
v5 Chapter 897: Genetic problem

12[o]423 Chapter 897 The Problem of Genes

Qi’s respect for Qian Fan Wuyi and Qi Manhua, etc., is indeed from her own heart.

Genetically modified technology is still a relatively new topic in China. In fact, the country is basically poor in this regard. There is a lack of biotechnologists and experts in genetically modified technology. Although domestic media are also mentioning genetically modified technology or genetically modified technology from time to time. Food, but most of the time I have heard from the ears, quoting the sayings and materials of other foreigners, and my own research on this area is indeed relatively blank.

Fan's Fan Investment Group was able to use the power of a private company to devote a lot of manpower and material resources to the research in this field. Apart from saying that Fan Wu's wealth and wealth, it can only be said that he has a sense of responsibility.

Let the Chinese eat safe food, I'm afraid it's everyone. People want to do it, but there are only a few people who have the ability to do it. There are even fewer people who have the ability to do it but are willing to spend money to do it.

Therefore, Zhang Qi can't help but admire Fan Wubing and others, who indeed have a very strong sense of social responsibility.

"I admit this. Especially Shen Manhua Xiaoxu, who has put in a tremendous amount of effort in this regard." Fan Wubing fully affirmed this. "The technicians and experts she led have never I have established this research center and achieved a number of very advanced technical results in just three years, which I did not expect at the beginning."

Fan Wubing’s remarks weren’t just casual talk, although he had already considered the need to grow green natural foods on a large area while doing research on genetically modified crops, but because of the fact that there are too many things to take care of. , Did not put much effort in this aspect, but Shen Manhua mentioned that he did it.

In terms of personnel sources and research project dates, Shen Manhua has made very careful layouts. The research building is also put into use within a short period of time. The preliminary results obtained have been tested and planted locally. It is undergoing long-term follow-up testing of its toxicity, using mice and some large animals for testing. To determine how much impact genetically modified food has on animals?

But this matter is a long-term testing process, not ten or even twenty years, I am afraid that a very trustworthy conclusion cannot be reached. Even if a conclusion is drawn within a few decades, it may not be correct and credible, because genetic changes have a long-term impact on the entire biological chain. This time may be out of reach in the eyes of ordinary people, but there are also It may have a huge impact on the entire human population, and it may change the state of existence of the entire human race.

Survival or destruction, although it is not known now, once genetically modified food enters social life, it is equivalent to opening the Pandora's box, and no one knows what exactly is released.

Although Fan Wubing can talk to Zhang Qi, in fact, he is not clear about the construction of the Northeast planting base. The biggest concern for this research center is the grant of 500 million yuan to Shen Manhua for special meals. As for other things, I don't know anything else, and it is the first time I even saw this research center building. After Shen Manhua led them to the master control center, they could selectively see the working conditions in each laboratory from the monitor screen. After seeing more than a dozen laboratories, everyone was busy. Rows of test tubes store a variety of extracts, the seeds bred by soilless culture techniques in some laboratories, and the ray lamps used to simulate the effects of sunlight, etc., all indicate here The work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Actually, this is only a research institution. The real experimental area is closed. There are multiple isolation areas in one of our greenhouses, and various research crops are under strict isolation control." Shen Manhua explained. .

"Why quarantine? Is it harmful?" Feng Qi asked curiously.

"Gene change. It's hard to say what will happen, so we have to be extra cautious. This part of the land is also under tight control to prevent gene proliferation from causing uncontrollable effects on other plant populations." A staff member of Shen Manhua replied on his behalf.

Everyone visited the main control center, and then went down to several of the laboratories to visit the field. Finally, they had some intuitive understanding of the work of the laboratory personnel, and also listened to the researchers’ opinions about the United States. Some introductions of Meng Sandu Company couldn't help but sigh.

When it comes to genetically modified technology, Monsanto in the United States cannot be avoided. In the field of modern agricultural biotechnology represented by genetically modified technology, only Monsanto of the United States plays a role as a genetically modified empire.

At present, the company's business scope includes global seed and gene business, animal husbandry, plant protection products, etc.

Today. In the global planting industry of genetically modified crops, Monsanto occupies more than 70% of the global market share of a variety of crop seeds, with an annual turnover of over 10 billion U.S. dollars, of which more than 60% of the sales revenue comes from the conversion of plant seeds, and all Most of the insect-resistant and herbicide-resistant seeds in the world are also from Monsanto or authorized by it.

Monsanto invests more than two million U.S. dollars a day in technology research. Its nemesis, Greenpeace, also admitted frankly that there is no multinational company in the world that can compete with Monsanto in terms of agricultural genetically modified technology.

Although Monsanto has already promoted a series of products in China, such as the Dika series of jade, rice, bollard cotton, the Dika series of Xiangri Cai, and Nongda herbicides, Monsanto is speeding up its pace in China's agriculture. Since China introduced Monsanto's genetically modified insect-resistant cotton in 1996, China's genetically modified experts have not stopped cooperating and competing with it.

Since 1996, more than 90% of the genetically modified insect-resistant cotton field in China has been occupied by Monsanto, but this situation was reversed by the introduction of the genetically modified insect-resistant cotton technology by Guo Sandui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1997. , Chinese cotton farmers began to use a large number of domestically produced genetically modified cotton seeds.

But in other fields, the American Meng Sandu Company still occupies an absolute dominant position.

