
v5 Chapter 938: Insulting advertisement

At least the person in charge of the relevant ministries and commissions received him, but when the other party mentioned the date of his visit to China, everyone was concerned about him.

A joke, who wants to provoke Fan Wuyi from the Japanese side?

Besides, many people have long been a little uncomfortable watching Coca-Cola make a lot of money for the Chinese. This time they were so embarrassed by the run, and there are not too few people watching the excitement. At least they can force Coca-Cola to be so embarrassed, Fan Wuyi The energy of Wahaha is far past Wahaha, who claimed to be repelling the American offensive from the beverage industry two years ago.

However, Coca-Cola also has many interest spokespersons in China, especially the Hong Kong and Taiwan stars who endorse Coca-Cola. At this time, they are all invited by the company and are preparing to go to the mainland in the near future to carry out relevant publicity to boycott Fan's Coke. Promotion.

At the same time, the Coca-Cola Company also exerts influence on China through the Pentagon, hoping to control Fan's Coke's listing influence within a more acceptable range, at least not to drag the market down all at once.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded more strongly to this incident. It believes that Coca-Cola, as the first batch of American companies to operate in China, has cooperated well for many years and has not caused any scandals, even when it encountered market shocks from local companies. They should also be protected by policy.

Soon afterwards, Coca-Cola put forward a further request, believing that the taste of Fan's Coke and the raw materials that have been detected are very similar to Coca-Cola. They believe that it is likely that Fan's investment group stole the mysterious formula of Coca-Cola. To the present-the emergence of this new product.

"In fact, we think that Fan's Coke just added some other raw materials on the basis of Coca-Cola, so this is a serious infringement!" Coca-Cola's senior vice president sternly complained to the media, "We strongly appeal to Fan's immediately Stop this behavior and make an apology, otherwise we will go to law to resolve this matter!"

In the media on that day, the Coca-Cola Company and Fan's vote were everywhere! The description between the $groups.

However, most people have expressed serious opposition and incomprehension about this matter, especially since a leak occurred between Coca-Cola and Pepsi a while ago, and Coca-Cola only vowed not long ago that the secret recipe of Coca-Cola has not been leaked, and it is impossible. Leaked, now seeing the Coke of Fan Investment Group go public, suddenly the wind changes, saying that Fan has stolen their mysterious formula, this is really shameless to the extreme.

In this way, many boring people supported by Coca-Cola immediately found an excuse to attack the Fan Investment Group, and they wrote articles in the media accusing Fan Investment Group as a major international company for disregarding intellectual property protection laws and stealing The other party's technical information led to such scandals.

Although most people have drunk Fan's Coke and compared them with Coca-Cola, they think that the essential difference between the two types of Coke is that Fan's Coke feels better, but everyone also thinks that the two kinds of Coke should be in the same line. , Otherwise it is difficult to have such a high degree of similarity.

And what can such a high similarity tell? Obviously, apart from getting the secret recipe of Coca-Cola, there is no other explanation to explain.

But at this time, someone stood up and opposed it, neither was Fan's vote! The $Group is not other Chinese people or organizations, but an authentic American, the head of the Sun Credit Bank of Atlanta in the United States.

The formula of Coca-Cola has been kept secret for hundreds of years since its birth. A French report once joked that there are three secrets in the world that are unknown to the world, that is, the wealth of the Queen of England, the weight of Brazilian star Ronaldo and the secret recipe of Coca-Cola.

In order to preserve this secret recipe, the prestigious veteran of Coca-Cola, Robert Woodruff, took the protection of the secret recipe as an important task when he became the company's leader in 1923.

At that time, the Coca-Cola Company broadcasted to the public the process of concealing the handbook of John Pemberton, the creator of this drink, in the bank vault, and stated that if anyone wants to inquire about this secret recipe, they must first apply, through the trust company. Only approved by the board of directors can it be opened within the specified time when there are officials present.

