
v5 Chapter 843: Pang Mingyu

The night Fan Heng and his party returned to Ning City. In the Lecture Hall of the Provincial Party Committee of Lingxi Province, Fan Heng expressed his speech to cadres at or above the department level in Lingxi Province, mainly focusing on the issue of officialdom.

"Nowadays, in the society, and even in the theoretical articles of many scholars, a phenomenon that is currently prevailing is called the transaction of power and money. The money is given to the right to use various names for benefits and so on.” Fan Heng sat at the lecture table and talked freely. The continuation and development of the evils of collusion, corruption and bribery. The crux of the problem is that power is not supervised, and its foundation is the law of absolute power under **ism. It is equivalent to exchange under the market economy. It’s not the same thing at all. In a market economy society in Darfur, if the rule of law is sound, and the power supervision and restriction mechanism is effective, it will be able to curb this kind of violence. In a non-market economy, as long as power is not restricted, the government of officials will still It is so corrupt that even if the currency is abolished, it may still use its power to seize color, use its power to seize houses, cars, or slaves, or even use its power to steal the country and form a level of state affairs."

The issue he mentioned is also a relatively vague topic in public opinion propaganda. The concept of power-for-money trading is understood as a kind of transaction, and it is easy for everyone to think that these drawbacks are caused by the illusion of the market economy. , And from this, all kinds of erroneous views of nostalgia for the planning system and for restricting the market have arisen.

Using power to collect money is not equivalent to trading power and money. The most obvious reason is that anyone who uses power to collect money will not sell his power and make himself powerless. And any transaction always presupposes that the seller transfers his goods to the buyer and gives up his ownership.

However, if a person with a right to privately teach a certain public interest, such as land, engineering, and projects, after receiving the benefits, the nature is only equivalent to the guardian of the public interest guarding and stealing, and it has nothing to do with the transaction.

Even in a matter of selling official power, the official seller will not sell his official official to others and make himself a commoner. In essence, this is still guarding self-stealing rather than doing business.

Nowadays, if the country wants to vigorously promote market economy reforms, the first thing that must be cleared is the different views and opinions of various consciousness, especially the vague and specious views, and it must be clearly refuted. This time, Fan Heng I was also in the process of investigating Lingxi Province, and now that Lingxi Province is not fully aware of this issue, I will focus on this issue tonight.

The core opinion of Fan Heng is that the problem of official corruption cannot be attributed to the implementation of the market economy.

The reason why he said this is mainly because what he had learned about Pang Mingyu before leaving, sounded the alarm for him, so he had to say a few more words on this issue in order to improve the leadership of Lingxi Province’s leading cadres. Vigilance against corruption.

This time, Pang Mingyu’s affairs really caused the leaders of Lingxi Province to feel very embarrassed.

Probably since ancient times, there has not been a corrupt official that has been tragically reported by all the mistresses. Pang Mingyu can be regarded as unprecedented in this regard, and there may not be any more people in the future.

It’s just that it’s not easy to draw conclusions on the definition of this issue for a while, but because of the great impact of this matter, and Fan Wubing deliberately or unintentionally leaked the news through several major domestic portals. , There was an uproar on the Internet, not only with pictures and texts, but also netizens dug out the old things about the zipper mayor. Some people even stabbed out the truth about Ye Nan's death after falling from a building. In fact, Wu Shengyong gave his wife to Pang Mingyu to enjoy it in order to be caring, which resulted in this consequence.

If it weren’t for Fan Heng’s presence at the time, it can be said that the mistress accusation team of Yang Lili and others would definitely not be able to cause trouble. Leaving aside Pang Mingyu, it is impossible for any cadre present to allow such things to affect the reputation of government officials. Under his eyelids.

Even if Pang Mingyu’s mistresses are indeed involved, and Pang Mingyu himself is a corrupt official, that does not mean that the masses can abuse the leadership in such a public manner. After all, Pang Mingyu is now the vice chairman of the Provincial CPPCC, and the representative is the Provincial CPPCC. The image is still a party cadre. Isn't such a tossing discrediting the organization's face?

