
v5 Chapter 747: Sage

Fan Heng stopped in the warehouse and couldn't return.

the reason is simple. It rained suddenly in the evening. Although it was not too heavy, there was a landslide nearby and blocked a road leading to the outside. Although there was no report of casualties, the vehicle could not pass and the road was blocked.

This problem is very serious. Although the nearby garrison stated that it could send a helicopter to pick up Fan Heng and others back, and the congested road can be cleared within a day, but such things are happening around the built reservoir area. Born during Fan Heng's inspection, the impact is more serious.

In the small part, it was an accident caused by the sudden rainstorm. In the big part, there are great hidden dangers in the mountains in the reservoir area. Since landslides may occur, it proves that the mountains are easy to grow under the action of external forces. Deformation and collapse, then what kind of changes will occur under the action of a huge amount of water of 20 billion tons, which is far greater than the pressure of torrential rain?

Fan Heng realized that this issue had to be considered clearly, so he asked the staff to start looking for someone to understand the surrounding mountains. I personally took the garrison's helicopter to inspect the mountain conditions in the reservoir area, and asked Song Qing to get in touch with the general office and inform the other members of the Standing Committee of what he saw.

"Precautions are always needed." This is what Fan Heng told Song Qing.

The results of the survey are still not optimistic.

The reservoir area has a special geographical environment and geological structure. Its **** is relatively steep and the valleys are deep, so soil erosion is bound to be large.

Another reason is that after the relocation of the project, a large area of ​​slightly flat land was submerged. In the past few years, the policy of the migrants from the reservoir area was to lean back on the spot, and to solve the problem of basic farmland. Therefore, land reclamation in places with a **** of 25 degrees or more is an important cause of soil erosion. .

There is also the problem of man-made soil erosion. In the reservoir area, with so many immigrants and so poor, many construction projects have been arranged over the years. These construction projects have to break ground, and soil erosion is easy to cause as soon as the ground breaks.

The relocation and construction in the past few years has obviously had a great impact on the mountains on both sides, and it is basically a negative impact.

After the briefing, the Standing Committee members were not idle. They immediately held a meeting to find experts to study the information returned by Fan Heng. After serious discussions, they felt that soil and water conservation work is indeed very important. If you don't catch it properly, it's easy to pose a serious threat to the project itself. In that case, the trouble will be big.

Because of this incident, the members of the Standing Committee who originally planned to wait until Fan Heng came back to criticize him in a small meeting realized the seriousness of the problem, and suddenly felt that Fan Heng's sudden departure to the Treasury area might not be a good move. If we inspected the past step by step, it would be difficult to spot this kind of problem. From this point of view, he made a great contribution this time when he went out.

"Their father and son are typically not playing cards according to the cards, but the effect is obvious. As long as there is no problem in the general direction, I think they can still retain their individuality. Foreigners like to advocate this. Now they are working with the international community. It is also beneficial to have a leader who seems to be more alternative.” Boss Zhu’s view on this is very straightforward.

Number One looked at everyone, synthesized their opinions, and then said. "Then everyone has no disagreements, so be it. I suggest that a water and soil condition assessment committee should be established to evaluate the surrounding key projects several times a year. This matter is urgent."

Everyone nodded their heads and showed their hands to vote, and this matter was settled.

Fan Wubing was busy taking wedding photos. He did not expect that Shen Ying would be so magnanimous that he would call all the girls who were close to him to join in the fun. The Shen family’s way of thinking is indeed a bit different. Or was this also part of the agreement they reached in Zhang Mei's ward that day?

Throughout the day, Fan Wubing was posing se, in the same background, the male protagonist maintained the same look, while the female protagonist took turns taking turns. Even though the photographer was the person Shen Ying and the others invited, they saw this The weird scene can't help but feel a little frightened secretly, saying that this male protagonist is really bubbling with happiness.

Fan Wubing’s family heirloom obviously played a role. Each of the five girls got his own unique diamond pendant. This kind of ornament worth nearly 10 million yuan, no matter from which point of view, It is of great significance.

Although everyone enjoyed the same treatment for the wedding photos, out of respect for Shen Ying, Fan Wubing and Shen Ying took an extra standard panoramic portrait.

