
v5 Chapter 802: Wedding in the E era

Shen Ying sat in front of the dressing table in her boudoir with a little distracted attitude. Surrounded by more than two dozen makeup artists and stylists, costume artists and stylists.

The Shen family’s luxury villa in the capital is already overcrowded. Shen Ying’s assistants and all relatives of the Shen family are busy walking around to entertain these relatives and friends who came to congratulate them. Although the formal wedding has not yet begun, and the two families Your elders will appear at the wedding, but the Chinese tradition is like this. Close friends always come early to see if they can help.

In fact, at this time, the more you help, the more busy you are, but what everyone pictured is this festive atmosphere, full of excitement.

With Shen Ying’s natural beauty, even if she doesn’t wear makeup, it’s a catastrophe. At this time, when the stylists who are counted by more than 20 internationally put it here, it is even more unreasonable. I really want to make most of them. Girls commit suicide to achieve psychological balance.

But Shen Ying always felt a little messy in her heart. She couldn't tell the reason, or was not ready to welcome this moment, or was there any other reason?

When the custom-made wedding dress that cost more than two million US dollars was worn on Shen Ying, people all over the room made exclamation sounds, and then fell into silence. Everyone was fascinated by Shen Ying's style. If you really have to make a comparison, or when the Rose of Scotland Diana gave it to the British Crown Prince Charles 18 years ago, there was such a little bit of Buddha.

All in all, the stylists are very satisfied with the overall image. Shen Ying is usually very busy. In order to design a series of clothes and styles that match her appearance and temperament for her, the designers use the most advanced computers. The design system, this system used by Hollywood to produce high-cost SD animations, played an important role in the overall design of Shen Ying.

The whole wedding dress is dotted with diamonds and gems of various colors. Under the light, it is like the most dazzling light of stars, which makes people fascinated by it. Those with less willpower will be stunned on the spot.

A total of seven sets of wedding gowns were made, a pure white western-style wedding dress, a red Chinese-style wedding dress, a red cheongsam dress for toasting, two casual dresses, two evening dresses, and the usual clothes. , Is to prepare a lot of sets, this is still Shen Ying said that everything is simple, not luxurious.

However, the Shen family, as one of the most powerful family members in the country, will naturally not owe the only daughter. The investment in this area is quite inefficient. Many people who come to congratulate are shocked and deeply feel that the Shen family is now Strong financial resources.

In fact, in recent years. The Shen family has indeed made a lot of money from the export of rare earths. After Fan Wuyao integrated the rare earth industry, the Shen family, which cooperated with the military, controlled the remaining export share, although it greatly increased the export price and reduced it. In order to increase the export volume, they have obtained even more lucrative profits.

As for Shen Ying's own company, it is also thriving and ranks among the eight famous wines, especially the momentum of being more blue than blue, and the limelight is no different for a while.

No matter from which aspect, there is no need for everyone to save money, especially in such an event that attracts people's attention.

When everyone was looking around Shen Ying, the sound of the airplane engine came from outside, as if it had landed in the courtyard. Someone ran out to watch, but a paramotor just stopped.

When the pilot took off his hat, someone almost thought it was the bridegroom Fan Wuyi who had come. Upon closer inspection, it was Fan Wuyi’s brother Fan Kang. He came in advance, but he personally came to deliver gloves and some accessories. The bridegroom's elder brother. You have to stay here until the welcoming people come, and then you will go to the wedding ceremony together after picking up the bride.

Shen Ying has been feeling a little nervous for the last two days. At the moment when one of the most important days in her life is about to come, she suddenly realized that she was like a lamb about to be slaughtered.

She knew that not far away, tens of thousands of guests from all over the world gathered in a resort village on the outskirts of Beijing, preparing to attend her and Fan Wuyi’s wedding, and major media at home and abroad had already been gearing up for it. This day is coming and I am eager to try and wait anxiously.

"This is the most emotionally chaotic day for me, and I'm a little dazed--" Shen Ying said to the bridesmaids who were with her.

Fan Wubing’s rumored girlfriends appear beside Shen Ying without exception. Although their clothes are slightly different from those of Shen Ying, they are also made by famous designers, with the same luxury, and they all show Shen Ying. Ying's careful arrangements at this time.

Zi Qi shook her hand, indicating that there was nothing to worry about.

At this time, Fan Kang brought the decoration box over, and at the same time said to Shen Ying that there was something Fan Wuyi gave her inside.