Taking a step back, even if the people present don't think about Pang Mingyu, they should think more about themselves. What if you are the one who made the fool out of today? As the saying goes, everyone carries the sedan chair, as the officialdom, and the decency of the officialdom must be maintained, otherwise it is yourself who is watching the excitement today. It may also be yourself that will be watched by others tomorrow.

But it happened that Yang Lili and others were also well versed in the rules of officialdom and understood the determination of the officials of Lingxi Province to cover their lids, so they chose the time when Fan Heng and others returned from their trip, and they immediately poke the problem in front of the state-level leaders. , This lid, how can it be impossible to cover it down, and no one dared to cover the cover in front of Fan Heng, and there is no reason to cover it.

After all, Fan Heng came to Lingxi this time. His main job was to investigate the status quo of state-owned enterprises and rectify financial order. Another hidden task was to check whether Pang Mingyu’s *** problem was true. Yang Lili and others appeared, but he solved it. A question of making excuses, it seems logical that the status quo is worse than Pang Mingyu.

Therefore, Fan Heng lowered his face very upset at the time, pointed to the banner drawn by Yang Lili and others and asked Guan Luping, "Pang Mingyu, isn't you the vice chairman of the Lingxi Provincial Political Consultative Conference?"

"Yes, when the day before yesterday, I accompanied you to inspect together--" Guan Luping also didn't know Fan Heng's true thoughts. After all, there is the gap between the state leaders and the ministerial leaders, so the idea is natural. It is very different. There are hundreds of members of the Central Committee and dozens of Politburo members going up from Guan Luping. He believes that he can't reach the level of a Politburo Standing Committee like Fan Heng. There are also limitations in the problem.

For the officialdom, as long as you are not at the top of the pyramid. You must always be a human being with your tail sandwiched. Even characters like Fan Hyung who have reached the highest level need to be worried, but their freedom is much greater than others, as long as they are not unforgivable. The mistakes and minor faults can be remedied by themselves. It was like today when Fan Heng pointed to the banner to ask Guan Luping, Guan Luping had to explain it to him carefully, not even daring to have a temper.

"Um-" Fan Heng frowned, as if to say something casually, "This person seems to have a deep mind."

Guan Luping was stunned when he heard this. However, he had already heard the meaning of these words too clearly. This was Vice Premier Fan's statement that he did not like this Pang Mingyu.

Since Vice Premier Fan said so, Guan Luping felt that he also wanted to express it, so he said to Fan Heng, "Since the masses have demands, whether it is from the perspective of our cadres themselves or to have an explanation to the masses. It’s all necessary to thoroughly investigate the problem. It’s just that this level of leadership should be investigated by our province. Isn’t it a bit inappropriate?"

After Fan Heng listened. Knowing that this is because Guan Luping has determined to intervene and ask himself for a Fangbaojian, he nodded and said, "Then check it out. It is a responsible approach to the cadres and the masses, but we must respect the facts. There can be no shielding."

"Yes." Guan Luping said, even the saying that it can't be shielded came out. Obviously Pang Mingyu had fallen into the eyes of the central leader long ago. The funny thing is that he didn't know how to constrain, so he was investigating in Fan Heng again. There was such a big basket during work. It's so lucky that no one can stop it.

In just a few words, Pang Mingyu’s fate has basically been finalized. Guan Luping is even considering whether to immediately suggest that Hu Kezhi, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, immediately convene a meeting of the Standing Committee to make a suspension review of Pang Mingyu. Resolution?

Of course, Fan Heng is not very concerned about these issues, because he is very clear that as long as the central government’s attitude is clear, the local authorities can handle these matters very quickly, and the efficiency can be so high that it surprises you, but if the central government’s attitude is ambiguous , Then no matter how simple a crime is before you, the local leaders will ignore it.

You can say that this is a practice of corpse-bit vegetarianism, or a negative official attitude. In short, the opinions of the people are hard to be taken seriously. This is a society that is accountable.