Although Greenpeace believes that it is not farmers, but scientists and biological companies that benefit the most from planting genetically modified crops, but for example, Monsanto, the giant of all-special genetically modified agriculture, now has more than 90% of the total planted area of ​​genetically modified crops in the world. It is a product of Monsanto. All the imported crops on the market are properly protected by patents. The public means that farmers have to spend a lot of money on seeds, and cannot keep their own seeds, so they need to buy seeds from seed companies every year.

However, some people in China believe that although genetically modified seeds are much more expensive than conventional seeds, at least in China, farmers still benefit the most, because they have drastically reduced pesticides and labor costs. Take rice tested in the field as an example. On the genetically modified rice plots, more than 60% of the genetically modified rice fields are not applied with pesticides and nearly 90% of the genetically modified rice fields are not applied with pesticides for controlling stem borers.

After the farmers have reduced their farm work, they can also work in the city, which greatly increases their income.

Consumers can also benefit from cheaper agricultural products. The example of cotton farmers seems to confirm these people's claims. The price of a pound of genetically modified cotton seeds is ten times or even dozens of times higher than that of conventional cotton seeds. But after all, the cost of seeds is much less than the money spent on pesticides and artificial spraying. It’s no wonder cotton farmers. They are all choosing to grow genetically modified cotton.

"These things are really unclear for a while." After listening to these words, Zhang Qi also felt quite big, not knowing which side should be believed.

Fan Wuyi smiled. "It's actually very simple. It's nothing more than a conflict of interests. Even if genetically modified foods are harmless, it is impossible to give up our food rights and let it be in the hands of Americans. This is very dangerous. What we have to do, It mainly focuses on these points

"Does the government see no harm in this respect?" Zhang Qi raised her doubts.

In her view, since genetically modified foods have uncertain safety hazards, the government should treat this matter more cautiously. How can they allow foreign products to enter the Chinese market casually? Once genetically modified food or crops are harmful, the chain reaction will cause the entire China to fall into an ecological crisis, or even face extinction. The so-called genetically modified products are actually through the recombination of genes between different organisms to create a new artificial organism. Or through the recombination of genes between different organisms to change the natural characteristics of the original organisms. Make it a semi-man-made creature.

Since the existing biological chain is the result of the evolution of nature in billions of years, once this natural biological chain is changed, what consequences will be brought to mankind is completely unknown. It is a choice that does not know whether to go to heaven or hell. It is a choice that cannot be turned back even if it is wrong. It's a choice to send a nation on a path of no return, a life-and-death choice that I don't know if I can wake up tomorrow morning or not.

Therefore, although genetically modified products have been used in agriculture for several years, there is still no one. Countries, even extremely poor African countries, dare to use genetically modified products as national democratic food, and take risks with the lives and children of all citizens.

The United States, where Minghe grows the most genetically modified products, also requires special and eye-catching markings for genetically modified products to prevent people who do not know the truth from eating genetically modified products by mistake.

In Western countries such as the United States, genetically modified products are tools used by agricultural capitalists and biological capitalists to make money. The main sales target is the poor, and they are produced as food for the poor. Including those rich people who are engaged in the research, production and sales of genetically modified products, as well as their children, refuse to eat genetically modified food.

Those took the investor's money. Experts and scholars who have the condition not to eat genetically modified foods always say that panic about genetically modified products is a manifestation of ignorance, and genetically modified products do not cause much harm.

Although for now, the impact of genetically modified food on humans is indeed still unknown, the promotion of genetically modified food is based on the current commercialization model of the market economy. It is bound to turn genetically modified food into pure food for the poor, and turn genetically modified food into a biological gap between the rich and the poor.

As soon as this opening is opened, all genetic technology will be applied between the rich and the poor according to this model. Then, the application of genetic technology will be the same as the original application of machinery and equipment, becoming a tool for class recording and class oppression.

On the one hand, through genetically modified foods, the vast majority of the people will develop toward an increasingly vegetalized direction. On the other hand. By enjoying natural foods and modifying their own genetic map, a few wealthy people will develop in a more and more humanized direction. The result is that elite men are getting stronger, women are getting more beautiful, children are getting smarter, and most ordinary people are becoming inferior races like pigs, horses, cows and sheep. On the basis of genetic technology, the superior and inferior races of the society are re-formed, and the civilization and evolution of mankind over thousands of years has been formatted to zero.

Simply put, after a poor person has worked hard, he still hopes to become a rich person. No matter how hard a monkey struggles, he cannot become a rich man. This difference is determined by biological genes.

The capitalist commercial application of genetic technology will have terrifying consequences for the entire human society, even shocking some conscience Western politicians ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ US President Clinton and British Prime Minister Major both tried to use the United States and Britain. The strong national administrative forces of the two countries prevent the application of genetic technology for patents, and prevent the application of genetic products from causing irreversible human disasters, such as turning the difference between the rich and the poor into a difference in species. Let gene technology become the common wealth of human society from the very beginning.

However, because genetically modified products and genetic technology have become the focus of capital investment in the United States, they have become an important means of controlling the world's wealth and human destiny for the capital group for the United States. This is a small, a US president and a smaller British minister, it is impossible to stop it. Therefore, President Clinton and Major’s motion did not even make a loud noise in the two congresses. It disappeared silently.

However, due to some special reasons, China has become the first guinea pig for international capital to promote genetically modified products.

"The reason why there is such a situation is also due to a certain historical reason. Fan Wubing touched his nose and replied with some uncertainty. Don't take it seriously. "

"What the **** is it?" Not only Zhang Qi, but also Shen Manhua and others were aroused by Fan Wuyi.

The first one today is sent to the shed one by one