
v5 Chapter 852: Blood is still cold

Chapter 852 The Blood Is Still Not Cold

I heard that the commercials after the simulcast were all playing. The introduction of "Shen Hang" has also increased, and it has aroused great repercussions in the society.

Although ordinary people did not understand Yun Qingmu, many practitioners at that time, especially the leaders of Shanghai, and the leaders who had stayed in the Ministry of Machines and Machinery, knew everything about this matter. These people knew the current policy. Expressed great concern.

There must be voices of opposition, especially those who participated in the veto of the movement. The accusation that this is a slander on the correctness of the decision at that time, and the collective decision-making is dismissed from the past. At this time, it is reversed and denied, which is not respecting the organization's decision.

Although these people are not going to jump to the open debate, they are not in the wrong for the dismissal of the old, and they are afraid of being scolded. However, it is still a matter of blowing air in a small area to try to influence the decision-making of senior leaders. It can be done very well, especially if some people rely on the old to sell their old, it is even more troublesome.

Fortunately, this time the matter was invested by Fan Wuyi independently, and it was carried out on the premise of capital injection into the entire aviation manufacturing industry. Otherwise, this time the proposal may not be passed by the State Council. After all, these old guys’ The influence is still great.

In fact, the dismantling of the Yunxin project also involved power overwhelming. At that time, the project was carried out in Shanghai and was the main base of the Shanghai Gang of Four. So after the end of the Cultural Revolution, Yunqingmu naturally became stinky shit. It was the main leader of Shanghai at that time, who didn't dare to bother about this matter, so the project was suspended.

Dare to discuss this matter publicly and accuse some people at that time of irresponsibly dismantling the old project. This is already a great social progress. If it is a few years earlier, I am afraid that no one would dare to mention this. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by a big hat.

Even so, Boss Zhu was also very troubled by the recent criticisms about transporting the old. He told Fan Wubing that he should put the shelf up as soon as possible and put it in the hands of Fan Wubing. At least he can push it clean and not worry about these things anymore.

In fact, Fan Wubing also hopes to quickly set up the China Aviation Manufacturing Industry Corporation, and start preparations as soon as possible. First, he will gather the companies he needs, and then inject funds to transform it, and find the chief designer team. Take out the blueprint of the big airplane and get on the right track.

In addition, the international community has also expressed different reactions to China’s seemingly preparing to manufacture large aircraft on its own at this time. First, several major international aircraft manufacturers said that the investment in large aircraft projects is huge, the technical force requirements are very high, and the industrial chain Coordination is quite cumbersome. Judging from China's current strength, it seems impossible to build a large aircraft. According to their inference, it might be possible to build a large aircraft in 30 to 50 years. It should be more realistic.

For now, they believe that even if China is engaged in large aircraft projects, it is unlikely that they will pose a threat to their civil aircraft business, especially now that Airbus is more enthusiastic about promoting its Airbus program to the outside world. The huge and largest aircraft in history has entered the research phase. It is expected to be put into use in four to five years.

All in all, foreigners still don't believe in China's current strength and can afford to play big planes.

Song Shi’s family is fifty-five years old. Since he was laid off three years ago, he has been working as chief engineer in a private auto parts factory, specializing in some very marketable castings and the like. Although this kind of thing seems relatively simple, But in fact, the alloy smelting technology used is relatively advanced, and most people can get it, but the quality is much worse.

The treatment here is good. One of his two children has started working online and has not yet married, and the other is still in graduate school. They are all when they are in need of spending money. If they hadn’t found such a good job, I’m afraid It simply cannot bear the burden of this family.

Speaking of which, he was very grateful to the owner of this private auto parts factory, when he was desperately desperate. When they found him, Xu Yi paid a lot of money and position, and took him away. This is a place to settle down. Look at the three-bedroom and two-living house where he lives now. The cars he drives are all personal gifts from the boss.

At this time, he was watching the 15-second commercial after the news broadcast. After his wife came in, he saw the background picture of the old plane on the screen, and the last sentence, the motherland needs you.

