
v5 Chapter 738: The fog over the 3 gorge

"What is the use of the leadership's attention?" Fan Wubing replied disapprovingly.

This kind of thing. Fan Wubing has seen a lot, and he doesn't feel much anymore.

The launch of the Three Gorges Project itself was very controversial. At that time, the State Council approved the construction plan of the 150-meter water storage level in principle, and then re-evaluated it. Although the construction was approved, it has been unable to do so. Dry? How high is it built? Both need to be re-argued.

The demonstration of the Three Gorges Project involves various majors. For this reason, 14 topics are listed. For each topic, senior experts in the field are selected, including experts in water conservancy and power administration, scientific research, and design systems, as well as non-hydropower systems. Personnel, such as experts from universities, scientific research, social economy, ecological environment, etc., form various thematic demonstration groups to conduct scientific demonstrations on various topics.

Twenty invited consultants and more than 400 experts were invited to the re-argument.

In April 1992, the Fifth Session of the Seventh National People's Congress passed a two-thirds majority of the proposal to build the Three Gorges Project, but nearly one-third of the people did not vote in favor. This is also the only one of the National People's Congress. Vote for one project at a time.

There are many people who agree with it. It is undeniable that some people don't know much about the project itself. They simply believe in the government and hold the idea of ​​supporting as long as the State Council advocates. Have a certain understanding of the Three Gorges Project. There are many such people who really agree with it in my heart.

There are also many people who oppose it. They think that the argument is not enough, or they simply oppose the Three Gorges Project, worry about changes in the ecological environment, and so on. Some people have abstained. They feel that they do not understand this matter and cannot make objective judgments.

At that time, some NPC deputies believed that highly technical issues like the Three Gorges Project should not be decided by NPC deputies who did not understand the Three Gorges Project. If it is to be ordered, should the Three Gorges Project be regarded as a political project, an economic project or a technical project?

"This kind of thing is not as simple as digging a vegetable cellar in your yard, nor is it as easy as building a chicken coop." Fan Wuyao explained to his mother Zhang Mei, "The total investment budget is about 200 billion yuan. How can laymen understand the large-scale projects involving millions of people’s immigrants? Letting my dad go over and inspect them is really a bit of an excuse."

Fan Wubing is very dissatisfied with this matter. The Three Gorges Project is in charge of a special project team. Although the father Fan Heng is the executive vice premier, he does not understand the cause and effect of the project. Let him pass. It is really unreasonable to solve the problem.

"If you let me go by name, can you still push it away?" Zhang Mei replied.

From the bottom of my heart, Zhang Mei doesn’t want Fan Heng to fly around in the sky, but he has already taken up the burden, and he can’t help it. In short, it’s really meaningless to wipe other people’s buttocks. . and. The water in the Three Gorges area is also deep. Is it something that an executive vice premier who has just taken office and has no background background power can solve?

"When is it to leave?" Fan Wubing asked.

"It's probably the day after tomorrow, and the itinerary has not been decided yet." Zhang Mei said.

The executive vice premier’s affairs are also relatively busy. If there is no particularly serious situation, it is definitely impossible to leave. It is always necessary to coordinate all aspects in advance to arrange reception work, security work, inspection work, etc., and then take the ride. The chartered plane goes to the inspection site. This is a systematic project, not so simple.

But then again, inspections like this are nothing more than peace of mind. It is difficult to say what practical effects can be achieved. After all, the problematic areas have been resolved or covered up before the leadership came, and those that are an eye-catching People have been knocked out a long time ago, and there must be a positive image as far as they can see. How can it be possible to see the problem?

If the leader can spot the problem with just a glance during the inspection, then there are only two explanations, or the leader is really the star of Wenqu, or the problem is too serious to cover up.

No matter from which aspect, Fan Wubing didn't want his father to be used as a gunman. If you see the problem, it doesn’t work, but if you can or can’t manage it, it’s hard to say. If you don’t see the problem, it’s okay if you don’t have any trouble in the future. Once something really happens, then the responsibility will definitely not escape. .

