
v5 Chapter 851: The motherland needs you! "Little Wolf N

Let’s discuss it.” Fan Danbing asked with emotion.

At this time, his heart is still very complicated. On the one hand, he is very enthusiastic about the large aircraft project, but on the other hand, he is also a little worried about whether this project can achieve his expected goals. After all, such a huge plan requires mobilization of the whole country. It is definitely not a trivial matter to complete it. Even if one's own follow-up funds can be continuously supplied, technology is always the most critical thing.

A small mistake can cause the large aircraft project to die halfway, not to mention that a perfect finished product can be produced within ten years, and it can be mass-produced. This is an impossible task for any country.

However, Fan Wubing felt that the Chinese people exist to create miracles, and the large aircraft project is no exception.

Early the next morning. Fan Wubing went to Boss Zhu's side and discussed the formation of the large aircraft project leadership group with the relevant persons in charge of the various ministries and commissions of the State Council.

Because this project is really too big, it can be said that the amount of work far exceeds the Three Gorges Project, and the manpower and material resources used. It is the most since the founding of the People's Republic of China. If Fan Wuyao had not taken the funds, the government would definitely not consider this project.

Boss Zhu personally served as the team leader of the project team, and then the heads of the relevant departments served as members respectively, and formed the State Council Aircraft Project Construction Project Team. This project team is mainly responsible for the coordination of all aspects, so that it can cooperate with the upcoming Israel The China Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, with Fan Wubing as the chairman of the board, cooperated with each other to complete this much-anticipated project.

"In short, we must use our collective efforts to build our own large aircraft within ten years, and it must be able to stand up internationally and have a market.

Boss Zhu said so.

The State Council’s expert group also made a preliminary budget estimate. It is estimated that together with construction funds, project funds and the transformation of various member units, it should be about 50 billion yuan. The original plan of 100 billion yuan scaled by Fan Wuyi "It's actually a bit too exaggerated.

However, Fan Wuyi has his own opinion. The large aircraft project should not only focus on the aircraft used for civilian flights, but also consider that it can be transformed into a large military aircraft on this basis, or directly re-developed on this basis. When a military system comes out, then the budget will increase a lot.

At the end of December, the general framework was erected.

However, after sorting through the various units in this way, I found that after more than ten years of delay, it has regressed a lot. Even some technical information when it was shipped and developed. Now they can’t be found, and many of the technical talents who made a lot of contributions at that time have passed away, and many have changed careers, and the losses are quite serious.

"The entire aviation manufacturing industry in China has experienced 20 years of faults!" Fan Wuyao felt very


In fact, the senior management also hopes to re-use the old platform that was developed and shipped in the past, but now I have a look at it and found that there are many problems, and the cost of capacity shrinking is particularly reflected in the transportation of the old engine.

In the process of transportation and development, a Shanghai factory imitated the American Pratt & Whitney turbofan engine and finally manufactured an engine that was successfully used for transportation. During the flight test, for safety reasons, the old Pratt & Whitney engine used by Boeing Yang was shipped, and the imitation engine was installed on Boeing for test flight. good results.

A 70-year-old expert on aviation and aerospace engines from the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, in reply to the media, how long it will take for China to produce engines for large aircraft, said that of course it does not take fifty years, but thirty years is still necessary.

But he also said that it was not easy for Shanghai to build a small Pratt & Whitney engine back then.

According to him, the titanium alloy tipped turbofan blades made in Shanghai that year cannot be achieved by the entire Chinese aviation industry twenty years later, and the technical capabilities of engines made in Shanghai have completely disappeared, and the plant and equipment have long been dismantled. , The dispersion of personnel is no longer possible.

Of course, some people ridicule that the engine is an imitation, but this does not detract from that achievement.


In fact, the jet engine was invented by Britain and Germany respectively on the eve of World War II, and other countries started with imitations.

The United States and Britain signed an agreement to imitate British jet engines in 1941. In October of the same year, the United Kingdom provided an unassembled engine and a series of drawings to the General Electric Company designated by the United States, and sent a technical team to assist the United States in its imitation.

Even with such help, the engine and its improved version of the General Electric Company in the United States did not catch up with the performance level of the British engine until the beginning of 1944.

The former Soviet Union also began to develop a towering engine before World War II, but it did not develop until the end of the war.

