
v5 Chapter 959: Sea city

To the hotel room! Xiaotong was a little curious and asked Fan Tian's disease to keep it secret. "

Such a big mine. It is estimated that the impact on the whole country will be great. Especially for Fan's Investment Group, it is a big piece of good news today, and ordinary people don't know much about Xiangkuang. However, Lin Xiaotong has been engaged in high-tech for a few days, mixing with He Yun and the others. She also knows that some rare metals play an extremely important role in the entire aerospace industry. She also knows a little bit about Key Mine, so she has this question. .

Key is mainly used in the steelmaking industry to improve the strength, hardness and corrosion resistance of steel. Copper alloys are heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant. They are used as heat-resistant parts in the aerospace, rocket and nuclear industries. Gold screen copper can be used in the electronics industry. Make large-scale electrodes and grids, as well as various parts of amplifiers and radio tubes. Copper trioxide is used as a catalyst in the chemical industry and the petroleum industry, and cuprates can be used as pigments and dyes. The steel is firmly bonded, and the dioxide phase can be used as a solid lubricant. This is also indispensable in some extreme environments, such as in the polar regions, or places where liquid lubricants cannot be used in space environments.

Key is a very important mineral for humans and animals, mainly in the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and bones. It is a component of many enzymes, including sulfide oxides, supports the metabolism of sulfur amino acids, xanthine oxidation, oxides, and purines, and is also necessary for the production of uric acid.

Usually only people with severe physical disorders will suffer from key deficiency. Copper deficiency caused by metabolic disorders can cause abnormal excretion of sulfur, thyroxine and xanthine, and low uric acid concentration. The lack of sulfide oxidizer can lead to toxicity and autoimmune diseases. It even caused premature death. The address of this site has been changed to: Please log on to the 6th circle to read

But keys are also poisonous. Excessive intake may cause gout, even worse.

"Because of the significance of this phenomenon, I can't reveal the news now." Fan Wubing replied with a smile.

When is the present tense? When Guan Luping was being secretly rectified, it was originally a very complicated situation. If this incident were added, it was bound to become more complicated, especially after the news that this large key mine was discovered was revealed. It is bound to increase the opponent's greed for power in Lingxi Province. Will have a more troublesome impact on this matter.

This is very detrimental to Fan Wubing. Therefore, he has to press the news. No, just hold it as a bargaining chip in his hand. If he supports Guan Luping and wins his political opponents, at that time, if he feels that Guan Luping is worth it. If you support, you can release this project. Let him divide his merits and increase his political achievements.

Otherwise, Fan Wuyi could freeze the project first and wait for a favorable opportunity before starting.

Anyway, mineral resources are not afraid to be released. It is best for one’s own interests to enclose the land first. Once the world is full of key mines, the price in the international market will be higher.


On the second day of the first year, Fan Wubing and Lin Xiaotong came out to watch the sunrise, and then went to the morning market to watch the excitement.

The so-called morning market is mainly a place where seafood is sold.

There is nothing wrong with Fan Wu's illness, but Lin Xiaotong is very excited about visiting the morning market.

In fact, this is understandable. In the hot summer, it is definitely a great thing to find free time to spend a vacation at the beach. Step on the soft sand with bare feet and get kissed by the sea from time to time. When your calves were irritated by the cold sea water, you screamed, and your exhaustion was immediately cleared.

If walking by the sea is a pleasant choice, then eating seafood is definitely a necessary choice for a holiday by the sea, and the seafood in the restaurant always lacks some personal experience. Therefore, following the experience of the predecessors, the best choice is to watch the sunrise before getting up early, and then go to the morning market to buy seafood.

The morning market on the beach usually starts at around five o'clock. This time is not too early for the residents of the beach, but it is definitely a bit difficult for lazy people like Lin Xiaotong and Fan Wubing. But in order to experience it personally, Lin Xiaotong went out and gave her mobile phone early. The ringtone rang at 4:30 in the morning. At that time, she had only one idea in her chaotic mind, which was to turn off the mobile phone and continue to sleep. After she got up without illness, she was shaken up. Lin Xiaotong realized soberly that she should hurry up to catch the morning market. As for the sunrise, she didn’t have to, because now we can see the sun’s body.


After the two went out. On the road, you can see some vendors starting to return, and many locals strolling around with big bags and small bags. Seeing such a scene, they immediately quickened their pace, and the wind began to grow. Hurry up to the direction of the morning market.

When they arrive. There is already a mess on the market. Two weekdays, the majestic shrimp soldiers and crabs have been caught and **** by people who have long lost their armor and armor. There are still residual crab legs and shrimp claws on the battlefield on the ground.