Even if you have retired and there is no way to hold you accountable, you still have to bear unshirkable responsibilities in public opinion.

After a while, Fan Heng came over suddenly, dressed in casual clothes, and modified it a bit. Most people would never see that a member of the Standing Committee came to the police. Fan Heng did not bring many bodyguards, so he changed after he left the office. I got my personal bodyguard and drove straight to the hospital in a car from the Fan Investment Group, but it didn't disturb outsiders.

After checking Zhang Mei’s wounded arm carefully, he saw that there was no serious problem. Fan Heng was relieved and said with some worry, “I was planning to come in the morning, but there were too many things. The Standing Committee members opened again. A meeting, let me go to the Three Gorges to see the situation, until this time."

"Go the day after tomorrow?" Zhang Mei asked.

"It was originally scheduled to pass the day after tomorrow. Because of the weather, it might be delayed a little bit. It's a week later." Fan Hyung replied.

weather reason? Fan Wubing was a little puzzled. Looking at the weather forecast just now, he didn't seem to see any special extreme climate changes in the southwest. Why is there a saying that the itinerary is delayed because of the weather? He immediately felt that there must be something tricky in it.

So Fan Wubing asked Fan Heng his question, and Fan Heng replied. "Well, the office said that several airports near the reservoir area have been foggy recently, and there are thunder and lightning weather. It is necessary to wait for the weather to improve before arranging the itinerary, so it was postponed."

Fan Wubing touched his nose, then took out his mobile phone to call his Fan Airlines, and then asked them whether the airports near the Three Gorges are not suitable for flying in recent days.

As a result, the answer they reported was very clear. The weather has been good in the past week, and there is nothing unsuitable for flying. At the same time, they also asked Fan Wuyi whether he would travel there so that the airline could arrange the itinerary.

After Fan Wubing encouraged them a few words, he said to his father Fan Heng, "Hehe, obviously the people in the office are shaking you."

Fan Heng was very annoyed when he heard the news. Since he wanted to inspect the situation in the past, someone from the office was obviously sloppy over there. This thing is really impossible to do, and I don’t know. Is there really something wrong with the reservoir area? Someone was specifically searched for public relations, and people in the general office were asked to find a way to delay the time, or was it because someone instructed them to do so?

If it is the latter. Then this matter can be regarded as a small conspiracy against oneself.

After thinking about it for a while, Fan Heng realized that his son was also thinking about it, so he pushed Fan Wuyi forward, "Well, can you arrange a flight quietly for me?"

"Dad, are you going to enter the village quietly?" Fan Wuyi didn't have this idea in his heart, but he was more cautious. He didn't want his father Fan Heng to take the risk. At this time, his father mentioned it himself. Fan Wubing had to seriously consider the feasibility of this matter.

As a senior leader, it is obviously not appropriate to change the schedule at will, but use extraordinary methods in extraordinary times. Only by breaking this dull pattern can I show my own means, not to mention this time, I don’t know who is behind it.

"Look at the arrangement. It's best to arrive in the reservoir area early tomorrow morning and kill them by surprise." Fan Heng stayed at the grassroots for a long time, step by step, naturally knowing the usual methods of fooling leaders, if it is If you arrive at night, you only need one night, and the results you may see will be quite different. If you arrive in the morning, if you drive straight to the subject, the other party is inevitable and can only accept his fate.

Some people in high positions like to be confused and light-hearted. They spend every day in the business, manage contacts, and seek benefits for the younger generations. They will also be mixed up in this life, but Fan Heng feels that it is not easy for him to get up. It can be said that it was luck. Since there is no consideration of gaining something from this, then there is no scruples.

Anyway, my three children are more capable than the other. I don’t need to worry about it. I don’t have any relatives in my family to take care of. I can do my job well with these rights. Fan Heng doesn't care about things that others have concerns about standing upright.

"It seems I have to plan for you." Fan Wubing said after thinking about it.

