
v5 Chapter 778: The Devil is Coming

On the sixth morning when Fan Wuyi and the two girls were stuck on the island, there was a roar of motors on the outer sea.

Observing through the telescope, Fan Wubian saw a small yacht of the same model as his own. He was surprised to find another thing that made him feel very uncomfortable.

"How about it, have you seen it clearly?" Shen Ying asked from the side.

In recent days, the two girls are not very worried. Since there are helicopters passing by from time to time, it means that someone is already paying attention to this small island. Then it is not a trouble for these people to get out of trouble, but only to Choose someone you can trust.

Fan Wubing handed the binoculars to Shen Ying and Ye Jia. "Look at it yourself." Shen Ying took the binoculars, took a look through the barrel, and immediately said, oh, plaster flag. Ye Jiaxah also took a look, and said with some doubts, "Japanese devils?" Why are they here too? "The three of them are all in a fog hole. Seeing that the yacht with the plaster flag stopped on the beach, some people jumped down, and some people moved down. There were three people in total. One of them seemed to be a photographer. Two people, one with a big belly looks like a bureaucrat, the other is a young and strong adult.

The common feature of them is that Dou Zai first worker has wrapped white cloth strips, and the words written on it are not very clear. Even if Fan Wubing can speak a little Japanese, he cannot understand the peace after the reform. Fake business cards and pseudonyms.

"Look at what they are doing before you talk," Fan Wubing said after thinking about it.

A devil set up the camera on the spot, and then two devil from two outsiders spoke generously to the camera, and then saw that the potbellied devil, who looked like a bureaucrat, solemnly took out a plaster flag. , Insert the alloy flagpole forcefully into a firmer position on the ground, and the younger one used a hammer to help him accomplish this feat. 2. Damn! "Fan Wubing knew what these devils were doing when he saw it.

China and Japan have many disputes over island sovereignty in the East China Sea. The most famous one is the Diaoyu Islands. What is happening right now is obviously also this kind of problem. The ownership of the island has come.

The East China Sea is a fringe sea surrounded by mainland China, Taiwan Island, the Korean Peninsula, Kyushu, Japan, and the Ryukyu Islands. The Northeast is connected by the Tsushima Strait, the Southwest is connected by the Taiwan Strait to the Sea of ​​Japan and the South China Sea, and the Ryukyu waterways and the Pacific Ocean are connected to the east. Communication, the area is 750,000 square kilometers.

China and Japan are the world’s second and third-largest oil-consuming countries, respectively. According to the estimation of "Waiwang" magazine, the East China Sea oil field contains 25 billion tons of oil. Today, the domestic annual consumption of oil is less than 300 million tons. That is to say, the oil content of the East China Sea can be used by China for 80 years. It can be seen that the content is huge and the natural gas resources are more abundant. Therefore, not only China regards it as an important strategic resource for the rise and fall of the country. Seen as a battleground.

According to the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, coastal states can start from the baseline of the coast and regard sea areas within two hundred nautical miles as their own exclusive economic zone, and all resources in the exclusive economic zone belong to the coastal state.

The widest part of the East China Sea between China and Japan is only three hundred and sixty nautical miles, which has created a large area of ​​dispute.

The Japanese side proposed the principle of dividing the two countries according to the central line, and no one suffers. The Chinese side believes that there is no middle line principle. Second, the division of the East China Sea seabed oil resources must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Continental Shelf" of Part VI of the United Nations Law of the Sea. The continental shelf can extend up to three hundred and fifty nautical miles from the shore. But if the middle is more than 2,500 meters deep, it is not considered an extension of the continental shelf.

These two items can exactly drag down Japan's requirements for East China Sea oil and gas resources, and can guarantee the legality of China's oil extraction in the East China Sea from law and technology. Since the ocean floor from Okinawa, Japan, to the west, there is a scouring trough with a depth of more than 2,900 meters. Therefore, the existence of that trough made Japan unable to extend its continental shelf to the west to reach the limit of 350 nautical miles. The fatal limit. China does not have this problem, so the continental shelf sovereignty claimed by China extends to the Okinawa Trough, where it divides the border with Japan.

Of course, the Japanese cannot accept this reality. They shamelessly throw out the straw effect, believing that the oil and gas resources stored on the bottom of the East China Sea, according to their "middle line" plan, most of the oil is stored on the Japanese side of the middle line. The Chinese side will be the first to explore, like a straw, it will not only absorb the oil stored on the Chinese side of the middle line, but will also take advantage of the trend and also absorb the resources stored on the Japanese side, which will cause the loss of Japan’s national interests. This requires Japanese officials to take measures as soon as possible to compete with China for this submarine oil omen.

