
v5 Chapter 876: More offspring

2423 Chapter 876

In terms of two bodies, Xiao Fanyao's disease is believed to be in the history of the founding of the People's Republic of China for so many years. Some seem to be more reasonable, but in fact, there are always endless tricks that are not worth mentioning.

Just like a decision on the large aircraft project, this time the consumption tax increase is actually a failed policy.

The original intention of the small five cents consumption tax on liquor tax adjustment is to support the advantages and limit the disadvantages, support the big and limit the small, and the leveraging strategy, which is to purify the liquor industry and the market through tax management policies, and to eliminate the irregular or even illegal One is to make the liquor market safer and the other is to increase taxes by the way.

This original intention seems to be good. It is also relatively positive, but they have overlooked one problem. Because the domestic taxation management is not in place, even taxation management departments in many places are caused by people. Many local policies are controlled by local managers. This is because the tax policy formulated by the state can only be used by private individuals as a work of collecting money for individuals.

As for many small workshop-type production enterprises in Shanxi, these people basically don't even have production licenses and business licenses, so what are they talking about paying taxes? Most of them have been evading taxes. Who can receive taxes with them?

But once the policy is formulated, there will always be a process of implementation, so large and medium enterprises that have to pay taxes in accordance with the law. I have to bear the result of this tax increase.

That is to say, the purpose of this time is to regulate the baijiu market. Not only did it not reach those who should be hit, but it hit the large and medium-sized liquor companies that are already operating in a standardized way, greatly increasing the standardization of enterprises. operating cost.

However, enterprises have increased the burden. Who should bear this burden? Naturally, it is the end consumers, which can be imagined. A continuous price increase frenzy will detonate fierce competition in the high-end liquor market ahead of schedule. This is probably what the promulgators of the "five cents" consumption tax policy did not expect. Yin·Xiao·Dang &1t;Talk>'s "House" advertisements cannot be deducted before tax from liquor advertisements, and then ad valorem taxation will strengthen management. The competition in the liquor industry will once again be rationalized, and it will provide opportunities for the market competition environment. However, the policy of supporting the advantages and limiting the disadvantages will also set off a continuous price increase frenzy to a certain extent, opening up a new world for the rise of high-end liquor.

After Fan Wuyao's explanation, Shen Ying finally understood, no wonder the people from the Fenjiu Group hurriedly left when they left. And Moutai's vice president has a smirking expression, probably because he thinks that Funjiu Group may not become his own competitor.

After this blow, the wine, which has always been on the low-price route, may have to enter the ranks of price increases. The stable price strategy that has lasted for many years is finally about to change.

However, for many consumers, the good wine that can generally be drunk is at the same level as the wine, but if the price rises, it is obviously difficult for them to be very price-sensitive, which will make it always very loyal. Of consumers, there is a huge discount for the purchase of Fenjiu**.

As high-priced wines that cost hundreds of dollars at every turn, wineries such as Moutai and Wuliangye naturally don’t care about this, because their consumers are not originally ordinary consumers, but they don’t need to be harvested early. The civil servants who spend their own money.

"The consumers of high-end liquor are mainly for official business and government entertainment, as well as those exclusively for hotels. In fact, most of these consumers are those who don't spend their own money." Fan Wu Bing said to Shen Ying. "Therefore, it doesn’t matter to them whether the price increase or not. On the contrary, ordinary people are more sensitive to the price. The sorghum white of two yuan and five cents has now become three yuan or three yuan. It is not a small burden. I believe that more and more people will abstain from drinking, and the low-end liquor market will become more and more difficult to do.

After hearing this, Shen Ying replied thoughtfully, "In other words, the new alcohol policy has hit the people."

Even the small workshops that operate irregularly will not be under the pressure of rising costs, but they cannot fail to see the impact of the New Liquor Policy on the price of liquor. They have a complete advantage in the low-end liquor market and are the ones who have been hit hardest. It is those small and medium-sized liquor companies that are between large-scale liquor companies and small workshops. If these companies standardize their operations, they will certainly not be able to compete with small workshops in terms of prices. However, it is most difficult to develop high-end liquor if they have that strength.