After the war, the former Soviet Union used the seized German materials and equipment to quickly imitate jet engines with the help of German technicians, and later purchased dozens of jet engines from the United Kingdom through trade negotiations.

The key to this question is not whether it is imitated, but whether or not technical learning has been carried out. When Americans imitated British jet engines, British technicians brought drawings and technical materials to teach them hand in hand. In the process of imitating jet engines, the former Soviet Union moved German factories and equipment to engine industrial bases such as Ural and Kuibyshev, gathered the captured German technicians, and ordered them to provide technical knowledge, experience and management methods. The Soviet Union People even asked German designers to redesign the product from scratch to help the Soviets master the technical know-how from the restoration process. It took more than five years for the former Soviet Union to complete the transition from imitation to independent design.

In contrast, Xiao Shanghai only relied on its own reverse engineering of the original product to create a usable engine, and the technical learning must be much more.

It is a pity that small factories, technicians and workers are now all lost!

Fan Wubing was overwhelmed by this problem. I have also talked about this with many aerodynamics experts. It is said that on the day before the Yunshi test flight, two deputy ministers of the Ministry of Aviation Industry were in Shanghai. One of them categorically refused to host the test flight ceremony and said , Yunshi cannot go to heaven. If he went to heaven, he made a self-engraved gesture, meaning he committed suicide in order to thank the world.

It’s a pity that the vice minister who threatened to commit suicide at that time thanked the world for breaking his promises. After the successful Yunshi test flight, he did not wipe his neck. However, the deputy minister who held his position and personally presided over the Yunshi flight test flight, and the chief designer of Yunshi aircraft for a long time. Depressed and unwilling, accumulated anxiety became an illness, suffered terminal illness, and passed away one after another.

"A very famous aircraft engine expert at that time solemnly proposed to the central government that Xiang Zi could not stop, the team could not disperse, and the results could not be lost. It is a pity that the decision to stop was made before the Yun-10 aircraft test flight. "The expert said with some regret," Now it seems that joint ventures or cooperation methods can not solve even simple automobile technology, let alone get people's aircraft engine technology in exchange for technology. It is simply idiotic. Say


Major strategic mistakes of the year. It has become a national tragedy. If you insist on doing it at the time, then use this as a technical platform. Now the large transport aircraft and strategic bombers have already gone to heaven. Only then will they have a truly global strategic air force, and they will have to be more proactive on many issues. .

"As far as the system components are concerned, it uses self-developed supporting products. Its landing gear is designed and manufactured by Shanghai itself. Including the automatic anti-skid system, the technical difficulties are relatively large, and there is no problem in using it. Others Including avionics, electrical systems, mechanical systems, etc., all of which are domestically supported. After the rush of transportation was discontinued, many of these things were stopped or abandoned. Small. The expert said to Fan Wubing, "There were four in the 1970s. Big key project. They are the Yang project (satellite project), the Asahi project (transporting the old), the Wu project (the nuclear station), and the Yinjimu (the ocean-going survey ship). , When I mention this matter, my chest feels suffocated~lightnovelpub.net~small.

The most distressing. The technical team of the Shanghai factory that built the engine was lost. In the past two years, the state-owned enterprise's situation has gone from bad to worse. The Shanghai factory has also gone bankrupt and dissolved because of no business. The original technical team is undoubtedly very advantageous.

"Oh, no matter what. These people must be found to be the best to build engines. It is not only the skilled workers who are the most important of the designers, but without them, this goal cannot be achieved. Many things are impossible. It was copied on the drawing." The old expert said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wuyao nodded and said, "No problem, as long as these people are still alive, I will find a way to invite them back one by one!"

Almost everyone didn't believe that Fan Wubing could do this, but Fan Wubing quickly started his own actions. At his request, with the cooperation of CCTV, a documentary about the project of transporting the old was quickly produced, and it was immediately broadcast continuously during prime time, and on the largest newspapers and media in the country. Also began to overwhelmingly discuss China's large aircraft project, discussing the success or failure of the old project that year.

After a week of publicity. During the advertising time after the news broadcast. A fifteen-second advertisement was inserted. The advertisement was very simple. In the context of transporting the old aircraft, a line of large characters was typed out. All participants in the engine project of the blade project, whether you are a designer, a technical worker, or a warrior It doesn't matter if you are just a cleaner, no matter where you are, what your current situation is, or if you are obsessed with mundane tasks or you are old and old, it doesn't matter, what is important is that the motherland needs you!