
v5 Chapter 937: Propaganda started "Ask a monthly pass"

Fan's investment group appeared in the inside story, especially the speculation about the life insurance of women in black, and asked for an explanation.

Regarding these matters, Zi Qi has already had countermeasures. She only stated that she was entrusted by Taili and had a cooperation agreement with Fan Investment Group, but it was related to commercial secrets and it was not convenient to disclose it for the time being.

The reporters are naturally stubborn. Since Ziqi is tight-lipped here, the people on the stage may not be able to do this, so under their pervasive spying, they finally got a draft cooperation agreement. Part of the content.

Although it is only two pages and the content is not comprehensive, everyone has already seen one of the most important topics, that is, Fan Investment Group's future advertising policy on the Coke project will cost millions of dollars per person. Price, packaging and promotion for young elites in various industries, and everyone has also seen a very important point, that is, the current target selection is mainly Chinese.

This draft immediately aroused widespread heated discussion in the media. Everyone is speculating on the scale of Fan Investment Group’s advertising investment this time, and whether it can harden Coca-Cola’s offensive from the front and avoid the very Coca-Cola mistakes. Occupy the main consumer market dominated by urban population in one fell swoop?

All in all, in the speculation of everyone, Fan's Coke is finally on the market.

Large-scale posters endorsed by 20 young stars from all walks of life appeared on the streets and important occasions in major cities across the country. For example, all Mang, Investment Group and the locations of its subsidiary companies have corresponding publicity activities, and There are also free tasting activities and buy-and-gift promotion activities.

The original sales channels of the beverage industry have completely opened the door to the listing of Fan's Coke at this time. The logistics is smooth, the advertisements are timely, coupled with the timely intervention of CCTV advertisements, and the concentrated bombing of celebrity propaganda methods, it immediately detonated this summer in advance. Beverage market.

The enthusiasm of the media was immediately attracted to this matter, and he immediately saved Fan Wuyi a lot of advertising costs. At least he didn’t need to invest much in print media, and the publicity on the Internet was practically impossible. How much is it? Although Fan Kang has already sold most of the Internet equity in his hands, the Internet company has been severely affected by the downturn in the Nasdaq market in the United States for a while, and the value has shrunk significantly, and many people are waiting for the price. The domestic Internet industry is also in a state of misery. The stock prices of the three major portals have fallen a lot, and Fan Heng has bought a small part of the stock in a timely manner.

Fan Wuyi’s sales strategy is basically to grab the Coca-Cola market. Wherever Coca-Cola Bougainvillea appears, Fan’s Coke will appear, and for the general supply of some hotels, Internet cafes or other entertainment venues, Fan’s investment The group has also implemented a very preferential price strategy, so that Coca-Cola has no advantage in entering the market. The reason for insisting on it is that there are still a small number of people who are superstitious about Coca-Cola and are unwilling to try new things.

"If you try two products under the same conditions, then our Mangshi Coke is definitely everyone's first choice." Fan Wuyi said with certainty to the media who came to interview him.

However, the gossip soul of the reporters will never go out. They soon asked an important question, "But mang, sir, we still want to know whether the woman in black who was with you at that time, was the CCTV host Zi Qi? ?"

"This question is not today's topic. I'll tell you later." Fan reluctantly said.

The appetite must be suffocated. Once it is exposed, there will be no hype. Fan Wubing knows this well, so he is also very resolute, and just doesn't explain the matter. The mainland reporters were relatively honest, while the Hong Kong reporters kept chattering and wanted to dig deeper, but they were invited out directly by Fan Wuyi's bodyguard.

At this time, someone also asked Fan Wubing a question, "Mang, always, do you know about the Katyn tragedy?"

The reporters around were all taken aback, asking what is this? A tragedy happened suddenly. Could it be said that Fan Investment Group has nothing to do with this tragedy? This is big news! "The Katyn tragedy?" Fan Wuyao was also stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Fu Fang was talking about.

He nodded and said, "Of course I know a little bit. Counting this time of year, it should be the time for Poland to go to Russia for worship."

It was only then that everyone realized that the tragedy was foreign and had nothing to do with Fan Investment Group.

The Katyn Massacre, also known as the Katyn Forest Massacre, was an organized action by the NKVD on captured Polish prisoners of war, intellectuals, police and other civil servants in the spring of 1940 with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Massacre.

At that time, about 26,000 Polish soldiers and citizens were collectively killed in the Katyn Forest west of the Soviet Union Smolensk Oblast. On April 13, 1943, Nazi Germany, which invaded the Soviet Union, declared that they were in the Katyn Forest. A large number of Polish soldiers' bodies were found and claimed that the massacre was committed by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union immediately denied it.