Fan Wubing believes that the bankruptcy of a large number of small and medium-sized liquor companies is hard to come by. Many small wineries at the municipal level are the most difficult, but this is also an inevitable consequence.

"Five cents, five cents, five cents are really awesome!" Fan Wuyao shook his head and said.

However, Shen Ying quickly said with a smile, "Actually, you should be able to see that the introduction of this new policy should have its background, and it may not be a mediocre move."

"Oh? Let's listen to it," Fan Wuyao asked back.

"The economic foundation determines the superstructure. This is what is written in the textbook. It should be correct?" Shen Ying did not explain, but first asked Fan Wuyi.

"Well, that's natural. Under normal circumstances, the economic laws still work, but the period of disconnection is not ruled out. But that is a very small number after all." Fan Wuyao nodded seriously, affirming Shen Ying's words.

Shen Ying continued. "That's right. Of course, the mainstream force in the liquor industry is not small and medium-sized enterprises, but the major wineries that monopolize most of the channels and resources in the national market. These talents are the biggest driving force influencing the government to formulate alcohol consumption policies. Just by looking at who the beneficiaries of this New Deal are, you will know who has made great efforts behind the scenes."

After hearing what Shen Ying said, Fan Wubing nodded and said, "You are right. It is estimated that several large companies have participated. This matter was not raised with a rush of mind, but government and enterprise. The product of cooperation."

Fan Wubing guessed. In this new alcohol policy, the leader in the high-end liquor market such as Maotai Wuliangye is obviously the most active, because this policy is very beneficial to them. They will not worry about the price of liquor being too high, only the price of liquor. If it is too low, there is no benefit if it is too low. Only by taking advantage of the New Deal on alcohol to raise prices so as to improve one's image and so-called taste is the fundamental way to maximize benefits.

And large enterprises such as Fenjiu Group, whose main target is the middle and low-end liquor market, have suffered more serious damage." A little change in price will receive feedback from the market. The problem is whether to reduce quality and reduce investment to maintain price stability, or to continue to strive for excellence in the mass brand. To digest these rising costs yourself?

No matter what decision is made, it will not be so easy.

At this time, Fan Wubing has basically excluded the Fenjiu Group from the ranks of enterprises capable of acquiring Shen Ying’s Confucian Banquet. Fan Wubing does not believe that the Shanxi Provincial Government will do so much to help Fenjiu. The group has survived this time of difficulty, and Shanxi Province is more concerned about those companies that can see economic benefits soon, and they do not have much interest in the shrinking liquor consumption market.

Moreover, the ranking of Fenjiu Group in the national liquor market has been deteriorating since this year. This is also an important reason why the government is unwilling to continue to support vigorously. If Fenjiu Group is still the leader or second child in the industry, it is estimated that the government is not. This attitude must be vigorously supported, and it is necessary to support the Fenjiu Group to continue to maintain its leading position in the industry. That is a major issue related to the face and performance of government officials, but now, it is a matter of two points.

"Why don't you think Wuliangye will join this acquisition activity?" Shen Ying asked a question that she was very confused.

It's not because of anything else. It is because Wuliangye has always been in the process of high expansion, and the investment spent on the acquisition of small enterprises is not a lot. The exhibitions in the past few years have also shown that the success of industrial expansion is indeed eye-catching. Therefore, Shen Ying feels that Fan It was a little curious that Wuliangye did not include Wuliangye on the key small acceptance list from the beginning.

"How do you say?" Fan Wubing said after hesitating. "This is also related to the policy pursued by Wuliangye."

The traditional distribution model of the liquor industry is the total distribution of products from the manufacturer to the distributor area, and then to the distributor. Finally, it flows into the hands of consumers. This traditional distribution model effectively communicates the supply and demand of products, meets the needs of the people's material and cultural life, and promotes social and economic development. However, with the development of the market economy, the shortcomings of this distribution model are gradually exposed, leaving the industry at a loss.

