After all, they saved Fan Heng's life, and he also had feelings for her. Even if it was something that was eagerly agreed to at the time, it is still impossible to deny it now, right?

The other girls also have their own reasons, but they are all unavoidable responsibilities.

"Actually, as long as they are willing, I would rather go overseas to be an island owner, avoiding these rights and wrongs." Fan Wubing expressed his wishes to his mother Zhang Mei for the first time.

After all, the private islands purchased in Australia can be built into an independent kingdom without any disease. As long as they don't openly declare their separation from the jurisdiction of the Australian government, who cares about what they love to do?

"It's not right for you to do this. Even if you are willing to escape from the world, why do you have to let someone accompany you to a deserted island career? Is Australia so good? Isn't it just a barren land? It takes hundreds of miles to walk. I can't see a single figure!" Zhang Mei didn't support Fan Wubing's idea.

If such a good son escapes the world because of emotional frustration, it will be a huge loss for everyone. Zhang Mei is not willing to not see his son all the time because of this. The last time Fan Wubing left the United States for many years because of the incident, Zhang Mei felt very uncomfortable.

It didn't take long for Ziqi to send her two large insulation buckets. The portion inside is enough for Zhang Mei and Fan Wubing to eat, but Zi Qi is still a little uncomfortable to face Zhang Mei directly. After sending something and putting a bouquet in the ward, she said she was going to prepare for an interview. Say goodbye first.

Fan Wubing sent Ziqi out, and then came back to take care of his mother for dinner.

"The little girl looks more and more like it, what a pity!" Zhang Mei shook her head and said with emotion while eating.

Fan Wubing was very speechless when he saw it, and scooped another bowl of bean curd for his mother, and was busy blocking her mouth.

"Zi Qi said, what kind of interview is going to be prepared?" Zhang Mei asked.

"Well, she has done enough entertainment programs. Now she is preparing to take the test of the "Daily Finance Topics" column. Recently, she has done a lot of homework and plans to transform." Fan Wubing explained to his mother.

After listening to Zhang Mei, she said, "Oh, that column is good, the host is relatively high-end, unlike the host of entertainment shows, he always looks mad, steady, um, I like it."

To be honest, the image of the host of the financial column is closer to professional women o1 or something, and he often talks to experts about economic and financial topics, and his temperament has also improved. Basically, if he stays in this column for a while, the whole person They are much calmer. It seems to have more insights.

It should be said that the transition from an entertainment show host to a financial column host is actually equivalent to the transformation of a young and invincible beautiful girl to a royal sister. This process is very worth looking forward to. Fan Wubing also wants to see Zi Where can Qi's future exhibition go?

"The little girl Ziqi still has the heart--" Zhang Mei thought. Other girls, including their own daughter-in-law Shen Ying, who had already taken effect in the legal sense, did not expect to have such a relationship with herself.

But at noon, Shen Ying came over to deliver food to Zhang Mei.

"The stuffing my mother made, the dumplings I made by hand, don’t know if it suits your taste?" Shen Ying used the dumplings made in the kitchen in the ward, probably they were packed in the refrigerator before, so There is no feeling of deformation, after being cooked, it is full of aroma and has some Jiangnan style.

"It's really good, I have to thank my mother in-law." Zhang Mei still complained in her heart for the daughter-in-law of Shen Ying in the morning, but at this time, everyone got dumplings made by herself, and they made it with her mother. She naturally has no temper.

Besides, it takes time to make dumplings, and it is okay if you can't make it in the morning. This reason is justified. She is very satisfied with Shen Ying, the daughter-in-law.

Wait until the evening. It’s much more lively now. Tong Xiaoyun, Lin Xiaotong and Ouyang Xiaowei came here almost at the same time. What makes Zhang Mei amazing is that there is nothing wrong with the matching of the three people's meals, which really surprised Zhang Mei.

It wasn't until the three girls left that Zhang Mei grabbed Fan Wubing and asked, "Good boy. Why didn't I realize that you are so capable?"

"What's wrong again?" Fan Wubing asked with a vigilant face.

"With so many girls and competitors, how did you create such a harmonious harem?" Zhang Mei asked.

"Harem? Harmony?" Fan Wuyi beat his chest, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Mom! You are an official of the Ministry of Education, a deputy ministerial rank! It's not right to read those online novels all day long! What do you think? It’s all so yy, how can I educate those subordinates to work down-to-earth in the future?!"

"Fuck! Tell me how to work with you? Answer my questions directly before talking--" Zhang Mei scolded with a smile.

Fan Wubing scratched his head, and said in a very depressed voice, "Ask me, who am I asking? Could it be that they all took the wrong medicine? Isn't there such a lady in normal times?!"

After dinner, Fan Wubing used his laptop to go online and saw that many forums on major websites were discussing the issue of the surface cracks of the Three Gorges Dam.

The academicians of the two academies and the director of the Technical Committee of the Three Gorges Project Development Corporation stated at a press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council that there are different types of cracks in the Three Gorges Dam. Dam safety. There are no such penetrating cracks in the Three Gorges Dam. The other grows on the surface of the dam and is very thin and shallow. The Three Gorges Dam has more than 80 such surface cracks.

There are many factors that cause surface cracks. Some are due to construction reasons, such as failure to protect the surface of the dam in winter, resulting in temperature cracks, and some are due to design reasons.

Surface cracks generally have no effect on the safety of the dam, but the vertical surface cracks on the upstream surface of the dam ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ after water is impounded, water will seep in, which will have an adverse effect. The Three Gorges Dam has done very meticulous treatment of such cracks, which can ensure that the water will not leak after the water is stored. Therefore, there is no impact on the safety of the dam.

Although the experts’ speeches are extremely authoritative and people cannot help but believe them, they still failed to dispel the worries of many people. Experts’ data indicated that the temperature cracks of the Three Gorges Project were less than one-tenth of the international standard. However, some people said that the Three Gorges Project is a matter of concern. The well-being of hundreds of millions of people must not have a trace of hidden dangers. It must be foolproof. The temperature cracks are less than one-tenth of the international standard. This does not mean that the dam is safe and sound, and you can sit back and relax.

At present, the Three Gorges Dam has not yet entered normal operation and has not yet encountered various severe tests. Unexpected problems may occur at any time, so it is not yet possible to say whether temperature cracks will affect the safety of the dam.

"It's all speculations out of thin air. Except for experts, no one went to the dam to make field trips. They just ranted on the Internet. It was a bit arbitrary." Fan Wuyao looked at the words and basically did not have any experience in water conservancy construction. Some people are even more hearsay, so they can't help but make a few comments.

"Your dad called just now and said that he might be going to the Three Gorges to see the situation. The senior management still attaches great importance to this incident." Zhang Mei said to her son while lying on the bed watching TV.