In the following decades, the Soviet Union and Poland had been arguing about the Katyn massacre. It was not until April 13, 1990, when Polish President Jaruzelski visited the Soviet Union. Officially acknowledged full responsibility for the Katyn massacre, calling it one of the serious crimes of Stalinism.

The Katyn tragedy was not an isolated incident, but the result of a series of political disputes.

At that time, the Soviet Union wanted to establish a global proletarian government, and the hostility between Poland and the Soviet Union before the war continued to deepen. After the Polish-Soviet War in 1920 ended with the victory of Poland, the Soviet Union had to give up pushing the revolution to the West. Stalin was criticized for his erroneous decision on the Polish front. The Soviet authorities regarded Western neighbors as the main ones. enemy.

Poland's eastward expansion with the support of the Allied Powers and the Holy See, and the complete defeat of the Soviet Red Army in the Battle of Warsaw, led to the Treaty of Riga concluded in 1921 that gave Poland access to West Belarus and a quarter of Ukraine.

As the victims of this war, more than 100,000 Soviet prisoners of war were imprisoned in Poland. Only half of them returned to Russia. Many of them became Pollow residents and became Polish citizens. According to documents jointly published by the State Archives of Poland and Russia, about 20,000 Soviet Red Army prisoners of war died during this period.

Later, during the Great Purge in the Soviet Union, the Soviets used extreme methods to attack the domestic Polish population. At that time, more than 70,000 Poles were shot in the back of the head with a pistol and died. During the Great Purge, out of every ten victims were killed. One is related to Poland. Later, the mechanism of ethnic cleansing in the Soviet Union became more sophisticated.

In September 1939, after signing the Soviet-German non-aggression pact with Hitler, Stalin launched an attack on Poland, which was resisting the Germans. One of his goals was to permanently destroy Poland's independent status.

At the beginning of the invasion, the Soviet Union, as always, isolated or shot and killed the representatives of the Polish leadership, especially officials. It is conceivable that the Soviet authorities had premeditated ethnic cleansing, just as the Germans planned in their territory.

For the prisoners, the Soviet Union did not treat them in accordance with international law, so they have always insisted on their unanimous lies.

With the deterioration of Polish-Soviet relations and the Soviet Union-dominating Polish territory in the late World War II, the Soviet Union successfully ruled the conquered country as a communist puppet government until the 1980s.

During this period, anyone who asked to know the truth about the Katyn incident was regarded as an evil element against the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of Poland. This is also the reason why Poland has been dominated by "Katy lies" after World War II.

The Soviet Union has always denied the Katyn Massacre. Although it later stated that it was responsible for the Katyn Massacre, it did not recognize it as a war crime or genocide in accordance with the wishes of the Polish government, so there was no need to prosecute the surviving participants in the massacre.

The origin of the massacre was the proposal of the Minister of the Interior Beria on the execution of all members of the Polish army. The official document was signed and approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, including Stalin and Beria, and more than 20,000 people were killed.

The Nazi German military that invaded the Soviet Union in 1943 announced that ~lightnovelpub.net~ 10,000 Polish soldiers had been massacred by the Soviet military in the Katyn Forest area near the Soviet Union Smolensk occupied by the German army. pit. The Soviet Union issued a communiqué categorically denying this, claiming that these Polish prisoners of war fell into German hands after the German invasion of the Soviet Union and were killed by the Germans.

Since then, both the Soviet Union and Germany organized investigative missions to Katyn to conduct on-site investigations, but none of them achieved clear results. After the war, the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal also avoided a clear statement on the Katyn incident when interrogating Nazi German war criminals, making it a mystery.

However, Fan Wubing did not understand why the other party brought up this incident suddenly. After all, no one in the domestic political circles would think of this kind of incident. At most, it was occasionally mentioned in the news, for example, what kind of card it was. Such things as the anniversary of the Ting tragedy will never reveal the inside story in depth.

After all, this is not a very glorious thing, and it also involves the question of whether the justice of the communist camp represented by the Soviet Union at the time should be questioned, so everyone is reluctant to mention this matter.

However, the other party didn't seem to raise any questions on this matter. He just emphasized his democratic position, taking this opportunity to criticize the Soviet-style autocracy and accuse of inhumane behavior.

Everyone is quite speechless about this. After all, luck is not about the Chinese. The Soviets and Poles really don’t need to be heard by others. What is the inside story and how can outsiders know about it?

There are many things that Fan Wubing needs to care about. For example, the senior vice president of Coca-Cola headquarters has come to China and is conducting urgent discussions with relevant departments.