When Fan Heng and Guan Luping were talking here, Fan Wubing was watching the excitement there, while chatting with Yang Lili and others to learn about Pang Mingyu. At this hearing, it was a bit staggering. He didn't expect Pang Mingyu and Pang Li's father and son. Two of them, it's a frustration for Phoenix City.

Pang Mingyu is a typical young woman in charge. He loves to toss his wife most, and Pang Li is not a good seller in Phoenix. He ruined most of the school girls who can be found. Two fathers and sons. In Phoenix City, it has caused resentment. If it hadn't been for Pang Mingyu to raise the province at this time, it is estimated that these protests would still not be heard.

"The father and son, if they are really as you said, they will not be redeemed for their sins." Fan Wuyao glanced at the angry Yang Lili, and said that this beautiful young woman would have to give it up, otherwise it would be too much. It is impossible to ruin yourself, and Pang Mingyu must be pulled down.

Yang Lili was also watching Fan Wuyi, not knowing who this young man was, so that he could be surrounded by everyone. To understand the situation with grace and grace, and the people around him seemed to respect him very much, but she soon saw Fan Heng talking to Governor Guan Luping, as Fan Heng who often appeared in CCTV news network shots. , Of course, it is a long star face.

If Fan Heng and Fan Wubing are put together, the relationship between the two is ready to come out. Obviously, this is Fan Wubing, the boss of the well-known Fan Investment Group, which is often mentioned by Pang Mingyu. The envious young genius of my child.

Seeing that both Fan Heng and Fan Wubing father and son were so concerned about the matter of Pang Mingyu's acquisition of power that they accused, Yang Lili suddenly felt that this time she had met a nobleman. Not only is Ji Yongqing's case expected to be reviewed, Pang Mingyu's good fortune may also end. NS.

The hard work of many days is finally not wasted in vain!

At this time, Pang Mingyu was not there. He happened to go to a prefecture-level city to inspect the work of the CPPCC. While drinking, he heard a call from a subordinate who had a good relationship with him, saying that it was Yang Lili and others at the gate of Yuhe Hotel. The team that stopped Fan Heng and the governor Guan Lu Pingping are now suing Pang Mingyu.

When Pang Mingyu heard the news, the wine glass in his hand shook twice, and most of the wine spilled out.

If it was said that the scene was only about Lu Ping, Pang Mingyu didn't care much in his heart, but this time there were even Fan Heng and other central leaders present, and Pang Mingyu's heart suddenly went up and down, especially when he couldn't figure it out. What is Fan Hyung's attitude on this matter?

If Fan Heng ignores this, then Guan Luping will definitely not be troublesome, but if Fan Heng thinks that this matter should be taken care of, Guan Luping would definitely not dare to perfunctory things, but what happened to him in Phoenix, which Is one piece that can withstand scrutiny?

Don’t talk about the financial investment case, the mayor of the zipper, and the naked girl falling from a building~lightnovelpub.net~ Just because of the water diversion project in Phoenix, he can be sent to prison and sent to prison, let alone that he is in Phoenix. All kinds of crimes committed over the years.

"Chairman Pang, are you okay?" The subordinate CPPCC chairman who accompanied him to drink was somewhat surprised. Seeing Pang Mingyu's performance, it was almost the same as an elderly stroke. He didn't want Pang Mingyu to drink and stroke on his own territory. So what should I say when I give the report? Is it to say that during the inspection work of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman Pang caused a stroke due to excessive alcohol?

"Oh, it's okay--" Pang Mingyu naturally couldn't mess around in front of outsiders, but said with a strong smile, "This wine has a lot of stamina, and I didn't drink it for a long time, which made me feel dizzy."

But after listening to this call, Pang Mingyu no longer has the mood to drink. He is very anxious now. If he says he is by Fan Heng's side, he might be able to say a few words and explain himself. After a while, but I was far away, so I didn't have a chance to argue at all. I can only say that Yang Lili had chosen a very good time.

Could it be said that your good luck really comes to an end? Pang Mingyu's heart was a little flustered.