Chinese experts refuted this. When Xing Xihuang invaded Kuwait, he borrowed this theory. This theory is no longer tenable in the international community. From our intuitive understanding, the continental shelf is the West High. East is low. Oil is a liquid thing. Even if it flows, it will flow from China to Japan. It is impossible to flow backwards. Japan has always advocated the use of equidistant intermediate lines between land to draw, dividing China and Japan into two. The continental shelf of the East China Sea between countries, the survey of the so-called "domestic continental shelf" covers the eastern part of Japan, the Ogasawara Islands in the southeastern Pacific, Nantori Island, Okinotori Reef, and the Diaoyu Islands in the Chinese territory, and around the disputed Takeshima Island between Japan and South Korea. The total area of ​​the nine sea areas of Japan is 650,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 1.7 times the area of ​​Japan.

The area of ​​Japan’s exclusive economic zone delineated by Japan’s “middle line” and China’s principle of “natural extension of the continental shelf” differs by approximately 300,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​the three Xijiang provinces.

Therefore, the previous generation of leaders once said that Chinese people all know that China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land.... It is written by the textbook workers of elementary school, even the little doll knows that if it cannot reach Mao, it will become 900. 300,000 square kilometers, 300,000 square kilometers are missing out of thin air. You can't let me go to my ancestors on the back of a traitor.

However, Japan's attempt to expand its exclusive economic zone by using the "middle line" and China's strong division of the continental shelf lacks an international legal basis. At the beginning, the Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands had disputes over the ownership of the North Sea continental shelf. If divided by the median line, the Federal Republic of Germany has the least continental shelf, but the fact that the North Sea continental shelf mostly extends from the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the end, the International Court of Justice ruled that the Federal Republic of Germany won the case, thus establishing the principle of natural territorial extension.

Precisely because of these disputes, the sovereignty of the various islands of the East China Sea has always been a battleground between China and Japan, but it was unexpected that the Japanese would go to this unknown desert island worker to promote sovereignty. .

Although Fan Wubing has never paid much attention to these matters, when he was shown the shameless behavior of the Japanese devils, his heart was still very angry, and suddenly he couldn't help it.

"It's too much. Auntie can't bear it, uncle's can't bear it! Stay here, I'll clean them up!" Fan Wuyao held the camping shovel and said to Shen Ying and Ye Jiawu angrily.

At this time, Shen Ying and Ye Jia also understood what the other party was doing, and immediately nodded in agreement, "Go, we volunteer in Dao to support you! But, can we do something?"

Fan Wubing thought for a while, and immediately had an idea. What he wanted most now was the yacht over there, but he decided whether there were any left-behind people on the yacht. If he rushed over and brought down the three devils, maybe the people on the yacht would drive away, and then he would lose the opportunity to leave the island.

"Don't say, you guys can really help." Fan Wubing frowned, and said to Shen Ying and Ye Jia~lightnovelpub.net~ The three Japanese who came to the island this time also It really came to promote sovereignty.

Originally, the sovereignty of this deserted island was also in the quarrel, but the governments of the two countries are more restrained. They are taking the path of making a fortune. They should first develop their own resources and put aside disputes.

However, lawmakers from the opposition parties in Japan have always been willing to hype up the sovereignty of these small islands. For the Japanese nationals with scarce resources, fighting for sovereignty means fighting for resources. This must be supported by both hands and feet. You can also use this to elevate your political status and create momentum for votes.

And this time because of the resignation of the Liberal Democratic Party's cabinet chief, the opposition MPs are all gearing up for their ambitions. They want to get a share of this incident, so it is particularly important to build momentum for themselves in advance.

That big belly is like a bureaucratic guy. He is a member of Japan’s Akita Prefecture called Koyama Kinda. He brought reporters from the TV station and his assistants, and came here on a yacht for the show. The purpose was nothing more than to hope that he could do it. In this general election, but three people are recording a documentary here. Koyama Kinda is passionately expressing to the camera the significance of this time on the deserted island and the policy guidelines for his campaign. With the sea breeze coming over, I heard a girl's shout from a distance.

"Nani?"... Yamakinta was stunned for a moment. The three of them put down their work, and when they turned their heads to look over to the island, they found that there were two hundred meters away in the jungle outskirts. A beautiful young girl was beckoning to herself there.