
v5 Chapter 79: Was hijacked again

"D is really terrible!" Maximus who was reading the newspaper suddenly said in shock.

"What?" Fan Wubing was staring at the white clouds outside the window, and he was taken aback when he heard the words.

An air hostess came over there immediately, leaning on the back of the plane seat, bending over and asking, "Is there anything you need, sir?"

"Oh, it's okay, my companion is probably fascinated by the news." Fan Wuyao said to the flight attendant very kindly, and then said, "But, do you have something to drink, such as Jianlibao? "

"Please wait a moment, I'll bring it to you right away." The stewardess looked at Maximus next to Fan Wuyi, and saw that there was nothing unusual, then smiled at Fan Wuyi, and then turned back to the cabin of the flight attendant. NS.

"This is really a terrible and extraordinary event! I can't believe that under the Lord's light, this kind of thing can happen!" Maximus said to Fan Wuyao with a little shock, "China Fan, you Check out this news."

Fan Wubing was bored, so he took over the newspaper in Maximus's hands, and then turned to the second page to read the special report.

The newspaper is from Hong Kong, and some of the terms on it made Fan Wubing feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, it is bilingual in Chinese and English, and it has both pictures and texts. Finally, I can see the whole thing clearly.

The cause of the incident was a short TV commercial for Hong Kong-Kowloon-Kowloon Railway. For some unknown reason, the director asked a few children to play a train game in the forest. The background is rather gloomy and a little weird.

After the commercial was broadcast on the TV station for a while, the director watched TV rebroadcast the old movie late at night, and now the Kowloon-Canton Railway commercial showed a weird picture. Seven children were playing the train game shoulder-to-shoulder, and there was one more person in the team. Shortly after. The child who was taken over died. The advertisement was immediately ordered to stop broadcasting, but the media still caused a sensation for a long time!

The newspaper has a very clear screenshot of the advertisement and the location of the extra child marked out. It seems that a small zombie from a Hong Kong zombie film appeared in the team. The child from the Qing Dynasty wearing a melon hat is still on his face. There are large patches of erythema.

This ad has been broadcast for a long time. Fan Wubing also visited the land. Suddenly it was explained in the newspaper. He felt a little creepy himself. Can't help but cough. "Haha. This kind of thing. It is estimated that who made it scary."

The newspaper also said. When shooting stills. These children suddenly cried for no apparent reason. When the final stills came out, there was an extra child at the end. But there are not many counts. I heard that the negatives were also burned.

but. Fan Wu's heart said. The service of China Eastern Airlines is really bad. Why is it so long. Didn’t the flight attendant bring herself a drink just now?

After a while. Still no one came to bring himself a drink. So Fan Wuyi was ready to ring the bell to call someone. He pressed it several times. There is no response. Can't help but say to Maximus strangely. "Is there something wrong with my ground bell? You can try it by pressing it once."

Maximus pressed twice. No one came. He said with some dissatisfaction. "What a bad plane. It doesn't even ring the bell!"

Fan Wubing said after taking a look. "This. It seems to be your Boeing plane!"

"This is impossible! It must not be the original product!" Maximus immediately defended.

Soon, this matter will have an answer. The air hostess suddenly heard the voice of the air hostess, "Attention, all passengers. Please note, all passengers, the aircraft has encountered a technical problem, which is currently being resolved. Please stay in your seats and wait for the troubleshooting to avoid accidents. Once again, the aircraft has encountered a technical failure, which is now being resolved. Please stay in your seats and wait for the troubleshooting to avoid accidents."

The broadcast was repeated several times in several languages. The passengers were a little uproar, but the flight attendants came out to maintain order, so everyone stayed there honestly and did not dare to move, but did not know when this technical fault could be eliminated. ?

All of a sudden, there were crying sounds everywhere in the cabin, and some even started asking the flight attendants for paper and pen, hoping to write something out in case of accidents.

"This should not be a technical failure, I guess it was hijacked." The old Jewish man Maximus whispered to Fan Wuyi.

If there is a technical failure, it has nothing to do with the flight attendants, and it is impossible to have such a long service gap just now. Therefore, it seems that there is only one reason for this chaotic situation, and that is this. The plane was hijacked.

"Damn!" Fan Wubing couldn't help cursing, and then asked, "Do you reserve a parachute on the Boeing plane?"

"There are no parachutes on civil aviation planes. In this high-altitude environment, since you are given a parachute, you can't use it!" Maximus shook his head. This hijacking incident was created for political reasons! If it were a terrorist, it would be miserable!"