There is nothing wrong with Fan Hyung wanting to board the plane overnight, but it is more difficult to leave the capital without being noticed, especially the security department people must take up their responsibilities and keep track of the whereabouts of the leaders. , If you want to avoid the eyes and ears of these people. Still need to spend some tricks.

But these things didn't bother Fan Wuyao. He thought about it for a while before he came up with an idea.

In the evening, Fan Wuyi drove home with his father Fan Heng. He also greeted the guards at the door and talked a few words.

After two o'clock in the middle of the night, Fan Wuyi drove out and told the guard that his mother was allergic to drugs. He received a call and wanted to go over to see how the situation was. The guard also asked if he wanted to send a few people over to help. I declined.

After Fan Wuyi’s car drove out, it stopped halfway, and a car belonging to the Fan Investment Group passed by, and then picked up the well-covered Fan Heng and rushed directly to the airport. Senior staff passage, boarded the flight to the southwest.

Exemption from inspection all the way, after Fan Heng boarded the plane, he discovered that several of his capable officers, including Song Qing and others, were already on the plane at this time. He couldn't help but appreciate Fan Wuyi's ability to handle affairs in his heart. Having arranged everything, in addition to having these sufficient resources in his own hands, a strong coordination method is required.

When we arrived in the reservoir area, it was only six o'clock in the morning. By this time, Fan Heng and his group were already chatting with the workers and residents near the reservoir area that had gotten up early.

In fact, Fan Heng also has doubts about the quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The reason is no other reason. It was because during the national flood last summer, the Three Gorges Reservoir area did not use the already built facilities to divert the floods, nor did it make use of the entire country last year. Play the slightest role in fighting floods.

From this point of view, it is estimated that some people are worried that the quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir area is not capable of fighting floods.

Through a simple investigation at the grassroots level, it seems that it is not clear how serious the problem is, but at least one thing is clear, that is, the places where the cracks appear are understood, so that people will not be led everywhere to run the wrong way.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Fan Heng asked Song Qing to contact the leaders of the reservoir area on time, indicating that Comrade Fan Heng had come to the scene.

In the past few days, because of the cracks in the dam in the reservoir area, everyone was a little bit entangled in their hearts. I don’t know how this matter will be dealt with in the end. Now I heard that Vice Premier Fan Heng has appeared on the dam. The leaders of the People's Republic of China were suddenly very nervous, wondering what kind of impact the sudden appearance of Fan Heng would have on the construction of the reservoir area.

After all, at the level of the central leadership, few people would make such a surprise attack on Fan Hyung.

This time the matter was very serious, otherwise Fan Heng would never have appeared on the dam in this way, and the nerves of everyone suddenly became very tense, and they rushed to the dam.

When I got here ~lightnovelpub.net~ it was found that Fan Heng did not bring many people, and his expression seemed to be relatively relaxed. After the leaders of the reservoir area met with Fan Heng where they had arrived after hearing the news, the two sides agreed Begin to exchange views on the occurrence of cracks in the dam in the reservoir area.

"I came more suddenly this time." Fan Heng said directly, "Because the meteorological data provided by the General Office indicate that the recent heavy fog near the reservoir area affected the flight, so the original plan was to come in a week later, but I am more anxious. Some, I couldn't wait for that time, so I rushed over overnight."

"Vice-Premier Fan is a person who does practical and important things and is a model for us to learn from." A group of leaders said one after another.

"Since it came relatively suddenly, it will inevitably have some impact on your work." Fan Heng continued, "So I'm here to make a statement first. First, this time I didn't bring reporters over. Everyone speaks freely and does not form words. Sexual information. Second, I need a convincing cause analysis report. Third, I need a strong evaluation report to explain this crack incident. Otherwise, I have no way to report to the Politburo, and no Ways to report work to the people of the whole country. This is the situation, let's talk about it."

The reporter did not come over, which is very telling. Everyone immediately grasped Fan Hyung's thoughts and understood that this incident would be digested internally anyway, so the mood became clearer.