At the end of the day, Fan Wubing suddenly felt a little bit unfinished, and said to the girls, "Oh, just another set of portraits will be fine."

"What kind of portrait?" everyone chirping asked.

"It's the kind of complete celestial body that hugs and poses without wearing clothes. It's completely natural, pure human liberation--" Fan Wubing was beaten by everyone before he finished yy.

A certain woman still said in a puzzled manner, "Sisters must keep an eye on him. If you don't see him for a day, I'm afraid he will break his studies."

Another woman said, "What are you afraid of, who can be worse than him?"

Shen Ying needs to go home to deal with some of the things in the factory, and plan to solve these things before the wedding. The girls have their own arrangements. When they return to Shanghai, they go back to Shanghai, and those who go to Hangzhou go to Hangzhou. Square.

After Fan Wuyin returned home, it was found that his father, Fan Heng, did not come back on time. He couldn't help but feel a little curious. So he called to contact him and learned that they had encountered a landslide on the road and the trip was delayed.

"The issues in the reservoir area cannot be resolved in a short while. I think it's better for you to come back as soon as possible if you are okay." Fan Wuyao suggested to his father Fan Heng.

Now that the issues in the reservoir area have been resolved, the problem has been found, and there are other things that are already commendable in the short-term inspection, and there is no need to make any excessive demands. Fan Wubing thought about this. Of course, he thought it would be better for Fan Heng to come back earlier. If he always stays there, he might be annoying. God knows who will offend him?

Fan Heng was conscious of this, so he agreed to Fan Wuyi, saying that after the situation got better, the group began to go on the road and returned to the capital, and he also asked Fan Wuyi about his wedding arrangements with Shen Ying.

"It's initially scheduled for mid-September, and there are still two months left. It should be enough preparation." Fan Wuyao said.

On the phone, Fan Heng groaned for a while and said, "Well, I'm a little ashamed to say it, I can't help you get married at all, and you have to take care of it yourself—"

"That's also normal. Family affairs and national affairs are inherently difficult to take care of. Besides, I have so many people, and it is more familiar to arrange these things. There is no need to think about it. When the time comes for my wedding, you just have to come and go around. "Fan Wubing smiled.

In fact, he was already aware of this. This time he was afraid that more people would come to join in the fun at his wedding. One is that his influence is too great, and the other is that Fan Hyung’s current position of power is coming. There are certainly countless people who are in favor, but this has also created many problems, especially the issue of public opinion, which cannot be ignored.

"I can't manage that much, and there are more outrageous things. Who cares about this?" Fan Heng shook his head and said to Fan Wuyao.

After the two had spoken, Song Qing came over to Fan Hyung and sent the latest survey data of soil and water conservation.

After Fan Heng looked at it, his brows frowned and he became dull for a while.

"It seems the situation is serious?" Song Qing asked.

"Not to be optimistic." Fan Heng sighed and said, "It reminds me of someone."

"Who?" Song Qing asked curiously. It is hard to imagine Fan Heng thinking of others when checking the information. This is really rare.

"There is a hydrologist with the surname Huang and Huang Wanli." Fan Heng replied.

Huang Wanli is well-known in the water conservancy circle. He is a professor in the Department of Water Conservancy of Tsinghua University and a well-known expert in water conservancy engineering. Since returning from studying abroad in 1937, he has devoted all his life to the management of domestic rivers and rivers.

In 1957, the Ministry of Water Resources convened 70 scholars and engineers at the Beijing Hotel to give their opinions and opinions on the plan for the construction of the Sanmenxia Dam made by experts from the former Soviet Union. Of all the experts and scholars participating in this conference, Huang Wanli was the only one. Fundamentally, the plan of the experts of the former Soviet Union was completely rejected. The rest of the people agreed in unison and agreed that the Sanmenxia Dam would be launched, believing that after the completion of the Sanmenxia Dam, the Yellow River would flow long and clear.

Later, Huang Wanli told the students his views on the Sanmenxia project in the hydrology class. First, the reservoir will soon be siltted up after the completion of the reservoir. As a result, the possible floods in the downstream will be moved upstream and become an inevitable man-made disaster. The second is that the so-called "sages come out of the Yellow River to clear the Yellow River" is groundless. Because the bed of the lower Yellow River is made of sand, even if clear water is released from the reservoir, the sand in the river bed must be encased. In class, he was very disdainful of the saying that "the saint came out of the Yellow River to clear the Yellow River", which made people feel that this argument was really political flattery and lacked the basic scientific spirit.

