
v5 Chapter 932: Need hype

Outside guessing what the bosses inside are doing and feelings, so mysterious.

"Although I don't know what it is, but it is estimated that the discussion is very lively." There is a secret.

"Why do you see it?" Others asked, somewhat unconvinced.

"Does this matter mean?" The secret "I drank two cases of Coca-Cola alone. How can there be such a thing in the past?"

"Is it true that there is something wrong with the company's operating conditions, as the rumors say?"

Someone doubted.

Another secret is "Impossible. The financial department's Pi-Bian'er situation is all normal, and this year's profitability is far past the past year."

Everyone is more confident about the profitability of Fan Investment Group, but it is precisely because of Fan Investment! The group is too big, and there are too many companies under it. Therefore, it is difficult for the high-level or high-level secretaries of a department to figure out the income and expenditure of the entire group company. Therefore, no one knows what the Fan Investment Group is today. A situation.

In particular, in order to protect his financial situation, Fan Wubing established a very complicated mutual control channel between overseas branches and domestic companies. Do you know where Fan Wuyao's profit has gone?

But such a tossing, obviously has a lot of benefits, except Fan Wuyi himself, few people know how much money he has? With these industries alone, although he has been able to determine that his worth is unparalleled, it is difficult to implement it concretely.

After a long time, Fan Wubing and others walked out of the meeting room. Everyone was in a hurry. They ran out when they left, and there was no time to greet the secretaries.

Yes, it must have happened this time! secret.

So everyone ran out one after another, but everyone ran in one direction, not elsewhere, they were all toilets! "It turns out that it’s all urinating." Now the secretaries were able to react. It is estimated that the bosses have been in meetings for too long, plus a few boxes of Coke just now, and finally let the poor bladder work. At this time, opening chanting and Zhangshui is naturally the first priority.

Fan Wushang is not so urinary. He is just watching other people’s jokes. He didn’t drink the carbonated drinks at all. Naturally, he didn’t know how to store content. What he considered in his heart was exactly how he should build momentum after the launch. , A breakthrough in the current situation where the three major cola dominate the domestic carbonated beverage market.

In fact, Fan Wuyao's focus is not only on the domestic market, but also on the international market. After all, once Fan's Coke has gained a foothold in China, it will definitely expand abroad.

But Fan Wubing can also imagine that once he hits foreign markets, he will inevitably encounter more complicated situations. In this regard, he always needs to learn from the success of other brands, such as Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola has always promoted a healthy and positive life attitude through its product spokespersons while delivering brand information. In the country, it has successively passed spokespersons including Andy Lau, Tony Leung, Shu Qi, Liu Qingyun, etc., to further interpret the Coca-Cola brand image and give the product more distinctive characteristics. , Counterattack many consumers have created many opportunities to meet idols at zero distance.

And Pepsi is the same. In the summer of last year, Pepsi changed into a new blue cool outfit, with the help of Aaron Kwok's ads and a lot of o! Propaganda activities to. As the theme, with the joint attack of Janet Jackson, Ricky, Martin, Faye Wong, Aaron Kwok, Zheng Xiuyao, Jay Chou, Edison Chen, Louis Koo, Jolin Tsai, F4, Yao Ming, Nicholas Tse, Li Xiaopeng, Beckham, a blue storm of infinite desire was set off. .

Therefore, from a certain point of view, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have always been selling consumer culture and have been promoting products in accordance with consumer culture. Therefore, in the eyes of consumers, Pepsi represents the surging point of the new generation of young people. Coca-Cola It conveys the vitality of young people. In fact, these are all appropriate expressions of the current domestic urban youth consumption culture. These are also the two major colas! The fundamental reason for being vigorous after a hundred years of vicissitudes.

In this regard, Very Cola has never realized that cultural preference is the core obstacle that affects the consumption of cola groups, and has not tracked and studied the demand characteristics of urban consumer groups, even though Wahaha's base camp is in the city.

