
v5 Chapter 941: Politics and economics need to compromis

After listening to the explanation, I had an idea in my mind.

In fact, from the beginning, he didn't have that idea. He must expel Coca-Cola out of the Chinese mainland market and drag the domestic carbonated beverage industry into his own private property.

After all, Coca-Cola is an established beverage company with hundreds of years of marketing experience all over the world. This in itself is an intangible wealth. After all, in the Western world, there are still a large number of people who are willing to choose Coca-Cola, but will come from China. Drinks in the mainland are viewed as scourges, just as they viewed communism decades ago.

The rise of national enterprises is not something that can be achieved by shouting two slogans. It takes long-term practice and progress to achieve. Now it seems that Coca-Cola is desperate, but in fact it is not necessarily a good thing. It will at least arouse the vigilance of the anti-China forces around the world, which will cause the Fan Investment Group’s worldwide investment to be negatively affected, and its global integration business process will be greatly affected, which is very unfavorable.

Muxiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. This old saying is very clear, that is, the gun hits the head. No matter which company with a Chinese background takes the limelight, the result will be the same and will suffer all kinds of Fan Yuanbing knew this in his heart because of the heavy pressure and unfair treatment that they had killed together.

This is also an important reason why there are a large number of foreign employees among senior executives in Fan Wuyi’s company, because the existence of these external employees is itself an important measure of Fan Investment Group to integrate into the world economy, and it is also a counterattack against each other. Powerful tool of persecution.

The commercial battle between Fan's Coke and Coca-Cola today is easily reminiscent of the commercial battle between Coke and Coca-Cola a year ago.

At this time last year, U.S. missiles bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. College students in Beijing took to the streets, lit candles in front of the U.S. Embassy in China, vigil for the victims, and rushed towards their hearts to represent the United States. McDonald’s was forced to close its doors for one day. The glass of the IBN building was hit by a stone. Microsoft’s president of Greater China, Romike, nervously sent comfort emails to employees at the company, saying that if necessary, the company can close its doors and employees can. Go home and take refuge.

The emotions of the students were very good. Peking University Computer Affairs posted a slogan at the school to boycott American products, except for computers.

After the parade during the day, more students went to the lights to review the TOEFL at night.

Anti-American sentiment is also quickly projected into business. Hangzhou Wahaha, which is already the country’s largest children’s dairy beverage company, just launched a carbonated drink, very cola. After the accidental bombing incident, Zong Qinghou immediately made a rough and In a timely patriotic commercial, three US-made missiles roared, and Chinese missiles incarnation of Coke lifted into the air to face off. The gL sound was a sonorous and powerful tenor "Very Coke, the Chinese’s own Coke", which is said to be very exciting. To the role of promotion.

Internet observer Fang Xingdong published the book "Get up and challenge Microsoft's hegemony" this summer. He accused Microsoft of "undermining the fairness of the market" and being an aggressor "under the cloak of sacred intellectual property rights." This Tsinghua University The university’s doctor said, “Just like the three NATO missiles from different angles to the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, Microsoft’s actions in the L position of Zhongyu women caught us by surprise.”

While anti-American sentiment is so high, the United States and Japan have announced a new "Japan-US Defense Cooperation Guidelines" with Asian neighboring countries as imaginary enemies. Various signs indicate that Sino-US relations are once again on a tightrope.

But under this circumstance, when many international media have been very disappointed in the Sino-US negotiations, the agreement has been reached dramatically.

"Politics is always the hardest thing to understand." Fan Wuyao could not help but shook his head when he thought of last year's events. He knew very well that when dealing with Coca-Cola, he could yell and scream, or he could be aggressive and seize the opponent's. Market share can even be accused of going to court, but it is definitely not suitable for slaying the market, forcing it to launch on the mainland market.

The previous ones were just normal business debates, but if Coca-Cola were completely driven out of the mainland market, it would be equivalent to beating the Americans in the face in front of the whole world. Uncle Sam, who was so embarrassed and angry, would definitely not accept this. As a result, China-US relations will naturally enter an uncontrollable period of time.

This year’s situation is a bit special. The US Nasdaq stock market, which has been arrogantly going all the way, suddenly turned around and fell without warning. The composite index fell by 40% to 80,000 in just a few months. The company's market value of $500 billion has evaporated, and this value exceeds the annual income of any country in the world except the United States.

