
v5 Chapter 85: MediaTek

Fan Wubing and Maximus initially planned the direction of the chip research institute's efforts in the next few years, and looked forward to the establishment of a large chip-level technology research department after Wang Rongchang brought in Taiwan’s local technical talents. Even the name has been figured out.

"How about calling it Lianzhan Technology Co., Ltd.?" Fan Wubing asked Maximus for his opinions without spoofing.

"It sounds good, the English abbreviation is mTk, and it feels like a very loud name." The old Jewish man didn't know Fan Wuyao's origin, and he nodded and praised Fan Wuyao's creativity.

Maximus’s subordinates finally took out the Boeing airliner sales plan, and when it was handed over to the old Jewish man, Maximus cut the total amount by 5% without frowning. Then he said to Fan Wuyao, "You can't drop it anymore, otherwise the company won't make a profit at all, and I will be fired."

Fan Wubing took a look at the plan, and felt that it was not much more than that of Airbus. In addition, the Airbus order was also taken by Maximus, so he did not take it for himself. "Okay, give it to Boeing." A fax from the head office said that I agreed to this plan."

Maximus personally instructed people to combine this plan and the purchase plan reached by Airbus and Fan Wuyao, and use Fan Wuyao's fax here to send it back to the headquarters. Not long after, the board of directors of Boeing Co. He gave a reply and entrusted Maximus as the plenipotentiary representative to sign an order machine contract with Fan Investment Group, with a total value of 2.1 billion US dollars.

"I should really celebrate with champagne." The old Jewish man was very excited, pulling Fan Wuyao and said, "For the Big 6 market in China, this is a big order from Boeing. I am the Asian market. The person in charge has fulfilled his responsibilities."

Neither Boeing nor Airbus will make a loss-making transaction, although the quotations given to Fan Wuyi are already at the price of cabbage. But there will always be some profits, so it won't lose money.

In fact, the aircraft manufacturing industry has been at a low ebb recently, whether it is Airbus or Boeing. Now it is the beginning of the era of low-profit operations. They rely more on the government or the board of directors for the future air transportation industry, and continue to invest large sums of money to support them. Both large companies enjoy preferential tax policies. , So as long as they have an order, there will be capital investment, and there will be no hardships.

They are not afraid of losing money. It is that the manufactured products cannot be sold. This idea is somewhat different from that in China.

After spending two days in Shanghai cuisine, Wang Rongchang flew over from Taipei.

Nominally. He was commissioned by Gu Zhenfu, chairman of the SEF. Go to Shanghai to be the liaison about the incident of the Eastern Airlines plane being hijacked. In the past year, passenger planes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been hijacked frequently. Conduct consultations. Actually. But it was for the consensus reached by the same fan before. To cooperate with Fan Wuyi with his own private team. Establish a chip-level research lineup. To meet the upcoming wave of mobile phone industry and semiconductor manufacturing industry represented by computer memory and graphics cards.

The SEF is a private organization in Taiwan. Established in 1990. Gu Zhenfu is the chairman of the board. So it is a bridge. It is not a wall as its own responsibility. The main task is to carry out the technical and transactional work in non-governmental exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait entrusted by the Taipei authorities. Including compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits inbound and outbound collection, verification and transfer. Document verification and delivery in 6 regions. Repatriation of criminals on both sides of the strait. Mediation and settlement of economic and trade disputes. Communication in academic and cultural exchanges and so on. Therefore, it can be regarded as an intermediary agency between the Taiwan authorities and the big six.

The SEF adopts the form of a consortium legal person foundation. Funds are jointly donated by the government and the private sector. When the SEF was first established, it was positioned to coordinate matters related to people's exchanges between the Taiwan region and the six major regions. And for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of the people of the two places. Not for profit.

The Beijing Association for Cross-Strait Relations, the ARATS, was established at the end of 1991. It is a legal person of a social organization. To promote cross-strait exchanges. Develop cross-strait relations. The aim is to realize the reunification of the motherland.

In 1992. The ARATS and the SEF discussed in Hong Kong on how to express adherence to the one-China principle in cross-strait affairs discussions. Later it was formed to express the one-China principle in their respective oral statements. That is the 1992 consensus. This also laid the foundation for the discussion between the two associations and the meeting between Wang Daohan, chairman of the ARATS, and Gu Zhenfu, chairman of the SEF.

April this year. The first Wang-Koo talks were held in Singapore. Cross-strait relations have taken a historic and important step.

From the perspective of the overall environment, it can be said that cross-strait relations are basically a period of rapid relaxation, and cross-strait exchanges are also unprecedentedly frequent. As the deputy secretary of the SEF Board of Directors, Wang Rongchang received a very warm welcome when he came to Shanghai. The city leaders personally greeted him at the airport to show his importance.