And now Very Cola seems to have its own shortcomings. We hope to use the idol image of young people to change the impression of Very Cola among young people, and then return to the city from the countryside. We must know that Wahaha’s base camp is in the city, but it is very Coke is unable to hold a foothold in the city. This is really a very ironic thing. But compared to Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Very Coke has its own advantages. That is, Very Coke is a national brand. This is very important. Many people even are. For this point, we will choose Very Coke instead of Pepsi, and Very Coke can gain a foothold in the countryside may not be without this reason and the resulting national policy support.

Fan Wubing naturally doesn't need any support, but if he chooses his own drinks in high-level meetings, he must have a great influence. He is very confident about this and believes that no one will refute his face.

Early in the morning of the next day, the freshly published major newspapers lavishly exaggerated yesterday's Fan Investment Group's senior management meeting.

Although the media did not capture any valuable information, and I don’t know exactly what Fan’s senior executives are discussing, there is one thing that is vivid and vivid, and that is Mong. Bit even brothers and sisters.

This matter was brought to life by them, and it immediately aroused speculation in many quarters. Even after Shen Ying saw the news, she called Fan Wuyao who was in Shanghai to ask about it.

"The newspapers and the Internet say that your Fan's senior executives are urinating collectively. What is going on? Isn't it a bad stomach?" Shen Ying asked.

"There is nothing special, that is, they argued more intensely, drank more Coke, and finally couldn't hold back one by one," Mang Wuyao replied with a smile.

"How could this happen? Don't you often say that carbonated drinks like cola easily lead to calcium loss in the body? Why do you still drink cola in meetings instead of Jianlibao and tea drinks all the time?" Shen Ying was obviously not very satisfied.

Fan Wubing immediately explained with a smile, "Because of a special reason, I used to promote my own drinks, so I had to emphasize that carbonated drinks are not good. Now I have decided to compete with Coca-Cola in the carbonated drink market. Naturally, it is not suitable. Then I advertised this one by one, "You guys are also making Coke? "Shen Ying found it more difficult to understand after listening." But like Wahaha's very cola, the effect is not very good, huh? Rutu is not that they have been engaged in bundling sales and buying and giving gifts since the beginning, because there is no market for them. Even now, it's just going to the rural market, and the price is very low. "

Shen Ying’s idea is very simple. Since Wahaha has invested so much money in it, and with the support of national policies, it is still unable to do Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the end, so even if Fan Wuyi is willing to invest a little more money in it, I am afraid that there will be no such thing. What's the effect? ​​After all, people are used to drinks like Coca-Cola and enjoy this American cultural atmosphere.

Although everyone is patriotic when chanting slogans, in real life, people who are able to speak and act in the same way are indeed rare. This is also a common phenomenon that exists objectively.

Therefore, Shen Ying believes that business is business. It is not a problem to play ethnic cards occasionally, but when you want to do it really, you must put your strength first. It does not mean that you are a nationality, and the other party is a foreign country. Yes, the common people in China will definitely buy your account. If things are not done well, naturally no one is willing to spend money. This truth cannot be simpler.

"Our Coke one by one" Fan Wubing said after hesitating for a while. "Anyway, after you drink it, you will understand. There is a reason why I entered this industry. At the beginning, they crushed me, but now I'm back again. -, this arrow must be reported!"

"Oh, like this~lightnovelpub.net~Shen Ying thought about it for a while, and immediately understood Fan Wubing's intentions. "You are deliberately creating a sense of mystery and using free media to create momentum for yourself? Do you want me to think of a few more tricks for you? "

"Okay, I'm thinking about it." Fan Wuyao immediately agreed.

"If you create a little scandal yourself, will it be a sensation?"

Shen Ying said.

After hearing this, Fan Wubing suddenly hesitated and said, "Aren't you serious?"

He was naturally whispering in his heart, and scandals are easy to hype, but if the old people on both sides get serious, wouldn't he cause a lot of trouble? Besides, his public image is still very good. If such a tossing will inevitably damage the image, it will not be worthwhile.

"I know you don't have that insight, and then I will email you the detailed planning plan, and learn a little bit!" Shen Ying couldn't help but laugh when she saw Fan Wuyi feel a little stunned.

"Hmm, one by one," Fan Wubing agreed, but he was still a little tempted by Shen Ying's hype proposal.