
v5 Chapter 900: Defenses can not do without

[o]423 Chapter Nine Hundred

"Genetic weapons?" Xiao Zhangqi felt a little amused after listening. "Isn't this an unstoppable plot? small,

"It's hard to say." Fan Wubing shook his head.

There are still some differences between genetic weapons and traditional bacterial or viral weapons, mainly because the technology used has undergone a complete change.

From the beginning of the twentieth century. Soon after the birth of the germ theory, people began the germ warfare experiment, and started the germ warfare during the Second World War. Soon after the nuclear fission was confirmed, it was immediately used for nuclear weapons experiments, and the world’s first original bomb was exploded in 1945. After that, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan became the only nuclear strikes in human history. Two cities. Afterwards, the appearance of the double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid marked the end of modern science.

With the continuous application of genetic engineering technology in the military field, some countries have blatantly ignored the prohibition of biological weapons. To carry out infectious disease and microbial research in the name of researching thin seedlings, it has invested a lot of money and manpower. On the basis of biological weapons, develop more lethal genetic weapons.

Although the United Nations passed the "Treaty on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Storage of Bacterial Biological and Toxin Weapons and the Destruction of Such Weapons" in 1971, more than 100 countries have joined the blatant. However, this blatantly lacked supervision and verification mechanism from the beginning. From 1960 to the present, there have been a total of 120 documented bioterrorism incidents in the world, among which, the use of biological genes to directly carry out premeditated murders There are sixty-six cases.

Genetic weapons are aimed at specific races, studying the genetic characteristics of different races and groups of people, cloning certain bacteria or viruses, and leading to the extinction of specific races or groups of people. It uses genetic engineering technology, especially recombination technology to change the genetic material of non-pathogenic microorganisms.

one. Molecules contain multiple genes. After studying the pits and genetic codes of people of specific races, find out a certain antigen of people of specific races and destroy them. It also creates a blood disease that may not be noticed for many years. It affects the birth rate and infant survival rate of a certain race, or increases the prevalence of the race until it reduces the population of the entire race.

Genetic weapons can be used artificially, ordinary artillery, warships, aircraft, missiles or balloons. Because bacteria can multiply and spread naturally under suitable conditions, genetically modified bacteria or microorganisms can be placed on the enemy's frontline, rear, rivers, lakes, cities, and traffic fortresses to achieve the effect of killing without using a knife.

"Due to the genetic makeup of different races and groups of people, they are susceptible to certain diseases. Changing genes can control the functional structure of biological traits. According to the needs of warfare, the ears can arbitrarily recombine genes and insert them into some pathogenic bacteria or viruses. Genes that can fight against common vaccines or drugs, produce disease-causing bacteria with significant drug resistance, or insert disease-causing genes in some microorganisms that would not otherwise cause disease to create new biological agents that are attacking specific hereditary It is contagious among similar races. Even if it is discovered, it is difficult to treat because outsiders cannot break the genetic code of disease-causing bacteria.

Genes that damage human intelligence can also be introduced into some bacteria. When people of a certain race are infected with this kind of bacteria. Will lose normal intelligence. At present, there are more than 70 kinds of biological agents in the world, and no country can guarantee that it will not spread or lose. "Shen Manhua introduced to Zhang Qi, "Genetic weapons have the characteristics of threat, suddenness, concealment, diversity, ease of use, and low cost. In the 1980s, scientists in the former Soviet Union developed an incurable variant of bubonic plague virus. The United States has also used the biocatalysis in the cells to separate the pits of one virus and combine it with another virus to splice it into a highly toxic thermotoxin. Twenty grams of thermotoxin can make the world 60 Hundreds of millions of people die once, and its power is dozens of times more powerful than a nuclear bomb

In order to paralyze the economy of a country, terrorists can isolate specific toxins that kill crops or poultry. If biological bacteria and viruses are infected, living in densely populated cities, in addition to poisoning people, livestock, and crops In addition to harm, it will also cause long-term trauma to people's psychology. Cause mental fear on a large scale in society. In urban genetic weapons attacks, the damage is far greater than chemical or nuclear bombing attacks. For example, spreading 100 kilograms of anthrax powder in the air over Washington can cause one to three million deaths.

Genetic weapons can attack targets such as people, animals, plants and crops, food, water sources, and buildings. Biological bacterial preparations can be sprayed on a large scale by plane, or they can be discarded and put into use at any time. The ways for the attacked to be infected with the virus are also diversified. In the infected population, infected persons of different generations coexist.

Due to the long incubation period of biological bacteria and viruses, everyone has different clinical symptoms, which will bring great difficulties to diagnosis and treatment. Genetic terrorist attacks do not require complicated professional packaging and related equipment and devices. They can be freeze-dried or made into capsules, or placed in bottles and carried with you. And because of the infectious body of biological bacteria and viruses, it was not done at that time. Terrorists are easily evacuated.

Because genetic weapons do not require any material preparation in advance, they are unrelated in time and space, and are often caught off guard. Therefore, genetic weapons can change the nature and mode of warfare in the post-information age, and have a strong impact on the enemy. The psychological deterrent effect. Biological bacterial preparations can cause large-scale original infection areas and second or more re-infection areas, and bacterial infection areas are very easy to spread. The blockade of infected areas requires the cooperation of the whole society, and the workload is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If one-tenth of the area and people in an area are infected with biological bacteria and viruses, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if the health and medical conditions and facilities in this area are advanced and sufficient, they will completely lose the ability to treat, treat and medical treatment. The handling of infected objects and infected persons will be a worldwide problem, and it will inevitably cause the world. Fear of sex.

"It's terrible!" Zhang Qi said with a cold voice, shrinking to Fan Wuyi's side.