There are cries in the market, but Fan Wubing and Lin Xiaotong are laymen. Seeing so much seafood, I start to feel confused, I don’t know

So the two people squatted around to see how the skilled person picked, and asked a few more questions about what they didn't understand. After a few minutes, they basically graduated in class. For crabs, pick out the protruding eyes and slightly convex abdomen. People with foam in their mouths and heavy weight have more fleshy meat. Also observe their abdomen. Those with whiter and harder color are better.

Because they are late, there are not many live crabs. There are many angry profiteers who throw their dead crabs a few times, and the crab’s muscles will use inertia to sway by themselves a few times, making the unknown people fooled and mistaken. Think it is still alive. After being cheated, Fan Wubing and Lin Xiaotong also saw the tricks of profiteers. They always steal the good crabs picked into the bag when people are not paying attention, and fool the guests with the rotten goods.

But Lin Xiaotong became addicted. It was a little bit of fun, and it cost more than two hundred dollars. I bought a bunch of seafood, such as moha, cat ears, pippi shrimps, crabs, crabs, etc., and waited to go back and let the hotel process them.

There is also something called sea sausage. It looks disgusting, but after someone introduced it, I realized that this thing is also a good thing. Among the Jiaodong fishermen, the sea intestines are also called sea chickens, and they are only produced in Bohai Bay in China. Wriggling softly, without burrs, and light yellow in color.

In some places, people also call it ** sea cucumber. Sea intestine not only looks like ** sea cucumber, but its nutritional value is not inferior to sea cucumber. It’s just that everyone didn’t eat this kind of food before, and most of them used it as bait. To use. It is only a few decades of history that it is actually used to make dishes.

This is something most people can eat. It is said to have the functions of warming liver and kidney, strengthening yang and strengthening essence, and is especially suitable for men's consumption. Many people here will make a special order to eat sea intestines to taste.

However, the sea intestine to be eaten must be alive. Use scissors to cut off the pierced parts of the sea intestine. It won't taste good.

In China, sea sausage is an important raw material in Shandong cuisine, and there are many cooking methods. Leek sea intestines made with sea intestines and leek with a head knife are famous in Jiaodong. In addition, dried sea intestines, sea intestine soup, minced sea intestines, etc. are all local dishes. Some people use fresh sea intestines to make dumplings. And buns.

"This thing is more suitable for you to eat, impotence." Lin Xiaotong used a pair of handy chopsticks to hold a squirming sea intestine and said to Fan Wuyao with a smile, "Go back at noon and give you a stew.

"The gentleman is far from cooking. This makes sense." Fan Wubing shook his head and said, saying that he really didn't have any appetite after seeing this kind of worm-like things that squirmed around.

The two of them were carrying a large bag of seafood. When they were about to go back, they ran into someone who had just returned from the sea and carried a basket of weird things.

"This is seafood? Why does it look like a stone?" Lin Xiaotong asked very curiously.

"This is a ghost claw snail. It tastes very good," the owner introduced.

"Ghost claw snail?" Fan Wubing was immediately very interested when he heard it. He squeezed it and took a look at it. It looked ugly, like a dog's paw.

Fan Wubing knew about this. It is said that when this snail was discovered in Europe, he thought it looked like a devil’s hand, so he called it the ghost claw from hell, but he was also like a dog’s claw. Therefore, it is also called dog claw snail, which belongs to the marine shellfish.

Ghost claw snail is a kind of shellfish that grows in seaside rocks. Generally, many ghost claw snails grow in clusters and grow in clusters. They are squeezed in the crevices of the stones and do not move for many years. They rely on microorganisms in the water to grow. .

The individual ghost claw snails are not much thicker than the thumb, and are about two or three inches long. Because the ghost claw snails are so delicious ~lightnovelpub.net~, they are now relatively small.

Able to meet today. At this point, Fan Wubiao was very excited, and no one noticed by him, so he asked how much the drug can be packaged?

The two finally agreed on the price. Fan Wubing spent three hundred yuan to buy a basket of ghost claw snails.

"Can this food be eaten?" Lin Xiaotong felt a little skeptical.

"This is one of the most delicious seafood," Fan Wubing replied with a smile, "The method is also very simple, just boil it in plain water, it is the most delicious delicacy, if you want to dip something, you can. But that's not very agreeable, because it's better to be authentic."

Lin Xiaotong took a ghost claw snail and studied it carefully, then nodded and said, "I can barely accept this thing. Something like that sea sausage is really disgusting, that's why you guys will eat it."

Fan Wuyao rolled his eyes and said, "One person eats and two people make up. It's not the same thing.

"Death, you have the ability to see the difference in bed at night" Lin Xiaotong glared at him.