
v5 Chapter 927: Beverage factory's problem "seeking mont

No disease. For the rectification of the beverage factory, the consideration is more comprehensive.

When building factories in beverage factories, he considered the water quality problem. Some factories chose to build in areas with good water quality, and some factories chose the same location as Coca-Cola to build factories.

Although I was staying with Coca-Cola at the time, it meant a shorter and longer term, but now it seems that there are still many benefits, and the effect is quite good.

At least, for dealers, if it is the original delivery of goods, many dealers sell Coca-Cola at the same time, along with a little bit of Jianlibao or ice tea and other beverages, as a pair of sales, it is very convenient.

Especially for some slightly weaker dealers, it is not very realistic to purchase a single product for the whole vehicle. Therefore, if several products are sold together to make a vehicle, it is more acceptable.

Another benefit, which has only been shown now, is that after Fan Wuyao obtained the suspected Coca-Cola formula, the beverage prepared with the local water resources should be very close to the original product in taste, even if there are tiny ones. The gap will also be obscured by the feeling of carbon-beating.

But there is also a problem in this way, that is, once the product is on the market, how should the publicity work be carried out? I can’t tell you directly, we got the Coca-Cola formula, right?

In fact, Fan Wubing himself knows very well that the Chinese people's ability to imitate a product is unparalleled in the world, but it is more difficult to completely copy the successful experience of a successful century-old store.

Coca-Cola has brought people through more than a hundred years, not only the myth of the secret recipe, the successful brand, and the huge profits, but more importantly, the many experiences that have supported its success. This part is the most difficult to imitate.

Fan Wubing already has a lot of experience in the beverage industry. The success of Jianlibao gave him a deep experience of how easy it is to make money from water sources. After he set foot in the field of mineral water, he felt that his heart was always It feels a bit sad.

After all, in the field of mineral water production today, some manufacturers are preaching how good their water is. Drinking one bottle will give you a very good spirit. Drinking two bottles will make your face no longer old. Drinking three bottles will make you want to die. Can't die.

Such propaganda is obviously shameless, so a conscientious manufacturer said that we do not produce water in the past, we are just porters of nature. This is more realistic. Fan Wubing feels that he is still trustworthy. . Just read the novel~

For Coca-Cola, there are too many people studying their ways of success, and they have also summed up a lot of experience, which are worth learning.

For example, in the beverage industry, the cost of products should be low. This is very important. The cost of each bottle of Coca-Cola is extremely low, less than one cent. Moreover, Coca-Cola is not a capital-intensive product, and it is not difficult to produce. No effort, although its production process is highly confidential.

It is also very important to let those engaged in circulation make a lot of money before the product reaches the consumer.

The reason is simple. If the cost is low, the retail price can be increased substantially. Coca-Cola has the characteristics of being able to make a lot of money, so over the years, all people who have dealt with Coca-Cola have become very wealthy, including bottle manufacturers, shareholders, batches, and supply trucks, pallets and vending machines. people. This effect makes people very grateful to the company and also willing to contribute to the cause of Coca-Cola.

The most important thing is to make it affordable for everyone. From the start of the business to the 1950s, the price of a bottle of Coke was only five cents. Even today, its price is not very expensive. Therefore, people in third world countries can also afford it. Even in difficult times, Coca-Cola is still selling well. During the Great Depression of the 1930s and the recent recession, Coca-Cola manufacturers still had a lot of money.

As a beverage, a beverage commonly consumed by the general public, it is necessary to ensure that there are enough retail channels to make the product ubiquitous. Make the product within reach, make it ubiquitous, and make it available at any time in dance halls, shops, offices, trains and other places. Early Coke salesmen once said that people should not avoid Coca-Cola.

The method of selling products must also be very smart. This is simple to say, but how, when and where to sell and promote products is the key to success or failure.

For example, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Coca-Cola Company spent more than one million US dollars to stimulate people's sexual relations, making Coca-Cola the best advertising product in the world. They hired painters to promote its red and white product logo on white walls across the United States, covering an area of ​​more than five million square feet. Later, the company distributed more than 100 million small gifts with the Coca-Cola logo, so that people can always see the Coca-Cola logo on items such as thermometers, calendars, race books, notebooks, baseball cards, Japanese fans, and pictures. , So as to leave a deep impression on people. Just read the novel~

According to historical records at the time, a customer claimed to often have nightmares, dreaming of a big white demon holding a stove and shouting Coca-Cola to chase him. Even today, the Coca-Cola Company spends every year on the global scale of domestic promotion of Coca-Cola advertising investment, it is rare and generous, because they are very clear, to promote the image of the product rather than the product itself, a Coca-Cola advertiser once warned him about those Employees with rich imagination and creativity say that we are selling something that does not exist at all, and what they drink is just an image rather than a product.

In the beginning, Coca-Cola advertised its drug effects, claiming that it could invigorate mental workers, relieve headaches and pains of alcoholic drinkers, and bring pleasure to people. But the people who named and inscribed the drink quickly realized that using Coca-Cola as a refreshing drink rather than a patented drug to promote it would attract more customers and avoid unnecessary legal disputes and troubles.

Of course, Fan Wubing feels that the best thing Coca-Cola has done is to make extensive use of celebrity effects.

The Coca-Cola Company hired celebrities to advertise from the beginning. However, over-reliance on celebrity effects is also dangerous. On the one hand, the audience remembers the celebrities rather than the products. Coca-Cola has always maintained a true star status in commercial advertising, and PepsiCo has a headache for over-charging stars, which also shows another danger of over-reliance on celebrities.

