
v5 Chapter 867: Sense of Responsibility and Conspiracy T

Fan Wubing received Sheng Wei who came to interview in the meeting room of the company headquarters. And at the same time, Richard, the professional writer of Time magazine, and his photographer who were visiting.

It did not take much time for Fan Wuyi to meet with Richard. As a professional writer for Time magazine, Richard has become very familiar with questions. He knows what American people are most concerned about. Regardless of the large aircraft project or the rare earth strategy, ordinary people will not care about these issues, so he asked Fan Wuyi a question that American people are most concerned about.

"Mr. Fan, you have always held a negative attitude towards the persistence of the network economy. So how long do you think the popularity of Nasdaq can last?" Richard Li put forward the important goals of his trip at the end of the interview. .

As an important force in the US economic intelligence community, the US "Time" magazine is also relatively unique in its analysis of the economic situation. Therefore, Richard, who has been tracking the economic situation at home and abroad for a long time, also thinks that the madness of Nasdaq is a bit unexpected. The collapse is already inevitable, but no one thought that the Nasdaq, which was originally estimated to have been severely out of imagination in the middle of last year, was still going crazy at this time.

This is a little bit incomprehensible, so when this opportunity to interview Fan Wuyi was encountered, of course Richard wanted to ask. After all, Fan Wuyao is a legendary figure in the American financial world, at least people in the circle know a little bit about it.

Sure enough, after hearing this question, Fan Wubing hesitated, and then said to Richard, "It's three months at most. The Nasdaq will definitely plummet, and it will continue to fall. "

Richard got the answer that he cared most, and then asked the photographer to take a series of photos of Fan Wubing, planning to choose the most perfect one to be the cover character for next month, which is the Lunar New Year.

After sending off Richard and the others, Sheng Wei breathed a sigh of relief, “Sitting in the same room as an internationally renowned copywriter, there is still some pressure.”

Fan Wubing smiled and asked people to pour her a cup of coffee, and then said, "In fact, there is nothing, it's just a difference in habits that will make you think this person is a little unpredictable. In fact, if you only From the perspective of China's national conditions, Richard's eyes are dark when he sees China."

"Only paying attention to other people's strengths is the driving force for progress. Why do you often encourage me to discover other weaknesses?" Sheng asked with a smile. Just read the novel~

"That's right! Just to spot the other's weaknesses!" Fan Wubing explained after patted his hands, "You journalists should pay attention to issues that others can't notice, and just talk about the glorious side of someone. Readers don’t bother to look at them. They must dig deeply into each other’s weaknesses and dark sides. This will attract readers. You must know that most people’s psychology is basically inclined to the dark side. Benevolence, justice and morality are in the bones of male thieves and female prostitutes. Only when you understand the ugliness of human nature can you make a successful media."

Sheng Wei heard that Fan Wubing was teaching her here, and forgot to drink the coffee in his hand. After a long time, he took a sip, then frowned and asked, "You are, you are suggesting me Do you want to write more about the dark side of you?"

"Oh, of course you can't say that. What a sunny person I am." Fan Wubing wisely shifted this topic away, and then asked, "You seem to say that you want to ask some questions about rare earths?"

"Oh, there have been a lot of discussions on this topic recently, but most of them are unclear. We hope to get some more accurate information from Mr. Fan, who is in charge of China's rare earth industry." After hearing Fan Wuyi's words, Sheng Wei sat down. He said seriously.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "I can talk a little more about this issue, but there are some situations that are not suitable for the list. After you sort it out, let me take a look. You have to delete those sensitive topics before you can list it."

"So there is no problem." Sheng Wei nodded and replied. She was very curious. What's the difference this time?

"This time overseas countries united to exert pressure on the country on the issue of rare earths. It is not an isolated incident." Fan Wuyao first expressed his opinion to Shengwei.

Sheng Wei listened. In fact, she probably also has some sense of identity. The life of any event will not be isolated. There must be an antecedent and consequence, especially when such a major event related to international relations is made public. Insider trading is simply impossible.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of insider trading that the profession of journalists is full of challenges. What they desire most is to expose those unknown insiders. After satisfying the public’s right to know, they also serve Bring the maximization of reputation and profit by oneself.

It is impossible for a successful journalist to avoid the words insider trading. In fact, journalists who only go back to shoot some news in response to the government's requirements are not worthy of the title of journalist. The title of journalist should only belong to Those pioneers in the press who have a conscience in their hearts and a sense of social responsibility. Just read the novel~

"In fact, as a non-governmental media, there are some situations that are inconvenient for the government to report. As long as they are true or basically true, you can tell them--" This sentence is an important reason for Fan Wu's willingness to accept the interview with Sheng Wei.

Although everyone is a good friend, Fan Wubing is far from the point where she is stunned. It is true that Sheng Wei is very beautiful and has temperament. The temptation of the young wife just after the divorce is also It's amazing. However, this does not allow Fan Wubing to provide her with inside information that is not suitable for public disclosure.

"In fact, if you are going to report something that no one else has reported, you will often be under more serious pressure --" Fan Wubing said to Shengwei, "It's like taking that very famous photo, "Waiting to Eat Little Like Kevin Carter, the photographer of "Girl's Vulture."

Sheng Wei nodded. As an industry insider, she naturally knew about this.

In the picture of "The Vulture Waiting to Eat the Little Girl", a Sudanese girl is struggling on her way to the relief station and is about to die on her knees. The vulture is not far behind the girl, staring at her, waiting for hunting. Picture of eating girl.

