
v5 Chapter 840: Money is really nothing

Probably got the wind in advance. The leaders and workers of Lingxi Aircraft Manufacturing Plant expressed great enthusiasm for the arrival of Fan Heng and others. Although Fan Heng’s status should be welcomed in this way, from the perspective of the atmosphere on the scene, the workers The degree of welcome to the entire delegation must definitely be greater than the enthusiasm for an executive vice premier.

And many people are even more aware. It is not so much that everyone's eyes are revolving around Fan Heng, it is better to say that everyone's mind is placed on Fan Wuyi who is following Fan Heng.

Fan Wubing also noticed this, and couldn't help thinking in his heart. It is estimated that Lingxi Province had leaked out his investigations with the group. It was based on the superstition of the legendary state-owned enterprise savior Fan Investment Group, as well as his own The worship of God has led to the emergence of this situation.

In fact, Fan Wubing is really interested in the Lingxi Aircraft Manufacturing Plant. As the only private large group company in China that has been accepted by high-level officials to buy shares in military industrial enterprises, Fan Investment Group can inject capital or inject capital into these state-owned military industrial enterprises. In terms of technical ability, this is also the point where Lingxi Province has very eager expectations for itself.

Regardless of whether it is Xifei or Shenfei, in fact, domestic aircraft manufacturers can produce some civilian small and medium-sized aircraft, as well as some second-generation or even second-and-a-half-generation military fighter jets, but they have to be manufactured with international aircraft. Compared with enterprises, the gap is relatively large.

In many key technologies, companies such as Xifei and Shenfei cannot reach the high-precision technical level. Therefore, it lacks the strength to aspire to large aircraft projects.

In fact, even during the Cultural Revolution, domestic large aircraft development capabilities were not weak at all.

China's self-designed and self-manufactured large jet airliners are transport aircraft. The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 110 tons, a maximum cruising degree of 974 kilometers per hour, and a maximum practical range of 8,000 kilometers. The cabins are arranged according to the three poles of full tourism, mixed and full economy, and can carry 124, 149, and 178 passengers respectively. The transport aircraft was designed by the Shanghai Aircraft Research Institute, and the Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Plant manufactured the final assembly, and the Shanghai Aviation Electrical Factory undertook the production of the landing gear, and received the cooperation and support of more than 300 units from Shanghai and the Ministry of Aviation.

The development of the transport aircraft began in 1970, and the test flight was successful once in September 1980. Afterwards, the development test flight and the transition test flight were carried out, which proved that the transport aircraft had good performance and met the design requirements. The successful test flight of the transport aircraft has aroused strong response at home and abroad. The aviation circles of the United States, Britain and other countries have expressed their opinions that this is a major exhibition of China's aviation technology, which has shortened the gap between China's civil aviation industry and the world's advanced level by fifteen years. When this highly complex technology is obtained, it can no longer be said. China is a backward country.

At that time, during the Cultural Revolution, the research and development work was severely disrupted. However, under extremely difficult conditions, the majority of workers and scientific and technical personnel, with a sense of responsibility and dedication to win glory for the country, insisted on a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, regardless of remuneration, and fighting day and night. After overcoming all kinds of difficulties, finally the transport plane flew into the blue sky.

The successful test flight of the transport aircraft filled a gap in China's aviation industry. It is a major scientific and technological achievement. In terms of design technology, there are many domestic breakthroughs in many aspects. In terms of manufacturing technology, many new processes are also used in aircraft for the second time in China.

After a large number of tests and flight tests, it has been proved that the transport aircraft has better handling characteristics and safety. It is not easy to enter the spin and is easy to recover from the spin. It has good degree characteristics, and its drag scatter Mach number is better than that of similar aircraft. It has better airport adaptability. Under the current airport conditions, there are more domestic airports that can be used than Boeing 7 and Trident aircraft. It also has great potential for development, such as modification motivation and lengthening the fuselage, which can improve its economy. If a large door is opened in the fuselage, it can be converted into a dual-purpose aircraft or military transport aircraft, and also an early warning aircraft and aerial refueling aircraft. Suitable candidate machine.

Through the development of transport aircraft, more than one hundred achievements of practical value have been achieved in China. However, due to the historical conditions at that time, when proposing transport aircraft design tasks, the main consideration was for special aircraft. It is required to be able to cross oceans and have a voyage of up to 7,000 kilometers, resulting in an increase in the aircraft structure and fuel load, and a reduction in the number of commercial loads.

