
v5 Chapter 96: Favor debt, use money to cover it?

Fan Wubing’s stay in Hong Kong hasn’t been idle for the past few days. Although he spread all the information obtained from "Oriental Weekly" through underground channels, it does not mean that there is nothing else. action. (Provide the latest chapter reading>

In fact, as soon as those people arrived in Hong Kong, they were targeted by his subordinates. The reason they didn’t catch them all was to leave some leeway for themselves and let the police in the mainland do something to do, so as to save them from rushing to kill. Extinct.

Power is prepared for powerful people. There is nothing wrong with this. From Zhou Jianping's tragic death, it can be seen how ruthless they will be if they violate the interests of some people.

The reason why Fan Wuyi did this thing in Hong Kong was for convenience. If he was in his sixth year, these things would not be spread at all, and it would not be possible to cause such a huge impact now.

And Fan Wubing’s original intention of dragging so many people into the water was to reduce the negative impact of "Orient Weekly" publishing his own news. Although for him, this kind of report is very indifferent, but he needs Consider Fengping, Chen Jingchu and Xia Xue.

Now with the big storm here, the media in the mainland have also seized this opportunity to show off. The entertainment circle is now a mess. It's really a crow falling on a pig. No one can say who is darker. Now, as for Fan Wu's and their little things, they have become transparent.

Originally, they came here to conduct research on financial institutions in Hong Kong. As a result, there were two big storms. Where can I go? So this time the event has completely become a seven-day tour in Hong Kong. If there is anything special, it is the previous hijacking incident. At least after going back, you can brag about it.

And at this time. Fan Wubing also got two pieces of good news. One is that Paris has successfully acquired four hotels, including the George V Hotel, at low prices. The other is that Soros has finally publicly declared his interest in the British real estate market. In his opinion, in his talks with Greenspan, he believed that the British real estate market is undervalued, and that the British real estate market should have a lot of room for growth, which may promote the British economy with a five to ten-year upswing period.

Fan Wuyao's men have been undercover in the British real estate stocks for a long time, investing a total of tens of billions of pounds. This time Soros quietly invested funds in the British real estate market. It was only 500 million pounds. The direct benefit of his propaganda was Fan Wuyi.

Within three days, the British real estate stocks soared by 40%, and there was a constant influx of hot money, as if it was really going to have a huge main rise. Under this situation, Fan Wushudi The funds were withdrawn very easily, without any hindrance, until the final liquidation. However, it earned more than five billion pounds in revenue. Excluding related expenses and operating costs, the profitability level exceeded 50%.

For such news. Fan Wubing was naturally overwhelmed. Buying a plane by myself only cost US$4.1 billion, and this time the income was 5 billion pounds. A lot of money! What's more, the Paris hotel that I bought at a low price will still have a lot of room for value-added in the future.

and. Because of Soros's overestimation of the British real estate market. The French real estate market is also a bit ready to move. Dolby and others acquired four hotels in the land. Its value has risen by 20%. Everyone was smiling and happy.

Dolby was reporting at the same time. Also consulted Fan Wu's disease. Ask if you want to continue to buy a luxury hotel in Paris?

But this time Fan Wuyi's opinion was different from usual. He asked Dolby to use the four hotels he had already purchased as collateral. Pledge loans to buy hotels in other places. This decision surprised Dolby and others. I don't know what Fan Wuyi's plan is for.

At this time, Fan Wubing naturally didn't reveal the meaning of the mystery. He has some ideas. Only keep it deep in my heart. The subordinates only have the power to execute. This is also an iron law that other financial investment teams must implement.

When do they have the right to act freely. When must comply with the fan to decide without illness. This is all well organized. Fan Wubing will never confuse the thinking of his subordinates. I don't understand what I need them to do. It directly indicates that they have the right to freely exhibit land in those areas. So everyone got to work. All are very relaxing. The returns are also high.

Deal with French hotels. Fan Wubing is emulating the time of the Southeast Asian financial crisis. The means used by those hot money to bring down the Thai economy. It is the unlimited use of collateral for financing. Then purchase the target land for refinancing. Eventually buy huge real estate. Form a fragile capital chain. To the end. This capital chain will speculate the local real estate market to a very high level. This time is the time to divest capital.

Generally speaking, through this method, the possibility of doubling the funds in the end is very high, but there are often some real estates that cannot be removed from the hands, which will eventually lead to a decline in demand and a collapse, making the entire real estate market colder. , The housing market is sluggish.