"Lao Song, at this time, you can't move your mind. You have to know what boss Qi is doing to us! We can't do ungrateful things!" As soon as my wife saw this advertisement, he immediately became a little anxious. The ground shouted at Song Shijia.

"Oh, I know. Go busy with your business, I will rest a while. In the afternoon, I will inspect two engineering projects." Song Shijia waved his hand and said to his wife.

My wife murmured a few more words, then turned and left, and closed the door.

After waiting for a long time after his wife left, Song Shi’s family walked to his desk, squatted down and opened the bottom drawer. After turning for a long time, he turned out a leather-like briefcase from the inside. It looked like it was already. It's been a long time, and the words Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory are still printed on it.

Song Shijia opened the briefcase and found out a thick pile of materials. The materials he kept very well were a bit yellowish, but the neat and neat handwriting on it was exactly what he had in the past. Written, densely packed are all about the experience and experience in the development process of the motivation for transporting the old, as well as the various proportions of the materials used, some tips in the processing, and many thin papers are filled with words on both sides. Add up to hundreds of pages.

Song Shijia opened the paper and looked at it. He found that the paper was a bit brittle, and he was worried that it would break accidentally. There are two large bags in his cabinet that are similar to the materials he holds in his hand. These are all the contents he has preserved in the Yunqin team that year.

Later, the old transportation project was forced to dismount, and then the factory went bankrupt and the workers were disbanded. Song Shi's family transferred these materials to his own home for preservation. He wanted to come, when he didn't know when, or could these things be used again?

"Oh, I'm still not reconciled." Song Shijia shook his head, stroking those outdated briefcases. Long sighed.

Early the next morning. Song Shi's family drove to the auto parts factory to see the boss Tian Mingli.

"The boss is out, what's the matter, Mr. Song?" Mi.

"Oh, have you gone out?" Song Shijia was taken aback for a moment, then he nodded after thinking about it, "It's okay, if I saw him. I really don't know where to start. Then you forward this letter to him,

"After handing the letter to the secretary, Song Shijia left the auto parts factory without hesitation, and the car Tian Mingli gave him did not drive. He took a taxi and went home, and then took his information to the advertisement. The address left.

After arriving. He just realized that this is not a government agency, but a 33-storey high-rise building with a large Fan Investment Group Shanghai headquarters. Two buildings that are almost identical are connected together. It looks huge.

Although Song Shi's family is old Shanghai, it hasn't paid attention to the changes in the urban area for a long time. At this time, he can't help but be a little surprised. I don't know why a company that looks like a private enterprise would advertise for Yunxun. Moreover, the old ministry is being recruited in the name of the state, which is indeed a bit weird.

However, after entering the building, he saw a lot of people around a reception area at the front desk, and more than a dozen staff members were filling in the registration form for them. And simply asking some questions, it seems to be very busy.

"Sir. What do you need our help?" He was standing here watching, and a service lady came over and asked with a smile. "Song Shijia couldn't remember how to say it for a while.

"Lao Song! Is that you?" someone behind him suddenly shouted.

Song Shijia felt that the voice was so familiar. When he turned his head, it was a familiar face. Shi Peng, an engineer from the Xi'an plant who had held a meeting with him back then, specialized in the overall research and development tasks of transporting the old. , But his temples were white, and he was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Shi Gong. Is it really you? I haven't seen each other for so many years!" Song Shijia walked over with some excitement. Holding Shi Peng's hand, he said with emotion, "Why are you in a wheelchair? How did you get here?"

"Hey, I didn't get on my own big plane at the beginning, and I felt aggrieved in panic. Not reconciled!" Although Shi Peng got on the wheelchair, he was in a good mood and said with a smile, "You should be the same for Old Song." Your mind!"

Song Shijia nodded and looked at Shi Peng, who was unable to move freely. His eyes were a little moist. After all, they were all collaborators who worked on the project together and hadn't seen them in more than ten years. The feeling of reunion was indeed mixed.

"This is my son" Shi Peng pointed to the young man pushing himself behind him, and said to Song Shijia.