After the successful test flight of the transport aircraft, due to funding reasons, it is difficult to continue the development work. After the successful development, the Shanghai Aircraft Factory wrote a letter to the central leadership to reflect on the development of the Yunyun aircraft.

The State Council once asked experts to conduct demonstrations on this issue and put forward suggestions that the entire development process should be completed. After the meeting, the Ministry of Three Aircraft and the Shanghai Municipal Government proposed four plans for continued development, but they were not approved. From the following year, the development of transport aircraft basically fell into a standstill.

Fan Wubing has always been concerned about the production of large domestic aircraft. If large aircraft can be produced in China, his airline can save a lot of money. Now he buys dozens of them from Airbus or Boeing. Hundreds of airplanes are really valuable. To be honest, he himself feels a little distressed. Instead of spending so much money for foreigners to earn, he might as well invest tens of billions of dollars in the country to build his own big airplane. , Which not only satisfies the use, but also exercises the design and manufacturing team, solves a large number of job opportunities, and can make the Chinese feel proud.

In fact, the large aircraft project is able to train the work team. Whether it is in design or trial manufacturing, there are many problems that need to be solved, and it is more about a cooperation mechanism. It is often done by multiple companies in collaboration, but in the current environment, it is really not easy to achieve this effect.

Fan Wuyao’s initial idea is to unite dozens of domestic research institutions and dozens of aircraft manufacturers to create a large aircraft project. On the one hand, it will process parts and components for Airbus or Boeing. Begin to rebuild the domestic large aircraft project, and strive to produce large aircraft products that can be compared with aircraft products such as Airbus within ten years.

In fact, according to the current technical strength and production capacity, this goal is not very high. The most critical step is to get the funds in place. At the same time, it is to make a tilt policy to domestic aircraft manufacturers on aircraft orders. Focus on support.

When inspecting the Lingxi Provincial Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, Fan Wubing mentioned the transportation of the aircraft, expressing some doubts about the suspension of the project that year.

The chief engineer of the Lingxi Provincial Aircraft Manufacturing Plant participated in the development of transport aircraft at the Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Plant. He was familiar with the experience of transporting aircraft. Hearing this, he said to Fan Wuyao, “Before transporting ten test flights, Someone once suggested that they tend to stop the development. After the success of Yunshifei, the people of the whole country are excited and elated. However, some people regard the operation as a negative experience that promotes the development of the seedlings, saying that the development of the transportation is a decision-making error and a product of self-reliance. The result is to want to climb to the sky in one step. The desire is not. This attitude is the same as the shipbuilding industry that had a negative attitude towards the shipbuilding industry in the past. Unable to enter and occupy the Chinese aviation market."

Back then, McDonnell Douglas in the United States made a business assembled in Shanghai, and then boasted in Fortune magazine how it made a billion-dollar business, saying that because of Shanghai’s luck, they cooperated with Shanghai. If If the transportation project is not overthrown, it will be difficult for American aircraft to enter the Chinese market.

After being pulled off the horse, in December 1986, the executive meeting of the State Council decided. Re-developing the domestic mainline large aircraft, so almost started the selection of aircraft types, the designation of the general design unit, the selection of foreign cooperation partners, and the preparation of a feasibility report. This feasibility report has been carried out for six years, and it was not reported until the beginning of 1992, and the development project also evolved into a Sino-US cooperative production.

In November 1992, the State Council issued a document stating that it was determined to develop a mainline aircraft of more than seat size, and the final implementation was to cooperate with foreign countries to develop a large regional aircraft. In this context, the competent authority has put forward a three-step plan. The first step is Sino-US cooperative manufacturing and assembly/, the second step is Sino-foreign cooperative research and development, which will be in service for about 5 years, and the third step is to design and manufacture the aircraft by itself. Achieved in the year.

In the first step of the three-step plan, McDonnell Douglas was annexed by Boeing, and the McDonnell Douglas assembly line in Shanghai was also on a dead end. As a result, the tens of millions of yuan worth of materials that were originally planned to be shipped for the third plane were used for training the rivet gun when preparing for the cooperation between Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Plant and McDonnell Douglas. It is conceivable that I once proudly manufactured my own. What kind of mood the workers of the jumbo jet were like at this time.