This photo won the black photographer Kevin Carter the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, and he became famous overnight. This shocking photo has attracted many criticisms and doubts. Someone asked why the photographer didn't help the little girl at the time?

When people asked about the whereabouts of the little girl, unfortunately, Carter didn't know. A few months later, because Carter could not stand the pressure of public opinion, he used a piece of hose to introduce car exhaust into the car and committed suicide. At the age of 33, people found a note left by him on the car seat. Written really, I'm really sorry to everyone, the pain of life far exceeds the level of joy.

That photo clearly shows the true situation of the Great Six Famines that swept across Africa at that time. Between 1970 and 1985, a continuous drought disaster swept across the Great Six of Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia. This led to the most destructive famine in the history of the world.

At that time, Carter took this picture and successfully attracted the attention of the people of the world to the African famine, and as a result, saved many refugees, but because of many people's doubts, he committed suicide early.

In fact, Fan Wubing regrets Carter’s death. As a black journalist, he obviously doesn’t have much ability to help the refugees who died of starvation. All he can do is to do his best to wake up his ability to help these people. People of refugees, and in fact he also drove away the vulture.

People tend to be like this. They don’t think about how to help thousands of refugees who are struggling with life and death, but they are embarrassed by a weak journalist who has no ability to only wake up concerns about the African famine with a camera in his hand, human nature. Morality is distorted at this moment.

"How to protect yourself. In fact, it is also an essential skill for being a reporter." Fan Wuyao said to Sheng Wei.

Sheng Wei nodded, and then asked, "Mr. Fan, you have been talking to me for so long and haven't gotten to the point yet? What I want to know is, what is this inside story?"

"In fact, this incident is not only caused by the international community's concerns about the reduction in domestic rare earth exports, but also closely related to the large aircraft project we are planning." Fan Wuyao said to Shengwei.

"It is closely related to the large aircraft project?" Sheng Wei suddenly came to his mind. This is something other media has not reported.

"When the transportation project was about to succeed in those years, the Americans were deeply concerned, so McDonnell Douglas sent a Chinese American to go out and persuaded the wife of a certain power figure to take the wife’s route to discontinue the transportation project. Aircraft manufacturing technology has fallen behind for 40 years. This was a very successful crisis public relations at the time or now." Fan Wuyao said to Shengwei, "McDonnell Douglas has won the 6th largest market in China, and the U.S. government sees it. When the Great Wall of China self-destroyed and discarded the self-developed technology, it can be said that everyone is happy. It is only the Chinese who suffer. They no longer have the technical ability to make large airplanes and lose the foundation for further development."

Sheng Wei obviously does not understand this situation. Although she has stayed in Shanghai for a long time, she has never understood this matter. The official media obviously will not report this kind of matter objectively, except for some parties. Without knowing this kind of insider information, even in the official, this kind of topic is a taboo.

"It's not a good thing to hide for the venerable. Some officials who are subordinates have to look at Shangguan's face, and try to figure out Shangguan's thoughts and words. This is not a phenomenon that modern countries should have." Fan Wubing said to Shengwei. "The reason why I chose to accept your interview in Shanghai instead of Beijing is because I want to avoid all kinds of official or semi-official media, and use entertainment and finance magazines with a relatively good press freedom. Say something. ."

"Are you sure it won't cause our magazine to close?" Sheng Wei asked a little worried.

Although "Orient News Interview" can often get a lot of exclusive news materials by relying on Shengwei due to Fan Wuyi's reasons, and its sales have soared, Shengwei is also very worried that if it is a bit over the line, Shengwei is also worried. The news censorship department ordered rectification or directly put a seal on the gate of the magazine, so I had to ask Fan Wuyi first.

"That's not enough. I'm not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, am I?" Fan Wubing smiled when he heard the words, and then he said, "This time, the companies that put pressure on China on the rare earth policy are mainly US companies. **Industrial companies, including major arms dealers like Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin, and a common feature of these arms dealers is that they all produce aircraft projects, whether they are large transport aircraft or Civil aircraft can be regarded as leaders in the industry."

"Oh, this is actually the case." Sheng Wei nodded, a little understanding.

"The large aircraft project is a development activity for civil aircraft. Naturally, it is inconvenient for them to entangle with the Chinese on this issue. Therefore, they thought of an indirect way to solve the problem. After all, the rare earth policy is not only related to the interests of the Americans~ lightnovelpub.net~ When they protest like this, the European Union, Japan, South Korea and other countries will also join in, which can increase their international influence." Fan Wuyao explained to Shengwei, "In this way, their purpose is also It has been achieved. Once they have found a seemingly reasonable and arrogant request, the Americans will have an excuse to intervene in the Chinese market, and finally through insider negotiations with the government, they will try to disrupt the large aircraft project again."

"It sounds like a very reasonable and insidious conspiracy." After Sheng Wei listened, some of them said suspiciously.

Although Fan Wu's words are conclusive, Sheng Wei still has to adopt a more cautious attitude to analyze the inside information from the standpoint of a journalist. After all, as a responsible journalist, it is impossible to use them casually. Irresponsible remarks are used as the main argument of one's own article.

Sheng Wei's ability to gain Fan Wubing’s vision and her current position in "Oriental News Interview" is also inseparable from her professional attitude. This is undoubtedly, so even Fan Wubing said If so, she also needs to analyze and summarize carefully so that she can use it in her own articles with confidence.

Of course, Shengwei's caution, Fan Wuyao also agrees. A reporter who has no sense of responsibility will only cause him a lot of trouble. God knows what will happen to those reports after they are published in the newspaper?