The first is that the price system is complicated. Many companies take the total distribution price, the total regional distribution price, the first-level approval price, the second-level approval price, and the retail price in product pricing. Each step of this price system has a certain level. Discounts, if any of the links do not comply with the rules, there will inevitably be cross-regional sales and low-price sales. The market price system will inevitably become chaotic, making it difficult for the market to operate or even collapse.

Secondly, because manufacturers do not trust each other, manufacturers blindly promise dealers in order to achieve sales. When the benefits promised by manufacturers to dealers cannot be realized, dealers will resort to unscrupulous sales to make up for losses. Get as much profit as possible, leading to price declines in other markets, and the market is in a state of chaos.

There is also an unreasonable sales task. In order to increase the market share, the manufacturers increase the total sales volume and increase the profit. The dealers are often pressurized and set high sales tasks for the dealers. In order to complete the sales task, to obtain considerable year-end rebates, to improve their position in the minds of manufacturers and the strength of negotiations with manufacturers, so as to obtain more support and preferential policies, dealers often take risks, and the ex-factory price is even lower than the ex-factory price. Selling products at high prices, and cross-regional sales are not uncommon. As a result, both manufacturers and distributors were miserable.

For manufacturers. The market is in chaos and prices have fallen. For merchants, the year-end rebate is unknown. When they get it, they feel that they are not ideal. Many dealers are losing money and naturally feel uncomfortable.

Dealers always keep reaching out to their homes, asking for various sales policies or preferential policies that are beneficial to them, such as advertising fees, store entrance fees, shop goods fees, and so on. These costs are often not fully implemented, and they are often taken as their own by dealers, and some or even all of them are embezzled. At this time, dealers have this part of the funds as a guarantee, and boldly lower the price of the product, "and other policies, which reduce the price of the product in disguise, and it is difficult to recover, which leads to market chaos.

In order to increase market share, expand the market, and increase sales, manufacturers are eager for quick success and quick profit, and high, medium and low-end products go hand in hand. Driven by interests, manufacturers often choose two or more distributors in the same market. These distributors compete with each other for their own interests, leading to competition with the same products, and the lower the price, the lower the price, even lower than the factory price. , Unable to get normal sales profit. Presenting a state of loss.

With the development of the market economy, the liquor industry is affected by the economic situation and consumption trends, the total demand has fallen, the product has a large backlog, and the price has fallen. Liquor prices, especially famous wine prices, are becoming more and more transparent and open. Profits are meager, production companies are short of funds, product promotion lacks the stamina, the liquor market is very sluggish, and it is in a difficult situation.

"That is, in this case, a new model of liquor sales has emerged." Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying.

At the end of 1994, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com China's liquor industry is the first brand to be bought and operated by a distributor

"Wuliang alcohol" turned out to be produced by Wuliangye Group and the general manager of Fujian Shaowu Sugar and Liquor Company.

In the second year, the sales volume of Wuliangol increased sharply and became popular quickly, becoming an upstart in the liquor market.

Since then, the marketing model of brand buyout management quickly became popular in the liquor industry and was widely used. in. Brands such as Wuliangol, Wuliangshen, Wuliangchun, Jinliufu, Liuyang River, Jingjiu, Xiaomuduxian, Tiandechun, Shuanggou Mudanchun, Dongfanghong, Jiannanhao, Treasure Quanxing, Gujinghuo, etc. Liquor market has strong influence. Yin·Xiao·Dang &1t;Said>'s "House" advertisement tasted the sweetness of Wuliangye, and immediately let go of the buyout management project. When its sub-brands exhibited the most, it was even more than 200. There are so many and so many, it is estimated that the CEOs of the group are not quite sure about which brand is their own authentic product, and which one is counterfeit in the market?

"There are too many children and grandchildren. There will be problems. This is the problem of competing for family property. Wuliangye's family property is naturally the market channel and brand influence established for a long time." Fan Wubing said with a smile.

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