Fan Wubing also shook his head, thinking it wouldn't be that bad, right? Although it is said that the Americans have fought Iraq, after all, Saddam has not been put on the road. As for Afghanistan, the Taliban dominate the world, and the Americans have not done everything right. It is estimated that Uncle Bin Laden is living somewhere at this time. In his rich man's days, there should be no terrorists on the plane from France to China!

So Fan Wubing got up and walked to the front, and whispered to the two flight attendants who were about to stop him, "Did the plane be hijacked?"

The two flight attendants were a little surprised at once. They didn't know why Fan Wubing suddenly asked this question. Then they saw that Fan Wubing took out a blue notebook and let them look at it. Only then was there a flight attendant. Some excitedly replied in a low voice, "I was hijacked! My God, I didn't expect to be able to meet the comrades of the Ministry of Security at this time. It is really rare! Now the crew is at a loss!"

The documents that Fan Wubing showed them were the documents that he had asked Jiang Lue and the others. In order to facilitate his driving smoothly, he did not expect that the crew members could have a sense of trust in them even on the plane.

"How many robbers are there?" Fan Wubing asked.

"Two Chinese, armed with weapons, are ready to hijack the plane to Taipei Taoyuan Airport." The flight attendant replied.

Damn it! Fan Wubing thought, what happened this year? How come everyone likes to hijack planes and fly to Taiwan? !

In fact, Fan Wubing has forgotten that in the history of civil aviation in China, 1993 was a very weird year. Domestic hijacking incidents reached a peak. In a year, there were 21 hijacking incidents involving civil aviation symbiosis and 10 successful hijackings. Since the beginning, the destinations of the hijacking were all at Taipei’s Taoyuan Airport, and there was a wave of hijackings over the strait that shocked the entire world.

Whenever there is a hijacking incident, passengers and crew members are the most direct victims. The frequent occurrence of hijacking incidents has caused great pressure on civil aviation crews and passengers. At the same time, airlines have to bear huge economic losses, and the reputation of China's civil aviation has also been seriously damaged.

Before Fan Wuyi’s time, there had been three successful hijacking incidents in China. One was China Southern Airlines, one was Xiamen Airlines, and the other was Air China. Today, it is China Eastern Airlines’ turn.

After learning about the situation, Fan Wubing felt that it would not help him to go in. Who knows if there are any robbers in the plane, whether there are any gangsters, or other potentially dangerous goods?

Under such circumstances, he should cooperate honestly and fly to Taiwan, so he talked to the flight attendants, soothed them, and signaled that the government would intervene. There is nothing for everyone to go to Taiwan, it is nothing more than a waste. It’s a bit of fuel, and the insurance company has to compensate for some losses.

However, Fan Wu's remarks still provided some comfort to the flight attendants, and everyone's mentality was obviously much better.

So the flight attendants in the cabin started to walk again, asking the passengers' needs, everything on the surface returned to normal again, and Fan Wuyao returned to his seat.

"What's the matter?" Maximus asked.

"Well, you guessed it right, this time we are going to fly to Taipei Taoyuan Airport instead." Fan Wuyi lay down and said.

The old Jewish man suddenly said in a puzzled manner, "I really don't understand you Chinese people. Why do people with a big six always hijack the plane to Taipei, but no Taipei person hijacks the plane to a big six? "

Khan, what kind of problem is this?

Fan Wubing hesitated and replied ~lightnovelpub.net~ Well, this is really an intriguing question. If you can find the answer yourself, it means that you already know China very well. "

Hijacking civil aircraft by violent means is not uncommon. Such terrorist incidents not only cause harm to innocent civilians, but also bring great danger to the safety of civil aviation. Therefore, while opposing and condemning the international community, it has successively formulated the Tokyo Convention, the Hague Convention, and the Montreal Convention to jointly stop hijacking crimes and ensure the safety of civil aircraft.

The Chinese government acceded to the above three international conventions in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As far as the two sides of the strait are concerned, the Red Cross organizations on both sides of the strait signed the "Golden Gate Agreement", which stipulates that criminal suspects and criminal offenders must be repatriated to each other.

However, under the special circumstances of the two sides of the strait, the Taiwan authorities refused to repatriate the hijacked plane out of political needs, and even gave rewards and support in disguise to some people who came to Taiwan for the hijacked plane, and at the same time, they took advantage of this at the cost of sacrificing the basic rights and interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait. The question is to emphasize its so-called jurisdiction. In fact, it has formed an indulgence and encouragement for taking risks and hijacking civil aviation planes, so that Taipei’s Taoyuan Airport has become a coincident choice for the Big 6 hijacking.

Therefore, it is only now that dozens of planes were hijacked to Taipei Taoyuan Airport in a year. Fan Wuyi really caught up this time.