Knowing now, there are less than ten people who know this secret recipe. In the trade with partners, the Coca-Cola Company only provides semi-finished products to its partners, and the manufacturers that have obtained its production license can only obtain the technology and method for mixing concentrated puree into Coca-Cola finished products, but cannot obtain the puree formula and technology.

In fact, the main ingredients of Coca-Cola are public, including sugar, carbonated water, caramel, phosphoric acid, caffeine, expired coca leaves, etc. Its core technology is the mysterious ingredient that accounts for less than one percent of Coca-Cola. One by one 7x substance.

7x is composed of three key components, each of which is controlled by three senior employees of the company, whose identities are kept strictly confidential.

At the same time, they also signed an agreement to never reveal the secrets. Moreover, even they themselves did not know what the other two ingredients were. The three were not allowed to go out in the same transportation to prevent accidents such as plane crashes from causing the secret recipe to be lost.

Confidentiality always attracts attention. There are several versions of Coca-Cola's secret recipe circulating on the Internet, some of which are quite conclusive.

"Wikipedia" has counted three versions, one of which is a note found in Pemberton's desk by later generations. This note lists the "full recipe" of Coca-Cola in its entirety: 1 ounce of cocaine citrate, 3 ounces of citric acid, 1 fluid ounce of vanilla, 1 quart of open orange juice, 2 ounces of seasoning, 14 kg of sugar, and 4 Fluid ounce of coca extract.

Regarding the mysterious seasoning, this version also made a clear statement "jR compound composed of 7 ingredients including orange juice, cinnamon, lemon, coriander, nutmeg, cypress oil and alcohol.

This version also introduces the flavoring technique, that is, caffeine acid and sour juniper juice are mixed in 1 quart of boiling water to cool, put them in with vanilla, and then cool for 24 hours. The other two versions are from the pharmacist John, Reid, and the chemist Joseph, Meroli.

For so many years, no one has successfully deciphered the secret recipe of Coca-Cola, but this time Coca-Cola Company actually accused Fan Investment Group of stealing their secret recipe, which naturally made the negative youth of Sun Credit Bank feel very weird and angry. But it is a big challenge to their credibility.

If Fan's Investment Group stole this secret recipe, wouldn't it mean that Sun Credit Bank lost it? ""

Sun Credit Bank is obviously unwilling to bear this notoriety, so they protested against Coca-Cola's allegations and stated that the secret recipe stored in the bank safe is Rushi, and it is absolutely impossible to leak! At this moment, it was fun. Coca-Cola’s accusations were not supported by the bank.

The Coca-Cola Company took the risk because of Fan's Coke's listing, which greatly affected its own business, and tried to kill Fan's Coke, which was just in its infancy, by quickly entering the proceedings, at least to drag his lawsuit. After a year and a half, they were not interested in this matter anymore.

But because he was too hasty and did not consider this factor, Bai Mi Yi Jian finally lifted a rock and hit him in the foot. Now there is a fire in the backyard.

And Fan's vote! The $ Group did not sit still. Fan Wuyao personally presented his decision to the entertainment industry, and firmly denied that he had sent someone to steal Coca-Cola’s secret formula. The boring people who made the impression of their reputation separately filed litigation claims and demanded that they make corresponding compensation.

"No one can attack others at will and slander others without paying a price!" Fan Wuyao said this.

Fan's Investment Group then published a list of 26 major media figures and well-known personalities that have recently echoed the Coca-Cola Company's wanton defamation of its own company, and has taken legal measures to challenge Xun's court to ask for an argument.

Once Fan Wubing’s decision was made, it immediately caused an uproar in the public opinion. Everyone felt that casual talk caused so much trouble. It was a bit unreasonable, and Fan Investment Group’s behavior seemed to be a bit excessive. NS.

"Isn't this the mouth of the media? If this is the case, who else will dare to speak up in the future?" someone accused.

