
v5 Chapter 898: It's the test of dragon or fish

The current situation is that both GM policymakers and participants are trying their best to conceal their existence. "Fan Wubing said to everyone," This is very telling. Chinese people like to make a fortune and don't like to be the first bird, and the interest issues involved in genetically modified projects are likely to be the largest in history. "

This situation occurs because all experts and officials involved in this field know that once the Pandora’s Box of genetically modified staple food is opened, people will be helpless no matter what the devil is released and how harmful it is to the nation. There is no alternative, it is difficult to take it back even if it is from the heavens to the earth, but can only be passively manipulated by it, even if it is led to hell, it is impossible to resist in any way.

First of all, this is determined by interests. The use of astronomical huge amounts of capital to buy bioscientists and related managers is a new economic phenomenon formed in the United States with the rise of the Nasdaq market in the 1990s. The amount of purchases of biologists and related personnel through the capital market, It is no longer the hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars in the past, but tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Such an astronomical amount of purchases even aroused the jealousy of the rich on Wall Street, and forced the US Congress to legislate to intervene. The aggressive bribery of the U.S. Bio-Capital Group is so crazy even in the United States, which is known for its strict rule of law. Once it enters the mainland where the integration of government and power is extremely rampant, how unscrupulous the combination of power, money and science will be, I am afraid that any one will come out. Human imagination.

"In the 1980s, the United States once commissioned the United States to train a batch of PhDs in agriculture for China for free. There were a total of fifty people. At that time, people didn’t pay much attention to this. It’s just that when the US genetically modified seeds were planted on the land of China today, someone suddenly understood what it means. There is no free lunch in the world, but unfortunately it is too late. Those fifty doctors of agriculture have changed from ugly ducklings to white swans in charge of domestic agricultural departments and agricultural biological research fields." Fan Wuyao said with emotion, " In twenty years, a group of highly educated talents are enough to become the top figures in this industry, at least they are also powerful figures, and the power formed by the combination of fifty people cannot be underestimated. The great leap forward movement of genetically modified products is now in full swing. Among them, the backbone of the flag-raising efforts include those PhDs in agriculture cultivated in the United States. According to insiders, whether universities or scientific research institutions, all scholars involved in the field of genetic modification, all those who oppose the promotion of genetically modified products in China will be excluded from scientific research projects and In addition to scientific research funding. And without scientific research projects, there will be no scientific research results; without scientific research results, no professional titles can be assessed; scientific researchers without professional titles will be nothing in their lives. Treat independent scholars and patriots with this vicious and vicious method Whether scholars are determined by the personal qualities of these people or the result of special training in the United States, it is estimated that only they themselves know."

In fact, many of these people are trying their best to avoid letting the society know their real life situation. On the one hand, they don’t want the society to know that they and their families never eat any genetically modified food. They know better than ordinary people that genetically modified food belongs to the poor. Food is the food of the general public, and only natural food is the food of the elite. They research, publicize, and promote genetically modified products, just like farmers planting toxic leeks, only as a tool for making money, and they never eat a bite.

On the other hand, I don't want the society to know whether their relatives and property are at home or abroad, so as to be able to prepare in advance for retiring like the person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration who destroyed the Yunshi project.

At the beginning, after arranging his family in the United States, he easily destroyed the big airplane project and then went to the United States to reunite with his family. His family is still enjoying the beautiful beaches and bright sunshine of Hawaii.

In fact, whether it was the destruction of the large aircraft project in the first place, or the cultivation of genetically modified crops today, the effect is exactly the same, and they are all paving the way for American companies to enter the Chinese market.

After destroying the domestic large aircraft project, the American McDonnell Douglas Company and later Boeing Company quickly occupied China’s aviation market. Until now, most of the airliners flying in the sky are Boeing Company’s passenger planes, and now that genetically modified crops are planted, the American Meng Sandu Other multinational companies will quickly occupy China's agricultural market and control China from food.

