
v5 Chapter 940: China has China's national conditions "s

Anyway, Dad Mang, Heng asked about this.

""2 As the executive vice premier, Mang, Heng manages more and more complicated matters. Basically, he can get a foot in everything, especially this time the Coca-Cola headquarters in the United States felt that they did not have enough weight, and found out that Fan Wuyi So he simply lobbied US President Clinton and asked him to talk to Fan Hen directly, hoping to suppress the struggle between Fan's Coke and Coca-Cola this time, and settle things down.

As for Coca-Cola, it’s also helpless at this time. If Fan Wuyi is really aggressive, but he will kill Coca-Cola in every way, maybe it is really possible to completely drive Coca-Cola out of the Chinese mainland market, so they have no other choice. "We had to find a political way to resolve this matter.

Of course, the best political way is to ask US President Clinton to personally intervene in this matter.

After Clinton learned of this, he also found it a bit tricky. It is reasonable to compromise business matters. It is best not to intervene by himself. After the actual business operation is involved, once this problem gets involved, it is easy to give himself politics- Life is stained.

But this time the situation is a little different. The influence of Coca-Cola in the entire world, not even weaker than that of the US government, has reached the point where women and children are well-known, and it is helpful to promote American culture and American lifestyle. Even the government’s products have reasons to try their best to maintain.

In fact, in the early years of the Coca-Cola Company, the relationship between them and the US government was not very harmonious. On the contrary, there were many nasty cases and several famous lawsuits. The most famous one was "Keg "The Case" is the same as the "Barrel and Pot Case".

Coca-Cola appears in the new United States of turmoil, innovation, and contention. "A history of Coca-Cola is the epitome of American history. Coca-Cola has grown up and become strong together with the United States. It has transformed consumption patterns and improved people’s understanding of leisure, work, advertising, sex, and family. And the knowledge of the motherland.

However, the people who lived in the nineteenth and the end of the year did not foresee those shadows at all. At that time, after the American Civil War, farmers, wounded soldiers, and immigrants made the pharmaceutical industry swell. Advertising in the Americas was flooded with secret recipes.

At that time, a certain drug company even wanted to sponsor the construction of the Statue of Liberty on the condition that a huge advertisement was placed on the base of the statue. When there is money to be made, most Americans are willing to endure the hypocrisy under the guise of democracy and human rights. As long as there is money, hooligans are also popular and admired.

So the psychologist and philosopher Willen. When James scolded Shi Feng, he said, "When I first saw "The Pioneer", my spine was stiff, my breathing was stagnant, and it felt like a ball of **** hitting my face. In the future, our newspapers will be full of disgusting news. This monster is fast. Growing up; the lines of newspapers are full of advertisements. The status of advertising words in the newspapers is second only to suicide, murder, fighting, seduction, **** and so on."

The basic doctrine of American democracy and freedom is to justly chase wealth and grab money by unscrupulous means. In this state and social psychological background, Coke came into being.

As long as you read the history of Coca-Cola, you can know. Coca-Cola was born in the era when American medicine was popular, and Coca-Cola was a kind of cocaine-containing drink at that time, and it was the old doctor Pemberton's medical supplies, a botanical liquid medicine to treat headaches one by one.

Atlanta was a city of Coca-Cola back then. When a government official was investigating Coca-Cola, he found that there were Coca-Cola beverage shops on every turn and office building in Atlanta. He investigated that people sitting at desks and mental workers drink a lot of Coca-Cola. They drink a drink before going to work, drink a drink at lunchtime, and have a few drinks in the evening. This situation is impossible in other places. , And some addicts even ask for more than a dozen Coca-Cola a day, Atlanta citizens are already drinking Coca-Cola crazy.

The official believes that Atlanta is on the verge of collapse due to the existence of Coca-Cola.

Later, he went to the field to investigate the Coca-Cola bottling plant. The bottling plant gave him a worse image. He believed that the bottles did not meet the hygienic standards, messed up, and looked like a garbage dump. He said in the report that the big pot for boiling syrup It looks unappetizing, and the bottle for the drink, once there is a foreign object, it stays in the bottle. The cleaning of the bottle is very sloppy. "Only a small part of the dirt can be cleaned, and the construction site is terribly dirty. Some messy dirty things, all kinds of straw, dust, and residue filled the whole factory.

As a result of his investigation, many officials firmly believed that Coca-Cola was a harmful drink. Later, an independent investigator disregarded the interference and intercession of government officials, and disregarded the Ministry of Agriculture's warning to him not to look for the drink king. Trouble, he confiscated forty barrels of Coca-Cola and 20 jugs of Coca-Cola, ready to break the boat and fight back.

