
v5 Chapter 757: Stop purchasing

In fact, modern paper-making enterprises are a typical industry that develops a circular economy. Fiber raw materials are renewable, waste paper can be recycled and reused, and wastewater can also be reused after treatment.

Large paper-making enterprises have used capital and technological advantages to achieve clean production. For example, the top 100 domestic paper-making enterprises produce 60% of the total, but d emissions only account for 10%.

It is conceivable that if the remaining 3,000 small and medium-sized paper companies are replaced by another 100 large paper companies, these limited large companies can fully undertake all the production tasks of the paper industry, but the pollution can be reduced by more than five times. Enterprises are the best way to solve pollution and realize the upgrading of the paper industry.

Although there are many problems in the domestic paper industry exhibition, the circular economy practice of some large foreign companies has proved that the current problems in the paper industry can be completely resolved.

"Through the organic integration of three types of enterprises: pulping enterprises, papermaking enterprises, and forestation and afforestation bases, the integrated production and management of forestry, pulp and paper will be developed to form a forest with paper, a forest to promote paper, a combination of forest and paper, and a collaboration between forest and pulp and paper. The layout of the exhibition can achieve the unification of economic, social and ecological benefits, and the forest, pulp and paper enterprise group that forms the forest, pulp and paper integration exhibition will also be the main direction of the domestic paper industry exhibition." Fan Wubing explained to the two sisters , "Our Fan Investment Group started working hard in this direction from the very beginning."

It can be seen from Hyundai's exhibition model that the establishment of strict national emission standards puts huge social pressure on the paper industry, urging it to continuously improve technology and equipment.

The clean production technology system with the goal of reducing or not emitting toxic x-organic halides has achieved breakthrough results, stopping or reducing the emission of pollutants from the source, and the development of paper chemicals and the creation of large-scale high paper machines, Significantly reducing the water consumption and pollutant load of papermaking, coupled with the increasingly mature wastewater treatment technology, these breakthrough innovations, let the circular economy model begin to show results in the harsh reality.

In fact, modern large-scale papermaking enterprise groups are completely different from the "big polluters" in people's perceptions, and they can become a green industry in harmony with the environment.

However, the domestic situation is somewhat special. For short-term benefits, some local governments have deployed a large number of small local paper-making enterprises regardless of the major damage that may be caused to the environment. This has caused heavy pollution of the local environment and brought negative effects to the entire papermaking industry. social influence.

"If we want to solve the pollution problem, we still need to shut down small paper mills. This will inevitably touch the interests of local governments, so it is more difficult to operate, but if we stand on the moral commanding heights and put more effort in public opinion and propaganda, It's not impossible." Fan Wubing thought that before he was reborn, the government was determined to shut down small paper mills. If the results were successful, he felt that the matter was man-made. The embarrassing situation now is not impossible, but not. As.

"What brand of paper does our company use?" Ding Bing suddenly thought of this question and asked his sister Ding Xuedao.

Ding Xue immediately went to look at the printing paper set aside, and then said, "Oh, it's also an app."

"I rely on it!" Fan Wubing was immediately embarrassed when he heard it. He thought that he had caused this matter. The annual demand for such a large enterprise group is also extremely large. If everyone is using the app. Doesn’t it mean that you are providing bullets to the enemy against yourself?

Thinking of this, Fan Wuyao stood up immediately, and then began to urge several of his secretaries to send office emails to various branches to investigate their usual office paper situation.

Such an investigation didn't matter. The conclusions he got shocked Fan Wubing himself. He didn't expect that the consumption of office paper within the Fan Investment Group would be enough to make himself painful.

The data for the first half of this year has been calculated. All companies under the Fan Investment Group have purchased various types of office paper worth 320 million yuan.

Of course, such a large procurement case is not directly purchased from the app group on a large scale, but provided by distributors from all over the country to Fan's Investment Group. It is impossible to say that there is no moisture in it, but no matter how you say it , Fan Investment Group’s procurement supervision system is very complete, and the input of office supplies is also regularly checked. Headquarters personnel are responsible for supervision, and basically there will be no major problems.

However, 320 million is only the amount used in the first half of the year!

When Fan Wubing thought that his company would consume more than 600 million yuan of office paper in a year, he felt as if he had been stabbed twice. After beating his chest and wailing for a while, he immediately issued his order. , Fan's Investment Group will suspend its office paper procurement business starting today.