As a representative of the industrial and commercial circles in Shanghai, Fan Wubing was invited to attend the banquet to receive Wang Rongchang.

People in Shanghai’s industrial and business circles are already very familiar with Fan Wubing. When they saw this young man surrounded by others, they thought of the genius doctor who specializes in acupuncture and moxibustion on TV, and then thought of the famous doctor in Shanghai. The New Silk Road Entertainment Company will later think of the Fan Investment Group, a business-class giant that has recently emerged.

"This doll is not simple." Many veteran industrial and business people commented like this.

The city leaders introduced Fan Wuyao to Wang Rongchang, but saw that the two had already shaken hands and talked.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "When I was in Taipei, I was thankful for the hospitality of Mr. Wang Rongchang. Today, when Mr. Wang arrived in Shanghai, it was naturally my responsibility."

"How can I care about trivial matters? Mr. Fan said that, it's a bit caressing." Wang Rongchang said with a smile.

"Businessmen, of course, we have to care about things, but we still have to treat friends with sincerity. Just like my colleagues in the SEF, friends who are dedicated to the well-being of the people on both sides of the strait, I am very admired by Fan. "Fan Wubing said a grand commentary, and all the leaders present felt a little depressed. We should have said this in my heart.

This time Wang Rongchang came to Shanghai. After all, he still has official duties. He has to discuss with the people of Eastern Airlines, exchange his experience about hijacking, plan for the aftermath, and have contacts with the people in charge of the ARATS. Therefore, even though he was anxious to negotiate with Fan Wuyi in his heart, he couldn't get out of his body for the time being.

But Fan Wuyi comforted, "The prince does not need to be too anxious. I am here with Mr. Maximus. After you have been busy for these two days, we will discuss in detail, and then determine the way of cooperation and the scale of investment. It's implemented."

"It's so good." Wang Rongchang said overjoyed.

Wang Rongchang had been busy for three days in Shanghai, and finally came to an end. Although there was some entertainment, it was not important anymore, so the three people got together.

Fan Wubing found a time-honored hotel, then hosted a banquet for Wang Rongchang and talked about cooperation plans by the way.

Wang Rongchang also brought a young man, about thirty years old, who looked very honest.

"This is my nephew Wang Shihan. I plan to let him stay in Shanghai and be responsible for liaison with the mainland." Wang Rongchang took the young man to introduce Fan Wuyi and Maximus.

"Please support me a lot, both of you." The young man said very humbly to Fan Wuyi.

"Well, it's really a descendant of the family, haha—" Fan Wubian nodded, asked everyone to sit down, and then said, "Prince, I and Mr. The plan is just not clear about the scale of Mr. Wang's technical team, so I can't determine the specific degree of cooperation. Today I have this opportunity, everyone will study it carefully."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Wang Rongchang was not polite, and read the plan from Fan Wuyi.

After Fan Wubing acquired the mobile phone chip research department of InTeL, his main development direction was in communications, while Wang Rongchang’s technical team was mainly focused on computer applications, and resources could complement each other. As for other aspects The talent gap can be absorbed by Maximus' connections in the United States. The combination of the three parties is truly seamless.

After reviewing the plan, Wang Rongchang said, “I have about a hundred people in my technical team, all of whom are experienced technical talents~lightnovelpub.net~ are trustworthy in terms of chip development, but in terms of capital, our Wang family can It’s not a lot. After all, there are regulations on capital limits in Taipei. I can only invest 50 million symbolically. There is no alternative."

"In terms of funding, it probably needs about one billion yuan." Fan Wuyao glanced at Maximus and said, "This is the initial decision. In terms of technical personnel, although I have more, I don't care about it. Let’s level it up. As for capital, Mr. Maximus’s capital contribution is almost the same as that of the prince, both are 50 million, and I will be responsible for the rest. In terms of the shareholding ratio, the two of you suffer a little loss, and each of you counts as 10%. Get the shares?"

If in proportion to the funds, Wang Rongchang and Maximus can only hold 5% of the shares each, and Fan Wubing is willing to give them 10% of the shares, which is already considered generous.

Therefore, the cooperation agreement was immediately finalized. The three people decided to immediately prepare for the establishment of Lianzhan Technology Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of one billion yuan. As for the location, it is still selected in Suzhou or Hangzhou. Where is the specific address? It depends on the support of the local government.

As a three-party cooperation project between the Mainland, Taiwan and the United States, United Exhibition Technology Co., Ltd. was destined to be attracting attention from the beginning. In particular, the big boss of this company is Fan Wuyi, a young rich man with a complicated background.