But at this time, it’s time to harvest, because the real estate market is very closely linked to the local stock market. Once the real estate market has a crisis, the corresponding sections of the stock market will be greatly affected, through short index and other methods. The resulting financial leverage effect can easily obtain huge profits in a short period of time.

Once this happens, the entire stock market will be affected, which will make the real estate market even more sluggish. At this time, Fan Wuyi can re-enter the real estate market and obtain cheaper real estate.

Fan Wubing thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little proud. In fact, in later China, foreign hot money was used to spoof China's stock market and real estate market. Now that he has this opportunity, he has this strength, and he naturally wants to use his own. The Tao has also governed the human body.

When Fan Wuyi returned to Shanghai. There was a smile on his face. Xia Xue, who happened to be picking up the plane when he was free, felt particularly suspicious of this, and grabbed him to ask, did he go to the red light district in Hong Kong? Fan Wubing looked at Xia Xue with a gloomy expression, wondering what mess was in her mind?

He is such a young man with status, power and wealth, does he need to go to such a place to fool around?

But when Fan Wuyi returned to the New Silk Road Entertainment Company, he was told. Someone is waiting for him.

As soon as Fan Wubing arrived in the reception room, he saw the person in charge of the Ministry of Security in Shanghai, that is, the middle-aged person who often came into contact with him, and he couldn't help but asked with some ugliness, "What's going on this time?"

Every time this guy comes over, it's a lot of trouble. It's really a night owl coming into the house.

"Don't look upset. Didn't I come here because of those things in Hong Kong?" the middle-aged man said to Fan Wuyao.

"What's wrong with Hong Kong?" Fan Wuyao pretended to be confused.

The middle-aged man walked over and looked at Fan Wuyao and said. "It's easy for you to disperse things, and I worked hard to wipe it for you. If it weren't for this incident, it would involve me, and I don't need to be so laborious."

"Do you also intervene in this matter?" Fan Wubing asked in a daze.

He thought that he had done a pretty good job in Hong Kong, but he didn't think that the middle-aged person would actually say to wipe his own sex. Could it be that there are any loopholes left there?

The middle-aged man said, "You have done things well, so naturally you have no handles, but others are not fools! You were just reported the day before. The people from Oriental Weekly ran away the next day. I appeared in Hong Kong within a few days, and all these messy things were exposed! Everyone looks back and thinks carefully. Can't guess what role you play in this matter? Even if these things are not you It was released. But it was because you started to deal with the people of "Oriental Weekly" that so many things were involved. This account can't find the creditor, so can't it involve you?"

"That's nothing wrong. I'm not a person who is afraid of things. This kind of thing is not because they are not clean. That's why it was caused? I can't find the righteous, and I want to anger others. What? But if they want to move me, they have to weigh their own pounds before talking." Fan Wubing snorted.

"That's not what I said--" the middle-aged man smiled bitterly. "Although these people have little background, they add up to be a very powerful force. In ten or eight years, you dare to say that few people can Go to the top? When I think about what happened today, I don’t want to hate you! Even if you don’t care about them, your father is now at the ministerial level. If you want to go further, you can’t offend everyone. Bar?"

Fan Wubing was silent for a while and said, "If it's not limited to the system, I should really kill all these dregs. Now, I have to let them go. Alas, it's not clear to see—"

The more places you have contact with, the less confidence you have in this level~lightnovelpub.net~ Fan Wubing is now doing his best to do something, make some money by the way, and build his own huge business empire. , Other things, really feel very boring.

The middle-aged man saw that Fan Wuyi was a little disappointed, so he said to him, "Fortunately, I will help you deal with it. In Shanghai, nothing will go wrong, and the line in Hong Kong is already disconnected. The police don’t have time to stay there all the time, so this matter will come to an end for the time being."

"In this way, I would like to thank you very much." Fan Wubing thanked the middle-aged man, and said that he owed a favor to an adult this time, and he didn't know how to repay him?

The middle-aged man seemed to understand Fan Wuyi's mind, and said, "Knowing that you don't want to owe favors, you will pay a little hard work for this matter. How about the favored debts, how about using money to pay for it?"

Favor debt, use money to cover it? Fan Wuyao glanced at the middle-aged man, thinking that this guy is not willing to raise money at all. How did he change his **** this time? It's so strange!

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