U.S. history refers to this struggle as the trial of the United States of America in the case of forty barrels and twenty-four pots of Coca-Cola. This is a protracted lawsuit that lasted for eight years. This is an unprecedented case in American history. The focus is on the caffeine problem in beverages, so the Coca-Cola Company hired scientists to reduce the caffeine content in Coca-Cola to a minimum, while the US government tried its best to prove that solid coffee is harmful to the human body. But obviously, the situation is slightly disadvantageous for Coca-Cola.

Later, after several years of struggle, the US government was a bit annoyed, and Coca-Cola couldn't afford it. In the end, it confessed to its defeat, so the government just accepted it.

The U.S. government and the Coca-Cola Company negotiated and decided to settle out of court. The Coca-Cola Company no longer contested the appeal, allowing the government to face victory. The Coca-Cola Company promised to reduce the caffeine content by half, and the government no longer embarrassed the Coca-Cola Company. Being friends, both parties are very happy.

But this lawsuit caused the Coca-Cola Company to suffer huge losses. The lawsuit alone cost US$250,000. Apart from the court returning the 40 barrels and 20 pots of Coca-Cola syrup, nothing was gained. However, in the advertising sense, It can be said that Coca-Cola is a victory because a company and a country are fighting, so-the result is already the best.

From the history of Coca-Cola's development, you can clearly see that the history of Coca-Cola's development is a history of constant confrontation with the protectionism of the US government, and even countries around the world, or the development of American science and technology.

In today's historical background, it is nothing more than China's continuous rise and growth, and the United States is now a wounded tiger, who has to take a nap. As a symbol of the United States and the lead of history, Coca-Cola's status and influence are imaginable. Known.

Therefore, as the President of the United States, I don’t want Coca-Cola to be squeezed out of the Chinese mainland market and become a laughing stock. This will not only be the failure of a beverage company, but it will also be regarded as the defeat of the American lifestyle in China. It was very embarrassing, so Clinton had to intervene.

He also considered that it seemed improper for him to do so, but if he left it alone, the consequences might be more serious.

Clinton connected to the special line with the head of the capital within the first hour, and then held consultations on the matter.

Chief No. 1 has also paid close attention to the dispute between Fan's Coke and Coca-Cola recently, and was surprised that Fan Wuyi used a newly-listed Coke to force the veteran beverage industry king Coca-Cola into nowhere. At this moment, I was surprised to see that the President of the United States called himself and asked to mediate the matter.

"In other words, we are promoting a market economy, and the government suddenly intervenes in this matter. I am afraid it will be difficult to justify it." Chief No. 1 said in a deep voice.

Things that are not beneficial will naturally not be done, especially between the two big countries. Any decision at the highest level may affect the political and economic developments. Therefore, Chief No. 1 feels that at this time Since it was the Americans who came to the door on their own initiative, then they should take the initiative to get some benefits back, otherwise this opportunity would be wasted too much.

Clinton also frowned a little. Political negotiation is nothing more than an exchange of interests. He also knows this very well~lightnovelpub.net~ However, there are not many opportunities to be openly ripped off, especially when it comes to negotiations between China and the United States. People are rarely taken advantage of, so he feels very uncomfortable.

"The market economy is of course our value orientation, but you Chinese don’t have a good saying that China has China’s national conditions? I think starting from this aspect, it should be possible to find a reasonable explanation for intervention?" Clinton was forced to Quoting a saying that has been abused in China, I answered Chief One.

"Bullshit!" After Chief One heard Clinton's words, he was a little bit slanderous, thinking that what we used to shirk our responsibilities, do you think it is the most reasonable saying? But this is not very easy to say, so um um ah ah ah dealt with it for a while, and finally Clinton said that he could make some concessions in some aspects, so that Chief One said he was willing to give it a try. "Well, I will talk with Comrade Fan Heng. Now, he is the father of Mr. Fan Wubing. I believe that he should have a certain influence on this matter. I also hope to see a flourishing business competition environment in China, rather than a monopoly of a certain company."

After hearing this, Clinton expressed his gratitude again and again, thinking that he could deal with Coca-Cola, this time if he had an autobiography, they would spend a lot of money in response, which is the so-called lobbying fee.

Afterwards, Chief One discussed the matter with Fan Heng and asked what should be done?

"This matter, it is estimated that it is impossible to kill him if he is not sick. I still ask him what he thinks first, and then decide how to solve it more reasonably?" Fan Hyung said at last.

Chief One nodded and agreed with Fan Hyung's opinion.