"Multinational corporations are willing to buy their spokespersons in China at any price." Fan Wuyao said to everyone. "Because of the opening up, coupled with the fact that domestic research funding is becoming more and more difficult, it is becoming more and more popular. Since cooperation with foreigners is a cooperation, economic disputes are naturally indispensable. If you do not obey you, you will not get financial assistance from the other party. Without financial assistance, there will be no projects. Without projects, there will be no chance of becoming famous. In other words, if this opportunity is not there, then what will be the day when many people have struggled for a lifetime, isn’t it just to be famous? Foreign companies and even some domestic private companies can see this very clearly and catch it all at once. After living in the seven inches of experts and scholars, first the small favors and small favors showed their benefits, and then slowly lured them. Finally, when they got used to their habit and got used to the luxurious life, they tried to find themselves poorly, threatening or intimidating each other to follow their own rules. The intention is to wave the flag and shout and act as a vanguard for their group interests.

Many experts and scholars have more or less influence on government decision-making. Once the number of experts and scholars that can be bought by an interest group exceeds a certain limit, he has the ability to influence the direction of policy, such as Said to induce the Chinese to take the lead in promoting the cultivation of genetically modified staple foods in the world.

"Is it a bit of an exaggeration?" Zi Qi felt a little cold when she heard this from Fan Wubing, and she also wondered a little about the ingredients of what she usually eats.

"The development of emerging industries represented by biotechnology, information technology, and the financial and securities industry has formed increasingly irreconcilable and acute contradictions with the elite rule of a very small number of people. Either stop human scientific and technological progress and the development of emerging industries. Either end the elite rule of a very small number of people, and there will never be a third option." Fan Wuyao said casually, "Because the development of human civilization is an unstoppable law of history, the only choice for mankind is End the elite rule of a very small number of people and replace it with a popular democratic system that is compatible with the development of emerging industries. Only on the basis of the popular political system J1, genetic technology, information technology and financial innovation technology, can it play a great historical role. Bring human society into a brand new era.

Fan Wuyao also felt that, thinking that he has done so much work, that may not be useful at that time. In the entire market competition, it is not just because of justice or occupying the high-end technology to win. Under the opponent's money offensive, it is inevitable that many people will fall under the opponent's power and wealth and become the vanguard of Western consortia entering the mainland market.

Originally, the exhibition of biotechnology, information technology, and financial innovation technology was the greatest civilization achievement in the history of mankind, especially the exhibition of genetic technology. The sum of the meanings of the people is even greater.

Closely related to transgenic technology, the first genetic map of mankind is also almost completed. Its completion can be said to be the greatest day in the history of scientific exhibitions. It is not only for life and death, but also for wealth in the sky The ancient views provided scientific basis, and also found a scientific way to get rid of life and death.

Another great significance of genetic technology, including transgenic technology, is that it has laid the technical foundation for the harmonious development of man and nature.

Prior to this, the exhibition of human technology was based on the transformation and destruction of nature, at the expense of nature, and in the strong opposition between man and nature, it was impossible to realize the two-way relationship between man and nature. exhibition.

Now the exhibition of genetically modified technology ~lightnovelpub.net~ makes it possible for humans to not only passively adapt themselves to nature by changing the environment, but to actively adapt to the natural environment by changing the biological genes without changing the natural environment. , So as to realize the two-way exhibition between man and nature.

If we say that the machine age is the history of mankind's oppression and **** by nature, and the machine age is the history of mankind's conquest and dominance of nature, then the biological age is a history in which man and nature are no longer opposed to each other and can achieve two-way development.

However, genetic technology, like any technology in history, is completely a double-edged sword. It can bring huge benefits to mankind, and it can also bring huge disasters to mankind, and the greater the technological advancement, the more great technological progress will bring to mankind. The greater the disaster.

"Under the current conditions, promoting genetic technology in accordance with the business model of the market economy will inevitably give up and sacrifice human welfare and only pursue commercial interests, turning genetic technology into a tool for private profit-making. Analogy to disaster." Fan Wubing said to everyone with some emotion, "If there is really such a day, if there is a day to promote the large-scale cultivation of genetically modified food through decree means, it will be a huge test concerning the future and destiny of the nation. At that time, all the Chinese were tied together as a whole, and no one could have the possibility of breaking free. It is like a carp jumping through the dragon gate. If it jumps over, it is a dragon, and it is the head of the entire human race. In the past, it was a fish, and it will be a dead fish.