In order to solve this problem, since the 1950s, the Coca-Cola Company has produced a kind of universal charm in each announcement with only a little or no modification. You will become more confident and happier after drinking Coca-Cola. , More popular, sexier and younger. In order to strengthen the publicity effect, the Coca-Cola Company sponsors various sports competitions and concerts throughout the Pearl River.

The most important point is that beverages must attract young people. In fact, advertising in sports and concerts is mainly to attract young people. If credibility is established among young people, it will gain a long-term consumer market. Moreover, when a behavior becomes a habit, or this drink will accompany him throughout his life, there is no doubt about it.

Fan Wubing made great efforts to clean up the team of senior management staff in the beverage factory, and after ensuring the purity of the team, the first thing to do is to inspect the beverage factories, promote and appoint a group of new people, and start production at the same time. Own Coke.

On the principle of using new people, Fan Wubing’s requirement is to ensure that these people are young and capable talents promoted from the grassroots, because he knows very well that only leaders who have experienced the hard work of workers on the grassroots assembly line can More consideration is given to various practical difficulties, rather than turning enterprises into sweatshops criticized by society like Foxconn.

At this point, Fan Wuyao repeatedly told them that although the pursuit of profit maximization is the ultimate goal of the company, it cannot be at the expense of endlessly squeezing the blood and sweat of employees. The companies of the Fan Investment Group themselves are all advanced For large enterprises with management experience and far-reaching economic strength, it would be shameful if a similar situation occurs among such enterprises.

This kind of township. Li Nian has indeed been implemented in the enterprise. Therefore, the recruitment of employees of Fan Investment Group is also the easiest. Highly educated talents are willing to work here because they have a sense of justice in a large and responsible person. Serving in the company is not only a useful supplement to your own life experience, but also a good help for the possibility of leaving this company in the future and seeking a job elsewhere.

At least everyone heard, oh, people from the Fan Investment Group. As long as there is no major problem, these people are very popular. Therefore, the entire Fan Investment Group is more like a big school. The society has cultivated countless talents.

Fan Wuyao’s attitude towards the flow of talents has always been relatively enlightened. Except for senior executives and some important managers who need to sign long-term contracts, ordinary technicians and employees are basically free to come and go. According to The personnel department will also give a certificate of performance in the enterprise, which indicates that the employee is in good condition in the enterprise, and this certificate often becomes a strong evidence for the resigned employees to find another job.

People who have not obtained such certificates are generally embarrassed to tell others that they are from Fan Investment Group. However, when Fan Wuyao inspected the Lingxi branch factory, the company received a report saying that a black den that made counterfeit Jianlibao and iced black tea had appeared nearby. After Fan Wubing learned of the situation, he asked the local business leaders about the general way to deal with it.

"This kind of thing is very difficult to do. The industrial and commercial department can't handle it by itself. It often requires the quality supervision department and the public security department to jointly enforce the law. As long as there is a loophole in any link in the middle, it will not be able to catch people. So, we usually send people to collect evidence, and then notify the relevant departments, and then wait for them to come to the door to seal up, but after they left, the other party reopened the drum again." The director of the Lingxi branch factory was a little helpless. Explained to Fan Wuyi. "Then let it go for a while, and I'll coordinate." Fan Wuyao had a scrutiny in his heart.

It seems obvious that he came here this time, so people from the provincial government also got the news and are inviting him to the welcome lunch. Taking advantage of this opportunity to talk about this issue, it can be regarded as using them once.

Sure enough, at the luncheon, Meng, Wuyi just raised this question, and immediately many leaders expressed their positions. They immediately summoned the leaders of relevant departments and did not say what to do. They directly mobilized capable personnel and formed a coalition. The law enforcement team then, under the leadership of a leader of the Provincial Administration of Industry and Commerce, personally rushed to the fraud dens to investigate and deal with them. In a short while, they will report back there, and people will get the money.

Someone suggested, why not just go over and take a look? This can be regarded as a major action taken by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to combat counterfeiting, and there is no reason not to report it positively. Everyone agreed. Anyway, I was full alone, so I went for a stroll and digested it. So everyone drove to the location of the incident separately, and soon arrived at a factory area with eyes hanging on it, which seemed to be not small in scale.

At the entrance of the tenth gate, I saw recycled old beverage bottles and cans piled up everywhere in the courtyard, which at first glance seemed to be in a garbage dump. Law enforcement officers went straight to the rumbling workshop. "Several workers who were filling "drinks" into bottles, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com saw the arrival of the law enforcement officers and fled in all directions.

I saw on the scene that the so-called "workshops" were just a few small bungalows filled with stagnant water. Old beverage bottles and yellow, green, and red "drink" water mixed with pigments were piled up disorderly on the ground. Thousands of "drink" bottles are placed on the operating table. The bottom of the bottle has been filled with a small amount of pigment. Next to it, there is a thumb-thick water pipe that is flowing with tap water. Obviously a worker is pouring "drink" into the bottle. , The law enforcement officer ran away before turning off the faucet.

In a room next door, tens of thousands of bottles of pre-packed "drinks" are stacked in the corner. Next to it is a branded machine and a large number of beverage boxes printed with many famous brands including Jianlibao and Ice Tea.

In the warehouse at the back, bottled and canned "drinks" are neatly packaged and labeled with various trademarks. According to a rough estimate, there are probably more than 5,000 boxes of finished products. Looking at such a colorful "drink", who can believe that it is made of tap water mixed with pigments.

The reporter who came with the leaders picked up a pack of calcium-added soy milk with the words "High Temperature Four Degrees Sterilization" printed on it. At first glance, they knew it was a counterfeit product. What will become a drink for children, what will the poor next generation look like?