This decorative box is quite large, and it can be regarded as a safe. When Shen Ying opened it with her own hands, the jewels inside really screamed everyone around him in surprise.

The contents are clearly divided. Shen Ying is given a crown-style headgear and diamond necklace, while other girls are given diamond necklaces. The difference is that the gems of each color worn on the necklace are different.

Shen Ying picked up the crown and looked at it carefully, and was fascinated by the three dove-egg-sized diamonds inlaid on it. The three diamonds of different colors exude a dazzling light, and it seems that there are layers of hazy aura surrounding them. When you touch it with your hand, there is a gentle feeling, but the weight is a little heavier.

Shen Ying thought, if he is fully armed, it is estimated that he will have to add several catties of accessories to his body, that is to say, he is slim and light, otherwise he will be a mobile diamond fortress.

"Did Fan Wubing rob a diamond mine? Why are there so many diamonds?" Lin Xiaotong muttered aside.

"It seems that I have not heard such news -" Tong Xiaoyun replied, "For such a large top-quality diamond, throwing one at random will cause a sensation, let alone so many?"

"Damn!" The bride suddenly exploded with a foul language.

When the women gathered around to look at it, they found that the box was actually a modified computer. After the lid was opened, it opened automatically. What popped out in front of them was a video message that Fan Wubing had set up.

I saw Fan Wubing on the screen, neat and tidy. He smiled and said to the camera, "Dear wife, I am proud of you. When you come to the altar, I will be there waiting. You. You must not be nervous, face the audience squarely. Be calm and composed. Remember to wear the diamond crown that I carefully selected for you, and don't put it aside because of the weight!"

Several girls gathered together, and Tong Xiaoyun asked with some confusion, "How do I hear this sentence is a bit familiar, as if I heard it or saw it somewhere--"

Shen Ying gritted her teeth and said, "Where could that be! That was when Diana was married, Charles gave her a note to comfort her! This guy actually stole it without changing it. What a shame!"

"Punish him, not let him go to bed at night—" someone suggested.

"It's so cruel, don't--" Some people sympathized with Fan Wuyi. Everyone turned out to be Ziqi.

"On the wedding night, it's really inappropriate to keep him from going to bed--" Lin Xiaotong tilted his head and thought it over and suggested, "Why don't it be like this. Let him do it seven times at night, and this matter will be over."

"Seven times?! You are so cruel--" the women laughed happily.

However, Shen Ying's mood improved a lot after such a disturbance. After wearing the diamond crown sent by Fan Wuyi, she looked in the mirror and she was really dazzling. These three diamonds are more than the diamonds on the crown of the Queen of England. Da, I really don't know where Fan Wubing got it from. It seems that this guy still has a lot of treasures in private.

Lin Xiaotong pulled aside the screens of Shen Ying's house and took a look out. It was found that a team of journalists with at least a hundred people drove and lined up not far from the courtyard. Many of them had set up long guns and short cannons early. The lens was polished brightly, waiting to capture the shot of the bride going out.

"It looks a bit nervous--" Lin Xiaotong patted her chest, feeling her heart throbbing and flopping. Although she had seen a lot of big scenes, she was facing such a frenzy now. When I was in the media, I was still a little worried.

"You are just one of the bridesmaids, what are you worried about—" Tong Xiaoyun smiled.

Zi Qi has experienced many such big scenes~lightnovelpub.net~ and said to everyone, “It doesn’t matter. Everyone treats them as if they don’t exist. It’s just as if we are going to karaoke to sing. It's just a passage with a lot of people, so you won't be nervous. Besides, aren't there still bodyguards who specialize in maintaining order?"

At 8:30 in the morning, Fan Wuyi’s huge welcoming convoy appeared outside the Shen’s villa. After passing the convoy of two hundred cars of various colors, they passed through the surrounding roads in an orderly manner and filed in the order agreed during the previous exercise. However, each perform its duties.

When the specially-made golden sports car in which Fan Wuyi was riding appeared at the gate, it could be said that it caused a huge boil. The reporters of the media pressed the shutter to remove this golden sports car specially made by Fan's automobile company. Taken into the lens from all angles.

"God, this thing seems to be really golden!" A reporter was shooting. One side exclaimed.

"That's just something to say! Someone had heard the wind before. It is said that it took more than one hundred kilograms of gold to make this look!" A note next to him immediately replied.

The iron gate of the Shen family was completely refurbished, and the middle gate was now wide open, welcoming the welcoming team to enter.