Song Shijia looked at the young man, nodded and said, "It's exactly the same as when you were young.

"It's more than the same?" Shi Peng smiled, "I let him go to Beihang University. Even if our generation did not complete the task of transporting the old, at least after my son, we must get the domestically made large aircraft. !"

Song Shijia patted Shi Peng on the back, feeling very emotional.

When the old projects were shipped, it was not easy to break.

In 1968 or some time earlier, the prime minister at that time suggested that an aircraft factory in the south should display an aircraft like this, but did not receive a response from the Third Aircraft Department, which was in charge of aircraft manufacturing at that time. In the winter of that year, after the successful test flight of the H-6, the Premier again suggested whether it was possible to transform the H-6 into a civilian aircraft, but still did not receive a response from the Third Aircraft Department.

the second year. When the chairman visited Shanghai, he asked whether Shanghai could manufacture aircraft.

July of the third year. When the chairman came to Shanghai again, he pointed out again that Shanghai has a relatively good industrial base and it should be possible to manufacture aircraft.

As a result, after the Prime Minister’s two suggestions were invalid and the Communist Party requested again, the issue of Shanghai’s aircraft construction was considered to be on the agenda.

After the chairman's speech. The competent department of the aircraft industry at that time. Air Force Commander Wu Faxian immediately asked the Three Aircraft Department to implement the opinions of the chairman and the prime minister. At the end of July, the Third Aircraft Department held a meeting and asked the chief designer team of HXL to lead a special work group to begin research on domestically-made large civil aircraft projects.

At the end of September that year. Seventy aircraft design backbones transferred from the knife factory, 20 technicians transferred from the First Research Institute of the Air Force, and 20 exterior and aerodynamic designers transferred from the Wangsuo all arrived in Shanghai, from the beginning to the implementation. It took only two months to determine the design ideas and deploy personnel. China's first large civil aircraft design team was formed, and the Yun-10 project began to operate.

It was at that time that Song Shijia and Shi Peng were transferred from all over the country to start a ten-year division of labor and work together for China's domestically produced large aircraft project.

"Mr. Song" Song Shi's family was wandering, suddenly he heard someone calling him again.

Song Shijia’s body suddenly became a little stiff, because he heard that the voice belonged to Tian Mingli, the owner of the auto parts factory. The person he least wants to see now is Tian Mingli. For this year, when he was in the most difficult time, Finding the boss who gave him a hand, Song Shijia felt that if he left his factory at this time and wanted to return to the big airplane project, it would be a bit of a lack of integrity.

"Boss Tian. I" Song Shijia didn't know where to start, and there was a word for a while.

Who knows Tian Mingli smiled and walked over, holding his hand and said, "Hehe, I guess Mr. Song will definitely come, as expected!"

Song Shijia looked at Tian Mingli in surprise, wondering why he said that, how could he know he was coming here? When I handed the resignation letter to the secretary, I didn't say where I wanted to go. Is it weird?

Seeing the inexplicable appearance of Song Shijia~lightnovelpub.net~ Tian Mingli smiled and said, "Actually, you don’t know Mr. Song. When I was out of luck, I was a tester in the experiment, but you are usually busy with work. I didn’t notice us at all. Later, our factory was disbanded a bit earlier, and I came out and tossed this auto parts factory by myself. It is because I knew you before, so after your factory was disbanded, I went to ask you for it. Come back."

"Oh, that's the case." After Song Shijia heard this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. No wonder Tian Mingli would please himself. It turned out to have been impressed for a long time, after all, expert technicians like him are treasures wherever they are placed.

"Then what about your factory?" Song Shijia suddenly mentioned this question.

"It's a big deal, it's a big deal and sold it! If you live a lifetime, you can't do something big. What is a small factory? If you can make your own big airplane, it's worth everything! "Tian Mingli replied indifferently.

Song Shijia was moved in his heart, looking at the people who came from all directions, who had contributed to the domestically made large aircraft. Gathering together again, I can't help thinking, this blood is still hot!

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