AOL alone, Time Warner, lost more than US$100 billion in book assets. Ten years ago, there was no company in the world with a market capitalization that exceeded this amount.

Almost all well-known Internet hoarding companies have suffered severe setbacks. Cisco's market value has fallen from US$5.7 billion to US$41B, Yahoo has fallen from US$37↑B to US$7 billion, and Amazon has fallen from US$4.2 billion to US$4.2 billion.

The economist Stiglitz wrote in a nonchalant tone, "The bubble burst and the economy fell into recession. This kind of result is unavoidable. The hustle and bustle built on a false foundation in the 1990s, eventually Will come to an end."

As the global Internet bubble burst, several Chinese companies listed in the United States were not immune. Sina’s stock price fell to a low of 1 U.S. dollar, Sohu fell to 60 cents, and NetEase was even more miserable. Its stock price was only once. 53 cents.

The immature Chinese Internet economy has entered a trough of disillusionment early. Although in the future, this may be a period of pain that must be experienced, and the budding buds can only mature after a test of frost, but from now on, it is really a gloomy mist.

As the upcoming term ends, Clinton himself, who has been president for eight years, also hopes to continue to play a certain role in international affairs, rather than being marginalized by others. Therefore, after Coca-Cola asked him for help, he was very Mediated actively.

Fan Wubing could imagine what would happen if Americans were forced to become angry. That would not fit the overall strategy that China has always pursued, and it would also run counter to China's policy of peaceful development. Therefore, he cannot cause irreversible consequences just because of a momentary impulse, so compromise is still the last choice.

"Actually, the reason why this world has become the pattern it is today is due to the compromises one by one." Fan Wubing was packing up his clothes with Shen Ying, and treating his Xiaojiao at the same time. The wife said, "To this day, even Americans need to compromise, let alone us who have just developed."

"What does Dad mean?" Shen Ying asked with some interest.

"There must be some insider trading among the top executives, so we have to live some benefits. After all, we are taxpayers and they are civil servants raised by us. This principle can still be talked about." Fan Wu Bing replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Shen Ying suddenly laughed and said, "You are in the United States, and you are paying taxpayers one by one, but you are just joking. Fan Wubing has some considerations. The main reason is to talk to his father, Fan Heng, against the two major oil companies. There is something to do with the futon.

Although Fan Heng took action against the two major oil companies a while ago, little progress has been made, and there are many obstacles. The opinions of senior leaders are different. This is also the key to Fan Heng’s futile effort and little gain. There is no majority of the standing committees and committee members. Our full support ~lightnovelpub.net~ It is obviously unrealistic to shake the two largest domestic enterprises. After all, the relationship network inside is quite complicated, and the relationship between personnel is as close as a spider web, and there is no idea at all. Come.

That is, this month, PetroChina has just listed on Hong Kong II shares. It is planned that Sinopec will be listed on the stock exchanges of Hong Kong, New York and London at the same time in half a year, and plans to enter the A-share market next year and become a domestic one! $ The largest blue chip stock on the market.

Later, according to insider information, senior officials of Sinopec visited Hong Kong’s richest Chinese man and Hutchison Group Chairman Li Ka-shing three times. The latter was moved by sincerity and immediately decided to purchase US$100 million in Sinopec II shares. The issue price of Sinopec’s shares caused a controversy at the time. When the company issued 16.7 billion Ⅱ shares, the price was A6 Hong Kong dollars, and when it issued A shares, it was priced at 4 yuan, which is 2 times that of Ⅱ shares. , This kind of internal and external practice has caused great controversy among investors.

In the process of listing, the overseas strategic investors of PetroChina and Sinopec are conducted by means of targeted fundraising. In addition to Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing family, American stock **** Buffett and Goldman Sachs, there are also the world’s most important oil giants. Among them, Egypt Xexon Mobil, Shell and BP Group have become strategic investors of Sinopec.

The three companies bought half of Sinopec’s global offering of tickets, and spent 6.2 billion US dollars as strategic partners to purchase approximately 300 million shares of PetroChina, accounting for nearly 20% of the outstanding shares at that time. According to later calculations by financial observers, in five years, Sinopec II shares have created billions of dollars in wealth for overseas investors.

In a sense, these overseas investors have become one of the biggest beneficiaries of sharing the results of China's grass-roots reforms.