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much." Fan Wubing patted Zhang Qi's head and said to her with a smile, "Although genetic weapons are indeed very powerful, unless everyone can't make it through and want to die together. Otherwise, no one would dare to release this monster. After all, this is uncontrollable, unless modern technology has accurately grasped the most comfort of genetic technology, and can do whatever they want to true Gong:;

What Fan Wubing said is indeed the truth. Up to now, human beings are still in a situation where they are blind to their own exploration, and many key problems are still confused, as if they are a "neural source system problem." , It’s difficult to solve, not to mention how complicated the exploration of the brain is. As for the exploration of genes, it is even more complicated. Even if it can affect the shape of certain gene fragments, it may not be guaranteed to be manufactured by this method. The finished product must be able to act according to its design intent.

"Do you have any research in this area?" Zhang Qi suddenly asked a very sensitive question. Fan Wu's Crazy Cube denied, "How is it possible?"

However, looking at Zhang Qi’s face, he didn’t believe it, so he whispered, “Of course, we are also studying some methods that can be improved for the genetic defects of certain colored or colorless people. This genetic weapon is completely Indifferent, we go for pure scientific research purposes, and we want to find a way to completely solve the problems of birth, aging, sickness and death through the study of human genes. Our purpose is noble, and it is the same as those crazy terrorists. It’s not the same."

Zhang Qi thought, since all genetic defects can be found, then fill in the defects or attack them effectively. It's all just between the operator's thoughts. Almost all research institutions are flaunting their own justice. But what they are actually doing is hard to say.

In recent years, the international human genome sequencing research has made great progress. Genetic engineering technology and biotechnology have become technologies for producing new bacteria and virus genes that invade plants, animals, and humans. The production and application of genes will develop into a brand-new gene industry.

Every leap of new drugs and vaccines has opened the way for the production of deadly bacteria, and the use of genetic weapons is the ultimate goal. Gene therapy can change the selection of viruses, so that the virus destroys the human body's addiction resistance and destroys the human body's healing process. Gene weapons manufacturers can use genetic technology to synthesize genes, synthesize bacteria and diseases. Synthetic flu attacks can cause symptoms that are indistinguishable from natural flu. Humans are not the only target of terrorists' bacterial strikes. Crops and poultry can also be targets, and the recovery period of crops and poultry is much longer than the healing period of humans.

Human genomics. It is based on the genome to explore the relationship between the genome and human functions and diseases. The aim is to discover new disease-related genes, and then complete disease-related gene diagnosis and gene therapy, so as to develop new diagnostic methods, treatment pathways, drugs and tools with application value. Three years later, the human gene sequencing task and genetic map will be completed. Because people of different races have different genes, this provides technical possibilities for manufacturers of genetic weapons, and the genetic technology arsenal is the most difficult to detect. A sort of.

At present, scientists have completed the genetic maps of six dangerous bacteria, including tuberculosis, cholera, muscarinus, and P. murine. Terrorists can find their just-sorted maps through any website.

For example, the "Spanish flu" that was popular in 1918. If the genetic sequencing of the virus is completed, terrorists can use the genetic sequencing of this virus to artificially synthesize and update a lethal influenza virus. Once this virus spreads, it may cause more serious consequences than anthrax bacteria and smallpox. It is important to know that in 1918, the Spanish flu virus that exploded in Europe spread to many parts of the world, and 40 million people died as a result.

"Since the 1990s, the United States, Russia, Britain, Germany, Israel and other countries have begun to study the feasibility of genetic weapons. Scientists at the Chemical and Biological Anti-Fatigue Center of the British Government have used genetic technology to study genetically modified viruses. Israeli scientists have used The research results of chromosomal weapons in South Africa have revealed the genetic makeup of the Arabs, especially the Iraqis, and is stepping up the development of a genetic weapon specifically designed to deal with the Arabs. Using genetic engineering to develop more threatening anthrax, smallpox, tularemia, and rats Combination strains of traditional toxins such as fatigue and botulinum. They replicate toxic biological genes in benign organisms. Through drug induction and other control methods, the combat capabilities of their soldiers can be enhanced. Started to study the splicing of the highly toxic cobra toxin gene and influenza virus gene, trying to cultivate a new influenza virus with cobra toxin, which can cause people to have flu symptoms, make some people have symptoms of snake venom poisoning, and cause paralysis and death of patients. Germany is also secretly developing genetic weapons that can deal with antibiotics, including genetic modification of the pathogenic pathogens of deadly viruses such as Escherichia coli, cholera and the Black Death. All in all, this seemingly peaceful world is actually full of too many unstable factors

In fact, with the increasing maturity of gene transfer technology, and it can be easily obtained anywhere in the world, mankind may face a new round of global genetic weapons competition.

The National Defense Science Council Biodefense Technology Committee believes that ~lightnovelpub.net~ human genomics makes genetic weapons a new weapon of war that can destroy urban populations. American politicians have also warned that once human beings have a genetic sequence map capable of redesigning themselves, they will come to the final edge of their own destiny.

Three years later, the drawing of the human genetic sequence map will soon be successful, and at the same time it will open the door to the development of genetic weapons. The survival of mankind itself will face huge threats. For example, facing the threat and challenge of genetic weapons in the past few years, it has become a new topic in the field of defense and military medical research in various world affairs.

However, Fan Wubing thought of a very important question at this time. It seems that three years later, the famous "**" incident occurred in the country. All people affected by the virus were of Asian ethnicity. Could it be said that this matter is true? Is the cause of genetic weapons?

After thinking about this problem, he himself felt a little cautious, and he didn't talk about the hurtful heart, but the heart of letting others couldn't relax for a moment.

For Americans or Japanese, Fan Wubing has always been uneasy.

1. The first update arrives today. I have something to go out in the morning. The update is late. Please understand one.