At the end of 1958, the Sanmenxia Project began to close the Yellow River. In 1960, the high dam was built to a height of 340 meters and began to block the flood. In September of the same year, the gate impounded water and blocked sand. This year, the Weihe River above Tongguan was heavily silted, flooding 800,000 mu of fertile land, and a small town was forced to Evacuate. The water level in the reservoir is rising, and the farmers in the reservoir area shed tears and embarked on the road to leave their homes. All this is in Huang Wanli's foresight.

In fact, Huang Wanli only spoke the scientific truth about the Yellow River, the sediment and the Sanmenxia Dam in the conscience of a scientist, but he was defeated by the non-government decision and became a rightist.

Although the facts prove that the truth is on Huang Wanli's side, what is sad is that some people turn anger on Huang Wanli, who put forward the correct opinion. In the second year, Huang Wanli was sent to work in Miyun and lived in Diwozi. During the Cultural Revolution, he was demoted to dig a toilet in Sanmenxia as a punishment.

"The saints come out, the Yellow River is clear. This is the humanistic thinking of the feudal era, with a feudalistic and superstitious color. In the face of serious scientific argumentation, it should not be on the stage. However, some decision-makers at that time actually regarded this decadent concept as a **** "When Fan Heng mentioned this story to Song Qing, he sighed and said, "Soviet experts will not understand this story. It is certain that Chinese talents will use this wrong humanistic thinking as a weapon to open the way for wrong technological thinking. There was no accountability system for the project at that time. Now if you want to be accountable, the main decision-makers are no longer there. There are a few technocrats and scientific champions who are not bad in terms of responsibilities."

Professor Huang believes that from the perspective of physical geography, the Yangtze River Dam intercepts the flow of water and sand and hinders the annual construction of 100,000 mu in northern Jiangsu; it silts up the river channel above Chongqing and blocks the navigation channel. The congestion will spread to Luzhou and Hechuan above, and will inevitably destroy Sichuan. Damtian. At present, there is no reliable method to measure the bottom water transport rate. The movable bed test of river model does not have a reasonable basis in a long period of time. It can only be qualitative but not quantitative, and it is not enough to estimate the long-term accumulation of the Yangtze River. Therefore, the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River will never be repaired. If it is for electricity, large and medium-sized power stations can be built on non-navigable channels in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi provinces. Their unit price is low, the construction period is short, and the economic benefits are more than four times greater than that of the Three Gorges Dam. As far as river basin economic planning is concerned, it is advisable to build dams in mountainous areas on the edge of the Sichuan Basin, such as the Wujiang Power Station.

However, even though he strongly opposed ~lightnovelpub.net~ in the context of the lessons learned from Sanmenxia and Aswan, and there are many oppositions in China, the Three Gorges Project was passed by the Fifth Session of the Seventh National People's Congress with 1767 votes. There were 177 votes against and 664 abstentions. The number of votes in favor was an unprecedented number in the history of the National People's Congress.

"I have seen the data. The geological environment of the reservoir area is complex, heavy rains and floods are frequent, and landslides have been frequent since ancient times. The area near the dam site is hard granite, and the upstream is mostly clastic rock and carbonate rock, including The siltstone of Jurassic ruins. The geological capacity and environmental capacity are naturally insufficient. There are more than 2,400 landslides identified by the Ministry of Land and Resources alone.” Fan Heng said to Song Qing, “Although I don’t necessarily think that the construction The dam is inappropriate, but judging from the current situation, there are still many crises and difficulties."

"Does Chang also approve of this project?" Song Qing asked.

"It's no longer a question of approval or disapproval --" Fan Hyung replied, "Since the project has been halfway through, it is impossible to give up halfway. There is only a brainstorming, hoping to use various resources to minimize the disadvantages and bring benefits. Try to enlarge it as much as possible, and there is no second way to go."

Then he added, "Everything has to be tested by practice. Now we are just guessing."