"It's okay to speak up with righteousness. The question is who are you speaking for?! Are you fighting for righteousness? Are you holding for righteous words?!" Fan Wubing refuted this, "I seriously despise those A person with a false reputation who does not know what is right or wrong after receiving the money! Therefore, Fan will inevitably pursue those who slander our company's reputation to the end, and will never treat him with mercy!"

Fan Wubing said one thing is true. The lawyer team supported by Fan Investment Group immediately began to compile the materials and filed a lawsuit against the 26 persons who attacked the reputation of Fan Investment Group. According to Fan's strength, no one in the court dared to delay or Favorable, facing Fan Wuyao's anger, everyone has to consider it.

Therefore, within the shortest period of time, the 26 defendants could not produce any evidence to support their arguments and provided a theoretical basis for the criticism of Fan’s investment preparation group. They were all convicted by the court as charges of wantonly destroying proverbs, except In addition to being asked to apologize to Fan's Investment Group, a fine was also imposed.

Probably because of some pressure, the 26 defendants had no objection to the trial results and were willing to accept punishment.

A large part of them also said that they had accepted the support of the Coca-Cola Company and took ruthenium to speak for others.

The Coca-Cola Company in China immediately felt the great pressure, especially the criticism of public opinion made it difficult for them to carry out their work. The senior vice president who came to the US headquarters was arrogant before, but now he is also stunned after the failure. The negative youth will rush over later and deal with the matter urgently so as not to further aggravate the situation.

However, just before the head of the U.S. headquarters rushed over, another incident broke out. The strategy of Coca-Cola was disrupted. Some German students broke the news to major portals through the Internet, proving that Coca-Cola Germany had adopted insulting advertisements. To attract consumers, especially young people with anti-China tendencies, he also brought back relevant pictures as evidence.

In fact, there have been many insulting advertisements in China in recent times.

In the face of a series of insulting advertisements to China, related scholars pointed out that in this brainstorming incident, the pk was really faced in China: not many Chinese have the endurance. In the seemingly lively scene, the behavioral limits of some multinational companies are just playing double-faced abroad in order to cater to consumers in different regions.

As the saying goes, the wood is beautiful in the woods, and the wind will destroy it. Against the background of China's rapid economic development and increasing comprehensive strength, various incidents have reflected the complex and subtle contradictions of Western society in the face of a rising China.

Especially in recent years, the ever-increasing variety of economic data and overwhelming Chinese products have made Europeans truly see China's development and rise. At the same time, in order to alleviate domestic employment pressure and economic recession, some European and American countries often point the finger at China~lightnovelpub.net~ in order to divert people's attention. As a result, arguments such as China's energy threat, China-made threat, and China's environmental threat have come one after another, laying the groundwork for various incidents.

Take the past one or two years as an example. On the one hand, European and American customers have been unable to let go of cheap and high-quality Chinese products, on the other hand, they have criticized and criticized Chinese products. Ever since, toy problems, toothpaste problems, dumpling problems, etc. turned out. As a result, the loss of lead roofs in British houses, the lack of milk in Germany, and the excessive deforestation of Brazilian rainforests will all be marked by China. They are blamed on China’s rapid development and excessive demand, and some Western politicians with complicated mentalities have lost their ordinary lives. Heart, unambiguously squeezed to the front desk, one after another, using Tibet and Taiwan to talk about things, and Darfur to talk about things--everyone’s prosperity is for the benefit of the people; the people’s hustle and bustle are for the benefit of the future. Some multinational companies or a small number of their members try to use the anti-China sentiment of some foreign people to make hype in order to achieve a short-term attention, and they also encourage them to take the fringe route. The Chinese people are playing tricks.

This kind of behavior is often dumbfounding, but it is equally intolerable. Today, with the extraordinary advancement of information technology, the earth has become a village, and it is easy to chase a third party, not to mention advertising? As soon as any **** advertisements that humiliate China appear, all Chinese people will know soon.

Especially at this sensitive time, Coca-Cola's insulting China advertisement clearly found a reason to oppose the Chinese who are in doubt.