In the past, the domestic paper industry was dominated by state-owned enterprises, but after so many years of reform and opening up, it is the private enterprises that have grown up in the market and used capital and technological advantages to provoke the backbone of the paper industry. Rising foreign companies.

Among the top 100 domestic paper-making enterprises, private enterprises account for 63, 28 foreign-funded enterprises, and only 11 state-owned enterprises.

But it is worth noting that although the number of private enterprises is twice that of foreign-funded enterprises, the output is much smaller. The average production capacity of foreign-funded enterprises is more than twice that of private enterprises. The production capacity of one foreign-owned enterprise is stronger than that of two privately-owned enterprises, and the gap between domestic and foreign enterprises is obvious.

The paper industry is a technology-intensive industry, and industry research costs are an important indicator to measure the technological level of industrial enterprises. There is a big gap between the technological level of China’s paper industry and foreign countries and foreign-funded enterprises. There is still a long way to go.

If you want to change this pattern, you need to do something special, at least you need to change the ratio between private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, so that private enterprises, especially large private enterprise groups, dominate.

Fan's investment group's complete suspension of ordering office paper still caused an uproar in the society.

Although the executives did not make clear statements about the behavior of the foreign paper giants such as Cotai Group, but the rumor has begun to circulate, because the Greenpeace organization's exposure to the deforestation incidents of the paper giants such as Cotai Group has made The sense of smell of many media has become more sensitive.

During this period of time, Fan Investment Group suddenly stopped purchasing office paper mainly provided by App Group. In a sense, it should have something to do with this matter.

Therefore, the media reporters began to besiege the managers of Fan's Investment Group, trying to pry out some useful information from their mouths, but what is depressing is that no one actually understands why the company's big boss Fan Wu Illness will give such an order without beginning and ending.

Within a few days of contacting, major domestic media reported that Fan Investment Group had stopped purchasing office paper. There was a lot of noise, especially on the forums of major portals, and there were endless speculations. NS.

They are so noisy, the dealers everywhere are the dealers in various places that can’t help themselves. Because Fan’s investment group’s office paper purchases are basically arranged uniformly by provincial branches, and the amount reported by each city will be reviewed and reviewed. Purchasing separately, when they stopped like this, the first thing that felt the pressure was the provincial agents of the app group.

On average, a provincial generation will reduce sales revenue of nearly 20-30 million a year, which is a big deal.

However, after the provincial representatives contacted the branches of the Fan Investment Group, they found that the other party was also at a loss, and they did not know what was said, because this order was passed down from the headquarters and signed by President Fan himself. Yes, the people in the branches have not had the guts to ask Fan Wuyi why because of this.

Procurement projects with a size of tens of millions, that is, small companies think it’s amazing. The branch of Fan’s Investment Group, a prefecture-level city, will not take this matter to heart. Naturally, the person in charge of the provincial branch is even more serious. Don't take it seriously.

In this way, the provincial representatives had to feed back the situation to the headquarter of the app group in China, and explained the situation to them, saying that the sales task for this year might not be completed.

The person in charge of the app group in China also thinks this matter is a bit weird. Fan Investment Group has always been wealthy, and there has been no reckless purchase in the past. It can be said to be a very good customer, six or seven a year. The sales revenue of 100 million yuan is also very important for the entire app Chinese company. Suddenly, it stopped after saying that it stopped~lightnovelpub.net~ There were no signs at all, and there was no clear statement, which really makes people feel a little bit. Surprised.

So they directly contacted the headquarters of Fan Investment Group and humbly expressed whether there is any quality problem with the office paper produced by their own group, or there are some other factors that cause Fan Investment Group to be unwilling to purchase App Group. The paper?

"They are really annoying!" Fan Wubing said to him after receiving the request from the senior vice president of the capital headquarters, "There is actually no need to tell them about this matter. You just said it was my personal decision. You don’t know anything."

"So, it doesn't seem to be convincing." The senior vice president asked hesitantly, "The app group has a relatively large business in China, and the government attaches more importance to them. If we suddenly play such a hand, will it be possible? Cause some backlash?"

Fan Wubing smiled, "No, at least not at the high-level. If there are local officials in certain cities and cities that make things difficult for us, report directly to me, and I will find someone to clean them up. A simple papermaking. It’s just a business, and I really think it can affect the domestic political situation? Isn’t that nonsense!"

"Oh, then I can rest assured." The vice president said that Mr. Fan doesn't care, so why are we worried?