In the second step of the three-step plan, Airbus Europe unilaterally breached its contract and was fooled.

By last year, this three-step plan was completely defeated, and the beautiful dream came to two punches, and the achievements of China's aviation industry with independent intellectual property rights were still successfully developed 20 years ago, almost completely forgotten, and lonely. The prototype machine parked in the factory.

The direct loss of dismounting the horse is obvious. The aviation industry has retreated after fifteen years of catching up in the research of large jet airliners. What is even more sad is that it has dealt a heavy blow to its morale and ambition to develop the high-tech industry. Up the team.

Through the development of transport aircraft, a scientific research and technical force has been accumulated, and a lot of valuable practical experience has been accumulated. They could have used this as a basis to show their skills and become the basic technical team for the development of large civil aviation aircraft, just like the aerospace department today The situation is the same, but unfortunately the dismissal and the country’s decision-making on large aircraft. As a result, this aeronautical science and technology team has not yet been given a stage to display its talents and ambitions. After fifteen years has passed, the research and development team, which has accumulated a wealth of system practical experience, is facing its final loss today. After decades of exhibition, the aviation industry, which has hundreds of thousands of employees, more than 200 companies, more than 20 aircraft and aviation motive manufacturers, and more than 30 research institutes, is facing the transformation of civilian products and cannot guarantee itself. , There is an unprecedentedly severe and difficult situation with no way out, layoffs, and no wages.

"Today's Airbus has become a giant challenging the monopoly of Boeing in the United States, but our transportation was abandoned halfway. On the other hand, our own launch vehicle is now transporting American satellites to the sky, earning foreign exchange for the country and becoming A symbol of national prestige and military prestige." The chief engineer of the Lingxi Provincial Aircraft Manufacturing Plant said to Fan Wuyao with some sadness. The regional aircraft is also the Yunqi class developed during the Cultural Revolution. In terms of military aircraft, dozens of Su-27s purchased from ruined Russia are used to support air defense. The desire to buy an early warning aircraft from Israel is also stunned by the United States. In the United States After the bombing of our embassy in Yugoslavia, we suddenly felt that China’s military strategic power position in the world has been significantly weakened. In the face of these huge contrasts, reflecting on the failure of luck, we have to think, why is this? Who should Responsible for the failure of the transport industry and the widening of the gap between China’s aviation industry and the world’s advanced level?"

Fan Wuyao's conversation with the chief engineer made Fan Heng, who also came from a military industry company, feel a little embarrassed.

The phenomenon of re-widening the gap between the aviation industry and the world's advanced level due to the aborted operation is not isolated, and the same situation is also present in many other industries. For example, in the first 30 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has achieved achievements and progress that are beyond the reach of capitalist countries in the control of many diseases that seriously endanger the health of the people. In the next 20 years, many achievements and progress have been made. It has long been unable to maintain, and some have even regressed greatly, and have caused a series of new serious problems and are in a dilemma of helplessness.

In reality, there are too many problems that need to be explained and explained. Anti-pornography, more and more pornography; anti-corruption, the more anti-corruption, the more anti-corruption; the more the burden of farmers, the more heavier it is; the result of the reform of state-owned enterprises' contracting operation is large-scale losses and triangular debts; It was the last time that a large number of companies went bankrupt and closed ~lightnovelpub.net~. And so on, no one came out to give a decent explanation and explanation, how can you expect to give a clear explanation and explanation of the cause and responsibility of the accident?

The failure of luck, just like some setbacks in other fields, enabled the Chinese to catch up with the world’s advanced level of grand ambition, the bright prospects of national rejuvenation, the ambition to become independent among the nations of the world, and the solemn commitment to make greater contributions to mankind. , All cast a thick shadow.

"Now is the time to make a decision." Fan Wubing said to his father Fan Heng, "I think it is necessary to reopen the domestic large aircraft project, reintegrate the national aviation resources, and take out domestic self-sufficiency as soon as possible. The road map for the manufacture of large aircraft is coming."

"The money to be spent here is not a small amount--" Fan Heng said cautiously, "Probably not one or two hundred billion yuan, it is difficult to complete."

"Money is really nothing--" Fan Wubing said with some excitement, "What is money in this kind of thing?"

"Yeah, what is money?" Fan Heng said with emotion after hearing his son's words.

What does money count for the revival of national industry?